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Alien Romance: Alien Commander's Baby: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 4)

Page 7

by Zena Zion

  “That seems…” his thought seemed to freeze as she drew his pants down away from his legs. “only fair.”

  She followed the inner curve of his leg on the return journey, allowing her tongue to dwell in the sensitive areas along his inner thigh. When she positioned herself between his legs, Srahn appeared to be holding his breath. His eyes, unblinking, were focused and his body remained as still as if chiseled from a stone.

  Ruby grasped his penis in one hand before allowing her mouth to take over the activity.

  Srahn’s breathing began once more. The shallow breaths followed an inconsistent rhythm. She flicked her tongue against the velvety smooth edge and she felt the muscles in his body clench in response.

  His hands dove into her hair, needing something to hold on to. Ruby enjoyed the sensation. He was not pulling or tugging at her head. Instead, his hands spanned the dome and his fingers flexed in time with her own movements. The result was a very pleasurable massage to her neck and head.

  Ruby hummed her pleasure. This was too much for Srahn. The gentle murmur of her mouth against his skin had him digging his fingers into the mattress.

  Ruby smiled to herself and granted him mercy.

  She decided to allow him this small moment to collect himself. Standing in the center of the mattress, Ruby removed her clothing piece by piece. Srahn watched in silence.

  She had never stripped for a man before. While there was no sultry music, or impressive dance moves, Ruby was encouraged to draw that event out as long as possible, by the sweet smile of satisfaction on her lover’s face. He was watching, unspeaking, unmoving. Simply witnessing Ruby peel her clothing away from her curves and enjoying every minute of it.

  Ruby moved to stand with one foot on either side of his hips. Srahn’s hands grasped her ankles rubbed the length of her legs until he had reached a seated position.

  Leaning forward, he pressed his mouth against the pale curls. His breath hot against her, yet his tongue seemed cool to her heated skin.

  Ruby stood there as his tongue plied its way towards her core.

  She curled her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, before finally encouraging him to lay back against the pillows once more.

  “I think I like your way better.” Srahn’s voice was husky with passion. Never before had Ruby taken full charge like this. Never before had she seated herself on top of him as she was doing at this very minute. Never before had she guided him inside of her and pressed herself down upon him, while remaining upright for his viewing pleasure.

  His hands wandered over her skin. Testing and seeking for pleasures that they had yet to discover. Ruby leaned into the palms of his hands as they cupped the heavy weight of her swollen breasts.

  She rocked her hips over him, relishing the tension that was building inside of her.

  Her back arched and her body moved of its own accord. Srahn grasped her hips, pulling himself deep inside of her as he lifted himself against her.

  She cried out his name. She needed to hear the word upon her lips. Needed to ground herself in something real, lest she be swept away in a world of uncontrollable pleasure.

  His fingers dug in to her hips and she knew that he had reached the border of control.

  She pressed herself harder against him, rocked her hips to a more frenzied rhythm, and drove them both over the edge of insanity.

  The waves of her orgasm rolled for what seemed like eternity.

  Afterward, they lay together in the dark. Neither slept. Neither spoke.

  They simply lay in each other’s arms, completely sated.

  Srahn’s fingertips traced a lazy path up and down her spine.

  Ruby lay perfectly still in the nook of his arm. Her mind clear for the first time in months.

  She was thinking about her relationship with Srahn.

  More than the incredible sex. More than the way that her body felt called to his. He loved her. She was sure of it. Maybe his species did not call it love, but she knew it just the same. All this time that he had been speaking of mates and partners and pairs… he had been saying that he loved her.

  She remembered their first true encounter. Even then, he had known. Even before had come to know his name, he had already felt it, already acted upon the love. He had even admitted it straight away, though she had not understood what it meant at that time.

  He may have come off as a brute, an arrogant misogynist, according to Earthy terms, but Ruby now saw that he was secretly a romantic. He had been professing his undying love from the moment that he laid eyes on her.

  Ruby remembered how it had felt to experience the pulse of her body against his and knew at once, that Srahn had been right. They had been destined to be mated. She loved this man from an alien planet. This ultra-masculine, bossy, and sometimes frustrating man who had gone to such lengths to preserve her life.

  “I love you.” She whispered into the darkness.

  She heard the mattress creak as he rolled toward her. His breath brushed her lips and she knew that he was close.

  “And I love you.” Their mouths came together to seal the moment. Her heart soared with the admission. It felt wonderful to express her feelings in a way that felt concrete and secure. Only then, did she realize that it was not concrete enough.

  “How does a Plasmosorthian officially claim his mate?” Ruby asked.

  Srahn laughed. “Isn’t that what we just did?”

  “I mean so that other people know. Like a marriage or a ceremony.” She wondered if he understood those concepts. “Is there a way that a stranger would know that we are bonded for life?”

  “Well, Ruby, I believe we’ve been working on that for quite some time already.” He pulled her against him and pressed his mouth to hers. “But I wouldn’t object to trying again.”

  Ruby felt her body respond immediately. It would never cease to amaze her how quickly Srahn could turn her on.

