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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

Page 4

by Changelings

  My gaze darts to the elves. They’re still at it, but in a different position. The woman’s still on her back, but the man now holds her legs straight in the air as he pounds into her reddened, well-used cunt.

  I shudder, wishing Landon would fuck me like that. I can feel his penetrating gaze sear my pussy lips. My sex grows even wetter. I squirm as my fingers prod my tender flesh.

  “You’re so beautiful, Naomi.”

  My hand stills against my cunt. I shift a little, and my clit grazes the heel of my palm. The tenderness in those words is the last thing I expected to hear. This is a Christmas sex fantasy, isn’t it? So why the sweetness? Why the emotion-laden compliment?

  I should be flattered, but I’m anxious as hell. Is he in love with me? I straighten and reluctantly pull my hand away. “Maybe we should talk.”

  Landon cups his cock through the fabric of his boxers. “You talk. I’ll fuck.”

  A small, perturbed laugh slips past my parted lips. Before I can rein it in, Landon’s closed the distance between us. I tilt my head back, and when our eyes meet, my breath catches in my throat.

  He’s easily the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, and I don’t just mean in the last two weeks. I find it hard to believe that I could have ever laid eyes on a more attractive male, if one even exists.

  He watches me without smiling. The lust in his eyes makes my knees weaken. I can tell he’s keeping a tight rein on his hunger. Can I cope with what he’ll unleash upon me when he finally lets his passions run free?

  I don’t know, but suddenly, I can’t wait to find out.

  His gaze never leaves mine, yet his hands wander of their own accord. I gasp when I feel a pinch on my inner thigh. His eyes hold me captive, and I’m unable to break the connection between us to look down and see what he’s doing.

  Wetness seeps from my pussy. I expect a gurgle or a gush, but it’s only a few more drops that mix in with the moisture already coating my folds. His fingers slide up my leg. I shudder as he reaches the apex of my thighs and traces the length of my slit with the pad of his thumb.

  “So wet,” he whispers. His eyes darken, and a grimace twists his handsome features. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

  My heartbeat quickens at the pained look in his beautiful eyes. “I-I don’t know.”

  He lifts his free hand and tucks a curl back behind my ear. His palm cups my cheek in a soft caress. “I could have helped you.” A muscle twitches in his jaw. “I’m the only one who could have helped you.”

  “So help me now.” The words come out on a needy whimper. It’s the closest I can come to begging without dropping to my knees.

  He crushes my mouth again in a fierce kiss that steals my breath and leaves me clinging to his broad shoulders. My fingernails dig into his back as he pushes his hand farther between my legs. I squat a little, needing to give him more access to do whatever he wants to me.

  Right now I’m at his mercy, and I know it. More importantly, I like it. What does that say about me? About the woman I used to be? About the woman I am?

  Two fingers part my folds. He takes his time, dragging his hand slowly through my cunt, lingering at my entrance, slipping only the tip of a finger inside for the briefest moment before pulling away and brushing a knuckle over my aching clit.

  My nipples rub against his lean chest, and the friction sends a wave of pleasure through my body. He cups my head, deepens the kiss. His fingers finally delve inside me. I whimper into his mouth. He stretches my cunt, adding a third finger to the two invading my channel.

  And then I feel a mouth on my ass.

  I cry out and try to break the kiss, but Landon won’t release me. I think about thrashing for perhaps half a second, and then someone’s fingers part my ass cheeks and a tongue rims my back entrance.

  The sensation is so unexpected, it undoes me. I lose control and come in long, shuddering ripples. The force of the orgasm coils my muscles. My body goes rigid, and I quiver against Landon. His fingers have stilled inside me, but the feeling of being stuffed to the hilt threatens to send me over the edge again.

  When he pulls out, he does so slowly, without giving me time to miss the intrusion stretching my inner walls. I don’t know when he freed his cock from his boxers, but I can feel the hot, thick length of him against my thigh.

  Moist fingers penetrate my ass, but the slick tongue never stops moving. I don’t know if it’s the male or female elf, and frankly, I don’t care. I just don’t want it to stop.

