Overdose: A British Bad Boy Romance

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Overdose: A British Bad Boy Romance Page 2

by Raven St. Pierre

  “Can I help you?” she asked in a clipped tone, hating that he continued to push like this.

  Didn’t she deserve space?

  Didn’t he owe her that after everything?

  She was almost positive Simon had no clue just how deep this newfound hatred for him ran.

  He took in the sight of her sitting in her chair, his soon-to-be ex-wife, rocking the hell out of a navy blue power-suit. When he failed to respond to her previous question, Vanessa stared, observing him right back as he ogled her.

  Ignorant to Vanessa’s mounting intolerance, Simon’s gaze came to rest on her thighs—smooth, tight, the shade of a rich, expensive blend of coffee with just a small drop of cream. A memory flashed in his head, a vision of those same legs spread across his desk just after office hours in the Psych Building.

  Their story began more than a decade ago, back when he was a prominent Psychology professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Vanessa was nothing more to him than an eager student who couldn’t outrun his charm. He was nearly twenty-years her senior, but the age difference was rarely felt. He had no trouble keeping up with her insatiable sexual appetite then or now.

  Damn… he missed those days, when he was still allowed to touch her. After only one night with him, he had her thoroughly hooked, and she had him wrapped around her dainty finger.

  But now… all he had to go on was the memory of what was.

  From the start of their relationship, sex had been a major part of the connection. In fact, they hadn’t even gone on an actual date until Vanessa graduated with her Master’s degree. Meaning, for an entire year, commencing with the first day he saw her sitting in the front row of his lecture hall, the relationship was strictly sexual. Sure there was conversation afterward, but it wasn’t so much the intellectual or emotional bond that made them fall in love; it was the physical.

  His eyes continued to wander as nostalgia reminded him of all he’d had and lost. He always loved her legs, especially when she had on a sleek pair of high heels like she did now. However, all he was allowed to do these days was look. Touching her was out of the question.

  Six months had passed since Vanessa found pale-pink lipstick on the collar of a shirt he’d worn. It didn’t matter that he’d take all the cheating back if he could. To Vanessa, all that mattered was that her husband of nine years had been unfaithful… and he couldn’t blame her for that.

  Feeling the cold hands of guilt inching their way up his back, Simon cleared his throat and stepped closer, running a hand through his blond and gray-streaked hair.

  Vanessa continued to stare, repeating the phrase, “Can I help you?”

  Simon initially thought to have a seat on the couch, but he knew he wasn’t welcome. That feeling should’ve been enough to keep him away altogether, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t fathom the idea of just letting his wife go. In his mind, regardless of how many offenses he committed, she would always belong to him.

  “Did you uh… did you get my boy off to school all right this morning?” he asked, trying like hell to sound confident. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the right to inquire about their son, but damn if she didn’t make him feel like he didn’t. That icy glare of hers…

  Blinking dark lashes Simon’s way, Vanessa sighed. “Don’t I always?”

  Simon nodded and gave a tight smile, knowing his face had become red when it heated. Yes, he really did want to hear about his son, but that wasn’t the only reason he’d come to Vanessa’s office. He hated that, soon, the paperwork would all be final and he’d lose her for good. It was hard enough not getting to go home to her every night, but the idea of her no longer being his, the idea of her moving on one day… it was almost too much to handle. He loved her. She had to know that despite his actions; had to feel that.

  In a fit of pure desperation, he spoke without giving much thought to what he might say. All he knew was that he had to say something. Time was running out. According to his lawyer, in a matter of weeks, maybe only two, everything would be finalized and he will have officially lost one of the two most important people in his life.

  If only he’d been able to show her that. If only he’d been a better husband, a better man.

  The words, “Let me take you to dinner this weekend,” kind of fell at Vanessa’s feet when they tumbled from Simon’s mouth. The statement came out forced and clumsy, but he didn’t care. For her, he’d be awkward and vulnerable, two things he’d never been, but he’d do whatever it took to win his wife back.

