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Let Me Show You

Page 8

by Becca Seymour

  “You know how much I want you, need you?” His eyes were surprisingly hard when he spoke, as though urging me to truly understand every syllable he spoke and believe them.

  “Yes,” I answered with a nod. With my eyes fixed on his, I slathered lube on his sheathed erection and reached to my entrance. I gasped on touch, eager for Tanner to fuck me.

  A grin broke free on his perfect mouth, lifting the dangerous edge from his eyes. “Good. Now put your cock in my mouth.”

  I groaned and didn’t even have time to respond before he clamped his big palms on my ass and shifted me up to his face. He lifted his head and angled me the way he wanted before his tongue dipped out and licked the tip of my glans, focusing on lapping up my precum.

  When he took me in his mouth, a loud cry rushed out of me. “Holy fuck.” I jerked my hips, encouraging him to take me deeper, despite the awkward position. Tanner pulled back after a few sucks and licked me once more, his eyes lifting to mine as his fingers slid down my crease. I didn’t hold back the delicious shudder that racked my body. Biting my lip, painfully desperate for him, but not wanting to change this moment for anything, I gasped when he circled my tight opening. Already I pulsed, knowing how good it would feel when I was wrapped around him.

  His voice was rough and the deepest it had ever been when he spoke. “One day I’m going to prepare you with my tongue. Fuck, baby, I can’t wait.” His finger pushed through my entrance, and I leaned back against him in wonder. Never had I been rimmed, and hell if the thought of Tanner doing something so primal, so fucking forbidden didn’t have my balls drawing up. “You want that?”

  I nodded my response as he pushed in farther, this time stretching me with two fingers. “Oh my God!” My words were gravelly, desperate. “I can’t….” I needed him inside me, wanted him there before I exploded.

  Tanner removed his fingers immediately, scooted me back, and pulled my lips to his. Our mouths met with a ferocity we’d yet to share, surprising since every connection had seemed just that. I groaned, his mouth capturing the sound, before I leaned away and positioned myself above him.

  I sank down carefully, feeling the delicious burn. I winced despite loving every inch that filled me. Catching my hips with his rough hands, Tanner forced me to pause.

  “You good?”

  I smirked. “Perfect.”

  He searched my eyes momentarily before releasing his grip, and I sank lower before easing myself up and lowering once more. When I finally pressed against him as far as I could go, deep and resting against my skin, he took my hands in his. Our fingers laced together, and I used his strength, his toned arms as support and leverage. Tentative at first, not knowing if he would support my weight and movement, I grinned, realizing there was never a need to have doubted him.

  From everything that I had discovered about Tanner over the past two months, I was certain of many things. Not only was he steadfast and kind, but I knew without hesitation, he would not let me fall.

  Chapter Eleven


  After stepping out of the shower, I smiled at Carter, lightly snoring. I’d struggled to sleep so had already snuck away at the ass-crack of dawn and done some work in one of the bedrooms. It had been a particularly dirty couple of hours involving dust, drywall, and paint. Admittedly, I hadn’t been fully concentrating, still brooding and wanting to take action against Scott.

  I looked at the time and knew Carter’s alarm would go off in ten minutes. He had been just as restless when we’d first headed to bed. While he’d appeared relieved to have finally shared the bullcrap he’d been through over the past few weeks, his anxiety had spiked, and unfortunately, I was the cause.

  He was genuinely terrified I was going to kick Scott’s ass.

  And fuck, did I want to.

  The thought of anyone intimidating him, making him feel like crap, and hurting him in any way had my blood boiling. Hell, every time my thoughts drifted in that direction I wanted to go on a rampage. I didn’t think a simple ass-kicking would do it though. I wanted to rip the fucker’s head off.

  Carter shifted in the bed, his light snore stopping, and I released my tight jaw and exhaled. How anyone could attack him was beyond me. Carter was one of the sweetest guys I knew. He was kind and thoughtful, and I was sure he didn’t have a mean bone in his body. The fact that Scott had gone after him by challenging his position at work and possibly destroying his career was all sorts of fucked-up. Carter loved his job, loved helping animals, and indirectly their owners. There was no chance ever I’d be allowing the godawful harassment to continue.

