A Better Man: A Small Town Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 3)

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A Better Man: A Small Town Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 3) Page 14

by Carrie Elks

  Clearly unhappy at being caught, she pecked his hand hard with her pointed beak. “Fuck,” he muttered, wincing at the sudden pain shooting through his arm.

  “Did she get you?” Courtney called out.

  “Just a bit. I’m fine.”

  “She doesn’t like being held too tight. It makes her anxious.”

  “Now you tell me,” he muttered.

  The other hens were asleep when he reached the sprawling coop. He opened the door a smidgen and pushed Hester inside, then quickly counted them all. “I see forty-four,” he called out eventually.

  “Including Hester?” Courtney’s voice came from around the corner, where she was still sitting on the front porch.

  “Nope. Forty-four plus Hester.”

  “Forty-five. That’s right.” There was a smile in her voice. “Can you see where she escaped from?”

  “The wire’s loose at the corner again.” He hunkered down on his leather dress shoes, pulling at the guilty piece of fence. He hooked it over the nails on the wooden frame, trying to ignore the way Hester was stalking toward him, a look of murder in her eyes.

  “And you like me?” he asked her. “You could be a little nicer.” He pushed at the wire to check it was secure. “I’ve fixed it for now,” he called out to Courtney. “But I can come back in the morning to make sure it stays that way.”

  “I thought you were catching the first flight to Boston?” she shouted through the darkness.

  “I am. But I can change it.”

  “Ah, either Ellis or I can take care of it. It really needs replacing. But thank you, anyway. You want to come in and wash up?”

  He stood up, giving Hester one last glare, then walked back around the cottage toward the porch.

  Courtney was standing at the top of the stairs, her lips curled with amusement as she caught his gaze. “Look at you, farm boy,” she said, her voice low.

  Damn, he wanted her. He took a step forward, his body lighting up with every inch closer he got to her. Her gaze was warm as he walked up the front steps, stopping only a foot away from where she was standing.

  “You’ve got a feather in your hair,” she whispered, reaching up to take it out. But instead of pulling away, she slowly caressed his cheek, her fingers feathering against his skin. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  She was too much. Everything. He couldn’t take the ache in his body any more. Without drawing a breath, he crashed his mouth against hers, kissing her hotly in a way he’d only dreamed of for months.

  Then she was kissing him back, her arms wrapped around his neck, her sweet body pressing into his. She was everything he remembered. Warm and soft, yet able to set his soul on fire. He slid his hands down her back, cupping her behind as he lifted her against him. Stepping forward until she was wedged between him and the wall of her cottage, he kissed her again, his tongue sliding against hers. His heart was hammering against his chest, his dick hard and needy as he pressed himself against her, as Courtney’s fingers tangled into his hair.

  “My bedroom,” she said, her breath hot against his lips. “Now.”

  She didn’t need to ask him twice. There was nowhere else he wanted to be apart from inside her. He let her down from his hold long enough for her to open the front door, then scooped her up again, unwilling to be parted from her for a moment more.

  Her lips curled against his as he kissed her once more, kicking the front door shut with the sole of his shoe before he shucked them both off and carried her up the stairs.

  “Should I use something?” he murmured against her lips as she unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. Her dress was already pooled on the floor, her bra nestled on top of it. The way he wanted to take care of her touched her more than it should.

  “Kinda like bolting the stable door after the horse is gone,” she told him with a wry grin. He laid her back on the bed, and unfastened his pants. “Anyway, for what it’s worth I’m clean. I got tested at the last appointment.” Her eyes lifted to his. “And I haven’t been with anybody since we were last together.”

  “Neither have I.” His voice was thick. He ran his hands up her bare legs, sliding them apart and staring straight at her panties. “These are beautiful,” he said, running his thumb over the ivory lace. She felt the pad press against the most sensitive part of her, and the shot of pleasure made her toes curl up. “But they need to come off,” he told her, hooking his thumbs around the elastic and pulling it down. He threw the lace behind him, then traced his fingers over her hips and stomach, his eyes intense as he took her in. “Do you know how often I’ve thought about this?” he asked her. “How many times I’ve imagined you laying naked in front of me? I could get high off the taste of you.” He leaned closer to the center of her, until he was only a breath away. “I want to drown in you and never surface again.”

  She loved how intense he was. How his need matched hers. “I’ve thought about you, too,” she told him. “Every night.”

  “Do you touch yourself when you think of me?” His gaze lifted.

  She nodded, feeling her cheeks flush.

  “Good. Show me.”

  She’d forgotten how bossy he was in bed. And how much she liked it. She pulled her lip between her teeth, hovering somewhere between embarrassment and desire as she slowly slid her right hand down her body, hesitating as she reached the top of her pelvis.

  He caught her wrist, lifting her palm to her lips. Then he slid his mouth around her middle and pointer finger, flickering his tongue over them as he sucked tightly.

  “Oh,” she sighed, pleasure tightening at the center of her.

  “Now touch yourself.” He put her hand right where he wanted it, his eyes darkening as she slowly dragged her fingers down the center.