  “We can call a babysitter for Ryan… or, or even take him with us if that’s what you want. I don’t care,” he went on. “Just… please.” He paused to evaluate Vanessa’s blank expression.

  When she puffed a short sigh and slid her glasses off, his gaze was trained on her dark-brown eyes. “Simon… I don’t know how much clearer I can make this.”

  “Dammit, Nessa! Don’t shut me out!” He hadn’t meant to get upset, but he knew she was getting ready to reject this offer just like she had all the ones before it.

  Weren’t they worth some sort of fight?

  He felt like she’d been so dismissive about this whole thing. Granted, what he’d done was wrong, but… he was never given a chance to explain himself; was never given a chance to seek the help he knew he needed to resolve his… issues.

  Issues he kept to himself.

  Issues he knew could potentially push Vanessa even further away.

  She’d cut him off with no real dialogue. Surely, someone with her expertise should’ve understood there was more to the story, he thought. His infidelity was just the tip of the iceberg.

  That night was still so clear in his head. The second he walked through the door there wasn’t a question in his mind… she knew. At the time, he had no idea how she figured it out, but she knew. He could tell by the brokenness in her eyes. As soon as he stepped foot inside their bedroom, Vanessa came at him full-force, throwing her fists until he was able to restrain her. Through a blur of profanity and tears, she laid it all out on the table—what she found, how it made her feel, and what she wanted to happen next… she wanted him gone.

  That was the end of it.

  Simon had never been given the opportunity to tell her his side and that made him feel like he’d explode.

  Vanessa stared after his outburst, trying to remember the last time Simon had raised his voice at her. She couldn’t recall, but knew it’d been years. She couldn’t understand why he’d even think she would accept such an invitation. Had she given him the idea that there was room to reconcile? No, she was sure she hadn’t. Yet and still, he was bold enough to ask.

  “I think you should leave my office,” she said calmly, feeling the familiar sting of tears in the corners of her eyes. She could not and would not do this here, not in their place of business. Hell! She didn’t want to do it anywhere. There was nothing to talk about, nothing left of their relationship to salvage.

  Simon read her mind, or read her face, rather.

  The sound of Greta’s voice over the intercom broke the silence. “Your next appointment’s in, Dr. Ferris. Should I send her in?”

  A chill passed between Vanessa and Simon as they stared at one another, frustrated for two very different reasons.

  “Sure,” Vanessa replied flatly.

  Simon moved toward the door, feeling his back and shoulders tense after the fruitless exchange with his wife. She’d always been stubborn, but once upon a time he loved that about her. However, it was different when that stubbornness was aimed at him, serving the express purpose of keeping him out of her life.

  Now, more than ever, he felt that their end was inevitable.

  Chapter Two

  “Your one o’clock, Dr. Ferris.”

  Vanessa sighed heavily, second-guessing her decision to do this favor for her former colleague.

  “Thanks, Greta. Send him in.”

  While she waited, she tugged the hem of her skirt down over her crossed legs.

  The door op
ened silently, minus the usual courtesy knock she expected. Watching from her seat, she observed her newest patient as he stepped into her office and surveyed the room, tucking a black, motorcycle helmet beneath his arm.

  The first thought that came to her mind was how terribly attractive he was, like the kind of attractive that could easily make a woman do things she wouldn’t otherwise; the kind of attractive that bred trouble. This thought reminded her of the reason Jim had sent him her way—sex addiction. If she had to guess, his good looks made finding women to satisfy his urges pretty damn easy.

  The distance between them disappeared as the beautiful stranger stepped closer. Thick, dark hair on the crown of his head was neatly styled while the sides were shaven low. Vanessa stood and held in a breath as she continued to stare into eyes a peculiar shade of golden-brown. They sized her up slowly. The flecked orbs of his pupils seemed to burn brighter when he met her gaze and a dim smile touched his lips—damp as if he’d just moistened them with his tongue before crossing the threshold.