  While I wanted to march into the clinic with guns blazing, I knew that would distress Carter even more. I needed to use my smarts to help and protect him. I just hadn’t quite figured out exactly what that would consist of yet.

  “Hey.” Carter’s gruff voice drew my attention to him. With ruffled hair and eyes not yet fully open, he looked sexy as hell. My feet reacted immediately. I was beside the bed in a few strides and then leaning down and kissing him.

  “Morning,” I said as I pulled away, brushing wayward hair out of his eyes.

  He released a happy sigh and grinned up at me. “You been up long? You should have woken me for a shower.” His smile turned mischievous.

  I laughed, ignoring my hard-on jerking in agreement. “You need to get up and prepare for work. No way would we have long enough if we’d showered together, not when I’m considering all the things I want to do with you in the shower.” I lifted my brows a few times and beamed even harder at the flush that rose in his cheeks. I would never get tired of seeing the pink spreading across his skin.

  “I suppose you’re right.” He reached to the bedside table and took hold of his phone, pressing a few digits.

  “You get ready, and I’ll start breakfast.” I still wanted to talk to him before he went to work. I suspected it was the last thing he wanted to do, but I couldn’t sit by while he suffered. I reached down, took hold of his hands, and tugged him up and out of bed. He ended up flush with my body, and it was impossible to not admit just how perfectly he fit.

  Placing a chaste kiss on his lips as opposed to pressing hard and taking control of the kiss like my body demanded, I squeezed his ass and gave a gentle slap.

  A squeak-groan escaped his parted lips. Fuck, this guy was dangerous. Dipping toward the crease of his neck, I placed a light kiss there and then inhaled. The scent of sex and Creed, the aftershave I’d quickly become addicted to over the past month, filled me. He smelled delicious. “Shower,” I murmured before turning and heading to the safety of the kitchen.

  Ten minutes later, we sat down to coffee and toast. I was nothing if not a food connoisseur. I allowed him a bite and a sip before I just plowed straight in. “I’ll drop you off at work today.” Carter paused midchew, his eyes narrowing slightly before his shoulders dropped. “I’m not going to say or do anything, but the BS needs to stop.” It was a half-assed attempt to reassure him.

  Swallowing hard, he took a gulp of coffee, wincing at the heat. “I know you mean well, and don’t get me wrong, you sounding macho and going all gung-ho is making me hard”—it was my turn to narrow my eyes at him. I wasn’t fucking about with this—“but I’ve tried. I made it clear that I knew what he was up to, which resulted in nothing but contempt. And what else exactly am I supposed to do, short of either ignoring it or leaving? He’s the boss for at least another couple of months. There’s no one else to talk to. He is the management.”

  I hated the defeat in his voice just as much as I understood his logic and position. “There has to be something. Are you in some kind of union or something? How about contacting his uncle—”


  “—godfather then? No one has the right to say or to do the things he’s doing. It’s not right. You love your job. You can’t let this fucker drive you out. I won’t allow it.” My voice had gradually become louder as I spoke, anger and frustration fueling my words.

  Carter reached out
and placed his palm on my forearm. “Thank you.” I quirked my head in question. “For caring, for wanting to make things better and right for me.” His blush was back. “It actually really helps that you know. I don’t feel as, I don’t know, alone in the whole thing.” He cleared his throat as he flicked his gaze away briefly before settling back on me. “These past few weeks have been pretty dire, with last Friday being the worst of it.” My muscles flexed under his palm, causing him to grip me and then draw soothing circles on my skin with his thumb.

  “You being here when I get home from work, us spending time with each other, being friends”—I made to speak, wanting to make it clear that after this weekend we were a lot more than that, but he stopped me with a grin—“and now becoming… us”—my cock twitched and stomach tensed at the word. I liked it a lot—“well, it makes everything that’s happening at work seem insignificant. Helped me get into work, do my job, and switch off from Scott.”

