Book Read Free

Let Me Show You

Page 10

by Becca Seymour

  Apparently my amusement hadn’t been hidden. With a wide grin, I shook my head, but not before capturing his thumb carefully in my mouth and wrapping my tongue around it. The grin that had begun to form on his face dropped. His eyes turned hooded. “You’ve got two minutes to get your hot-as-fuck ass outside and in my truck.”

  Removing his finger, he threw me a heated look. “Come on, Rex.” He stepped around me, leaving me hard and needy. Hot damn, I best get my butt outside pronto.

  With an extra bounce in my step, I rushed through the clinic like a whirlwind, gathering what I needed before finding myself in the parking lot and before Tanner, who stood leaning against his truck.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Carter was doing all sorts of things to not only my body, but fuck, my heart as well. He yanked out emotions I’d never experienced before. I loved my family, Davis and Libby, something fierce, and had loved my parents, even my unaccepting prick of a dad. They’d died several years back, only two years apart. Their loss was something I’d dealt with a good while ago. It didn’t mean I didn’t miss them. Instead, I put all my energy into what I had. That was Davis, which had then extended to Libby, and now included Carter.

  I could admit to myself that no other guy had made me feel anywhere close to what I did for Carter. And wasn’t that a mind and heart fuck.

  It wasn’t like I was anti-relationships. It was just… unexpected. I hadn’t been looking to meet anyone, but then he’d happened. Fell on his ass at my feet and showed me his cock. I laughed to myself. Yeah, there was no coming back from that.

  My gaze remained on the clinic’s entrance, waiting for Carter to exit for lunch. I wanted nothing more than to race home so I could bury myself in him. I craved the connection, the need to feel him wrapped around me. But the thirty minutes we had wouldn’t allow any of that to happen.

  I pulled my shades on top of my head when he stepped out of the building. Our eyes connected and almost simultaneously we grinned at each other. I was sure he had no idea how goddamn sexy he was. But that was okay. I would happily make it my mission to remind him every day.

  “Hey,” he called out in greeting as he stepped closer.

  As soon as he was before me, I tugged him close and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. Then I sidestepped and opened the passenger door for him.

  “Wow, Mr. Grady, so chivalrous.” He chuckled lightly. I took great pleasure in swatting his ass and making him grunt as he made to get in the cab. “Ouch.” He rubbed his ass and tossed a look my way. I grinned in response and made my way to the driver side.

  “Thirty minutes, right?” I thought it best to confirm just in case I’d got it wrong and we could make a quick escape, but no such luck when he answered.

  “Yep. And considering, well, everything… it’s best that I’m not late.”

  My shoulders tensed at the reminder. With the manic day I’d had with Rex, Carter’s loser boss had been pushed to the back of my mind. I tried to keep the grit out of my voice when I responded “Okay,” but I wasn’t sure how convincing I was since his hand appeared on my leg and he squeezed.

  “It’s all good.” His calm voice had me glancing at him. “Seriously. I’ve actually had a great morning, topped off with your unexpected visit.”

  I nodded with a lift of my lips, put the truck in gear, and clasped my hand on his before heading out of the parking lot. Knowing his morning had been good with no added bullshit released some of my tension, but one good morning didn’t mean the idiot would stop the bullying BS he’d been pulling on Carter. I was confident it would take more than a warning growl from me to do the trick, so I was still determined to find a way to support him. And if all else failed, kicking his ass was always an option.

  Pulling over a few minutes later at the enclosed dog park, I scanned the area. Rex and I had a lot of bonding to do. Apparently he was good with other dogs, but who knew until I saw that for myself. Once parked, I pressed a kiss to Carter’s hand before telling him, “Come on. Let’s eat.” We climbed out, and I collected the bag from the back seat and Rex from the rear trailer, unlocking his safety cage. Then I nodded toward one of the picnic benches.

  It was late May, and summer hadn’t properly kicked in yet, but it was just warm enough to sit outside comfortably and enjoy the sun and fresh air. We sat, Rex still on his lead and having a sniff around, and I pulled out the sandwiches I’d managed to throw together after collecting Rex. I also pulled out juice, apples, and some potato chips.

  When I glanced up, I faltered. Carter’s head was tilted slightly to the side, his eyes locked on my face. His bottom lip was captured by his teeth. I rose a little and leaned over to him. Once close, I pressed my mouth to his. Fuck, I didn’t think I’d ever get enough of him.

  I’d never been into PDA and while I had no plans to start a heavy make-out session with Carter, sharing sweet kisses with him whenever I wanted… yeah, I could happily get used to it.

  After I pulled away and placed his food before him, he pressed two fingers against his lips. “What was that for?” I raised my brows in amusement. “Don’t get me wrong, I liked it and you can happily do it whenever you want—”

  “And wherever I want?” I asked, my words laced with mischief.

  He blushed and then nodded. “Yeah, I have no problem with that.”

  “Good. So I don’t need to explain myself, right?”

  Wide-eyed, he looked back at me, and he suddenly seemed uncertain.

