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Fire & Flesh

Page 103

by Kerri Carr

  “You might need it after all that digging,” Lee said, and she nearly dropped her plate.

  “How’s the novel going?” she asked when she’d taken back her composure.

  “I’m steaming through it,” he said smiling. “It’s almost like it's writing itself.”

  “That’s good, honey,” she said and leaned over to kiss him.


  Frankie leaned back in the chair and smiled. The two new owners of Stonegate Corner were perfect. Lee was a flower ready to blossom and with a little of Frankie’s magic, he would reach his full potential. Dana was a strong woman who just needed a little boost. They were both ripe and delicious. He was looking forward to seeing what fruits they would bear.

  When he’d first come to this location, the previous owner had been in her teens. He’d arrived looking the same age, and they had played together on and off for years. When he’d left for longer than he’d intended to, he’d come back to find her married to a local man, a man who was too angry to open up to Frankie’s charm. Her marriage had been an unhappy one, but Frankie had stayed and he’d fathered the child she had borne. The same child who had sold the house when he’d asked her to. It was time to help a new couple.

  He liked Lee very much, but it was time for him to have another child and he wanted Dana to be the mother. Lee would be a good father to his child, but he also wanted him to be successful and, the more he opened himself to Frankie’s advances, the more successful he would be. Fairy magic was meant to be shared with humans but more and more humans were blind to the world of fairies and its occupants. If people like Frankie didn’t shift the balance, then the two worlds would become separated forever and both would suffer greatly.

  He was not about to let that happen. Both Dana and Lee would let him into their hearts and bed. Strangely, Lee would be the first to crack. Usually, the females fell for him first but not this time. Lee wanted him and he wanted his wife to want him too. Perfect.

  “Are you ready for more?” Dana said breaking the silence.

  He looked up to find that Lee had left the room and Dana was standing up waiting. Her shoulders were tanned from the morning sun and she looked healthy and happy. She was slightly wary of him; he could feel it but he wasn’t sure if it was because of the feelings she had for him or because her husband had enjoyed his touch. She didn’t express anything on her face and it made him wonder if somewhere along her family line there was a little fairy blood.

  “You should put a little of this on,” he said shaking the sunscreen bottle. “Turn around.”

  “I should get my husband to do it,” she said quietly.

  “Why?” He frowned feigning innocence, but he knew what she meant.

  “No, go ahead,” she said, and she turned lifting her ponytail away from her neck.

  He squirted the lotion into his hands and warmed it before spreading it onto her skin. He knew she would enjoy it because that was the natural relationship between human and fairy. They were designed to interact and mix-breed. They were the perfect complement to each other’s species. He rubbed the lotion in and heard the faintest sigh. His hands trailed across her throat and down her chest reaching the top of her bikini and then back over her arms and down her back. When he removed his hands, she nearly fell against him and he steadied her.

  “You have a magic touch,” she said, but it came out as a whisper.

  “I know, your husband already told me,” he replied and gently pulled on her ponytail.

  He now knew that the way to win Dana over was to win over her husband first. She would not do anything that would risk his feelings being hurt, and he admired her for that. She wouldn’t understand if he told her that her husband would enjoy watching him pleasure her but it was true. Lee was easy to read.

  The rest of the afternoon was full of easy chatter and Dana had relaxed with him once more. When they cleared away the tools for the day, she asked him if he wanted to stay to dinner and he gladly accepted. He continued to clear up while she dashed back to the house to start on the food. When he heard footsteps on the gravel behind him, he was surprised to see Lee holding his shirt.

  “It’s chilly, you might want this,” he said and their fingers brushed as he handed over the shirt and Lee watched as Frankie put it on.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been sitting in front of the computer for two days. I feel a bit spaced out,” Lee said laughing.

  “You need a walk,” Frankie said and motioned for the other guy to follow him. “There’s a brook in the trees down there, come on.”