  “How does this make it official?” She pressed. “For all anyone else knows we are still only sleeping next to each other out of convenience, like in when I first came to this planet. How does it become clear that it is permanent?”

  His chuckle reverberated through the dark room.

  “Making love doesn’t make it official here, any more than it does on Earth.” His hand came to rest on her abdomen. “On Plasmosorth, creating offspring is the ultimate declaration of mates.”

  Ruby placed her hand over his, where it rested against her stomach.

  “I like the idea of that.” She smiled.

  “Me too.” Srahn agreed. “Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve already begun.”

  Ruby found that she liked that idea even more.

  She wondered what it would be like to have a child with this man. Instinctively she knew that he would be an excellent father.

  That night, Ruby lay beside him, imagining the creation of their child. She knew that it would not take a baby for Srahn to stay with her forever but she liked the idea that they might create something beautiful together. A blending of the species, so similar and yet at the same time so very different.

  “Srahn…” She murmured.

  “Mmm?” He grunted beside her.

  “I’ve been wondering…” a yawn broke forth that she could not suppress, “that first morning, when we showered, did you peek?”

  She felt, more than heard, his laughter beside her.

  “Of course not.” He whispered a moment later.

  “Do you promise?” She had sensed from his hesitation that it was a lie.

  “Of course, I didn’t peek.” His laughter shook her once more. “It isn’t my fault if you did a poor job of keeping it behind the wall.”



  “Coulter, get in here!” The frenzied voice from the laboratory sent Bethany Coulter running down the sterile hallway. Lexington Margwall, or Lexi as his lab assistants referred to him in covert whispers, was the brains behind the
entire Margwall Space Exploratory Operation.

  Beth had joined the prestigious space research laboratory two years prior, after graduating top of her class from the Intercontinental School of Space Exploration, and had only recently been promoted to Margwall’s personal, and exclusive, advanced lab.

  While she had heard many rumors about his eccentricities and garish ways, Beth had been unprepared for the maelstrom that was the man who had inspired such massive interest in field in recent years. Margwall’s discoveries had pushed the sciences to the brink of their limits. His communications with other planets had brought about massive advancements in worldwide technology and biological understanding. His newest project was proclaimed to be his most influential yet.

  Beth burst through the stainless steel swinging doors that reminded her of the funny tales her mother told her of cowboy saloons that used to exist during the American’s more primitive age, nearly seven-hundred years ago. Each time they flapped behind her, she suppressed the urge to mutter, “howdy partner,” to her too-serious colleagues.

  She adjusted the enormous travel pack that was slung across her shoulders, took a deep breath, and sauntered toward Lexi, who was checking items off of a clipboard in the center of the room. She decided that a display of confidence was key for the day’s events.

  Though, truthfully, she could not say which she felt more, excitement, fear, anticipation, or some strange fluttery sensation in her stomach that told her that this day would define the rest of her known life. With her mousy brown hair pulled back in a no-nonsense ponytail, she appeared much more controlled than she felt.

  Margwall was muttering under his breath as he riffled through the items gathered at his feet. Finally, he looked up at her, a glassy-eyed expression of maniacal excitement made her wonder how much caffeine he had consumed this morning.

  “Miss Coutler!” His sweaty palms grasped her shoulders and shook her in what she had come to learn was his version of a welcome. “It seems as if everything is in place. Are you ready to re-define the human race as we know it?”

  “Sir, I’m only collecting samples.” The real work, she told herself, would begin upon her return to Earth when they analyzed and processed the information that she would gather.

  “Hodgepodge.” He muttered, waving a hand at her as he walked briskly down the center isle of the laboratory. Beth jogged to keep up with his short, but quick-stepping, legs. “The information that you collect will be our first ever attempt to coordinate an interstellar exchange of science and technology with a species of alien that greatly needs our help.” He turned on the spot and placed a hand on her shoulder, like a parent speaking to a very dull child.

  “You must remember, no matter what they consider themselves, they are in need of our help to biologically ensure the continuation of their existence. This species is prideful so you’ll do well not to offend them, but their knowledge is inferior to our own and we can bring them to the forefront of the galactic network!”

  By the end of his speech, Margwall had raised a fist into the air and stared blankly into the ceiling, reminding Beth of the dramatic speeches of politicians and activists alike.

  Beth followed him once more as he approached the nearby pod which was being systematically packed with the items that he had previously been checking, in preparation for the long journey ahead.

  Not larger than five hundred square feet on the interior, the travel pod was designed for efficiency rather than comfort. Not, she reminded herself, that she would remember the journey either way.

  “Miss Coulter, have you eaten anything this morning?” The staff medical lead approached with her own clip board and a rigid air.

  Beth confirmed that she had not and they began the pre-flight medical examination.

  Two hours later, she was strapped into the pod, a series of tubes and monitors spread from her body in a complicated web of unnatural devices.

  “Alright, Miss Coulter, we’re all set and your vitals look excellent.” The woman gave her an encouraging wink. “Take a deep breath and remember, pod travel is safer than one of those death-trap cars they used to ride in.” She closed the hatch and Beth heard the seal close and the cabin atmospheric regulator kick on.

