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Overdose: A British Bad Boy Romance

Page 38

by Raven St. Pierre

  “The key is leverage,” he replied. “He’s got something on you and you’re bound by it because you’ve got no leverage.”

  Vanessa listened when Zander made eye contact. “And I plan to change that,” he added.

  Her pulse quickened, but she didn’t say what was on her mind. She’d already expressed her deepest fears and had to trust that Zander, even amidst his anger, hadn’t forgotten that her main concern was her son.

  When he sighed and leveled a stare her way, Vanessa braced herself. “Did you believe what I said a moment ago? That I’d always protect you?”

  ‘With everything in me,’ she thought to herself, but only nodded in response. Her earlier concerns that he’d react irrationally had now calmed as she sat beside him.

  Zander squeezed her hand. “I wish you’d told me before, but I understand. You’ve got a lot at stake.”

  She had everything at stake.

  It was his knowledge of this that made him doubly cautious as he thought of a way out. There were a few options, but he’d have to make sure that, no matter what, Vanessa would be protected. He promised her that much.

  “Hand me your keys.” He held out his hand and Vanessa didn’t question why he demanded them as she complied. Once they were in Zander’s possession, he elaborated.

  “I’ll park you in my garage for the night in case anyone should decide to ride past looking for you, but you’re staying here.”

  Vanessa breathed deeply.

  “In the morning, stop for a cup of coffee and make a quick trip to the pharmacy for something small before you head home—just so you have a bag to take inside with you. That way, if there’s any question as to where you’ve been or why you’re out so early, it will appear as if you’ve just made a run to the store. No one has to know you’re just arriving.”

  She nodded.

  “Did you leave any lights on at home by chance?”

  “A lamp in the living room,” she replied.

  “Perfect.” There was an ease to his tone that soothed Vanessa immediately. He had this way about him—the ability to make her feel safe like no one else could.

  “I’ll move your car and you can make yourself comfortable. Anything you need,” he added, “it’s yours.”

  With that, he left her to settle in. By the time he stepped down onto the walkway from his porch, he was already dialing. The line rang twice and, much to his surprise, Liam actually picked up. He wasn’t the most reliable creature as far as brothers went, but he somehow came through tonight, at the very moment Zander needed him.

  “And to what do I owe this phone call?” Liam answered with a hint of a smile in his tone.

  “Do you have plans tomorrow?” Zander inquired before reneging on his statement. “On second thought, scratch that. You don’t have plans. Clear your schedule and be here by eight a.m. sharp unless you hear from me stating otherwise.”

  “Well, aren’t we feeling pushy. May I at least ask why I’m being summonsed?”

  Zander unlocked Vanessa’s car door and climbed inside before giving an answer, catching his own reflection in the rearview mirror. “I just need your word that you’ll be here,” he asserted. “Can I count on you?”

  There was no hesitation on the other end, only the sound of Liam taking a breath before he gave his word. “Always, brother. Always.”


  It wasn’t often he shared his bed for the entire night, but as he settled in with her, nothing felt more natural. Even after making love, she was still restless; however, Zander planned to hold her until it passed. She was safe with him.

  The things she shared were maddening—the way her ex thought he could control her, how he held their son over her head as collateral. Only a sick mind would devise such a plan. More than anything, Zander was happy Vanessa finally told him the whole truth. That couldn’t have been easy, but it spoke volumes that she was comfortable enough. The trust between them had grown eons since they first began.

  There was an overwhelming need to fix this. He hated that it had even gone on this long, but at least now they could put a plan into action.

  “I want to respect your wishes,” Zander began. “You asked that I don’t act without you knowing, so I would never betray your trust, but…” He paused, hoping she wouldn’t object. “I have some ideas for how we can get you out of this.”

  With her back to his bare chest, Vanessa smiled. It wasn’t Zander’s nature to slow down long enough to think things through from beginning to end, so his effort didn’t go unnoticed.

  “I’m listening,” she replied.

  The arm wrapped around her waist tightened a bit when be brought her closer, reveling in the feel of her nakedness against his.

  “I’m hiring an investigator to find something on Simon we can work with,” he shared. “There has to be something we could threaten him with that’ll force him to let up.”

  Knowing Simon for as long and as well as she did, Vanessa had doubts anything would turn up. For the most part, because he was ever mindful of his professional reputation, he kept his nose clean. But maybe there was something she hadn’t thought of, so she remained hopeful.

  “Okay. Just let me know what the charges are and I’ll take care of it.”

  Zander laughed quietly in her ear. “You’ll do no such thing,” he countered.

  She sighed, but knew there was no point in fighting him on this. Among other things, he was the most stubborn person she’d ever met.

  “And there’s this,” he said next.

  Feeling something smooth and cool being slid into her hand, Vanessa glanced down. It was a phone. “What’s this for?”

  “Just a precaution, really, but I think it would be best if you and I only communicate using this line. I’ve already locked my number in.”

  She examined it, smiling a little as she came to her own conclusions as to why he kept a second line. “Is this the infamous ‘Bat Phone’?” she asked coyly. It wasn’t so farfetched that someone with his past had to find ways to creatively manage his many female companions.

