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Overdose: A British Bad Boy Romance

Page 17

by Raven St. Pierre

  A deep stare lassoed Vanessa into the dark, sensually carnal orbit of Dr. Zander Hale. A devious smile touched his lips… mere seconds before he lowered them to her pussy.

  Powerful waves of pleasure radiated from her core in a variety of vibrations and electrifying tingles that reached her limbs.

  “We can’t… not out here,” she panted. Her eyes darted around in every direction, to windows with open curtains, windows in rooms where televisions glowed, windows in rooms with bright lights and moving shadows.


  So many windows.

  Hundreds of windows.

  And yet… Zander licked and sucked her like crazy as if they were hidden away in the privacy of a bedroom.

  “What if someone’s watching?” Vanessa managed to ask, gasping for air the next second when her clit was rhythmically drawn between Zander’s wet lips… over and over again.

  He freed his mouth from the valley between her thighs only long enough to answer her question:

  “Then let them watch.”

  Her heart raced at the sound of his words, imagining all the eyes that could possibly be on them. She writhed in her seat and tilted her head back until she faced the stars. Silken strands of Zander’s dark hair passed through her fingers as she gathered it in her hands. He sank his tongue inside, tasting how her deeply sweet aroma translated into a flavor, one uniquely hers, one he couldn’t get his fill of, one he knew he’d always crave.

  ‘Was he trying to prove something?’ she thought to herself. Because, if he was, it was working. Was it possible that he felt what she’d been thinking? The things she hadn’t quite figured out how to convey to him? Had Zander, the man she thought incapable of thinking of anyone but himself, sensed that she needed to be the one sought after tonight?

  He feasted on her until he was sure she knew he meant no offense by his thoughtless words. Here he was, literally on his knees before her, with one goal in mind—making her come. She said she wouldn’t beg, but he, on the other hand, had no problem letting her feel his desperation this evening.

  Only being able to take short, shallow breaths had made Vanessa lightheaded. That only worsened when two lengthy fingers slipped inside her, too, stroking her channel as Zander’s tongue continued to flick and tease.

  This, his undivided attention, was exactly what she needed.

  None of this was in his plan for tonight. Honestly, he didn’t count on foreplay beyond the toy he purchased, which now lie in a tattered mess of black lace on the ground. Typically, in his haste to have his own needs met, there was rarely any thought for his female counterpart. However, tonight… Vanessa’s needs seemed to take precedence.

  In so many ways, she’d broken him down, turned the tables. Of this fact, Zander was well aware. The contrary side of him wanted to resist, wanted to return to being the savage he’d been before, but… this change within him began the moment he laid eyes on her. She became his focus.

  “Right there,” Vanessa whispered, her voice nearly getting lost amidst the sounds of the city. When she spoke, he glanced up to enjoy the sight of her. However, when he did, his eyes were averted by a shadow barely hidden behind an opaque curtain.

  They did indeed have at least one admirer.

  His heart thundered at the discovery. If a show was what they wanted, the stranger was about to get their wish.

  Vanessa’s wetness coated Zander’s lips when he separated himself, a feat which proved more difficult than he imagined. Twice, he returned to that oh-so-inviting warmth between her thighs for just ‘one last taste’. Eventually, able to tear himself away, he rose from his knees and tugged his zipper down with haste. Freeing his cock from his boxers, Vanessa’s breath came quicker now as he stared down on her, watching her get swept away in a fantasy.

  The tight, striped dress rose high on Vanessa’s hips when he helped her to her feet, still clad in high heels. Zander took possession of her seat and then masterfully slipped on a condom with one hand, working the transparent latex down his thick shaft.

  Vanessa’s mouth, and other parts of her body, watered for him.

  When he was done, those dark eyes peered up at her with a brash smile, one that boasted of his confidence. He knew she liked what she saw, knew she loved his cock. With his pants and boxers pulled down no further than his knees, Zander instructed Vanessa on what to do next:

  “Have a seat, love.”

  And so she did, letting his dick fill her when she straddled his lap, feeling it stretch her in ways no one else had ever done.

  Tight heat surrounded him and the material of her dress gathered in his fingers as he gripped her back. Her breasts pressed close to his face made him feel greedy, like he didn’t have enough hands to touch all of her delectable parts. She, the beautiful object of his obsession, was perfection on two legs.

  He loved knowing she could live without him, could have found any number of things to do with her time tonight… but indulged him anyway. Whether she realized it or not, the more of herself she gave, she fed his fascination. One would think that lifting the veil would make his interest dim, but that wasn’t the case. Zander had a feeling he’d never get tired of trying to learn the intricacies of her mind. Yes, she alone satisfied his body and mind all at once.

  A warm breeze passed over his face when Vanessa let out a breath. Before she could inhale another, he captured her lips, and then her tongue, tasting traces of lemon and coconut when he did.

  The slow grind of her hips drove him deeper and he released a moan into her mouth, already dreaming about the sweet release she’d bring him. As good as she felt, he was positive she looked just as good to the stranger he hadn’t forgotten about. They were undoubtedly still watching.

  Tearing his mouth from Vanessa’s, he glanced toward the window and, sure enough, that shadow moved again, but didn’t disappear.