  Landon’s fingers part my folds again. He’s holding me open with one hand while positioning his cock at my entrance. I’m so wet, I know he’ll slide right in.

  A thought hits with enough force to make me gasp. “Condoms. I --”

  “Won’t need ‘em,” Landon snarls, shutting me up.

  I should be skeptical. Men say that all the time, don’t they? Why should I trust --

  And then he’s in me, and there’s no more time for arguing. If I’m going to shove him away, I need to do it now.

  But I don’t.

  Landon smiles. It’s not a gloating, arrogant grin like I expected, but rather a relieved tilt of the lips, as though he hadn’t been sure, until this very moment, of what I might do.

  I lift a leg and wrap it around his waist. The position has the added benefit of further parting my ass cheeks and folds, baring me completely.

  Landon slides his cock out, then drives it back into me, hard. I lose my balance, but hands grip my hips and ass, steadying me. Too many hands to be just Landon’s. Fingernails dig into my skin. The slow burn of pain blends with the erotic ecstasy swirling through me. I tilt my head back, arch my spine, and cry out.

  Landon lowers his mouth to my breast. His wet, wicked tongue circles a taut nipple. He bites and tugs, tormenting the little nub until I’m fisting my hands in his hair and pressing his mouth to my tit. I want to keep him there forever, sucking and nibbling for all eternity.

  Something long and thin slides into my ass. Another finger, I think. I can’t tell for sure. Hell, I can barely see straight. The world’s gone blurry, the bright colors of the Christmas ornaments wavering in my field of vision.

  Landon fucks me with an intensity bordering on desperation. His thick dick claims my pussy with every thrust. His balls slap against my groin, and his pubic bone crushes my clit, setting the already sensitive nub aflame.

  Tension sizzles in my veins. It grows and grows, sending sparks of electricity through my stomach and pussy, all the way down to my toes, which curl with the force of the ravenous pleasure. I can feel another orgasm build like a gathering hurricane inside my veins. I bite my lower lip, prolonging the ecstasy, teetering on the edge. Landon’s long, powerful cock slides in and out of me on smooth strokes. It’s my only connection to reality in this surreal fantasy.

  “Give it up, baby.” His voice is hoarse, gritty, like he’s speaking through clenched teeth. “Give yourself over to it.”

  “To what?” I manage to choke out.

  He doesn’t answer. Instead, he gives himself over to me first. I feel his cock jerk inside me, twitching as he releases his seed. He cries out my name in a long howl that sounds like the shattered cry of an animal in heat.

  That’s what I am.

  That’s what we are.

  The truth jolts me like the strike of a lightning bolt. Pain slams into my head at the same time that my cunt spasms around Landon’s perfect cock. I crest the swell of release while struggling to keep the encroaching darkness from closing in. I’ve never felt so much pleasure and pain at once, and for a frantic moment, I’m convinced my brain can’t handle it, that I’ll short-circuit and fall like a limp rag doll in Landon’s arms.

  In that brief flash of agony and ecstasy, I remember.


  I don’t pass out. It’s a minor miracle, but I’ll take it. Landon holds me as I orgasm endlessly, coming apart around him. When he kisses me in that slow, soft, bone-melting way, he puts me back together.

eyes are still closed as he withdraws from my body. The added hands are gone, as is every sound in the apartment except for Landon’s strained breathing, which matches mine. I stretch my arms up and reach for the ceiling, and then for the sky beyond.

  I can’t see the moon, but I don’t need to. Its dominion washes over me, igniting the power that’s been lying dormant inside me for the past fourteen days. A caged beast is about to be let loose.

  Had Landon not been here, I don’t know what I would have done when my true nature revealed itself. But he was -- is -- here, and that’s all that matters.

  The shift takes me swiftly. One moment I’m standing on two feet, the next I’m on all fours. The cushiony pads of my paws press into the hardwood floor. The scents in the room grow sharper. I can smell sweat, the musk of cum, a male in heat. My cream sticks to my fur, and the sweet, fragrant scent of it makes my nostrils flare. I can taste sex on my tongue.