  “Cute.” A deep chuckle from behind sent a chill up Vanessa’s spine when his breath caressed the side of her face. “More like my afterhours work line. I rarely get calls on the thing and, if I do, you could always pass the messages along.”

  “And… what’s a girl to do if a… non work-related call should come through?” she teased.

  A kiss pressed to the back of her shoulder. “Then you have my expressed consent to handle that however you see fit.” Another touch of his lips warmed her skin. “I have nothing to hide from you.”

  His words didn’t fall on deaf ears and she believed him one-hundred percent.

  A yawn left Vanessa’s mouth and Zander knew it meant she’d drift off soon. Before sleep could steal her away, there was one last thing he wanted to bring her up to speed on.

  “And I don’t like seeing you so worried about someone tailing you, but I think you’re right to be concerned, considering. So,” he breathed, “I’m going to have my brother, Liam, on you at all times.”

  “Zander, that’s not necessary. I’m sure he’s got better things to do and—”

  “Trust me,” he interjected, “he’s got nothing but time and, seeing as how I’ve somehow become his life sponsor, he’s really got no choice in the matter.”

  With a heavy sigh, Vanessa didn’t object. She hated the idea of inconveniencing anyone, but having someone connected to Zander looking out for her was honestly a comfort. She nodded and he went on.

  “He’s got friends who’re equally as useless, so I’ll pay one of them to switch off shifts with him.”

  “At least let me do that part,” she insisted. “You’re already paying the investigator, so I’ll cover this cost. You shouldn’t have to take it all on yourself. This isn’t your problem, Zander. It’s mine.”

  Through the silence, she could hear his slow, steady breaths. His finger traced an invisible line back and forth across her stomach while he thoug
ht. Her statement didn’t sit well with him.

  “Well… I suppose that’s where we disagree,” he began.

  There were things he wanted to say, things he’d been holding back all evening because now didn’t seem like the right time to bring them up. The truth of the matter was: he was just as crazy about her today as he was before things got to be so complicated. Maybe even more so. At the risk of Vanessa thinking his timing was off, he shared some of what he initially intended to keep bottled up.

  “Taking care of you, in any sense of the word, is never a burden,” he began, finishing the statement with the realest thing he’d ever uttered in all his life. “There shouldn’t be limits to what you’re willing to do for someone you love.”

  There. He said it. Plain and simple with no room for misinterpretation.

  Vanessa lie there in shock, letting Zander’s confession sink in.


  There was an all too familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was one that mirrored how vulnerable and exposed he felt when he first let on to wanting more than just a casual fling with her.

  However, unlike that day, Vanessa wasn’t on the fence about her feelings. She had no reason to hold back from telling Zander he wasn’t alone in this.

  The bed shifted some when she turned onto her other side, facing him now. Traces of stubble on Zander’s jaw grazed Vanessa’s palms when she held his face in her hands. She stared at him through the darkness and he didn’t shy away. He didn’t hesitate at all to let her look right into him, to let her see every inch of who he was, inside and out.

  She’d seen it all anyway.

  The good, the bad, the ugly, and she was still here.

  Before meeting him halfway with a confession of her own, she lightly brushed her lips against his. There was just this unshakeable belief that he would somehow make this all better.

  When she uttered the words, “I love you, too,” Zander thought his heart might leap from his chest.

  He’d known this to be a fact for some time now, but those words…

  …it felt like he’d waited a lifetime to hear them.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  There was just something about a man who kept his word.

  Everything Zander promised, he delivered on in the weeks that followed. The added protection of having his brother keep tabs on her; getting a P.I. involved. All of it. He was just so on top of things and, even though there was no clearly defined end in sight, she held on to a sliver of hope because he gave her every reason to.

  Sneaking to see one another was far too risky, so, for nearly a month now, no further attempts were made. Communication had been limited to phone calls and text messages on the private line until they figured things out. Zander never pushed, respecting all Vanessa had on the line. If all went according to plan, this would be over soon and things could return to normal.

  The last conversation they exchanged face to face was somewhat monumental. There was a whole new aspect of their connection that had yet to be explored. More than anything, Vanessa looked forward to settling into the ease of a full-fledged relationship with the man she loved.

  It still felt incredible to freely admit to those feelings.

  The sound of a very frustrated sigh to her left brought her out of her thoughts. Not even the promise of an ice cream run upon his return home Sunday could put a smile on Ryan’s face. Usually, he looked forward to visits with Simon, but tonight, it seemed like he’d rather not go.

  Nudging him with her knee as they sat side by side on the steps, Vanessa got her son’s attention.

  “It’s not too late for me to call and tell him you’re not up to coming,” she offered. Granted, Simon would have a fit and think this was just a ploy to keep him from Ryan, but she didn’t care.

  Ryan shook his head. “Nah, it’s cool. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. Besides, it’s not that I don’t want to be with him, it’s just that he’s not the same.”

  That piqued Vanessa’s interest. “What do you mean?” She was careful to keep her voice light and even.

