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Alien Romance: Alien Commander's Baby: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 4)

Page 3

by Zena Zion

  “Not a chance.” He laughed. “I maintain what I said earlier about encouraging you to share the details.”

  “Not on your life.” She muttered, flinging herself under the covers. She hoped that he would take the action as a sign that she was done with their conversation.

  Apparently, Plasmosorthians did not know how to take a hint because a moment later, he was pulling the blankets away from her face to peek into her cocoon of safety.

  “I won’t take no for an answer.” He spoke with a gentle tone but the force of the words was clear. He fully expected her to come around, and he would wait.

  “You won’t change my mind.” She whispered. “I want to go home.”

  She felt the mattress sink beside her as he sat. Srahn set the blanket down, leaving her face uncovered, and his hand snaked out to tuck her unruly, blonde hair behind her ear.

  “I won’t need to change your mind.” Srahn’s thumb rubbed across her cheek and Ruby hated that she was enjoying the sensation. His cool hands against her hot skin felt glorious, and she wondered what they would feel like elsewhere on her body. “You’ll change it on your own. Of that I am certain. You can’t resist this any more than I.”

  Before Ruby could reply, he had withdrawn his touch. A small part of her, one that she did not want to address, regretted its absence.

  “Would you like to bathe?” Srahn spoke from near the small pool in the corner.

  He chuckled. “I could stand to wash after the disturbances of last night.”

  “I’ll pass then.” There was no way she was getting naked in front of Srahn and she definitely did not need to know the exact details of his body. Her mind was running wild enough already.

  “I’ll raise the partition.” The fact that he found her modesty amusing, and unnecessary, raised serious doubts in her mind about removing her clothing anywhere within a five mile radius of Srahn. “I promise to remain on my side.” He offered but not before adding with a wink, “but I will not hold you to that requirement.”

  He pulled a handle on the ceiling and a solid wall slid down, dividing the pool in two and causing the water stream to divert to two separate paths. Each side had now become a smaller version of the previous layout.

  Ruby watched Srahn retreat to a single side of the partition and begin undressing.

  The moment his hands reached for the tie on his pants, Ruby vaulted out of the bed. She realized that she would have full view of the shower area from any portion of the room other than the pool itself.

  As she hid behind the safety of the wall, she could hear Srahn undressing and stepping into the water, laughing at her discomfort the entire time.

  Standing ankle deep in water, the hem of her jeans now soaking wet, Ruby decided that she might as well wash herself while she had the chance. She hesitated for only a moment, wondering if she could trust her host to stay on his side of the wall, as promised.

  Though he might tease her, Ruby knew that Srahn would keep his promise. He seemed to value his rigid command too much to sacrifice the trust of his people and she knew that that trait would extend to her as well.

  Ruby rid herself of her clothing. She stood for a moment with her legs crossed and her arms covering her large breasts, waiting to ensure her privacy, just in case.

  Srahn splashed around on the other side, apparently unconcerned with her current state of undress.

  She stepped under the stream and gasped at the slight chill of the water. It was neither hot, nor cool, but had a startling effect just the same. She felt her skin tighten and goose bumps rise along her arms. After a moment, however, her body acclimated and the temperature felt quite comfortable.

  She soaked her hair before looking around for the soaps. There did not appear to be any. She approached the edge of the wall with cautious steps and leaned so that her head and shoulders peeked from behind it. The wall was thick enough that she could not see the other side of the pool, thankfully.

  “Umm… Srahn?” She chewed her lower lip. “Is there shampoo, or soap, or anything?”

  Srahn’s head and shoulders appeared from the other side of the wall. He seemed surprised that she had revealed any part of herself. When his gaze dropped to her shoulders and his pupils contracted, Ruby stepped back enough that only her head remained within his line of sight. She felt the flush in her cheeks that rose from the heat of his look.

  Her arm snaked out and he handed her what appeared to be a bar of soap, except it was soft and moldable like clay.

  Ruby raised her eyes to his and tentatively reached a hand out to take the item. His eyes followed the entire length of her damp arm before it retreated behind the wall once more.

  “What about my hair?” She asked. Her voice was huskier than she would have liked. She hoped that he would not notice but already knew enough about Srahn to guarantee that he was too observant to have missed the detail.

  His eyes took in her hair, so pale compared to his own. The wet strands hung out bellow her chin and he reached out to touch them with the tips of his fingers.

  Suddenly, he disappeared from behind the wall and Ruby took a deep breath to steady herself. Try as she might, the sexual charge between them was driving her mad. Before she felt fully composed, he had reappeared with a ceramic jar that held a paste similar to the shampoo Ruby was accustomed to.

  Once again, Ruby snaked her arm out to retrieve the item.

  With a quiet murmur of thanks she retreated to the safety of her own pool and began a rigorous cleansing of her body.

  Maybe, she thought, if she felt fresh and revitalized, she would have a better chance of dealing with the unexpected circumstances that appeared to have changed her life forever.

  “I will ask Nasma to bring extra bathing supplies when she returns. It is unexpected that we would make use of the partition, however, for the time being, it may remain so.” Srahn’s matter-of-fact voice sounded from directly beside her. It occurred to Ruby that they were both standing beneath the water at the same time. The distinct knowledge of that fact caused her to shudder.

