A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4 Page 10

by Changelings

  “He’s such a good present, baby. It would be rude not to keep him.”

  The hand around his balls let go, slid up to take the hand he had wrapped around his prick and carefully remove it. “No touching, boy.” Greg’s words were quiet, gentle in his ear.

  “Y… yes, sir.” Right this second he would do anything for that husky, powerful voice.

  “Swats first and then you can suck me -- seeing you like this has made me hard again.”

  “Yes, sir.” God, he hoped Greg kept it up long enough to fuck him. He needed to know that, too, wanted to feel it.

  “Count for me, Luke.” The first swat landed on his ass. Greg was either hitting harder, or he could feel it more because of the earlier swats.

  “One. Oh, God.” His hips rolled, cock aching.

  “No. We were going to count them down, remember? That means you start at five. We’ll start over.” Greg swatted him again.

  “I. I… Oh, fuck… F… Five?” Burned. Shit, he burned.

  “Much better.” Greg’s hand landed on his ass again.

  “Four!” Luke gasped the word, hands scrabbling on the table.

  “Good boy.” The next swat was hardest of all.

  His cry echoed, more a scream than a word, and his body jerked, trying to get away.

  Greg’s free hand slid along Luke’s spine, up and down. “I didn’t quite hear that number, boy.”

  “Three.” He sobbed the word, shaking hard. “No more.”

  As if he hadn’t said anything another swat landed on his ass, the big hand landing on both cheeks.

  “Two… Stop.” He swallowed hard.

  “Almost done, baby boy. You’re so good. So good.” Jenny’s voice made him twist, whimper; it made him know she was watching.

  “Mmmhmm.” Greg’s low voice hummed through him. The next swat went all through him, too -- right down to his toes.

  He fought for air, for the ability to whisper, “One.” He did it, though, just barely holding himself together.

  “Good job!” Greg swatted him one more time, and then that big hand rubbed his ass, making it burn, but somehow soothing it as well.

  Luke hung there, heartbeat loud in his ears.

  Then he was pulled up and into Greg’s arms. “That was so good, boy. I’m very proud of you.”

  The words poured over him, and he moaned.

  “You want to come, don’t you?” His cock ached so badly, pressed up against Greg’s leg.


  “Not yet. You can suck me first. And then I’m going to take your ass.”

  “Only if you can keep it up.” That was Jenny, teasing.

  Greg’s attention turned back to her. “You think I can’t?”

  “I think you’re going to blow your load.”

  Luke gaped; she was something else.

  “I think you can stay up on that wall a little longer, then.” Greg’s hands slid over him, warming his skin.


  He was so focused on Greg’s touch he didn’t gasp at Jenny’s words.

  “Time for you to suck me, boy. I hope you were paying attention when Jenny did it.” Those hands slid over his shoulders, pressed gently.

  “I was. I swear.” He’d done this before, once.

  “I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Greg’s hands stayed on his shoulders, the thick cock right there in front of him once he was on his knees.

  Greg smelled warm, rich. Male. Luke sucked in a deep, shaky breath. Greg took his cock in hand and rubbed the tip against Luke’s lips. He opened up, tongue flicking against the slit, the flavor there strong, necessary. Greg groaned loudly, making him feel like a thousand bucks. He tasted, over and over, licking careful, lapping up the drops.

  “Sweet. Good.” Groaning again, Greg pushed gently, cock sliding on his tongue.

  Luke held onto Greg’s thighs, supporting himself as they moved together. Greg’s hand slid around the back of his head and stayed there, encouraging his movements. He tensed at the first touch, then relaxed when he realized Greg wouldn’t try to choke him.

  “That’s it, boy. Nice and easy.”

  Each little endearment made Luke moan, made his cock bob.

  “Good vibrations,” muttered Greg, making Jenny giggle.

  He grinned, and that made the vibrations worse. Or better, if Greg’s groan had a say in it.

  “God, he’s pretty, love. He’s so lovely.”

  “He is. Fuck, he’s got a sweet mouth, too.”

  “I want to feel it on me.”

