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Falling for Tripp [Milson Valley 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Jo Penn

  “Of course he can, angel.” Uri wrapped his vibrant mate in his arms and held close, lips brushing Finn’s light blond hair. “I’ll send our trackers and enforcers. We’ll soon find your brother and get him safely back home.”

  “I hope so…and before he finds Jude.”

  There was silence for a while, except for Urian murmuring quietly to his mate comfortingly. As shifters, they had no difficulty hearing what was said despite Uri and Finn whispering. They tuned out as best they could to provide the couple with some privacy.

  Tripp couldn’t imagine one of his brothers so unbalanced he would think that killing him and their other brother was a way to be together forever. Obviously, the man needed care and constant supervision, and if the other triplet was in danger, it wasn’t a wonder that Finn was worried. And that confused Tripp as to why Finn’s brothers would be by themselves. If they were the Oracle King’s offspring, why weren’t they protected?

  A few minutes later, Finn nodded and cuddled into Urian on the sofa. Uri rubbed his mate’s back and looked at Tripp and his brothers.

  “I’m going to send out enforcers to search for Finn’s brothers. Bastion will be looking for Jude, but we know he’s aware of where Finn is, so we’re going to be on the lookout. In the meantime, we need to find Jude and send him back to the Oracle King before the old geezer blows a gasket,” Urian said.

  “So you want me to go to Zurich and see what strategies Trent can come up with?” Tredd asked without emotion.

  “Well, no, I thought you could Skype. But obviously, you’ve been thinking of going back overseas to join your mate,” Urian said quietly, grey eyes understanding. “You know, I always liked and admired Trent. I still see parts of who he was before his gift took him over…Trent is sometimes too deep for the harshness of our lives. He’s one of the best men I’ve ever known, sacrifices everything, and man, he used to get up to a helluva lot of pranks, and had a wicked sense of humor. Would never submit to anyone and questioned everything.” Urian pulled Finn close and petted affectionately while grinning broadly. “I also had the hots bad for him when I was a pup—”

  “What? What the fuck, Uri!” Tredd jumped up, face turning red, hands shifting to bear claws.

  “Oh, settle down, you grouchy bear.” Finn rolled his eyes. “Uri told me all about it. Trent let him down easy a few dozen times, and Baron tried to bash Uri up.”

  “Yeah, tried being the operative word.” Uri laughed. “Tredd, Trent never let me near him. Hell, that tiger never lets anyone near him but you. And man, I suffered a miserable lecturer from Emile about friends, mates, and responsibilities. Frigging pedantic lion gave me a migraine, and then the bastard tried to get me to do an essay on what I’d learnt!”

  Tripp could just imagine that. Emile Sanchez, the gorgeous lion shifter, was one uptight, pedantic creature. Tredd sat down, though he was glaring pretty hard at Uri.

  “What I don’t understand is, as you and your brothers are part of a seer group and the sons of the leader, where are your bodyguards?” Tripp asked seriously. “I know about the ones you first arrived with and are now part of the pack, but it doesn’t make sense this Bastion and Jude could just leave without being seen.”

  “That’s a long story, so I’ll condense it. Ten months ago, we all became a bit restless. When a seer reaches ninety-nine years of age, it’s like an internal clock is telling us there are changes ahead. Most of the time it is to do with our gift increasing in strength, sometimes even diversity. Jude began looking toward every mainland we passed, and then one day, eight months ago, he managed to get hold of Dad’s magical scepter and used it to cloak himself invisible. Basically, he disappeared from sight and got off our floating island. This, of course, sent Dad into a frenzy and had the guards running around hunting him—yes, Trekk.” Finn sighed.

  Trekk lowered his hand. “A magical scepter? Are you telling fairy tales?”

  “OMG! You believe in witches and wizards, fae and shifters, but a magical scepter is too far a stretch?” Finn exclaimed shrilly.

  Trekk laughed. “I don’t disbelieve, it’s more what type of magical scepter?”