  I loved giving that to him. Every word he spoke felt right, and I’d be lying if his belief in what we were just starting with each other didn’t make my chest puff out with pride. Yet, it was not okay for him to have to “put up” with the harassment. “But that’s the point.” I took his hands in mine. “It’s not insignificant, and he’s ruining something you love. You can’t let him get away with any of it. It needs to stop.” I meant every word. While I didn’t attend LGBT rallies or anything, I still fought for human rights and equality. That didn’t mean I waved a flag around—though if I did, I would rock that shit—but it did mean if I heard someone talking crap or behaving like an asshole, I had no hesitation in calling them out for it.

  Carter dipped his head forward. I knew it was so easy for me to point out the rights and wrongs, the injustices in the world, and demand that it stop and he do something about it. It was a lot more complicated than that. But just because life could be harsh and difficult didn’t mean that anyone, especially Carter, should have to put up with harassment or being pushed out of his job. He had to fight for this.

  “Hey.” I released one of his hands and lifted his chin so our eyes connected. “Whatever you need, I’ll support you, okay? You don’t have to deal with any of this alone.” I waited for what felt like a lifetime as the air around us crackled with tension. The slightest of nods from Carter though had me exhaling deeply. I grinned, a big-ass genuine smile. “I’ve got your back.”

  He nodded again. “Thanks, Tanner.”

  Our gazes remained locked before I dragged my eyes away, conscious of the time. “Come on. Best get your fine ass to work.” I stood and tugged him up with me. “I’m driving.” I grabbed my keys and pulled him toward the door, not giving him a chance to stop me. “You have everything you need?” I asked before we stepped outside.

  He picked up his wallet and jacket before nodding. “I do now.” Once outside, he paused. “Oh, lunch.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll bring you some.” I caught his blush and pleased grin as he stepped toward the car door. “Yeah, yeah, not only can I toast bread, I can make a mean sandwich.”

  Carter snorted. “I look forward to it.”

  The car journey, while quiet, was surprisingly relaxed. I was expecting Carter to be agitated, so I was impressed he was taking everything in his stride. He was no pushover; gentle, sure, but he wasn’t weak, nor was he a pussy. Because of that, I’d had a hard time this past weekend trying to get my head around the situation with Scott.

  I supposed I was lucky and hadn’t really found myself in that situation. Even as a teenager, I’d been a big guy. I’d also been openly gay. I knew mine was a rare story; I hadn’t been bullied or ridiculed in high school, or even during my apprenticeship. It helped that I had a reputation for handling myself as well as being a cocky fucker, and that two of my best friends, both straight, in addition to Davis who was bi had known for as long as I had that only guys did it for me.

  We were a bunch of jerkoff jocks, all four of us. My attitude, good arm, and kickass friends had meant I’d been protected and pretty untouchable. Sure, over the years, I’d received stares, some disgusted glances or double takes when I’d been holding hands with a guy. There had also been a fucktard or five who thought it would be a riot to shout fag or whatever unimaginative crap they came up with at me. But each and every time was an isolated moment, not even an incident.

  I knew I was lucky, just as I knew I’d been an arrogant fuck. But what I also knew was that most weren’t as lucky as me. And that sucked like ass.

  “What time shall I bring lunch?” I asked as we pulled up outside the clinic.

  Carter angled toward me and smiled. “Are you going to eat with me and we can have a lunch date?” He wiggled his brows suggestively. “You know you don’t have to woo me, right?”

  I arched a brow at him return. “Woo you? What fucking century have you just stepped out of? Seriously? Woo?” I teased.

  Leaning toward me, his eyes squinting in what I was assuming was meant to be pissed or intimidating, he said, “Yes, woo. It’s a word. People use it.”

  My laughter filled the small space of the car. “Yes, I’m aware it’s a word, dork.”

  He pressed his hand against my chest. I couldn’t help but flex under his palm. And there it was. The pink. “Dork?”

  “Yes, dork. I like dorks, so it’s all good.” I took his hand in mine and tugged him close. “Now what time do you want me to woo you?”