  My mouth waters. The urge to sink my teeth into flesh and rip it apart washes over me in ripples of animalistic need. I crave the hunt, the freedom of running naked through the woods, of having my mate close to my heels.

  Landon’s hand settles on the top of my head, and I growl. The sound breaks loose from the depths of my chest; it’s a warning, a plea, and an acknowledgement of gratitude all in one.

  “I didn’t know what happened to you,” he says softly. “When you didn’t show up, I thought…”

  I know what he thought. We didn’t part on friendly terms the last time I’d gone to Montana. I still had his blood under my fingernails when I drove away.

  I nuzzle the inside of his thigh and burrow my nose in his crotch. The scent of him blends with the heated aroma of our lovemaking and seeps into my sensitive nostrils. I can’t get enough of it.

  Reluctantly, I will myself back into human form. I hold my breath while the transformation ripples through my body. It’s painless, fluid as always, and leaves me flushed and eager to ride.

  “Landon.” My face is still buried in his groin, and his name comes out muffled. I’m on my knees, clinging to his leg like a supplicant begging for forgiveness.

  He runs his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. I turn my head half an inch, and his cock stirs, stiffening along the side of my cheek.

  When I finally open my eyes, I’m disoriented. The only light comes through the massive window. It’s the glow of a city bathed in neon and snow. There are no ornaments, no colorful lights. No frolicking elves.

  There’s only my Manhattan penthouse -- sleek and modern, all black leather and chrome. The sight of it makes me recoil.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, meaning it with every last fiber of my being. “I’m so sorry.”


  I cringe at the pain I hear in that single word. His fingers slip beneath my chin and he applies pressure, tilting my head up. I refuse to look into his eyes. I can’t handle the depth of emotion I know I’ll find there.

  “There was a fashion show in Milan…” I try to think back. My identity is clear now, but many details of my past remain fuzzy. “Mid-December, I think. I was supposed to headline the show for the first time. It would have made my career.”


  I duck my head, and his fingertips slide along my temple to burrow in my hair once more. When I finally speak, my voice comes out so softly that I’m not sure he can even hear me. “And I wanted to prove you wrong.”

  I stare at the floor, remembering our argument. Landon’s words as I drove away echoed in my head. You need me.

  I wanted so desperately to prove that I didn’t need anyone, much less a wolf from Beaver Creek who I’d been dating since my junior year of high school. I was an independent, successful fashion designer. A New Yorker!

  New Yorkers didn’t run back to Montana every few weeks, aching for a run through river canyons and mountain meadows followed by a wild fuck in the middle of nowhere.

  I had been determined to show him -- to show myself -- that I could manage just fine on my own. And when the need for Landon grew too strong, when all the sex toys in the world couldn’t douse the urges that claimed me, I chose to shift, and run through the back alleys of the city.

  A fine plan, except New York is not Beaver Creek. There are dangers here, large metal beasts that won’t cower at the sight of a wolf. The survival of the fittest prize goes to the guy behind the four-ton GMC Sierra who slammed his foot on the gas pedal when he spotted me darting into the street.

  “You were right,” I whisper. “I need you.”

  The admission doesn’t pain me nearly as much as I thought it would. Quite the opposite in fact. It feels as though a weight has lifted from around my heart, unshackling the stubborn, misguided bout of independence I’d locked away there.

  “Oh, baby.” Landon pulls me up by the arms. “You have me. You’ve always had me. And I need you too. More than you know.”

  His smile lights him up from the inside. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look this happy.

  I did this. I brought him this much joy.

  I mirror his grin, unable to do anything else. This time when he kisses me, it’s slow and languid, a soul-deep embrace that seals the bond I’ve re-forged between us.

  His cock nudges my belly, hard and ready again. I lean my head back. My unbound hair tickles my spine. Landon grazes his teeth along the column of my exposed throat. A shiver racks me in response, chased by the delirious burn of ecstasy.

  I grab his hand and descend onto the floor. He follows me down and covers my body with his. I spread my legs, cradling his strong, muscular physique between my parted thighs.