  “Don’t be so pushy, baby, or I’ll make you wait even longer.” Greg’s fingers sank into Luke’s hair, gripping his head, holding him there as Greg began to slowly fuck his mouth.

  The thrusts were almost gentle, careful not to gag him, and Luke relaxed deeper into the hold, the trust between them building.

  “You want me to come down your throat, boy? Or you want me to come in your ass?”

  Luke cried out at the words, his hips bucking into the air. Oh. Oh, fuck.

  “I think we have our answer, Jenny, don’t you?” Greg’s hips stilled, the thick cock simply resting in Luke’s mouth now.

  “We do. Let me down, lover. Let me down so I can help.”

  “No, you’re going to watch, my beautiful lady. Watch and want.”

  “No fair…”

  Greg’s chuckle was almost wicked. “You had your turn, my lady.”

  Greg’s cock slid out of Luke’s mouth, and the strong arms lifted him, brought him up tight against all Greg’s skin and muscles.

  “Warm.” Greg was like a furnace. Luke’s hand was grabbed, brought down to the heat of Greg’s cock. “Gonna be hot inside you.”

  Luke cried out, the idea exciting and frightening all at once. Greg’s hand stayed wrapped around his, moving slowly along Greg’s heated cock. Luke’s eyelids got heavy, his hips moving like it was his own cock they were touching.

  “God, you’re a sweet, sexy boy, aren’t you? Such a good present.” Greg licked along Luke’s jaw from his mouth to his earlobe and then whispered. “I think we will let her down. She can have your cock while I have your ass.”

  “Oh, God.” Jenny’s mouth. He’d fantasized about that for months and earlier -- that hadn’t been nearly enough.

  Chuckling, Greg let him go and smacked his ass, making it suddenly burn. “Go on, undo her.”

  He nodded, willing to do anything. Anything.

  Luke’s cock ached as he moved toward her, and when she rubbed against him, he almost shot.

  “Mmm. Such a pretty pair. I must have been a very, very good boy this year.” Greg’s gaze was like a touch. Luke’s fingers fumbled to unfasten Jenny, her curvy, luscious body like a dream in front of him.

  “Careful you don’t come, boy. I wouldn’t want to have to punish you some more.” Greg chuckled softly. “Not until after I’ve fucked you, anyway.”

  Jenny’s soft thigh slid along his cock.

  “Don’t tease him too badly, baby, or you won’t get to taste him.”

  “I promise. Unhook me, baby boy.”

  Luke nodded. “I’m trying.”

  Greg stepped up behind him, cock sliding along his lower back as Greg helped him unhook Jenny.

  “Th… thank you.” Luke rubbed between the two of them, lost. Utterly, perfect lost.

  Once Jenny was down, they squeezed him between them, nuzzling his cheeks on either side.

  “Oh, God. Please…” Luke needed a kiss, something. Anything.

  Jenny turned his face, took his lips and kissed him. Soft. Oh, fuck, she was soft. As she kissed him, one of Greg’s fingers slid between his ass cheeks, opening him. It was surprisingly easy to spread, especially with Jenny’s tongue sliding against his.

  Greg’s finger disappeared, then came back, slick moving easily over Luke’s hole and then slipping right in. Yes. “Yes, please.” He whimpered into Jenny’s lips, nodding. It moved in and out, and then a second finger slipped into him as well, stretching him so
wide. Luke gasped a bit, stumbling forward into Jenny’s embrace.

  “You’re okay, baby boy. Go with it.”

  “I’m gonna stretch you, make sure you’re ready.” Greg’s words were soft, low, rumbling across his back.

  Jenny nodded, smiled for him. “Let him in.”

  Greg’s fingers slid in and in, and then suddenly brushed against something electric. Luke jerked, hips bucking furiously.

  “I wanted to take my time, but I think I’d better hurry, eh, boy?”

  “I’ll come. I’m sorry. It’s so much.”

  “You’ll come twice, boy. Jenny, suck him. Now. I don’t want a drop of his come wasted.”

  “Mmm…” She slid down his body, lips dragging along his belly.

  Oh, fuck.


  “That’s it, baby, blow his mind with that beautiful mouth of yours.” Greg’s finger hit that spot inside him again.