  “You’re beautiful.” His voice was raspy as she moved rhythmically against herself, her nipples tightening as she slowly rode the wave of desire. “Slide them in,” he urged. “Yeah, like that.”

  She was on the edge just from a few simple touches. But it wasn’t her that was taking her there, it was him. His commands, his desire, the pure pleasure he was getting from watching her. He made her feel like she was the center of his universe.

  He was definitely the center of hers right now.

  “I’m so close,” she whispered. “Should I?”

  He swallowed hard, staring at her as though she was more edible than anything they’d eaten tonight. Then he breathed her in again, letting out a low groan as he slowly ran the tip of his tongue against her aching flesh.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he circled her again and again, using his hand to encourage her own as she slid her fingers in and out. Her head fell back on the bed, her body arching as her whole world narrowed to a single pinpoint, reaching the precipice and teetering, until he closed his lips around her clit and sucked.

  Behind her closed lids, everything exploded. Her muscles tightened, her body lifted, and she called out his name. Then he was moving up the bed, kissing her with his warm lips, swallowing her cries as if they were nectar to his soul.

  Before she could take another breath, he was inside her, the tight, full sensation making her orgasm peak once more. He held her close, his breath short and hot as he took her again and again. And when he came, spilling hotly into her, he whispered her name against her lips. Then he rolled over, pulling her with him, as though he couldn’t bear to be parted from her.

  Which was perfect, because she didn’t think she could bear it either.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hearing her phone ringing from the kitchen, Courtney rushed back into the cottage, pulling the door closed quickly to keep out the cold air. It had been two days since Logan had returned to Boston, yet he’d called her at least four times since then. So it was no surprise to see his name on the screen when she picked it up from the counter and swiped her finger across to accept the call.

  “Hey,” she said, a little breathless. “I was just checking on the hens. Have you been calling long?”
  “It went to voicemail once,” he admitted, sounding sheepish. “I was worried, so I thought I’d call again.”

  She leaned against the counter and smiled. “Well I’m glad you did. It’s nice to hear your voice.” There was another box of pastries on the counter – delivered today, courtesy of Logan – and the aroma of cinnamon and apples filled the air. “I got the Danishes. Thank you.” Her lips curled up. “I’ve only eaten two so far.”

  “The baby’s restrained today,” he teased. She’d been blaming all her extra eating on the baby, but the fact was she couldn’t resist the sweet smell of everything he sent her. And if she couldn’t eat without regard now, when could she?

  “At least somebody is.” She laughed. “How’s work? You must be so busy right now.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. It’s full on. Would you believe there’s a coffee shortage? In Boston? Our supplier ran out of our usual blend and it’s been a headache sourcing something similar. Then there’s the usual. Staff bitching about some of them getting better tips than others. Plus the renovation in Back Bay.” He gave a little chuckle. “Sorry, this must be boring as hell to listen to. I’ll stop moaning.”

  “No. I like hearing about your work. It beats wrangling chickens.”

  “I can guarantee your work is harder than mine. How is Hester, anyway?”

  “Missing you.” She paused, realizing what she’d said. But it was true. Not about Hester, but about her. He’d only been gone for two days, yet it felt like weeks. “Oh, did I tell you that Ellie and Dan came over this morning? They’re going to take three dozen eggs from us a day. At this rate I’ll have to get more hens.”

  “Try not to get any more like Hester,” he suggested, making her laugh again. “And yeah, Dan called me to rave about the eggs. Shame you can’t ship them up to Boston, I’d buy them all.”

  Her smile faltered at the reminder of how far away he was from her. In geographical terms, five hundred miles wasn’t that much. It was drivable in a day, after all. Flight times were less than two hours.

  But it wasn’t just the distance. It was the difference in their lifestyles. She was up early, tending to the livestock and working on the farm. He worked late – long after midnight. Some days he was climbing into bed around the time that she was taking her morning shower.

  And she couldn’t see how to bridge the gap between them.

  Yeah, the sex was hot. And they were both determined to make things easy between them so the baby could see both of its parents. But it wasn’t going to be a breeze. Not by a long shot.

  Giving birth sounded simple compared to the aftermath.

  “So, I called to ask you a question,” he said, his deep voice cutting through her thoughts.

  She let out a lungful of air and let the smile return to her lips. “Okay. Shoot.”

  “What are you doing on Christmas Eve?”

  “Um, nothing really. I go to church on Christmas Day so I’m usually in bed by ten the night before. Why do you ask?”

  “My family are all getting together at my brother’s place. Everybody will be there. I thought it might be a good time for you to meet them all. Only if you want to, of course. No pressure.”

  “Are you sure they want me there? I’m not really family.”

  “Of course you are.” His voice was firm. “You’re having my baby. That makes us family. And I want you there.”

  The familiar warmth washed over her. “Then I’d like to come. Which brother’s house?”

  “Gray. He has the biggest house, though Tanner’s is pretty huge, too.”

  “And will Cam be there?” She felt strange at the thought of meeting him. From the photographs Logan had shown her, the two of them were virtually doubles, though you could tell them apart from their hairstyles and the clothes they wore. Logan was always slick and sophisticated, where Cam was casual.