  The fragrance he wore was subtle enough that it didn’t precede him. Instead, the scent came as sort of an afterthought once the two stood face to face. There was a perfect measure of sweetness and spice that made Vanessa breathe more deeply than what felt natural; drawing it in, savoring it, savoring him. She caught herself on the brink of getting carried away and drove the temporary fog from her thoughts.

  In usual fashion, she greeted the gentleman with a smile just like she did all her other patients.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Vanessa Ferris,” she said, extending a hand.

  “Zander Hale. Pleasure meeting you,” he said, taking Vanessa’s hand in his. Her eyes flickered at the sound of a heavy, British accent.

  That was unexpected.

  Motioning for Zander to have a seat on the burgundy couch across from her, Vanessa sank down into her own chair again, cross-legged just like before he entered. She skimmed the few details Dr. Keiser had shared—insomniac, possible narcissistic personality disorder, sex addiction. Gazing up, she found Zander already watching with inquisitive eyes as he eased his arms from the dark, leather riding jacket that clung to his frame.

  Vanessa took a breath and did her best not to stare.

  “I’d like to get to know you. Can you tell me a few things about yourself, Mr. Hale?”

  “Zander,” he corrected. “And where exactly would you like me to start? Your request is a bit broad.” He stared at Vanessa expectantly, waiting for a more specific question.

  She looked down at her mostly blank notepad and away from Zander’s intensity. “Well… your accent tells me you’re not from the States. Are you from England?”

  “Yes. Beckenham, South London, to be more specific.”

  When her patient fell silent again, Vanessa nodded. “Okay. What about family? Wife? Children? Parents or siblings close by?”

  Zander perched an elbow on the arm of the couch and cocked his head. “My mother is right where I left her. I have a brother. Younger. He moved here with me a decade ago. And no wife. No kids.”

  “It’s interesting that you brought your brother here with you. Did he follow you for a reason?”

  “I don’t see how that’s relevant,” Zander shot back, expressionless.

  Vanessa took a shallow breath. No stranger to difficult patients, she was unmoved by Zander’s callousness.

  “Well, today’s session is about me getting to know you.”

  “That hardly seems fair,” he said with a smirk. “Sounds rather one-sided, wouldn’t you say? I’m just supposed to let you inside my head; let you poke around a bit, and then what? You feed me your ‘expert’ diagnosis after leeching off my bank account for a few years?” he asked.

  “Is that your perception of therapy?” Vanessa asked calmly.


  “Why’s that?” She jotted down a note while waiting.

  “Because that’s precisely the reason I chose the profession myself.”

  Her pen stopped and she looked up into Zander’s intense gaze. “You’re a psychologist,” she reiterated.

  He answered with a slow smile. “Does that scare you?”

  “Why would that scare me? Your profession has very little to do with your treatment.”

  He laughed cynically. “It has everything to do with it, actually.” He leaned forward and rested both elbows on his knees, closing the distance between himself and Vanessa just a bit. He liked to see a woman’s eyes dilate when he entered into that invisible bubble of personal space; the one that sets off all types of physiological alarms within the body when breached.

  “Aren’t you the least bit interested in knowing what sort of sick, maniacal bastard has written textbooks on psychosis, neurosis, and erotomania, but can’t cure his own damn issues?” He laughed again. “I mean… aren’t you a little curious about what’s going on inside this head of mine?”

  Vanessa remained still and void of expression after Zander’s outburst.

  He held her cold gaze and couldn’t resist the urge to smile again as he realized something; his new doctor wasn’t easily rattled.

  He liked that.

  “I tell you what. Let’s cut to the chase. Let’s leave family out of it and just… dig right in, shall we?” he said, tapping a finger to his temple.

  Vanessa nodded. “All right, you talk. I’ll listen.” If she was going to handle this case, she had to keep the upper hand.