  Lee followed him down the hill and over the rocks. Lee had sought out his company, and it was a promising sign Frankie thought. He wasn’t dressed for the terrain and his flip flops were more of a trip hazard than footwear. So when he slipped off a rock, Frankie grabbed him.

  “City boy,” Frankie laughed. “Flip flops on a farm?”

  “I know,” Lee said laughing. “Dana keeps moaning, says she’s tired of seeing my feet.”

  “I think they’re nice feet but the footwear, not so much,” Frankie replied still holding Lee’s arm.

  “Nice feet?”

  “Nice,” Frankie nodded.

  Lee looked up at him with his pale blue eyes and his lips parted. Frankie could kiss him, but he didn’t want to move too fast. The trouble was he knew exactly what that would do to both of them and Dana would have dinner on the table before they knew it. He decided not to make a move and was about to turn back to the path when Lee fell into him with a gasp.

  Frankie steadied Lee against his chest and looked down to see the snake slither away. It wasn’t a poisonous variety and Frankie wondered if the snake did it on purpose just to mess with him. Lee was trembling in his arms and that changed things.

  “Please tell me it’s gone,” Lee muttered with his eyes closed.

  “The snake has gone, and it wasn’t poisonous so everything is going to be just fine,” Frankie said. “It didn’t bite?”

  “No,” Lee shivered.


  Lee had always been terrified of snakes and as long as he didn’t look at it, then he would calm down. He looked up into Frankie’s dark blue eyes instead. This was probably a mistake because Lee was pressed up against his body and the urge to kiss him was still there like a naughty secret, waiting to pop out and ruin him.

  When Frankie licked his lips, Lee was drawn into them. He could feel the other man’s breath on his face and the hardness of his muscles under the thin material of his shirt. After what seemed like ages, Frankie lowered his mouth and kissed him. If Frankie hadn’t been holding his arms, he would have melted to the ground like jelly.

  “Why does it feel so good?” he managed to ask.

  “This is natural, why wouldn’t it?” Frankie answered.

  “No, I’m married. I’m not gay either. This is wrong,” Lee said but Frankie's lips were on his again and he moaned against them.

  “Doesn’t feel wrong, does it?”

  “No,” he said.

  Lee’s manhood was pressing against Frankie’s thigh and he couldn’t help the motion that his hips made as they teased more pleasure out of him. Frankie squeezed his bottom pulling him closer and Lee could feel the other man’s hardness. Lee had never thought he’d be in this situation; he loved Dana. He pulled away and looked up at Frankie once more.

  “Dana will be wondering where we are,” Frankie said grabbing his hand. “And although I’m sure she’d enjoy seeing this, I think she’d worry if we don’t turn up.”

  “Dana,” Lee groaned but Frankie turned and kissed him shutting his mouth.

  “She likes me, Lee, don’t you worry,” Frankie winked and pulled him up the hill.

  When they walked into the kitchen, Dana was dishing up the dinner and she smiled at him. He was confused, but if he acted like nothing had happened, he could deal with it later. Whatever had just happened didn’t need to ruin their evening or his fantastic writing spell. Frankie was his muse and he wa
s not going to lose him over a little kiss.

  “Remind me to throw these flip flops away,” he said and kissed Dana on the cheek before taking a seat.

  “What a relief, I’ve been waiting to hear that for years. Frankie, you are a good influence on my husband,” she said patting Frankie’s shoulder.

  Dana did like Frankie. He could see that, but she might not like him if she knew her husband had a major crush on him. He rubbed his face and cleared the thoughts out of his head. Dana had put a light shirt over her bikini top but still wore the sexy short shorts. He concentrated on them as she dished the plates out. She must have seen him because she grinned at him as she took her place at the table.


  Lee’s eyes widened when Dana brought out the vodka. They didn’t drink often and if they did, it would be wine because the vodka was reserved for nights when they had guests around and so he should have expected it. She served it with fruit juice but when he sipped it, he realized that it was a generous double. He would have to watch himself. Dana drank hers down very quickly and so did Frankie which then led to another drink and Dana putting the music on.