  The woman’s voice returned, though this time through a speaker over Beth’s head. “Entering cryogenic sleep in three… two…one...”


  The cabin shook and Beth struggled to open her eyes. Her head felt fuzzy and muddled, her tongue dry from lack of use, and her stomach growled with hunger. Instantly, a tube at her side pumped some sort of mushy sustenance into her stomach. The sensation was uncomfortable to say the least.

  “Inisss.” She coughed and licked her lips. “Initiate medical independence.” Her voice croaked and sounded much deeper than was normal.

  “Initiating medical independence in three… two… one…” The robotic voice repeated as a series of mechanical arms began detaching the network of tubes and monitors from her body. Each tubular location was sealed with a liquid that bubbled and, when exposed to a small amount of heat, repaired her skin without any trace of a bruise or scar.

  When she was finally free to move her limbs independently, Beth was pleased to realize that the cryogenic muscle maintenance program had sufficiently exercised her body so that she felt no stiffness or loss of strength.

  “Drink.” She commanded.

  “Liquid electrolytes will help ease the transition out of cryogenic sleep.” The robotic voice informed her as a pouch with a blue liquid floated toward her. Beth emptied the pouch and sighed with relief as her dry throat cleared.

  “Food.” Her voice, with renewed strength, was finally recognizable.

  “Passenger, you have just eaten.” The pod informed her. Beth remembered the strange mush that had entered her stomach and decided that what she really wanted was a burger, or pasta, or anything solid that did not have the consistency of wet cat food.

  “Food.” She repeated.

  “Passenger, you have…”

  “FOOD.” Beth spoke over the recording.

  A slot on the wall opened and Beth grimaced as she removed the freeze-dried package of what was supposed to be a turkey dinner. The crumbly, dry substance marked no resemblance to the real thing, but it did settle the churning of her stomach.

  “Please remain seated as we enter the atmosphere. Now entering the atmosphere to planet Asreen.” The voice instructed. “Remember to use your oxygen pack at all times. Dermal exposure to the atmosphere is non-life-threatening. Contact with the surface in three… two… one…”

  With a thud, the pod landed. Beth shot out of her seat and instantly demanded that the outer shell of the pod be retracted to reveal a series of windows.

  What she saw caused the blood in her veins to curdle. Circling in the air, high above her head, were monstrous creatures that Beth could only describe as pre-historic. Though little was known about the planet Asreen, except the few communications with its intelligent inhabitants, Beth had not been prepared for such a fearsome sight.

  Each winged creature displayed colored scales with a vibrancy that Beth had never seen naturally occurring on Earth. It was as if layer upon layer of pigment melded together to create a bold and blinding effect. Quickly, she removed her camera from a nearby cabinet and began snapping photographic evidence of the magnificent creatures.

  “Overlapping scale formations and bone structure appear serpentine. Height at least ten feet, length estimated at one-point-five times that, and wingspan at least double the estimated height.” She dictated into the microphone that remained attached to the collar of her shirt. “Vibrancy of color likely a result of atmospheric conditions. Flight control and ease of motion is unlike anything on Earth. Skeletal and muscular structure must be incredibly intricate to allow for such capabilities. Currently non-violent, yet definitely have the potential to cause serious injury.”

  Beth watched the creatures weave in and out of view for a few more minutes, her mouth
hanging open as she stared in awe at their grace and power. She could not think of anything that she wanted more than to study these beasts but her primary objective was to make contact with the primary residents of the planet.

  With one last look at a particularly beautiful, red and yellow tinged creature, she moved to the command board of the pod to initiate communications with the laboratory base on Earth.

  “Coulter to base 1.” She pressed the communication’s sequence that would project her voice into the deepest reaches of space. There was no response. Beth waited patiently for the message to travel, all the while creating a detailed drawing of the winged beasts in her observation notebook.

  “Coulter to base 1.” She repeated several minutes later. “Base 1, come in.”

  “B… …ne to…” the radio sputtered. “….copy?”

  “Copy base 1. Successful docking. Waiting for contact.”

  “Coult…” Static rang consistently for thirty seconds before the voice broke back through, “… mission…” More static. There was a loud pop and the communication was severed completely.

  Beth attempted fruitlessly to reinitiate contact but all attempts were met with only deafening silence.

  A soft knock on the outer shell of the pod had her turning to look out the window behind her.

  With a scream, she flew out of her chair, flailing in a panic she landed haphazardly on her rump on the cold floor of the pod. Staring in at the window was a creature much stranger than the flying monstrosities that she had viewed upon landing. It was a human. Or, at least its features were eerily humanoid.

  The skin, however, was tinged with the same vibrant hues that seemed to prevail in every creature on this planet. This was surprising as the landscape seemed pointedly barren. Beth held her hand to her heart and took slow, deep breaths as she stared at the pale violet person outside of her window. Again, the alien knocked.

  Leaning over to press the button that would project her voice outside of the pod, she decided to ensure that this was, in fact, the intelligent species that she had come so far to visit. Just because they looked like humans did not mean that they were not some primitive sub-species that would inflict harm without a moment’s notice.


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