  His grin was perfect. I’d done the right thing taking him to work. I wanted him to start on a positive at least. “Midday works.”

  My lips touched his. “Good,” I mumbled before pulling back. “Just get through today, yeah? We’ll figure things out tonight.” I pressed my forehead to Carter’s, hating that my words brought him back to reality.

  “Okay.” He then moved away and got out of the car. I swiftly followed suit. Carter paused, looking over at me. “What are you doing?”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “Just walking you in.”


  “You can show me where you’ll be so I’ll know how to find you later.”

  Carter nibbled on his bottom lip. “You can just let whoever is on reception know you’re here. They’ll get me.”

  “Nope.” I stepped forward, took hold of his hand and led him toward the door to the clinic. “That won’t do. I need the visual. It’ll help with my fantasies later when I feel the urge to jack off when I should be working. My boss is a ballbreaker.” Carter snorted and shoulder-checked me lightly. “But I gotta say, he’s kinda hot. He’s the reason I have to take my hand to myself at least a couple of times a day.”

  I turned to look at him and grinned at his wide eyes and gaping mouth. “What?” I asked. “I’m kinda hoping after this weekend, that I’ll find the need less and less.”

  “I—” Carter cleared his throat. “I’m sure that we can figure something out.” A playful glint entered his eyes when he paused, and his gaze roamed my face. “The last thing we want to happen is your job to be affected as you’ve developed carpal tunnel.”

  My heart squeezed and my gut clenched, right alongside the jerking taking place in my pants. Mischievous Carter was my favorite. Well, after sexy Carter. “Come on.” I tugged on his hand and then reached over and opened the door, holding it ajar for him.

  I allowed Carter to lead me inside, hand still in mine.

  I wasn’t into labels, but I knew I was happy spending as much time with Carter as possible. In and out of the sheets. On my drive back to his place, I caught myself smirking.

  I was okay to admit to myself that holding his hand as we walked into the clinic had felt right. I was even more okay to admit that when I’d kissed him, just a small press of my lips against his in the doorway of the staff room, I’d found it surprisingly hard to pull away and leave it at that.

  When I had pulled away, albeit reluctantly, I’d brushed my thumb across his bottom lip. It was then that his new boss had appeared in the corridor. My attention had been drawn immediately
to him. My grip had flexed instinctively on Carter’s waist and caused a small noise to escape from his lips.

  I’d focused back on Carter immediately, wondering how he would handle the situation. I’d been relieved that his eyes were on me, and while his cheeks had flushed, the emotion playing on his features wasn’t fear or anxiety. Instead, confidence was evident. It was there in the sparkle in his eyes, the slight curve of his mouth.

  I’d grinned, pressed my lips to his once more, and then pulled away saying, “I’ll see you at noon. Be good.” I’d winked before turning and heading down the corridor, directly toward Scott. I’d sought out his eyes, willing him to say something that would give me a reason to punch him. He’d remained silent, his jaw clenched and his eyes straight ahead after a brief flick to mine.

  “Morning,” I’d offered with a smirk on my face.

  He’d cleared his throat but didn’t say anything. A slight bob of his head the only acknowledgment I received. My grin had grown wider, and before I turned the corner, which would lead me to the reception, I cast a glance over my shoulder to see Carter watching me, and Scott gone. I’d thrown Carter a wink before I’d headed out, thoroughly pleased with how that had gone down.

  A few minutes later I pulled up at Carter’s. I had a heap of tasks to get through, but I also wanted to make sure I left myself enough time to sort lunch and do a bit of research. I needed to offer Carter some solutions. He was a smart guy, fuck, a helluva lot smarter than me, and I was sure he’d thought about employee rights and laws, but I hoped if I had some insight then I’d be able to give him the boost in courage needed to see this through.

  I just hoped I could understand the thing. Only time would tell.

  Meanwhile, I got my ass into gear and continued in one of the spare bedrooms. One of the walls had needed ripping out and drywalling. The others had been in pretty good shape, better than I hoped, which would save Carter a bit of cash.


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