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One Chance, Fancy

Page 17

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  And I saw Heaven.

  I wasn’t sure what this was supposed to feel like, seeing as it was my first time to have a woman in this particular position, but I was fairly sure that I shouldn’t shoot off like a rocket the moment that she got me partially into her mouth.

  Regardless, my body wasn’t following directions, and soon I was ready to come and there wasn’t a single discipline I could implement to prevent it.

  “I’m going to come,” I said, feeling my tip hit the back of her throat.

  God, it was just so hot, tight and warm. And the suction that she used each and every time she pulled away from me was my undoing.

  When she didn’t pull away, and I knew I was seconds away from coming down her throat whether she wanted me to or not, I tried to pull away.

  Her hand around my cock tightened, and the one on my balls tugged lightly, saying without words that she wanted me exactly where I was.

  Feeling like I was given the greatest gift, I gave in and let her have it.

  The moment my orgasm rushed over me, I felt like my world had just ceased to spin.

  Long seconds turned into eons as white-hot fire licked up my spine.

  My balls drew up just a little bit more, and then I was coming, straight into her mouth, coating her tongue and throat with my essence.

  She swallowed, but she couldn’t keep up, and a small amount started to run down her chin.

  My eyes nearly crossed when I saw that, and if it was possible to come again, I very well would have.

  When I was finished, and she was pulling away, cleaning her chin and lips, I tried to control my breathing.

  The innocent look in her eyes, as well as the joy that sparkled right alongside it, caused me to kick off my boots in record time, followed shortly by my pants around my ankles.

  The next thing that happened was fast. I had her on her feet by a yank on her hand, and the next I was disrobing her almost as fast as I could blink.

  “Lay down on the couch.” I paused. “No, wait, let’s take this to my bed.”

  She was already down on one knee on the couch, and I couldn’t stop myself.

  “Never mind.” I paused as I stilled her attempt to stand up. “That’s good.”

  Dropping down to my knees behind her, I ran both hands up the backs of her thighs, loving the silky smoothness underneath my palms.

  My hands cupped the swells of her ass and spread them, displaying Phoebe’s glistening pussy to my gaze.

  Everything inside of me tensed once again, and I felt my cock—my perfectly sated, shouldn’t be getting hard again cock—inflating.

  I leaned forward and licked her, feeling my beard rasp against certain parts of her.

  She gasped, and I wondered if it was my tongue or my beard that caused the inhalation. Nonetheless, I continued my perusal, loving the flavor of her that burst on my tongue and made me want to suck her down completely.

  She shifted so that both of her legs were on the couch, and then leaned forward as far as it would allow, giving me an even better view of the things that I wanted to lick and suck.

  I dropped my mouth down farther and circled her clit with my tongue, causing her entire body to jerk with sensation.

  “Shit,” she breathed.

  I moved my hands farther up her ass and then used my thumbs to pull the lips of her sex even farther apart, giving me an unencumbered view of everything that I was tasting.

  God, was she sexy as hell.

  She was moaning continuously now into the back of the couch and pushing herself back against my mouth, searching for more.

  I gave her more in the form of one finger, burying it deep inside of her to the webbing.

  “Fuck,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck!”

  I curled it downward, searching for her G-spot, and felt her practically jolt straight forward when I must’ve found it.

  “Jesus,” she breathed. “Oh, Jesus.”

  There was a knock on the door, but neither one of us moved. Her because I could feel the beginnings of her orgasm, and me because I was just enjoying what I was doing way too much to ever stop.

  One finger became two, and when I drew her clit in between my lips and sucked, she went off like a bottle rocket. One second, she was just fluttering around my fingers, and the next she was coming so hard that I could feel every ripple and contraction with my fingers.

  The moment her pussy stopped rippling, I stood up and notched my cock at her entrance.

  The next, I was sinking inside.

  Despite the fact that I’d just come, I knew it wouldn’t matter. I could already feel the telltale sign of my impending orgasm in the base of my spine.

  “Touch yourself,” I ordered. “Come again with me.”

  Another knock, more insistent this time, sounded, and I was glad that I’d undone the doorbell when I moved in.

  It was bad enough that someone was knocking—probably Brielle—but I could ignore it.

  What I couldn’t ignore was the way Phoebe’s pussy started to quiver once again.

  My eyes closed, and I growled low in my throat as she screamed into the couch. “Benson, holy shit!”

  I liked my real name on her tongue.

  I didn’t like it on anyone else’s, but on hers? It seemed right.

  Her pussy clamped down, undulating and contracting as it’d done only a few minutes before on my fingers, and I was done for.

  My release started spurting out of me, deep into her, and I could no longer breathe.

  In fact, I was only able to get out one word. “Fancy.”

  It was long moments later, both of us were collapsed on the couch, and Phoebe was using her discarded t-shirt to catch the remnants of my release.

  We were both unable to move, and the knocking hadn’t stopped.

  Each knock was making my jaw clench.

  “I’ve never given a blow job before,” she whispered into my throat.