  They were so relaxed with each other that he was almost jealous of their natural companionship. He wasn’t jealous that Frankie was flirting with his wife, he liked that. He was jealous that he was on the outside looking in. When Dana poured him another drink, he made short work of it and poured himself another. It was he who instigated the dancing, the other two just followed his lead, and it was he who fell onto the sofa on Frankie’s lap pulling Dana on top of him.

  Dana turned to kiss him and he kissed her back, needing to reassert his hetero relationship in front of Frankie. His hands stroked her bare thighs, and he momentarily forgot where he was. He forgot that he was sitting on Frankie’s lap and he didn’t notice that Frankie’s arms were around him and Dana. When someone kissed his neck, he groaned with pleasure and his hands slid down the front of Dana’s shorts. His fingers found her wet with desire.

  “Not here Lee,” she whispered and giggled falling onto the floor.

  That was when he remembered that Frankie was underneath him. He turned to find Frankie smiling and his heart did a little back flip in his rib cage. Frankie had his arms around him and his jeans were digging into his backside like he had a rocket in his pocket. The thought made Lee laugh in the uncontrollable way that he’d had when he was a child.

  “More vodka,” Dana said.

  “More dancing,” Frankie said sliding Lee onto the sofa.

  Dana handed the vodkas out and Lee downed his thirstily. He watched as Frankie danced with Dana and somewhere in his drunken state he realized two things. First, if Dana kissed Frankie, then it made it equal and he wouldn’t have to feel guilty. Second, if Dana kissed Frankie, he’d probably cum in his pants.

  Lee didn’t think he was as drunk as the other pair looked and that made him bold. He removed his shirt and flung it to the floor and began dancing. He danced next to Frankie and tried to unbutton the man’s shirt but his buttons didn’t work. Frankie lifted the shirt over his head and dropped it. Lee would be surprised if Dana didn’t like what she saw in Frankie. He was hot with a capital H.

  “Shirt off Dana, it’s only fair,” Lee said dancing up behind her to help her out of her shirt.

  He had the very far away feeling that he was going to regret his actions, but it was so far away he pushed it aside. Dana’s bikini top did great things to her pretty body, and he had to stop to check her out. He was a little wobbly on his feet, but Frankie’s arm snaked out and wrapped around his waist, giving him strength.


  Dana found herself wrapped in Frankie’s arms, but she was kissing her husband. She was getting confused with who was who, but it all felt so good. She felt free and happy and Lee was just as happy. Dana smiled when one of her favorite songs came through the speakers. She swayed, feeling their bodies behind her.

  Lee had lifted her ponytail and was kissing her neck and it felt divine. She turned into the kiss and knew something wasn’t quite right, but the feeling had enveloped her with pleasure. She spun back around wiggling her bottom to the music and Lee’s hands found her breasts. She continued to dance as her bikini top dropped to the floor with the shirts. Dana was hot and horny. When she turned to Lee, she found that he was kissing Frankie. It was unexpected but at the same time; she thought it was beautiful.

  The men were really going for it, their hands caressing each other’s bodies. Slowly she unbuckled Lee’s jeans and pulled them down. Frankie’s hands soon started exploring his newly freed area and she heard her husband gasp in surprise. Damn, he was hot. Frankie’s hands changed direction, and he scooped her up against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him thoroughly while Lee’s hands removed her panties.

  When they were all fully free from clothes, they ended up a writhing mess on the floor. Lee was the first to climax, and he did so while Frankie stroked him. It was the sexiest thing Dana had ever seen. When Frankie slid himself into her, she was taken out of her mind and somewhere else because the pleasure was indescribable. She knew Lee was right beside her and he made her feel safe. She climaxed hard and long squeezing every ounce of pleasure from her body.