  “Please. Please.” He bent a little bit, hands landing on the wall. Jenny’s mouth was like liquid fire around his aching cock.

  Two fingers became three, Greg stretching him wider, making him feel so much.

  “F… full.” Luke watched his cock disappear into Jenny’s lips.

  “And she’s full of you. If you can wait I’m almost ready to take you.”

  Luke nodded, toes curling as he spread. Greg shifted him slightly, bent him over more, spread his legs. He didn’t know what to do, how to feel. Jenny was pulling at him, Greg was pushing, and he was considering just going insane.

  “Relax, Luke, sink into the pleasure.” Greg’s cock pushed and pushed, and then it was inside him.

  Burned. Fuck, it burned. He almost stepped forward, but Jenny’s hands held his hips, the suction around the tip of his prick increasing.

  Greg stayed where he was, just the tip inside him. “Easy, boy. We’ll go easy.”

  “Okay. Okay. It’s big.”

  “It’s what you wanted, though.”

  Luke nodded, trying to catch his breath.

  “Keep breathing, focus on the sensations.”

  He closed his eyes, feeling the pressure around his cock, the licks from Jenny’s tongue, the stretch of his ass.

  “That’s it, boy.” Greg began to rock slowly, cock filling him a little more each time.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Each thrust left him gasping, grunting.

  “You can come, boy.”

  Jenny released the ribbons around his cock, and he screamed, his head falling forward.

  “Pretty boy. Sweet, wonderful boy.” Greg’s cock sank in further.

  Luke’s orgasm flooded him, and he pressed deep, parting Jenny’s beautiful, hot lips, even as his ass squeezed Greg’s prick.

  “Yes. That’s it, sweet boy. Fuck!” Greg’s hips pumped several more times before the thick cock pressed so deep inside him.

  Jenny looked up at Luke, her pretty blue eyes warm, happy, right there. “You’re okay, baby boy. You did so good.”

  Greg kissed his neck. “So very good. The best Christmas present ever.”

  Oh. Oh. Luke whimpered, suddenly undone. “Can I stay?”

  Jenny looked up at Greg and one of the man’s big hands landed on her cheek. She smiled and that hand moved, slid up along his body as Greg answered. “Oh, yes. I do believe we’re going to keep you.”

  Jenny kissed him, and Luke whimpered. She tasted like them -- all three of them. “Until Santa comes to take you back.”

  Sean Michael

  Writing under S. Michael for Het Ménage and Sean for signature M/M titles, Sean Michael leads a classic double life.

  Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends days surfing, smutting, organizing an immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs.

  While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the F-bomb and perusing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”

  A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

  Barring any of that? Sean’ll stick with writing stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

  You can write to Sean at [email protected], or visit his websites. For Sean Michael’s M/M works, see www.seanmichaelwrites.com.

  For Sean’s adventures into the HET world as S. Michael, see www.seanmichaelwrites.com/smichaelbooks.html. Find more titles at www.changelingpress.com/author.php?uid=146.

  Sugarplum: Canine Christmas

  B. J. McCall

  Birthday gifts come in all sorts of packages and Joy Kingston’s is a major surprise.

  Born just after the stroke of midnight, Joy Kingston is a Christmas baby. Just dumped by her boyfriend, Joy is suddenly alone for the holiday. Deciding to shake things up for her thirtieth birthday, Joy turns to her two best friends, Karin and Michelle, for help. She wants a man for her birthday, a sexy hunk wearing only a purple bow around his neck.

  Police officer Jake McCabe is Karin’s stepbrother and he’s had a thing for Joy for years. When Karin and Michelle tell Jake about Joy’s unusual birthday request, he volunteers for the job. Jake knows what he wants and he’s willing to wear a purple bow to get it.

  But is Joy prepared for a werewolf who packs heat and wants her for his mate?

  Chapter One

  “How’s Phil?”

  Joy Kingston took a sip of her latte. Joy and her best friends, Karin Taylor and Michelle Ames, were taking a break from Christmas shopping at the mall coffee house. “He dumped me.”

