A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4 Page 11

by Changelings

  Chapter Two

  Dressed in his black uniform, Jake McCabe was enjoying a cup of coffee before leaving for work. At the sound of the doorbell, Jake set down the cup and went to answer the door. His stepsister Karin and her friend Michelle stood on the doorstep. “Hi.”

  Purses slung over their shoulders, the two women walked into the living room.

  “What’s up?” Jake asked, curious about the unexpected visit. He shut the door. “Would you like coffee?”

  “No, thanks,” Michelle said, her gaze sweeping over his uniform. “Don’t you look cute?”

  She’d said the same thing about his scout uniform and the vampire cape he’d worn well past Halloween when he was ten years old and she was thirteen, but that was a long time ago. The city let him carry a gun and arrest bad guys, but Michelle, Joy and Karin still treated him like a little brother.

  “Jake, we need your help,” Karin said.

  Jake glanced at his watch. He was facing a double shift and had to leave in twenty minutes. “Sure, what’s going on?”

  “It’s about Joy’s birthday.”

  At the mention of Joy, Jake’s insides tightened. “She’s going to Boston, right?”

  “She and the accountant broke up,” Michelle said.

  Jake grinned. “She dumped Phil?”

  “Don’t look so happy,” Karin said. “He dumped her and with the Boston trip cancelled, she’ll be alone for her birthday.”

  A thrill shot through Jake. Perhaps for once he’d have Joy all to himself. Maybe he’d get the opportunity to dispel the image of little brother once and for all. “I have three days off at Christmas, my reward for working double shifts. I’ll make sure she has a great birthday.”

  “Joy has made a special request,” Karin said.

  “No problem,” Jake said. No matter what Joy wanted for her birthday, he’d make it happen.

  “We were thinking you might have a friend,” Karin said. “Maybe that cute detective we ran into last week?”

  There it was again, the notion that he was still a kid. Joy, Karin and Michelle were only three years older than him, but in their minds he was still the little brother. Jake’s blood began to boil. Detective Boyle was forty and divorced, twice. “You’d prefer Joy spends her birthday with a stranger instead of me?”

  “You can’t help with Joy’s special request,” Karin said.

  “Why not?”

  “She wants sex,” Karin said.

  Jake glared at his stepsister. “Sex?” Jake’s blood burned, searing through his veins. “You did say sex?”

  “Maybe we should sit down,” Michelle said.

  Jake turned and focused on Michelle. “Maybe you should explain.”

  “Joy wants a man for her birthday,” Karin said.

  “Someone that’s imaginative and untamed,” Michelle explained.

  “And she wants him at midnight.”

  “For twenty-four hours.”

  “Wearing a purple Happy Birthday bow.”

  Jake listened to the women’s rapid-fire explanation of Joy’s special request. He held up his hands. “Stop.”

  Karin and Michelle fell silent.

  “You’re not setting Joy up with a stranger to have sex,” he said in his sternest cop voice. “That’s not going to happen. Understood?”

  Karin nodded. Michelle folded her arms across her chest.

  “I’ll take care of Joy’s birthday request.”

  “You can’t,” Karin said.

  “Why not? I’m not Joy’s brother. Maybe our age difference was significant when I was twelve, but not now. I’m twenty-seven, remember? Joy requested untamed, didn’t she?”

  “She wants wild,” Michelle said. “But werewolf wild?”

  “This is weird,” Karin said.

  “I may be a werewolf, but Joy will be safe with me. Safer than she’d be with any human male. If she decides to back out of this crazy idea, I’ll let her. I’ll take care of her.”

  “What happens if she wants to go through with it?” Michelle asked.

  “I’ll make sure I remain in human form.”

  Michelle’s eyes widened. Jake knew she was remembering him in wolven form. He rarely transformed in the city, exercising his wolf behavior only during visits to the pack.

  After Jake’s mother’s death, his father had left the pack, eventually meeting and marrying Karin’s mother. Wolves mate for life and Jake’s father would never take another alpha mate. Instead of being alone, Jake’s father had taken a human wife. Jake had been raised in a happy environment.