  Frankie shuddered to a halt. His seed was hot and powerful and she vaguely wondered if she’d remembered contraception but the thought was fleeting. She turned and curled into her husband while Frankie spooned behind her. Her husband’s hair was damp and sticking out at all angles but he’d never look sexier than he did at that moment and she pulled him closer.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too, baby,” he replied.


  When sunlight streamed onto Dana’s face she cringed. Her head was pounding and her tongue felt like she’d cleaned the chicken coop out with it. It took several minutes before the memories came flooding back but when they did her stomach sank and she felt nauseous. She was too scared to open her eyes.

  “Morning,” Lee said, and she opened one eye to peek at him.

  He looked worse than she felt but he was smiling at her. He flipped a heavy arm across her ribs and she groaned, feeling nauseous again. She opened the other eye and looked at her surroundings. She was in bed and Lee was next to her but she couldn’t see Frankie. That had to be a good sign; maybe it hadn’t even happened.

  “What we did last night was fun but waking up with a hangover isn’t,” Frankie said and she lifted her head to see him sprawled across the bottom of the bed, naked.

  “Oh,” she groaned.

  Dana checked under the covers and both her and Lee were naked. She pulled the sheet up trying to cover more of her chest, but Frankie’s weight was holding it down. Lee was grinning at her and she realized that he was happy, happy even though he obviously had just as much of a hangover as her and Frankie’s bare bottom was just inches away.

  “Chill,” Lee said patting her arm before burying his head into the pillow.

  “It’s your fault that my head hurts,” Frankie moaned but he didn’t look like he was about to move anytime soon.

  “I want to get up now so can I have some privacy,” she said tugging at the sheet once more.

  “Shy?” Frankie laughed and then rubbed his head frowning. “I’ve never had a hangover before, I don’t like it.”

  He dropped back onto the bed and Dana made her move. She slid from the covers and dashed to the bathroom. She needed a shower and then coffee and hopefully by the time she’d had both the situation wouldn’t be so awkward.

  She thought it was odd that Lee was so relaxed. He’d never told her he was attracted to men before and she couldn’t help but feel weird about that. Not that she had been bothered at all when the vodka was flowing. No, she had been totally turned on by her husband and his newfound sexual experience.

  Once she’d made three cups of coffee, she went back to the bedroom to find them both in the bed spooning. She put their cups on the bedside table and hoped the aroma w
ould wake them. She had hens to attend to and she wanted to finish the goat enclosure and she didn’t anticipate any help today.

  The day was just as beautiful as the previous days had been, but she felt different. She didn’t know how that night would affect their relationship.

  “Don’t look so worried, Dana. Everything is the same between you two,” Frankie said having appeared behind her in the coop.

  “How can it be?” She asked.

  “Lee loves you more than anything and he will look on our time together as a rare treat. He isn’t gay, he’s bisexual but he won’t be chasing other men. What we have is different and I can’t explain how but trust me, I would never do anything to hurt either of you,” Frankie said and his arms had found their way around her body, soothing it. “I have to go, but I’ll be back in a few weeks and we don’t need the vodka next time. I never want to drink again.”

  Dana laughed and he kissed her slowly. She felt it throughout her whole body and it seemed to lift the hangover that was shadowing her. When he pulled back, he pulled lightly on her ponytail and grinned before walking away. She stood surrounded by happy hens and watched him disappear into the trees on the edge of their property.


  Lee had been disappointed when Frankie left, but he had promised to be back soon. Lee hoped he didn’t lose the writing buzz he’d gotten used to. He still didn’t understand how he could accept him into his life and bed so easily having never even thought about men like that before. When he’d woken up that morning with Frankie’s arm around him, it had felt so natural. Frankie’s kiss goodbye had been as exciting as the ones the previous night and he’d risen to the occasion but the man had left and Lee had a book to write.

  His flow was still strong and the words came easy. He spent his days writing, helping Dana with the farm and making love to her wherever and whenever they felt the urge. Their relationship felt stronger and their love was sweeter in a way he couldn’t have described despite the flow of creative juices that ran through him.


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