  ‘How would she feel if she knew we were being watched?’ he wondered.

  Would she want to stop? Would the idea intrigue her as much as it did him?

  From what he could tell, Vanessa played by the rules, colored inside the lines—two things he rarely ever did. Now that she had opened up to him, he wanted her to live a little; would’ve loved for her to take a walk on the dark side with him, but there was just too great a risk in telling her, too much to lose if she stopped playing along. As badly as he wanted to call her attention to what only he knew… he had to resist.

  No space existed between them. They were body to body, chest to chest, face to face, her air was his air. Zander was no stranger to sex, but intimacy? That was uncharted territory for him. The unfamiliarity of it was precisely the reason he nearly missed it, but it did eventually get his attention.

  Loud and clear.

  His mind, his body, and now his soul were all in tune with hers.

  Soft, fleshy lips gently pressed to Zanders, contrasting the fervor with which Vanessa rode his dick. The two warring sensations created a conflict inside him he hadn’t expected. There’d been a power shift, one that gave Vanessa the upper hand, one Zander loved and hated. He was like putty in her dainty little fingers.

  She had him.

  Dammit, she had him.

  His skin cooled when Vanessa’s hands moved from the sides of his neck to the arms of the chair. With her forehead pressed to his, her eyes stayed closed and she thrust harder.

  She was getting ready to come.

  Filling his hands with her hips, Zander brought her to him rough, feeding her his dick with every pull. A whimper left Vanessa’s lips and her head tilted up, exposing her throat.

  He couldn’t resist.

  His mouth latched on to her and he sucked, feeling her pulse throb against his tongue when he did. Her pussy gripped him tight, like a glove, locking around him.

  The volume of that soft cry rose higher until it rang out into the night air. She was coming for him and he loved every single second of it. Feeling her tightness around him worked him into a frenzy until he joined her in ecstasy, filli
ng the condom with several hard juts of cum.

  For a while, the sound of Vanessa’s heavy breathing serenaded him as he slipped into the calm that always came after the storm. But then, those breaths could no longer be heard.

  They disappeared when she found his lips again.

  His hands moved from her naked thighs to her waist and, eventually… his arms engulfed her completely in an unexpected embrace.


  This… was intimacy.

  Now, he recognized it right away and, for some reason, he believed he’d never forget what it felt like again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Simon knocked and waited, thinking of what he needed to discuss with Vanessa, mulling over the details so he didn’t stumble.

  A faint,“Come in,” had him turning the knob to her door.

  He peered inside and found her seated behind her monitor with its pale, blue light reflecting in the lenses of her glasses. She only wore them when working and he always loved how sophisticated they made her look.

  “Got a minute?” he asked.

  She yawned and nodded, leaning back in her chair. “Yeah, what’s up?”

  ‘No attitude today?’ he thought to himself.

  For days now, she’d been far less high-strung than usual. Maybe the change was because she no longer had the stress of their divorce hanging over her head. The thought of that being what caused her so much relief saddened him, although he wouldn’t let it show.

  He filled the seat across from her desk and brown eyes now met his.

  “I’ll be leaving town the weekend after next for a conference. I just found out and wanted to let you know as soon as possible because that’s the week Ryan’s out of school. I know we discussed me having him a couple extra days, but, unfortunately, I can’t get out of this.”

  Another conference… A long sigh left Vanessa’s mouth.

  “How many days?” she asked, only needing to know so they had an understanding where Ryan was concerned. She would have to adjust her schedule around the days Simon was supposed to have him. It was either that or she would have to rely more heavily on the sitter.

  “Three days in L.A.,” he answered. “So, I’ll head out Thursday evening and should be returning some time Monday morning.”

  Vanessa nodded to let Simon know she heard him, but her mind took her back someplace she didn’t particularly care to go this evening.


  That was where the conference had been held several months ago when Simon returned with a lipstick-stained collar in his bag. She forced herself to let it go and moved on in the conversation.

  “Okay. Thanks for letting me know. The sitter’s picking Ry up today, so I’ll discuss her availability once I get to the house,” she replied dismissively.

  Simon’s brow quirked a bit. “I thought you were leaving out soon. I know he had to stay late today for another Scout meeting, so I thought you’d be off in time to get him,” Simon stated, only now meeting Vanessa’s gaze.

  Her eyes flickered up toward his and she started not to answer. However, the only time she ever made an effort to be accommodating to Simon was when it was in regards to their son. Because of that, she actually answered his question.

  “I have a late appointment coming in any minute,” she replied. Her recent change of heart in regards to treating Zander meant he was now back on her patient roster. Greta had seen to it a couple days ago.

  Simon nodded slowly.

  “Anything else?” she asked.

  He could feel her pushing him out. “No… that’s it.”

  Vanessa gave a tight smile that never reached her eyes and then lowered her gaze to the computer screen to finish checking her email.

  Simon was just about to the door when he stopped, thinking to ask a question, one he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d be reamed for, but he had to.

  “This uh… this wouldn’t happen to be the patient we spoke about before, would it?” He only jumped to this conclusion because there was only one client Simon knew Vanessa to see later in the evening like this. However, he couldn’t recall the man’s name.