  “Do either of you think I’d hurt Joy?”

  Karin spoke up. “We know you love Joy as much as we do.”

  “I do love her,” he said, wondering if Karin understood that his feelings had transcended friendship a couple of years ago. He’d kissed Joy at Michelle’s wedding reception. Tipsy on champagne, they’d come together in an unguarded moment. The kiss had been passionate and unforgettable. If Joy’s new boyfriend hadn’t interrupted, Jake might have made the leap from friend to lover that night.

  But Joy hadn’t acknowledged the kiss and Jake had watched in frustration as she became Phil’s lover.

  Jake glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to go. Tell Joy everything is set. I’ll give you the details tomorrow.” Jake locked gazes with Karin and Michelle. “I’ll make sure Joy has a wild, wonderful birthday.”

  Chapter Three

  At four in the afternoon on Christmas Eve a package arrived at Joy’s doorstep, brought by special messenger, a man in a black suit driving a gleaming black luxury sedan.

  “Miss Joy Kingston?” He handed Joy a gaily wrapped package and tipped his hat. “I’ll pick you up at nine tonight.”

  This was it. Karin and Michelle were coming through for her.

  Joy gripped the package. “Nine. I’ll be ready.”

  After shutting the door, Joy plucked the card tucked beneath the lavender bow. The birthday card signed by Karin and Michelle had a personalized note, wishing her a wild encounter. With butterflies in her stomach, Joy tore off the colorful wrapping paper and opened the box. A key and a gift card for Sala’s, her favorite clothing store, were nestled in purple velvet.

  Joy grabbed her cell phone and dialed Karin.

  “Did you get the box?” Karin asked.

  Joy’s breath hitched. “I can’t believe you did it. What’s with the car and driver?”

  “We didn’t think you should be driving. You know you can back out.”

  Joy thought of the phone call she’d received from Phil. Given the background noise, he must have been at an office party. He’d called to make sure she wasn’t missing him too much. “I’m going. What should I wear?” Joy considered wearing her new dress, the one she’d planned to wear in Boston, but after Phil’s phone call, she’d rather wear last year’s holiday outfit.

  “You have the gift card. Go to Sala’s and pick up your gift. I’ve got to go, have fun.”

  Joy called Michelle. “I got the package. I’m going through with it.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive. Thanks for the gift card.”

  “Go to Sala’s and pick up your gift.”

  Karin had told her the same thing. “Did you guys buy me a dress for tonight?”

  “You won’t know for sure unless you go to Sala’s. Go now before the store closes. Be careful and call me the minute you’re headed for home. Or before.”

  “I’ll be fine and thanks. I love you guys.” Joy disconnected, tossed her cell in her purse and headed for a favorite clothing store downtown.

  The moment she walked into the shop, Joy spotted the white fur coat. She walked up to the mannequin and stroked the long sleeve. The owner of the shop, a middle-aged woman with long black hair, joined Joy. “It feels like real fur, but it’s synthetic.”

  “It does feel like fur,” Joy said. “I love the color.”

  “It’s the only one I have,” the shop owner said, taking the coat off the mannequin. “Tr
y it on.”

  The coat fit perfectly and the fur felt like heaven against her cheek.

  “It will be perfect for tonight.”

  Had Karin and Michelle purchased the coat? “Tonight?”

  “You are Joy Kingston?”

  Joy’s heart fluttered. “Yes.”

  The woman removed an envelope out of her jacket pocket and handed it to Joy. “I’ve been expecting you.”

  The woman walked away and Joy opened the sealed envelope. The paper inside was purple with silver writing. You need wear nothing else. The fur will keep you warm.

  Joy felt the flush of heat on her cheeks. She looked at the shop owner who stood behind the counter. “My friends bought the coat?”

  “It’s paid for, if that’s what you’re asking. Shall I wrap it up?”