  “Get it together, Ruby.” She whispered. Hoping that the metal pep talk would bring some sense to her hormonal brain.

  “What did you say?” Srahn called from the other side.

  “Nothing!” Ruby squeaked. Of course, he would have perfect hearing.

  When she had finished, Ruby wrapped herself in a robe that rested on a nearby bench.

  It occurred to her that she had no other clothing than the dirty, now wet, jeans and t-shirt that she had worn the night before.

  She stepped away from the pool to see Srahn waiting patiently for her to emerge. He was fully clothed in a pale blue military uniform that was emblazoned with silver embellishments.

  “I didn’t have any other clothing.” She explained with a grimace.

  Srahn eyed her with approval. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

  “Well, where do I get some?” She shifted uncomfortably.

  “I don’t see the need to be encumbered by something as mundane as clothing.” His smile was devious.

  “Very funny.” She quipped. “I’m serious. I can’t go around in a robe all day.”

  “In MY robe, all day.” He clarified, laughing at the blush that, once again, rose to her cheeks.

  He stepped forward, coming to stand directly in front of Ruby. His hand smoothed the hair that was tied in a knot at the base of her neck.

  “I do enjoy the way that your skin flushes.” His voice was smooth, and cool. “It lets me know when you are thinking things that you would rather not admit.”

  “It happens when I’m uncomfortable.” She tried to sound lofty in her ruse.

  “Uncomfortable with your own thoughts, or uncomfortable with me?” He was too near and her mind was spinning. Ruby might have imagined it but he seemed to be leaning towards her.

  “Both.” She whispered through the thickening air.

  “Hmm…” His hand cupped her neck and Ruby allowed him to pull her forwa
rd until she leaned against him. Her pulse beat rapidly in her chest. She wondered if he could feel it too. “I suppose that’s a start.”

  Srahn pulled away, leaving the places where their bodies had collided, tingling in Ruby’s mind.

  “I have to meet with the leaders of the council.” Srahn spoke as if unaffected by their near encounter. “Nasma will be here shortly with your clothing and sustenance. Don’t wander too far into the city, it’s not safe at this time. In fact, I would recommend limiting yourself to this building. There is a lot to discover within its walls.”

  He pivoted on his heel and exited the room as if nothing more had happened than a calm handshake between friends. Ruby took a deep breath and decided that she needed to spend as much time away from this room, and Srahn, as possible.

  CHAPTER 4 – Memories

  Nasma returned a short while later and revealed an uncomplicated wardrobe of clothing that was not very different from those of Earth. Though the color pallet tended toward the muted tones of nature, Ruby was pleased that the fit and style accommodated her voluptuous curves.

  The woman revealed herself to be a great source of knowledge and entertainment. She escorted Ruby around the building, revealing grandiose libraries; dining halls, swimming pools, and rooms devoted entirely to physical fitness, though they appeared nothing like the American gyms that Ruby expected.

  Nasma introduced Ruby to the few women of the higher social circle, of which Srahn was most definitely a member. The women seemed disappointed at the lost opportunity of being chosen as his mate, yet harbored no ill will toward Ruby.

  Her assurances that she was NOT, in fact, his mate were met with laughs and pitying nods, as if she clearly had no true grasp on the situation.

  Their interest in her as an Earthling, however, was palpable and many surprised looks were given before Nasma was able to put a stop to the constant questioning of ‘how she survived.’

  Ruby assumed they were wondering how she had managed on a planet that they clearly considered primitive, though once the topic was effectively banned, she was not able to receive any clarification.

  For two weeks, Ruby and Nasma continued this trend. Each morning, Ruby would rise, spend the day with her friend and by the time that she had returned to Srahn’s apartment, Ruby was exhausted.

  She would lay down atop the covers of the bed, close her eyes, and allow her body to give in to the much needed sleep before Srahn ever arrived home.

  In the mornings, when she awoke, he would be beside her. On one occasion, she even woke wrapped in the comfort of his embrace. Other than these brief moments in the morning, their continuously uncomfortable mutual-showering, and meal-times, Ruby avoided spending time with Srahn.

  She knew that he was aware that she was avoiding him. He often made comments about her putting up a useless battle, or wasting time when she should be giving in to the inevitable. During their public mealtimes, he seemed increasingly frustrated with her refusal to portray herself as his partner and the issue had become somewhat of a joke with the residents of the building.

  On multiple occasions, he informed her that her behavior showed a lack of gratitude for what was considered an extremely desirable match. With a constant reminder that they were destined mates, Ruby used these moments to give him the cold shoulder in their battle for dominance.

  One night, Srahn returned home earlier than usual and Ruby, who had not entirely fallen asleep, awoke to the sound of the door closing.

  Srahn had returned and he appeared to be just as exhausted as she had been.

  He crossed the room and sat on the bed beside where she lay.

  “I need to ask you something.” He began with a serious tone. “You have the right to decline but I would like to express how important it is that we have this information.”

  Ruby sat up and waited patiently for the approaching question.