  I sighed lightly. “I like kissing you, touching you, especially whenever and wherever I want. If I want to and you’re good with it, I will do exactly that. Okay?”

  He nodded again, and this time he smiled.

  “Eat,” I encouraged. “You don’t have long.”

  I watched as he picked up the sandwich I’d made for him and an unfamiliar longing twisted in my gut. I’d never made a guy food before—Davis didn’t count—even a lousy sandwich. And from the way he smirked with every bite and looked around our surroundings with genuine happiness on his face, I would make him lunch every day if this was his reaction.

  It didn’t take us long to finish eating. I stood, apple in hand, and indicated the enclosed area created specifically for dogs. “You coming?”

  He bit into his own apple and bobbed his head. Once he swallowed, he said, “You go ahead. I’ll tidy this, put the bag in your truck, and then join you.”

  “Thanks.” I looked down at Rex, who waited patiently beside me. “You ready for a run, boy?” He tilted his head as if listening to me. Grinning, I said, “Come on then,” and led him to the gate.

  “What are your plans for today?” Carter asked once he joined me. I’d immediately taken his hand, which caused him to smile sweetly at me.

  With my eyes still on Rex as he ran and sniffed around the empty run, I answered, “I’m going to continue in the spare room. Because I picked up Rex, I’m a bit behind.”

  His hand squeezed mine, and he nudged his shoulder against me. His voice was light and sounded amused when he said, “Hardly behind. Geez, you’ve been working your butt off doing above and beyond the hours needed. Anyone would think you were trying to get done as quickly as possible to get the heck out of there.”

  I knew he jested, but it didn’t stop me from turning him toward me. “Is that what you think, huh?” I kept my tone light to match his, but there was also a part of me that wondered if there was maybe a slight edge of concern in his voice.

  He shrugged and grinned in answer. “Not really.” He scrunched his nose as if considering his words. “I’m sure you’d like some free time back though.”

  I nodded. “Damn straight I would.” Before he had the chance to readjust his face into a frown, I knocked that nonsense on the head immediately. “It means I get uninterrupted time with you when I’m picking you up off the floor or having to get you hosed down after you’ve stepped in paint or something.”

  With twitching lips and a mock frown, he scolded, “I’m the best l
aborer you’ve ever had, and you know it.”

  I tugged him toward me so his body was flush against mine. Then, leaning down, I brushed my lips against his ear, licking and nibbling lightly before saying, “The fucking sexiest.” I pulled away. Carter’s eyes were closed, and pink touched his cheeks. “Plus, any chance I have to get you in a shower is a good thing.”

  He laughed loudly. Before he could speak, a bark drew our attention. It wasn’t Rex, although the arrival had gotten his attention.

  Carter stepped out of my arms when the old lady approached, a yapping dog at her heels. I didn’t allow Carter to get far before I snagged him by the waist and pulled him to my side. I was pretty sure we would soon become gossip fodder. Me, a relative nobody in town, making out with the new veterinarian. But that was all fine by me.

  I’d never had the time or patience for gossips or assholes. And from all I’d learned about Carter, I knew he was open about who he was.

  Carter’s voice surprised me. “Hey, Mrs. Carlisle. How’re things?” I looked down at him, trying to get a read on his expression. He was relaxed. His arm had moved to around my waist when I’d hauled him to me, and it remained in place.

  Reassured, I then looked over at Mrs. Carlisle. She was a small woman, so I was surprised that I wanted to take a step back. Her gaze was hard. There was steel in her eyes, even her slightly wonky one. She stepped closer, cane tapping on the pavement with every step, her pet rat close to her side. I considered swooping Carter up and making a run for it. It was only his relaxed state that prevented me.

  Once in front of us, her gaze landed on Carter. Her smile came quickly. “How are you, Dr. Falon? It’s lovely to see you out and about and not stuck in the clinic.” She reached for her bag that hung over her arm, opened it and pulled out a bag. “Here, Doc. Have some lemon drops.” She held them out to Carter, who reached forward and took them.

  “Mrs. Carlisle, you know they’re my favorite. You’re so good to me.”

  She nodded, her eyes crinkling at the corners as he spoke. When he’d finished speaking, her gaze snapped to mine. I stood a little taller as she examined me, while her rogue eye put the fear of God in me as it roamed in a different direction.

  “You, boy.” I was tempted to look around. It had been a long time since I’d been referred to as a boy. “What are your intentions with our good doctor here?”

  My mouth dropped open. She didn’t even give me the chance to answer before she said, “Cat got your tongue? Speak up.”

  I cleared my throat. “Well, erm—” Carter’s hand squeezed my waist tightly, and by the slight movement coming from him, his rocking against my tense body, I knew the cheeky fucker was laughing. That changed everything. There was no way I’d let this situation get the better of me. Carter thinks it’s funny? “Actually, Mrs.… Carlisle?”

  “Something wrong with your hearing? The good doc’s used my name twice already.”