  Karin’s blue eyes widened. “He what?”

  Michelle gasped. “He didn’t?”

  “He did. He called last night. It’s over.”

  “A week before Christmas!” Karin shook her head. “That’s cruel.”

  “Bastard!” Michelle hadn’t cared much for Phil.

  Joy wasn’t sure which was more upsetting, admitting another relationship had failed or Phil’s parting words. Joy decided it was the latter. “He said now that he’s decided to take a permanent position in Boston, a long distance relationship is impractical.”

  “Impractical?” Karin’s eyes narrowed. “That’s what he said?”

  “Ever the accountant,” Michelle chimed in, shoving a lock of honey-blonde hair out of her eyes.

  Karin reached out and placed her hand over Joy’s. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay.” Joy knew Phil wasn’t the one and breaking up was for the best. “I cared for Phil, but I wasn’t crazy-in-love with him.”

  “The new year is right around the corner. You’ll find a new man to be crazy-in-love with,” Michelle said.

  Heartbroken she wasn’t, but the big three-O birthday was Christmas day and she was still single. Michelle was married to a wonderful man and Karin was engaged, wedding in June.

  Joy was letting a number get to her. So what if she was thirty and single? She’d live, but she didn’t want to be alone, not for her thirtieth birthday.

  Karin leaned forward and whispered, “Now that you and Phil are split, tell me how was he in bed?”

  “Exactly like you’d expect an accountant to be, predictable, repetitive and methodical. His underwear has numbers on them.”

  Karin snorted, almost blowing the latte cream out her nose. “Maybe losing him wasn’t such a bad thing?”

  “You think?” Michelle said.

  “Okay, Phil wasn’t Mr. Forever, but my birthday celebration in Boston isn’t going to happen and I’m stuck with a non-refundable plane ticket.”

  “Oh nooo! The big one,” Karin said.

  “Yeah. I’m going to be thirty in six days.” Joy saw the panic in her friends’ faces. They were both going away for Christmas, Michelle to her in-l
aws in Texas and Karin to her future in-laws in Florida. Joy’s parents were on a cruise. Her older twin brothers were in the military and stationed overseas. Since she had no sisters, Joy had bonded with Michelle and Karin at the age of twelve. They’d been her best friends ever since. “Don’t worry. I’ll survive.”

  “We can’t leave you alone,” Michelle said. “Not on your big birthday.”

  Karin shook her head. “We’ve always been together for the holiday. It’s not right.”

  Joy’s mother and friends had always wrapped her birthday presents in flowery paper with bright purple ribbons and her Christmas presents in paper with snowmen and reindeers. Her habit was to unwrap her Christmas presents in the morning and her birthday presents later in the day. Over the years their efforts had made her birthday special while most of her relatives, including her father and her brothers, chose to lump her presents together.

  “Don’t even think about changing your plans.” Joy knew she’d reached a moment in her life that demanded action. “Maybe it’s time I did something outrageous for my birthday. Something wild.”

  “Wild?” Michelle looked at Karin. “Did she say wild?” Michelle shook her head. “Joy, you’re not the wild type.”

  Now Joy was more determined to do something outrageous. “Whatever you’ve purchased for my birthday, take it back. I want something that will destroy the memory of Phil forever.”

  “I don’t like where this is going,” Karin said.

  “I want a man for my birthday. I want sex. Not ordinary Phil sex, but passionate, curling-my-toes sex.”

  Michelle choked on her chai tea. “You want us to hire a male hooker? You’re a legal assistant, isn’t hiring sexual services against the law?”

  “Not a hooker, a volunteer. Finding a man who likes sex shouldn’t be that difficult. You don’t want me to spend my big birthday alone, right?”

  Her friends nodded.

  “So find me a man.” Excitement shot through Joy. Her blood was singing. Phil was history and the one guy she wanted… That wasn’t ever going to happen. Thinking about Jake McCabe just made her heart hurt. It was time to take a walk on the wild side. “I want a guy wearing a big purple Happy Birthday bow around his neck at exactly midnight. I want him for twenty-four hours, and get me someone imaginative and untamed.”


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