  Zander’s smile faded as he leaned his back against the couch, letting his eyes drag up the length of Vanessa’s brown legs. She cleared her throat, but didn’t look away from him.

  “What’d the doc tell you I was in for?” Zander finally asked.

  “The description I got was vague, so let’s just assume I know nothing.”

  “Fair enough. To simplify things, I like sex. Need… sex,” he clarified.

  Vanessa leaned her head to the side. “That doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary. Everyone’s sex drive is different. What makes yours qualify as a problem?”

  The corners of Zander’s mouth lifted. He detected undertones of a challenge in Vanessa’s response.

  “How often would you say you think about sex in a day?” she asked more pointedly.


  She smiled, glancing down at the term ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ written on the sheet of paper. “I’m sure that’s an exaggeration.”

  Zander remained stone-faced, prepared to prove his point. “Since entering your office, roughly…” he paused to look down at his watch, “…oh, six minutes ago, I’ve already imagined you sucking my cock from beneath your desk, fantasized about bending you over that table,” he said, pointing toward the mahogany antique to his right without breaking eye contact. “And, pardon my candor, but I’m currently fighting the urge to drop to my knees for a taste of you as we speak.”

  While Vanessa sat still as a statue, Zander invaded that delicate boundary of space again before repeating the one word that summed it all up:


  She tried to steady her breathing while making another note. Zander turned to gaze out the window and Vanessa took a moment to watch him while his attention was elsewhere. His demeanor had shifted tremendously since he walked in. When the topic transitioned to sex, he became increasingly aggressive. Even now, his leg was shaking.

  “How long have you suffered from—”

  “Decades,” he answered, cutting her off. “Since I was fourteen, fifteen maybe.”

  “You had your first sexual experience at fourteen?”

  “Is that strange?”

  Vanessa ignored the question, assuming it was rhetorical anyway. “What made you decide to seek help now?”

  Zander let his eyes shift from the window, to Vanessa’s face again. “In short? These… urges, if you will, are a bit difficult to control. And judging by the myriad of credentials framed on that back wall,” he added, pointing, “I’m sure you can imagine how a condition such as t
his would eventually become an issue.”

  Vanessa eased her glasses up from the tip of her nose and back into their rightful position. “How so?”

  The question visibly annoyed her patient, but she confidently maintained eye contact while waiting for further explanation.

  A sharp breath puffed from Zander’s lips. “Professionally. Romantically. Socially. What else would you like me to say?”

  Vanessa again noted his hostility. He was seething in his seat while she stared on, indifferent to his unprovoked outburst.

  “Sex brings about a plethora of reactions—physical, emotional, psychological—what is it that sex makes you feel?”

  The silence that filled the air was unforeseen. She expected Zander to have a response readily available. As a psychologist himself, she assumed this was something he’d thought of before.

  “Physically, it’s about the heat.”

  Not what she expected to hear. “Tell me more.”

  Zander shrugged and stared at the ceiling while he explained. “Body heat—that simple, and yet very significant, indicator that you’re not alone.”

  “Does being alone—”

  “Scare me?” he cut in. “No, but I don’t think any of us would choose it over the alternative.”

  Inwardly, Vanessa agreed with Zander’s logic. “Okay… is that all for the physical?”

  His eyes flickered a little before he gave way to a smile. “Really? You’re going to make me say it?”

  The corner of Vanessa’s mouth turned up, too. “We’re both adults, professionals. I’m only trying to gain an understanding of where this addiction stems from.”

  Still smirking, Zander nodded and gave her the answer she sought. “Suit yourself. Physically? I love that first plunge—that initial burst of wet heat enveloping my cock.” He smiled bigger just thinking about it. “Drives me absolutely mad.”

  Vanessa took a deep breath and squeezed her thighs together. She’d gone too long without sex—with someone other than herself, anyway—to listen to such explicit details without it affecting her. Although she figured Zander was none-the-wiser, she felt embarrassed by her body’s very human reaction to his words all the same.


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