  But it wasn’t the similarity that made her hesitate. It was the fact they were so close. For a while, they’d both had the same dream of playing in the NFL. And even now they lived in the same city.

  Cam was important to Logan. All his family were. And that made their opinions matter. Would they think less of her for getting pregnant?

  “Maddie specifically asked me to invite you,” Logan said, as though he could read her thoughts. “She’s looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “Did she tell you we bumped into each other? She’s so sweet. She messaged me to suggest we go shopping after Christmas and start up a registry for the baby.” She smiled at the thought. “I guess we’ll need to get two of everything, since you’ll have him or her some nights.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” His voice sounded a little strange. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “We have plenty of time.” Was it weird she wanted to reassure him. He was so naturally confident and calm that she didn’t like hearing the hesitation in his voice.

  “We do. And I’ll be able to concentrate on things more once the new restaurant opens.”

  “When are you planning on opening it?” she asked him.

  “It’s due to be ready late January, if all goes to plan.”

  “Not long then.” No wonder he sounded so harassed. “How many restaurants will you have?”

  “This is our fourth. The plan was always to have five in the city and surrounding areas, then look at expanding in the east. New York, Washington D.C., possibly further south.”

  She tried to imagine him running this empire he was creating with a baby in his arms, but it was impossible. She’d already begun to think about how she would juggle working on the farm and taking care of their child. It wouldn’t be easy, but compared to his life it was a piece of cake.

  “Sounds demanding.”

  He chuckled. “You could say that.” She could hear the murmur of another voice. “Listen, I have to go. I’ll pick you up at seven on Christmas Eve if that works?”

  “Sounds perfect, thank you.”

  “Everything else okay?” he asked, as though he wasn’t quite ready to hang up.

  “Everything’s fine,” she said, her voice teasing. “Now go and sort out your restaurants.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon. Take care.”

  He ended the call and she put the phone back on the counter, running her finger along her bottom lip. Why was it that everything seemed so easy when it was just the two of them?

  And why was it that everything else – his work, her in-laws, the distance between them – seemed so damn complicated?

  Add in a baby, and they were asking for trouble.

  “He wants you to meet his family on Christmas Eve? That’s intense. Are you ready for it?” Lifting a handful of Courtney’s curls, she inspected them closely. “You need to condition these before you go.” She sighed. “Dammit, if you would’ve told me I could have booked you in for a blow out, but we’re completely full. Maybe I can arrange for somebody to lock Mrs. Fairfax in her house…”

  “Stop it.” Courtney laughed. “I don’t need another blow out. You made me come in last week, remember? And it’s just a casual thing. That’s what Logan says. Jeans and sweaters and old Christmas movies.”

  Lainey pressed her lips together, her eyes scanning Courtney’s face.

  “What?” Courtney asked, wrinkling her nose at the scrutiny. Lainey had stopped in on her way home from the salon, after another late night teasing and primping the good folk of Hartson’s Creek. When Courtney had opened the front door to her, a single snowflake had fallen to her feet, its journey so gentle that at first she’d thought it was a feather.

  She and Ellis had spent the day changing the animals’ beds in the barns and coops, making sure they were warm enough for the forecasted snow storm. It was only supposed to last for one day, according to the overly-excited forecaster on the evening news earlier, but Ellis was adamant the animals needed to be comfortable.

  “What exactly is going on with you and Logan anyway?” Lainey finally asked, lifting the mug of coffee to her lips.

��What do you mean?”

  “Are you a couple now?” Lainey pressed her lips together. “After all, he’s introducing you to his family. That has to mean something.”

  “We’re not a couple.” Courtney pulled her lip between her teeth, considering her friend’s question. “We don’t even live in the same state. And we hardly know each other. It’s too early for that kind of thing.”

  “Honey, you’re having a baby. It’s too late rather than too early.” Lainey bit down a grin. “I don’t get this. The sex is hot, he’s the daddy of your baby, and he’s absolutely gorgeous. So why aren’t you making it official?”

  Courtney leaned heavily on the counter, staring down at her untouched decaf coffee. “It isn’t that easy. This was never supposed to be more than a casual thing. And I know the baby’s put a wrench in that. But the fact is he lives in Boston and I live here and he hasn’t even asked if I want to be more than co-parents.” She glanced down at her stomach, rubbing it softly. Her bump was really beginning to show now, and she was finding it hard not to touch. It was crazy how quickly she’d gotten used to the idea of a little life growing inside her. It felt so natural. So real. She couldn’t think of a safer place for her baby than where he or she was resting right now.

  “I hate to tell you, but you’re already more than co-parents. Every time you see him you end up in bed together.” Lainey shook her head, her brows knitting together. “I’m scared you’re going to end up getting hurt.”

  “Hurt? How?”

  “You get this funny look on your face when you talk about him. Your voice goes all low, too. I think you’re falling for him, and I know you, Courtney. You’re not cut out to do casual.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Courtney gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m a big girl.”

  “But what about the baby? When he or she is born? Are you gonna carry on sleeping with Logan? Won’t that confuse your child?”


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