  Ryan shrugged. “I don’t really know how to describe it, but he’s different. He doesn’t play the game with me like he used to. We don’t go to the movies or park or anything like that. Mostly, I just watch TV now or play by myself.”

  She’d made it a point not to grill Ryan about Simon, because she didn’t want him caught in the middle, but since he was offering information…

  “And what’s he doing while you play?”

  Ryan shrugged. “He’s either on his phone or his computer. Sometimes he goes in his room and closes the door and I don’t see him for a while. One time, this guy came by and he made me stay in his apartment by myself while they went in the hall and talked. They were looking at some pictures or something before they left.”

  Her heart sank to her stomach. At the mention of them discussing pictures, she couldn’t help but to wonder if this revelation was proof that Simon had, in fact, hired someone to keep tabs on her whereabouts. It wasn’t likely he would just trust her outright.

  She had more questions. “Does he ever make you uncomfortable or is it just that he’s been ignoring you.”

  Ryan nodded. “Just that. I mean, he doesn’t yell at me or anything like that. He’s just not as fun as he used to be.”

  Vanessa put her arm around her son’s shoulders and squeezed. “Well… how about I let you take your new video game with you just this once. Would that make—”

  “Mom, you’re the best!”

  She smiled when he wriggled from beneath her arm and shot up the stairs like a cannon. If he was still adamant about going, she could cut him some slack. After all, his heart was in the right place, not wanting to hurt Simon’s feelings. But, of course, she knew the man didn’t deserve such kindness.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing brought with it a sense of dread. She wouldn’t have to look at him for long, but that thought only comforted her a little.

  She answered and positioned herself to block him from walking in. “Ryan’ll be down in a sec. He just had to grab one more thing.” Before Simon could reply, she handed over Ryan’s overnight bag.

  Simon nodded, all the while sporting an amused grin on his face. “And hello to you, too.”

  She ignored his attempt at getting under her skin and simply gazed down the street while they waited.

  Simon looked her over, letting his eyes wander up the length of her frame. She’d traded in her work attire for something far more casual this evening—a sleeveless, blue, maxi dress. It wasn’t tight by any means, but the material still settled over her curves like melted butter, accentuating each and every one of her smooth contours.

  Simon wet his lips, allowing himself to fantasize about the past, allowing himself to remember what it was like coming home to this beautiful woman before him. He thought on how they would make plans throughout the week to hit the town all weekend long. However, those plans would usually get cancelled because Vanessa could always seem to make staying in look like a better option.

  That’s what she made him crave now—a long weekend, cuddled up in bed beside her.

  When he smiled, she had no clue what he was thinking.

  She’d never go for such a thing, but, as it stood, he didn’t exactly need her to go along with what he wanted. She simply needed to bend. And thanks to her open fling with her former patient, he had the means to make her do just about anything.


  His eyes slipped past Vanessa, in the direction of the stairs. He assumed he still had a moment before his son would return, so he spoke low.

  “You know… it’s been on my mind to suggest that you and I try to make amends. Things between us have been rather rocky lately. I was thinking dinner; maybe I could take you to that nice restaurant we visited on your birthday a couple years ago. Do you recall the name of it?”

  Vanessa locked eyes with Simon. “Yeah… I believe it’s called ‘You’ve Lost Your Damn Mind’. We could or
der the baked ‘no chance in hell’ with a side of ‘screw yourself’.”

  Aw… how cute. She actually thought she had a choice. Simon smiled as he kept his eyes trained on Vanessa. Her rebelliousness… it made him hard almost instantly. He’d play along.

  “You know I’m a progressive thinker, a firm believer in a woman exercising her right to choose and all. So, you go right ahead and order whatever you’d like. My treat,” he smiled. “But I get to say what’s for dessert.”

  His eyes dragged up her frame with such intensity she could literally feel the heat of his stare. When he finally found her face again, his expression went cold.

  “Monday,” he declared. “I’ll make arrangements for a sitter and you and I will have a nice evening out and—”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she cut in. If he thought she—

  “Suit yourself. Dinner was merely a formality anyway. I’d be more than willing to skip straight to the good part,” he added through clenched teeth. His jaw was so stiff it pained him. “But hear me good, Vanessa.” He moved in closer to make sure she didn’t miss a thing. “I’m trying to go about this like a gentleman.” She snatched away when he pushed strands of her hair behind her ear. “However,” he went on, “if you decide to resist… keep this in mind: I’ve always got a plan B.”

  This threat was not an empty one. She knew for a fact he’d make good on it. And what upset her even more was knowing this tactic had very little, if anything, to do with any sort of attraction he had toward her.

  This was about power.


  He’d become such a dark person lately it was hard not to wonder if the wool had just been pulled over her eyes all along. Had this version of him existed the entire time? Lurking just beneath the surface all those years?

  “Ready!” Ryan beamed. He took the stairs by two and made his way to the first floor.

  Like a switch flipped, Simon’s expression brightened at the sight of his son coming his way. “Got everything you need, buddy?” he asked excitedly.


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