  Finn groaned. “The scepter was given to Dad a few hundred years ago as payment by a fae royal for his visions. The fae royal infused it with limited magic. By Jude using it to turn himself invisible and escape Hell Island, there’s only a little magic left. Dad’s pissed about it, sure, but he’s more worried about Jude being out here in the world alone. At least Jude isn’t invisible any longer. The magic wore off after a month. Now he’s using witch and wizard potion to cover his trail and scent.”

  “I get that your Dad wants to keep Jude safe, but he’s not a young cub. He’s nearly a hundred years old and an immortal seer. He should be able to go where he wants, with protection,” Tripp said seriously.

  He disliked anyone to have their rights taken from them, and during his travels around the States before settling in Milson Valley, he and his small sleuth had seen far too much of corrupt and misused power. But he understood Finn and the Oracle King’s concern. Seers were unique and often targeted throughout the centuries. So much so they had joined with witch and wizard covens for protection, until a few hundred years ago when there was a gathering of seers, and they basically relocated to lands unknown. Or to a floating island, as Finn had said.

  “Seers have their own rules,” Finn snapped. “I’m not saying we can’t come and go, because obviously, we can. I’m here. But for the protection of my kind, we follow what we believe will keep us safe. Jude’s not safe out there on his own…between us, his gift doesn’t protect him, and Bastion will do anything he can to get Jude.”

  “Not you?” Tripp asked curiously.

  “Nah, he knows he has to take me on, and we’re fairly evenly matched. He’ll go for Jude. I’m tracking them both through visions, but in each and every one, I don’t get there in time to stop…” Finn gulped, tears filling his beautiful eyes.

  “We’re telling you this because I want Trent to give me some advice on how to resolve this without bloodshed, and quickly. And as my bear leaders and Tripp being my Second, you three need to be involved. Your gift also helps. We have a few locations both Jude and Bastion have been. I want one of you to go and study all of these places and see what they tell you.”

  “I’ll go. That way I can relay firsthand what I find to my mate.”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea, Tredd. When can you start?” Uri asked.

  “Straight away.”

  “I’ll start going through the pack and setting up teams—”

  Urian shook his head, interrupting Tripp. “No, you need to concentrate on your mate. That’s what’s most important, Tripp. You could have lost Eddie today in that bank robbery. You have a few days off to build a connection between you two. I’ll keep you updated and if needed, call you in.” Uri turned to Trekk. “You’ll be coordinating the teams and looking after communications. If there are any problems, any laws we step on, make sure Luka is kept up to date and doing his magic to fix it.”

  Trekk blinked. “Me? But, you have Kelly and Drax, and a few dozen betas.”

  “I also have you, one of my bear leaders for our pack, and a genius. While Trent is the strategist, you bears can look at a scene and figure out what happened, and what may happen. You can use that talent for orchestrating our pack soldiers and dealing with the Alliance, and other paranormal groups in the area. I have big plans for you, Trekk.”

  Tripp smirked as his brother paled a little. Trekk liked his life of video games and missing work when he felt like it. Most of the time, Trekk was busy inventing innovative, useful technology that the pack and others enjoyed, like the new irrigation pump system for the crops and gardens, and the satellite network the Alliance used for the phones here in Milson Valley. Tripp knew exactly what Urian was doing, and happily supported the alpha wolf. Trekk needed just a little nudge to finally stop dithering and make up his mind what he wanted to do. By placing Trekk in charge of such a major role, Uri
an was making Trekk acknowledge what the bear truly wanted to do. He knew his brother, and he knew Trekk liked being part of the pack, contributing, but he liked working on his inventions more than he liked being in charge. He just didn’t want to let anyone down.

  “Oh, ah…thanks?” Trekk gulped.

  Urian glanced at the clock on the wall. “Trekk, Tredd, meet me in my office in half an hour, and we’ll get to work. Tripp, enjoy your date, and maybe you can slip it into the conversation that the pack needs a new accountant, and we offer a good starting salary with bonuses and benefits. And be aware of that human group who doesn’t like paranormals. Luka just informed me they posted some pretty defamatory crap about the mate pull on their website that he’s taken to Emile to have removed. Apparently, it could lead to humans protesting every mate claim and possibly lead to aggression.”