  The arm I had curled around her back tightened. “I’ve never had one given to me before. But, just sayin’, it was one of the best things I’ve ever felt in my life.”

  She went up onto one elbow and stared at me incredulously. “You’ve never been given a blow job before?”

  I shook my head.

  “A big badass like you has seriously never had it?” she repeated.

  “There have been offers,” I admitted. “And plenty of opportunity…I just didn’t want to put myself in such a vulnerable position. It takes a certain level of trust to allow someone that close to something so vulnerable. I didn’t trust my other partners like I trust you.”

  She deflated back to her earlier position. “I’m glad that I could be your first.”

  I squeezed the top part of her ass that my hand was resting on. “I’ve also never given another girl cunnilingus before, either.”

  She shivered. “You couldn’t tell.”

  The knocks stopped, and that was when Brielle said, “Seriously, Bayou. I know you can hear me. Open the door!”

  I sighed. “Do you want to stay the night with me?”

  She paused. “I have to sleep in my own house eventually. I’ve only been back to feed the animals…all of my stuff is still in boxes. And, well, I don’t really want to talk to Brielle. She pissed me off tonight not relaying my message.”

  I squeezed her tight and then stood up, taking her with me. “Go to the bathroom and change. Your animals are fed?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then we’ll ignore her for tonight. She’ll leave eventually,” I explained. “And tomorrow, I’ll have a talk with her. Tonight, it’s just you and me.”

  She dropped her forehead onto my sternum and sighed. “Maybe you should talk to her right now and get it over with. I doubt that she’ll leave any time soon without hearing from you.”

  She looked up at my face, and I could tell she was studying the cut above my eye and the swelling that I could feel forming.

; “You need ice, too,” she muttered. “I’m going to go steal one of your shirts like you said. And I’m going to go get in the shower. While I’m in there—”

  “I want to take one with you,” I cut her off. “When I’m done, I’ll let her in, and then I’ll get some ice.”

  She breathed out and then nodded her head in assent. “Fine.”

  The shower took less than ten minutes seeing as both of us were too well repleted to do anything more than touch.

  And when she was drying her hair after the shower, I tossed her a t-shirt from my closet and shucked one on myself.

  After slipping my legs into a pair of sweats sans underwear, I walked out to the living room, disarmed the alarm, and opened it.

  Brielle stood there, looking annoyed.

  “What took you so long?” she snarled.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at her with annoyance. “I was showering and doing other things. What do you want?”

  She frowned. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “It’s ten o’clock at night. It’s too late for you to be coming over to talk. And have you ever heard of a cell phone?” I asked.

  “Bayou, what’s gotten into you?” she asked, trying to push through me to get inside.

  I didn’t let her at first, but movement out of the corner of my eye caused me to see Isa standing in the doorway of her bedroom, looking sleepy and annoyed.

  My lips tipped up as I walked to her, allowing the nuisance to come in after I’d vacated my position.

  “Hey, baby,” I said, dropping down to my haunches in front of her.

  She blinked at me unhappily, glared at the woman that I could hear closing the front door, and then turned on her heel and walked toward my bedroom.

  I watched as she pushed it wide open to reveal Phoebe sitting on my bed looking blankly at the wall.

  Phoebe glanced up, saw Isa, and grinned as she held out her hands.

  Isa went to her easily, and my two girls crawled deeper into my bed.

  That was when Brielle went completely rigid.

  “Bayou, what the hell is going on?” she asked quietly.

  I turned to survey my sister, and read the devastation in her eyes.

  Unfortunately, there wasn’t a single thing I could do about it.

  “You’re going to have to get used to it, Brielle,” I said softly. “She’s mine. They’re both mine. They’re going to be a very big part of my life, and if you’ll let them, part of yours.”

  Brielle didn’t respond.

  Instead, she took a good long look at Phoebe, who’d crawled underneath the covers with Isa, and turned around and left.

  I didn’t follow her.

  Chapter 16

  I leave my read receipt on so people can see exactly what time I didn’t give a fuck.

  -Bayou to Phoebe


  “Here is what I would suggest,” the lawyer said. “Get everything that a little girl would need. Decorate her room. Get her established with a doctor here. Enroll her in daycare—even if it’s a couple of months off. Just get her in, eventually. Buy her some things. Do everything for her that you would normally do for a little girl. Make it look like you’re in for permanence.”

  We were at the lawyer’s office the next day, and I was getting a seriously bad feeling about how this was all going to turn out.

  I didn’t have a doubt in my mind that I’d get to keep her, because there was no way in hell I was giving Isa back—or Phoebe was allowing it for that matter. However, she wouldn’t have to allow it, because I wasn’t going to entertain the thought.

  “I am in for permanence,” I growled before Phoebe could.

  “I know. But normally you’d do all of this a little bit at a time. You don’t have that luxury. You want to take away every excuse Ilsa has. You want the girl to have a home here. That way she can’t say that you’re not equipped to have a child.”

  I completely understood that, too.