  Joy shook her head and left the shop wearing the coat. At home, she read the note again. You need wear nothing else. Was she expected to go naked to her wild encounter?

  She tried calling Karin and Michelle, but neither of her friends answered their cell phones. Joy looked at the time. She had two hours before her ride arrived.

  * * *

  Joy sipped champagne as the luxury sedan climbed the mountain highway. The driver rarely spoke, leaving Joy to enjoy the champagne and canapés provided for the three-hour drive. Soft romantic music added a touch of elegance.

  The sedan slowed before a house and Joy’s heart began racing. In anticipation of the night to come, she rubbed her naked thighs together. She was keyed up and wet. Wearing nothing beneath the fur coat had brought an excitement she had never experienced until tonight.

  The sedan stopped in the driveway before a secluded two-story house. The porch light was on and light was visible through the blinds.

  The door opened and the driver held out his gloved hand. Joy stepped out into the snap of a winter night. She shivered against the cold air on her bare legs. The driver escorted her to the front door. “The key, Miss.”

  Joy dug the key out of the pocket of the fur coat and handed it to the driver. He opened the door. “Happy Birthday, Miss.”

  Joy stepped into the warmth of the house and the driver shut the door, leaving her alone. Uncertain of what to expect, she stood in the living room. The room was cozy with a sofa, two overstuffed chairs and a merrily burning fireplace. On the coffee table between the sofa and chair was an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and two flutes. Joy’s insides clenched. The scene was set for seduction, her seduction.

  To the left was the dining room and beyond the kitchen, a tiled counter separated the two rooms. A bouquet of lavender roses adorned the dining room table. Straight ahead was a hallway and in the corner near the hallway was a tree. Joy gasped. Instead of a traditional Christmas tree, the noble fir was decorated with bulbs and bows in various shades of purple. At the foot of the tree was a package wrapped in silver paper and a big purple ribbon.

  She walked over to the tree and saw a purple card dangling from a silver bow. Joy opened the card and read the message written with a silver-colored pen, Make yourself at home. How had Karin and Michelle managed to arrange all this? They were truly the best.

  Joy walked through the house, visited the bathroom, checked her makeup and lipstick, then returned to the living room. She gasped and took a step back. Standing before the tree was a man with his back turned toward her, a naked man with short dark hair and wearing a purple band around his neck.

  Happy Birthday to me!

  His arm was raised as if to shield his face from her view, but the rest of him was exceptional. Joy swallowed hard. Except for his taut butt, he had a golden tan. His shoulders were wide, his arms, back and legs defined with muscles. His back tapered to a narrow waist and hips.

  He was gorgeous. Perfect.

  Then his arm dropped and he turned around.

  Joy’s knees nearly buckled. Jake!

  Shocked and tongue-tied, Joy just stared at the purple bowtie around his neck. Jake’s my wild encounter.

  “Happy Birthday, Joy.”

  Her gaze locked with his. His amber-brown eyes were bright with excitement. In a flash, her brain absorbed his broad shoulders, solid chest, flat belly and his penis.

  Ohmigod! She had no idea what Jake had been hiding beneath his uniform.

  “Say something.”

  Her gaze was locked onto his package. Joy didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to do. “Ohmigod.”

  Jake closed the distance between them in two strides. “Look at me.”

  His eyes were burning with heat.

  Ohmigod. He’s into this.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

  His lips were firm and warm, his mouth hot. Joy’s insides melted as the kiss deepened and lingered until she had no sense of time or place. All she knew was the delicious heat of his mouth and feel of his tongue sliding against hers.



  She blinked, opened her eyes. His eyes were intense, feral. “I need to know you’re okay with this arrangement, you, me, alone, together.”

  Alone. Together. Yum. “I’m okay.”

  “Then take off your coat. You must be burning up.”

  She was, but it wasn’t the room temperature making her senses sizzle and her blood burn. Joy started to unbutton the coat, but then she remembered what she wasn’t wearing. Was she ready to bare all? “I can’t believe you’re here,” she said.