  That was worrisome, and reminded Tripp of Eddie mentioning he went to that extremist lawyer, David Proctor, today. They had argued over the phone when Eddie informed Procter he didn’t want to continue to pursue legal action to stop the mateship, and as a cop that concerned Tripp. He wanted to take a closer look at the lawyer. As the pack Second, he felt an urgency to protect the rights of his fellow creatures.

  When the alpha pair left, Tripp turned to his brothers. Trekk scrambled away, hurriedly texting on his phone and grumbling a little under his breath.

  “It’ll be good for him,” Tredd murmured. “He just wants to invent and teach. Uri making him face that will help Trekk finally reach a decision.”

  “Yeah. He doesn’t want to let Uri down.”

  “He won’t be. What he does contributes a lot more than supervising troops when he doesn’t enjoy it.”

  “True. And what Uri really wants is you back here in charge of the pack soldiers and coordinating between them and the Alliance. We all know you’re the one those soldiers really listen to and follow. I still have to kick them into line, whereas you just give them a look.”

  Tredd nodded, sighing. “Maybe once I can sweet talk my way back into my mate’s affection. At least you’ve got Drax, Kelly, and Baron taking over the soldiers while you do the police captain job these days.”

  “Thank the Lord and stars above! The soldiers were like a bunch of squabbling, whining kids!”

  “So, booked a restaurant yet?”

  “Oh shit!” Tripp rushed off to find his computer and read some restaurant reviews. He had his own mate to sweet talk.

  Chapter Seven

  Who knew there were so many different types and brands of tea! How was he meant to choose one, when there was a dozen on the shelf all saying the same thing, just in a different way and packaged so appealingly? And since he wasn’t a tea fan, he hadn’t a clue what most meant when the packaging went on and on about aroma and taste.

  In the end, he’d closed his eyes and just grabbed one off the shelf. He didn’t care what the hell it was, Tripp was going to drink the swill just to make up for the mental anguish caused to Edward trying to guess what the man liked. Part of him didn’t understand why suddenly he was so determined to get the shifter something he liked. Edward wasn’t cruel, he wasn’t mean usually, but he didn’t go out of his way to pick out a drink he knew someone would want. Sure, he’d buy someone a drink, he just wouldn’t spend forty-three and a half minutes mulling and worrying over which drink.

  And now he was behind schedule. He needed to check his student account to see if the accreditations had been sent through yet. He also needed to shave, shower, and eat something. If he didn’t, by the time dinner arrived he’d be starving, and when he was starving, Edward got angry, frustrated and snappish. Something to do with low blood sugar and a bad attitude, his therapist, Sebastian Sanchez had growled at him when Edward went off the other day after missing lunch.

  Still annoyed about the tea—why the hell did they make it so frigging hard to choose—he opened his apartment door and hurried inside. Closing the door, he turned and stopped.

  “Who the hell are you?” Shocked, he stared at the man sitting on his sofa.

  “Excuse me for taking the liberty of letting myself in.”

  “The liberty? You can’t just walk in and make yourself comfortable! Get out!” Edward yelled, seeing red.

  “I realize this is unorthodox—”

  “And you’re still here! Don’t talk, just get out!” Edward jerked the door open and waved a hand motioning the criminal out. “I’m calling my boyfriend. He’s the captain of Milson City police—”

  “That’s why I’m here. David Proctor spoke to me regarding your sudden change of mind.”

  “Oh, my Lord, you’re still here and talking!” Edward yelled and then snarled at his phone. Why didn’t he have Tripp’s number?

  “Mr. Nelson, I am from Humans Against Paranormals—”

  “Why don’t you understand ‘get out’?” Edward ranted. “And I’ll be suing Proctor. That was private information between a client and lawyer.”

  “Look, you don’t appear to be aware of just how dangerous these creatures are. They have gifts that can change a human’s perspective and make them do things they don’t want to do.”