  “Okay,” Phoebe said. “What else?”

  I looked over to her, happy to see that she was there at my side when she didn’t have to be. She could’ve run when this all came out. She could’ve been upset that she was put into second place, just like Brielle was.

  But she wasn’t.

  All she wanted was the best for me, and she was proving that.

  She was also proving why I had fallen for her so quickly. I was feeling something that I’d never felt before for another person in my life.

  But if I was going to find those emotions, and feel those feelings for anyone, it would be her. She’d changed something inside of me when I’d met her all those years ago, and whether she knew it or not, I was hers from the moment that she stood up for me. I was hers whether she wanted me or not.

  “My next suggestion would be this…”

  On and on he went, highlighting every single thing that we would do from there on out.

  “My final suggestion is to file for full custody,” he finished. “I think that we should make this final. I think that we should also request that her rights as a parent be terminated. I also think this should be done as soon as possible, for both your peace of mind and the benefit of the child’s welfare. I doubt there’s a judge alive that will see this for anything but what it is.”

  Phoebe’s shoulders slumped. “Good. That’s very, very good.” She turned to me. “I agree. I think you should have him start this process now. And,” she turned back to the lawyer, a shark of a lawyer that her father had recommended. Who just so happened to be married to Cheyenne’s mother. “Todd, if there is anything you need, you know that my father can find it out.”

  Todd’s grin went a tad bit scary. “I know, honey. I already have him on it.”

  I closed my eyes as a feeling of relief surged through me.

  Knowing that this was on the road to being fixed was one of the best feelings in the world.



  Two hours later

  “We’re going to buy me a truck,” he growled.

  I felt my lips tip up at the corner. “Oh, can I choose what color you get?”

  He looked down at me. “This is not funny.”

  I tried to control the smile gracing my lips. “I never said it was.”

  “You’re laughing,” he countered.

  I took off my glasses—my contacts had run out yesterday, and I hadn’t had a chance to go get a refill for this month—and wiped my watering eyes.

  “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at the disgusted look on your face,” I sobered. “It’s going to be okay.”

  His eyes studied me for a long moment.

  “I know,” he admitted. “As long as you’re here, I know it will be.”

  I felt things inside of me start to melt, and I walked forward until my face was buried in his chest, and my arms were locked tightly around him.

  “I love you, Benson Bayou Beauregard,” I whispered to him, tilting my head up so that he could hear me.

  His eyes lit upon hearing those words.

  “I didn’t think that I’d ever feel this way about another person,” he admitted. “I didn’t think I could…but you showed me differently.” He swallowed hard, and I knew that it’d be hard for him to say the words. His brain just wasn’t wired to work that way. The fact that he was giving me the words at all was a miracle in and of itself. “I love…I love you, too.”

  I stretched up on my tiptoes and offered him my lips, which he took readily.

  “Let’s go get you a truck,” I urged.

  He gave me a tight squeeze, then let me go. “Then we’ll go to Lowe’s and get some paint. Pink paint.”

  I threw my head back and laughed, right there in his arms. “Now that didn’t sound like you were disgusted at all.”

  He curled his lip. “Pink’s such an awful color. It would be fitting for my girl to love it.”

  I winked up at him. �
��Both of your girls.”

  Chapter 17

  I wish I loved exercising as much as I love eating.

  -Phoebe to Bayou


  I yanked off my glasses and threw them at Bayou, unable to help myself.

  “What was that for?” he asked, sounding normal.

  He had no clue. No clue what he’d done to me.

  “I’m so mad at you right now, I don’t even want to see you,” I snarled.

  And, after everything, that was the thing he finally decided was funny.

  The ass.

  Hoax started laughing, too, only making it worse.

  See, we were all at a club party.

  Hoax was there with his children and Pru. Bayou, Isa and me. Zee, the helicopter pilot. Castiel, the police detective and arson investigator. Liner, the man who looked like he’d been woken up too early—which, I’d been told, he had been. There’d been an extremely bad storm roll through the town and state, and he’d been working for going on forty-eight hours straight. Apparently, the only sleep he’d gotten over the past few days was a couple of hours here and there in the front seat of his truck.

  But he had managed to go to the dealership with Bayou and help pick out a brand-new vehicle for me—paid in full—and bring it to this party.

  “I don’t know what the big deal is,” he finally said once he’d controlled his laughter. “You said you needed a new vehicle. I was just trying to help.”

  I looked at the truck. My dream truck.

  How had he known?

  I turned accusing eyes on my sister, who looked away rather guiltily.

  “Bayou, this is too much,” I finally said. “You can’t just go spend thousands of dollars on me. That’s not how life works.”

  He walked in front of Liner, who backed up to let him pass, and snatched the keys from Liner’s hand—who’d been holding them out to me for a full five minutes now—and then grabbed my hand. Moments later he was dragging me outside, and nobody was following.


  “Is with Hoax. Who she seems to absolutely adore. Don’t make excuses. We’re going to see your truck,” he pushed.

  I swallowed hard. “Bayou…”


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