  “I don’t believe that anyone should have medical testing done without their permission, and if you feel that what I ask violates your rights, then I will not press further. However, it would raise many issues with accuracy and description if we have to rely simply on your ability to recount the story.”

  “So, what are you asking?” Srahn looked uncomfortable for a moment. He absentmindedly toyed with the fabric on the bed, gathering his thoughts for the proposal.

  “I’d like to access your memories.” He blurted. “We have the technology on this planet to review the recordings of your brain, which can be much more detailed than what you think you remember. I’d like to review your memories from the past year, if you’d allow it.”

  Ruby stared at him in shocked silence. He wanted to view her memories? What did that even mean? Steal the memories from her brain and study them?

  When she did not respond he continued.

  “I know that it is a major invasion of privacy, and for that, I promise that I will be the only one to access your memories.”

  “What memories do you want?” She whispered. She could not fathom what details of her life would be relevant to aliens on some faraway planet who knew where in the galaxy.

  “Unfortunately, all of them.” He flinched visibly at the answer. Her face must have revealed how much shock and discomfort this conversation was causing her.

  “I…” She shook her head, unable to process the request. “Can I think about it?”

  Srahn pulled her hand into his own and, for the first time, looked at her with complete kindness and understanding. He appeared to recognize the gravity of what he was asking.

  “Yes. But please, I need you to realize that time is of the utmost importance.”

  “I understand.” She replied. The truth was that she had no idea if she would ever be comfortable with that sort of invasion upon her brain. She tried to decide if she trusted Srahn enough to allow him to enter her thoughts, and the idea mortified her. Especially, because it would give him access to the many inappropriate thoughts that she had had about him in particular.

  Despite her obvious avoidance of the man, and despite her constant reminders that they were not, in fact, a couple, Ruby had had no success in decreasing the vivid imaginings about the pairing of her and Srahn.

  If anything, the fantasies had been increasing as he had begun to slip under her reserve with a mixture of verbal banter and determination to prove himself her perfect match.

  The gentle approach to his current request did little to help her steel her emotions against him. In fact, she would have much preferred him to be domineering and demanding, rather than thoughtful, so that she could have responded with cold anger rather than consideration.

  “Are you hungry?” Srahn asked. “I’ve brought some food back from the dining hall. If you’re interested.”

  Ruby laughed. “Are you trying to bribe me with food?”

  He smiled. “Maybe.”

  “What kind of food?” She sat up and sniffed the air.

  “Mostly desserts.” He admitted.

  “That is definitely considered bribe material.”

  “I know what I want.” He did not sound the least bit ashamed at the underhanded technique. Ruby wondered which ‘want’ he was referring to.

  He carried over a large try of her favorite Plasmosorthian desserts and set it on the bed.

  “Is this a bribe for my memories… or for me?” She pretended to consider denying the offering, knowing full well that she planned on eating the desserts no matter what his reasoning.

  “Both.” He sat cross-legged across from her and picked up a small tart. “Is it working?”

  “No.” She laughed before taking a satisfied bite from her own treat.

  They enjoyed the desserts together and for the first time, Ruby and Srahn shared a lighthearted conversation centered on nothing of importance. By the time they had finished, they were both sprawled on the bed and chatting as if it were a regular occurrence to share about their days before retiring to sleep.

  Ruby slipped under the covers and snuggled in to what she n
ow considered her pillow. Srahn mirrored her actions.

  “What is it about your Earthing mates that was so much more wonderful that what we have here?” He asked, suddenly serious. She had known for a long time that he was offended by the fact that she did not consider him the ideal mate.

  Ruby reflected on her past relationships.

  “To be honest, my previous relationships were pretty terrible.” She admitted.

  “That’s because you’re supposed to be mine.” His statement had not been made in a romantic way. Instead, Srahn had grumbled his reply as if it were the obvious answer as to why all of Ruby’s previous attempts at romance had failed.

  His rigid certainty made her laugh.

  “I don’t think that it works that way.” She continued to laugh as he stared at her with frustration.

  “Of course, it does.” He argued. “But, you wouldn’t know because you’re an Earthling and you’re stubborn.”

  She laughed even harder.

  “I’m stubborn or are all Earthlings stubborn?” She asked. She could tell that he wanted her to take this conversation seriously, but she could not. It was far too ridiculous.

  He considered his answer for a moment, his head tilted to the side in a way that Ruby found completely endearing.

  “All, I think, but you especially.”

  “That’s probably true.” She admitted with a shrug.

  “You didn’t answer my question.” Srahn pressed. “If your previous mates were terrible, why fight me?”

  “You know…” She tried to remember why she disliked Srahn so much.

  Sure he was cocky, self-assured, and completely confident that his way was always best. But, compared to the other misogynistic men on this planet, he was a positive gentleman.

  It was true that he had effectively kidnapped her and taken her across the galaxy but, according to him, it had been for her own safety.

  He was extremely secretive about what exactly she needed saving from, but Ruby had never had any proof that his motivations were otherwise.

  Overall, her arguments were growing thin.

  “You know,” she repeated, “I’ll have to think about that too.”


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