  “How are you still here? I’m calling the police,” Edward said loudly as he punched 911 into his phone, though didn’t connect the call. He wasn’t afraid of this radical extremist. Edward worked out and took self-defense courses. “Why do you think I want to listen to all this crap, anyway? Are you crazy as well as an extremist, prejudice prick? Like most people in this world, I studied paranormals at school, too, so don’t try and scare me and make me join your group, who are probably on some FBI alert list somewhere for—”

  “Fine, I’m going! Has anyone ever told you you’ve got real anger problems, pal?”

  “And you’ve got real problems with breaking into people’s homes!” Edward retorted, and then slammed the door loudly after the man.

  Edward glared at the door a few moments, stunned someone from HAP had broken into his apartment and tried to recruit him! How did that happen? HAP was a well-known organization who used mild methods to interfere with the paranormals councils, the Alliance, and individual groups. There were rumors the group wasn’t so mild in their methods these days. Why would that guy think Edward would trust anyone from HAP after showing they were unethical by breaking into his home? It didn’t make sense, not to him, anyway.

  His antique mantle clock, an acquisition from a little old bric-a-brac store down the road, chimed. Time to put away the stupid teabags and get ready, Tripp would be here in two and a half hours. It wouldn’t take Edward that long to get ready, but he had stopped at the second hand shop on his way home from the grocers, and picked up an old clay teapot with chips and paint faded and rubbed off. There wouldn’t be time to completely finish fixing the teapot up today, but he could get started.

  For the next hour, he carefully and meticulously sanded the pot and filled nicks, gashes, and chunks with ready-mix clay he kept in his work cupboard. With the next chime of the clock, he put everything away and wiped down the table. Not wanting Tripp to see the teapot before it was finished, Edward also placed it in the small work cupboard.

  After shaving and showering, he made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and downed it with an apple juice. He did wonder about how the date would go tonight, and the intense attraction he felt for the police captain, and how fast he went from not wanting anything to do with Tripp, to not being able to get close enough to the man and wanting to feel connected. Talking over lunch had been surprisingly easy. He liked the accepting way about the other man, how Tripp listened and didn’t make Edward feel bad about himself. Sure, Edward may be feeling a bit uncomfortable over how he let hurts over the years lead him to become angry at paranormals, blaming them for setbacks and things that had happened. And yes, he’d become prejudice, but thankfully he didn’t turn into an extremist and joined a group like Humans Against Paranormals. The rumors he’d heard lately said they had ties to hunters.

  Fortunately, Edw
ard had some sense. He never understood why humans who didn’t like paranormals for whatever reason, whether that is they feared the creatures’ power, their gifts, or had experienced violence and felt weak and helpless, would join a group that targeted others who were violent against them. When subjected to that sort of behavior themselves, why choose to turn around and be the perpetrator? Maybe it helped them feel in control again, or maybe it was revenge?

  Wiping his hands over the sink, Edward figured he wasn’t bitter enough to have contemplated joining such a group, or though he may not have forgiven, he had moved forward and had other things he wanted to do and achieve.

  Deep down, Edward knew he was still looking for that happiness he’d lost as a kid after his mother fell into depression. He’d blamed the con artist for ruining their lives, saw the man as the catalyst. These days Edward could understand and accept his mother’s behavior. She had probably been so hurt, overwhelmed and shocked, and after working hard for years to make a life for herself and Edward, to lose it all and be on the street would have been devastating. He could be more accepting now and saw it how it was. His mother needed his support, and truthfully, he was thankful every day she had gotten herself together, got him back from child services and gave him the safety of a home and family again. Even if it hadn’t been what it once was.

  Man, what an ass he’d been. Sebastian, his therapist, had been right. What Edward had been hurting and angry over, where his bitterness and distrust stemmed from, was from the times in his life where he had absolutely no control and felt weak and helpless. Of course, he couldn’t forget the incidents with other children and careers. And that going back to his mother had been a struggle. He had to give up his friends and dreams, which in the end resulted in neediness and getting married to a druggie who spent everything Edward earned and put it up his nose.


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