  “I can’t believe we’re here, together. I’ve been waiting since Michelle’s wedding day for that kiss.”

  Joy recalled the kiss they’d shared at the reception. It was the best kiss of her life. Joy had wondered what would have happened if Phil hadn’t interrupted. “Jake, is Karin okay with this?”

  “I’m not your brother and I’m not a kid anymore.”

  Joy glanced down at him. The image of little brother was forever dispelled. She wanted that. She wanted Jake, had for a couple of years, but just as it had the night of Michelle’s reception, her loyalty to Karin restrained her. “I can’t hurt Karin.”

  “She knows I’m here. She and Michelle helped me put this together for you. I promised her I’d take care of you and your special request.”

  Joy’s cheeks burned. “She told you I wanted…”

  Jake gave her a sexy-as-sin grin. “Wild, untamed sex?”


  “That’s what I hope you’ll be saying come morning,” he said, popping open the top button of her coat.

  Joy licked her lips. “Is it different?”

  His fingers hesitated. “You’re worried about werewolf sex?”

  Joy nodded.

  He undid another button. “There’s human style and wolf style. We’ll stick with human style.”

  Relief washed over her as he reached for the next button.

  Joy watched his face, studying his reaction as he worked his way through the remaining buttons. He pushed the coat off her shoulders. His eyes glazed over as it fell to the floor. “Bless the Moon.”

  Joy’s heart pounded. Touch me.

  A shiver of anticipation slid down her spine as Jake’s fingertips skated over her breasts, brushed her nipples before moving down to her hips. His hands were shaking. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  Joy hummed, every muscle quivering.

  Jake slid his arms around her waist. His gaze raked her face, her chest, sweeping down to her silver high heels. Then he yanked her against him, crushing her breasts to his chest. Fire licked through Joy, hot flames long suppressed.

  “I wanted to make this romantic, perfect,” he said.

  His thick erection poking her belly burned away all thought. She wanted him now. “I don’t need perfect. I need you.”

  Jake grabbed her ass and lifted her up. Joy slid her arms around his neck, holding on as he carried her down the hallway. Two strides down the hall, he turned and put her back against the wall. Oh yeah.

  He grabbed her thighs and yanked them around his waist. “I c
an’t wait.”

  Joy anchored her arms around his neck as his erection slid between her legs. He probed her center, once, twice, then went home. Searing hot, impossibly deep, spearing her.

  Joy locked her ankles and lifted her hips to meet his bold thrusts. A deep moan sounded in his throat as he drove into her again and again. Powerful need moved like a wave in her middle. This moment, this intensity, a new experience. This was what she’d wanted, what she’d been missing.

  Jake was what she needed.

  She tightened around him, clamping down on his cock, finding her pleasure and taking it. Jake groaned. A shudder moved down his spine. Then his hips stilled and the weight of his chest pressed hers. Still trembling, Joy clung to him.

  He kissed her long and sweet, taking his time, making the moment romantic and meaningful. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “Since Michelle’s reception?”

  “Long before that.”

  Joy’s feelings toward Jake had changed one winter weekend. She, Karin and Michelle had rented a cabin in Lake Tahoe for a ski holiday. Karin and Michelle had come down with the flu and Karin had suggested Joy take Jake on the ski weekend. They hadn’t kissed or touched intimately, but they spent the day on the slopes and the evenings talking and laughing. To Joy’s surprise, she hadn’t missed her best friends.

  “The weekend we spent in Lake Tahoe?”

  “I had such a great time. After that weekend I wondered what it would be like to be with you, just the two of us. Why did it take us so long to be alone again?”

  “Karin said your destiny was to mate with one of your kind.”

  “My father’s plans. Not mine. You’re the woman I want.” He kissed her again, then stepped back. Joy’s legs slid down his thighs, her heels finding purchase on the hardwood floor. He rubbed his hands along her hips. “Right now, I want to take you upstairs and make love again.”

  “Hmmmm. What’s stopping you?”


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