  “Which one?” she asked, paying more attention to the onscreen message than Simon at the moment.

  “The one I mentioned might have gotten… involved with Roxy.”

  Vanessa stiffened, but didn’t meet Simon’s gaze.

  “I don’t remember his name. Alexander or something?”

  “It’s Zander,” she reminded him. “And, yes. Him.”

  Simon nodded, figuring as much. He didn’t say it, but he was certainly surprised Vanessa was still treating him. With what he shared with her about Roxy, he thought she would have referred him to see another doctor. Honestly, he would’ve felt better if she had.

  For several reasons.

  Opening Vanessa’s office door, Simon promptly closed it again, deciding not to dismiss his concerns. While she seemed to be in the mood to listen to him for a change, he’d take advantage.

  “Is uh… is he okay?” Simon asked, beating around the bush because he wasn’t quite sure how to get to his point.

  “He’s fine,” she answered, wondering where Simon’s line of questioning would lead, but still not giving any eye contact when she added a flat, “Why?”

  Simon shrugged. “He just seems a little… off.”

  “And how would you know that when you’re not the one treating him?”

  Now she looked Simon in the eyes, and it was then that she realized she sounded defensive. However, it wasn’t just on Zander’s behalf; she hated when Simon acted as if he knew more about her patients’ needs than she did. Not only that, why couldn’t he just mind his own damn business?

  “Does he have violent tendencies?” he asked.

  Vanessa rolled her eyes.

  “You know what, Simon? No… he’s not violent, but I’m not doing this with you,” she said firmly, closing her email out completely. In her mind, she and Simon were only still business partners on paper. Yes, once upon a time, she would’ve listened to professional advice from him, but not anymore. Those days were definitely behind them.

  “You know as well as I do, sometimes sex addicts come with a whole mess of other issues,” he added, pushing Vanessa’s buttons even harder. He only knew of Zander’s diagnosis because of the group meeting he’d forced his way in on. This only added to the reasons she wished he’d stayed in his office that night.

  ‘Who the hell does he think he is?’ she thought to herself.

  “No… actually… I know better than you do what goes on in the mind of a sex addict,” she shot back snidely. “Know why? Because that’s my specialty. Not yours.”

  “I never claimed to know your patients better than you,” Simon managed to say calmly, contrasting the anger beginning to rise inside him. “I simply asked if he’s ever showed signs of being violent.”

  Vanessa didn’t feel like she owed Simon an answer, so she didn’t give one.

  Being forceful with her had never worked. They had enough years together for Simon to know his chances of being heard increased if he spoke gently. “Listen, I wasn’t trying to start a fight. I just saw something in him that I thought you might not have. That’s all. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  “Well… I’ve got things under control,” she replied. And she did. Simon’s assumption about Zander being violent was way off base.

  “So… if you’re finished, I think you should leave now,” she added in a clipped tone, not bothering to hide that she wanted Simon gone.

  He stared. It never ceased to amaze him how quickly she flew off the handle with him these days. Only a moment ago, he thought they might have turned a corner. Clearly, he’d been wrong.

  “Dammit, Vanessa! I can’t say anything to you without you getting this terrible attitude!”

  Vanessa glared at him, not feeling the need to apologize.

  “And the only reason I’m bringing any of this to your attention is because I care!” he shouted, most likely
loud enough for Greta to have heard. However, that didn’t matter to Simon. There was more he wanted to say and wouldn’t hold his tongue.

  “The man’s got some sort of an attachment to you,” Simon declared. “You might not see it, but I sure as hell do. As twisted and distorted as those feelings may be, they’re there, Nessa. I’ve seen it every time I’m in the same room with the guy; the few times I’ve passed him when he’s on his way into your office. He stares at me like some sort of animal ready to strike. Like he’s… he’s marking his damn territory or something,” Simon seethed.

  “That’s enough,” Vanessa concluded, deciding she’d see Simon out since he couldn’t seem to find the door on his own.

  A heavy sigh left her glossed lips and she opened the door wider. “Goodbye, Simon.”

  She snatched the knob toward her and stood there, waiting for her ex to go, but he didn’t right away.

  “You don’t want to hear what I have to say,” Simon breathed. “I see that, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m right about this guy. There’s more to him than you think.”

  Simon was adamant about convincing her Zander wasn’t who she thought, but the irony of this wasn’t lost on her. The wolf himself, the one who donned sheep’s clothing for God knows how many years, was trying to give her advice on deception. She could barely stomach the thought of it.

  The nerve.


  ‘He’s never going to take me seriously again. Not as a professional, at least,’ Vanessa thought to herself, but she fought to hide her true feelings.

  Staring at her notes from Zander’s last session, she felt defeated already and she hadn’t even said much beyond the brief greeting she offered when he walked in. Actually, she was beginning to think agreeing to see him at her office again was a mistake. There were certainly things she could say, questions she could ask pertaining to his treatment, but all she could think about was their rendezvous on the rooftop leading into the weekend. The boundaries had become far too blurred. She couldn’t have it hanging over her head that, after all they’d done, Zander’s mental health was still her responsibility.


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