  “Come home with me.” He says this matter-of-factly as he slides inside my pussy. It’s not a question.

  “Yes.” My hips lift off the floor. He stretches me wide, pulls almost all the way out before plunging back in, stealing my breath with each thrust. “I belong with you.”

  “And I, you.”

  We don’t speak again for a long time. Landon fucks me, unabashed and slow. His cock belongs in me just like we belong together. He seems to know it because he embeds himself inside my body to the hilt and stays there, staring into my eyes, the beast in him silently communicating with the animal in me.

  Lust teems inside me. It’s a luxurious, erotic heat that comes crashing through me when Landon reaches between us and finds my clit. One small tweak is all it takes. He commands my release, demands it, claims it as I cry out his name.

  He smiles and starts over, plunging into me with deep, smooth strokes. I welcome him, meeting him thrust for thrust. I come twice more before he finally lets himself go.

  When he does, he comes with a shudder. A stream of hot semen floods my channel, and I can’t hold back the answering throb of another release.

  He collapses on the floor beside me and yanks my body against his in a spooning position. I nestle into him, content in a way I haven’t been since leaving Beaver Creek.

  A strip of scarlet fabric catches my eye. I lift my head, and my gaze falls on another red evening gown, shorter than the one I’d been wearing the night I got intimate with the truck.

  I lick my lips. Can I give up my independence?

  Landon’s arm curls around my waist. His palm splays over my belly, and he pulls me even closer to him. “It was all real, you know.”

  “What was?”

  “The Christmas fantasy.”

  I smile. “I know.”

  The elves had looked familiar because I’ve been friends with them for as long as I’ve known Landon. Marsha and Scott went to Beaver Creek High with us. They discovered their impressive illusion talents on prom night, when they turned the ancient school gym into an exact replica of a European ballroom, complete with crystal chandelier and curved marble staircase.

  When they weren’t playing make believe for my benefit, they were as human as I was. Which is to say, paranormal and exotic, but not in a four feet tall, Santa’s helpers kind of way.

  “It didn’t take much con
vincing to get them to come along. Scott’s always had a crush on you.”

  “And Marsha’s wanted to fuck you since that day she caught you skinny dipping in the creek.”

  His hand slides up my ribcage, and he cups my breast in his warm palm. “Too bad for her. I’m yours, baby. All yours.”

  I squirm a little and rub my ass against his rapidly hardening shaft. I love that he’s so eager for me, so willing to back up those sweet words with a long, hard fuck.

  “I’m generous, you know.” I wiggle a bit and his cock nestles firmly in the crack of my ass. “Maybe next Christmas I’ll set up a fantasy you’ll never forget.”

  Landon tweaks my nipple, making me gasp. His hot breath tickles my ear. “You can do anything you want. This Christmas, next Christmas, every Christmas for as long as we live. Just don’t run again.”

  Snow falls outside the window, coating the glass with perfect little flakes. They settle on the pane with the same easy glide as the happiness unfurling in my chest. “Not even if I want you to chase me?”

  “Ah, that’s different, isn’t it, babe? Even wolves can play reindeer games.”

  I chuckle, and turn so I’m facing him. I plant a kiss full on his mouth. “You know what else wolves do to reindeer?”


  I spread my legs and point to my slick, reddened cunt. “Eat them.”

  He grins, looking absolutely feral. My heart speeds. I watch as he dips his head between my legs, and I brace myself for impact.

  Independence is highly overrated.

  Lacey Savage

  Award-winning author Lacey Savage loves to write about her dreams -- or more specifically, she loves to breathe life into her steamy fantasies (and she’s got plenty!). She pens erotic tales of true love and mythical destiny, peopled with strong alpha heroes and feisty heroines. A hopeless romantic, Lacey loves writing about the intimate, sensual side of relationships. She currently resides in Ottawa, Canada, with her mischievous husband, their loving cat, and a baby on the way. You can learn more about Lacey by visiting her website at, and can reach her at or by following her on Twitter at @laceysavage.


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