  Carter’s vibrations at my side grew significantly. My fingers flexed at his side, before shifting to his ass. I squeezed, which immediately stopped his movement. The sound of his breath catching was perfect and urged me on. I grinned. “Mrs. Carlisle, I’m pleased you asked.” Her brows lifted in expectation. “The good doc here and I were just about to head back to the clinic. But not before I took him to the local lookout”—I had no idea if there was such a place, but there usually was one in every town—“where I planned to make him all hot and sweaty by kissing him thoroughly, get that sexy blush covering his sweet cheeks, before letting him go on his merry way to work.”

  I was desperate to look at Carter, sure his mouth would be gaping and he’d be impersonating a fish. Instead, I offered Mrs. Carlisle the most innocent smile I could and waited.

  She nodded, seemingly pleased. “Good. Now get that horny dog of yours away before I let Belinda in there for a run. All the damn dogs are after a piece of her tail.” She turned to step away, then paused and looked back at us. “And make sure you use protection. You seem like a nice young man, if not a little wicked. Just make sure you wrap up.”

  Sure my eyes were going to pop out of my head, I stood frozen. How the fuck was I to respond to that? I couldn’t, so instead, I remained silent.

  “Bye, Mrs. Carlisle,” Carter called as he released me and went to call Rex over.

  I still stood there when Carter returned with Rex on his lead. Laughter lit his eyes.

  “Who the fuck was that?”

  He just laughed and shook his head. “Welcome to my world.” He snorted. “Where every client has something to say about how you live your life.” He took my hand and tugged. “Come on, you wicked man. You need to get me back to work so I’m not late.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Tanner’s progress on the house was impressive. Already parts of the house were transformed, and I could finally use the staircase without fearing for my life.

  I held the newly replaced banister as I headed upstairs to grab a shower in my new en suite. Tanner had called someone in to replace and tile it, and it was finally finished. After just three days of its sparkling newness, I was nowhere near close to no longer being excited to use it, or simply step in and stare at it for a while. Admittedly, Tanner had already caught me having three showers in one day. Though two of those times had involved him joining me, so he didn’t tease me so much about those.

  I’d had a long and busy shift at work with an early start and a midnight emergency call out. I’d managed to come back home by about two before having to return for six. I thought I’d be too hyped and awake to sleep, but once I was in bed and Tanner wrapped his big body around me, before I knew it, he was waking me with a kiss on my nose and coffee in his hand.

  Life and work, and definitely my love life were pretty awesome, and I hoped it stretched out indefinitely. There’d been no more work dramas since the confrontation between Scott and Tanner a few weeks back, which was a blessing, and things were progressing naturally with Tanner and me.

  That night we were actually having dinner with Davis. I was looking forward to finally meeting him and Libby. I’d heard a lot about them already and knew how important they were to Tanner. But it was that knowledge that also made me nervous as heck.

  I looked at the time and checked the oven, even knowing the chicken wouldn’t be ready yet.

  “You know, that’s the third time you’ve checked in ten minutes.” Tanner’s heat pressed against my back as his arms wrapped around my waist. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, you know that, right?” Gentle lips touched my neck, his stubble grazing my skin and successfully distracting me.

  “Uh-huh,” I managed, angling my head, granting him better access.

  His soft chuckle brushed warm air across my skin, before his lips rested against me again. Immediately I sighed, and my tension eased a little. “It’s just—” His lips traveled up my neck. “—Davis.” Breath swept past my ear and I shuddered, loving the feel. When his mouth landed on my earlobe, I groaned and then gasped when he took it between his teeth and tugged gently.

  My groan turned into one of frustration when he pulled away. But I needn’t have worried. He turned me in his arms and then heaved me close. “You know, we have twenty minutes.” Firm hands clamped on my butt and he pulled my groin to his. “I could distract you. Christ, I could make you so fucking boneless that by the time they get here, you won’t give a flying fuck.”

  I swallowed hard and was so tempted to take him up on the offer. “Twenty minutes?” I raised my brow in question.

  He nodded, a grin that looked far too smug and sexy lifting his lips. Giving my ass a squeeze, he tilted his head in offer.

  With a frustrated groan, I sighed, pecked his lips and then wrangled myself out of his arms. “There’s no way I’m going to be a hot sweaty mess when Davis gets here. Especially since your niece is going to be here too.” I shook my head in horror and then frowned at him, shooting him a disapproving look when he burst into laughter.

You know Libby’s not even crawling yet, right?” He snorted before heading to the fridge and removing a beer.

  I twisted my lips at him and raised my brows, waiting for him to stop laughing.

  “What?” He paused, beer bottle an inch from his lips.

  “You finished?”

  He looked confused for a moment, looked at his beer a second before he rolled his eyes at me. While his laughter had stopped, a smile still tilted his lips. “I know you’re nervous.” He stepped toward me, placed his bottle on the surface behind me, and threaded a finger through one of my belt loops. “And, it’s… sweet that you’re trying so hard and want to make a good impression.” He tugged me to him, pressing his lips gently to mine before easing back slightly. “But, babe, honestly, Davis is my best friend, my brother, you know this, and with that, he’s happy as long as I’m happy.”

  I swallowed, nerves bubbling in my chest. I cleared my throat. “Are you happy?” While I pretty much figured he was, since, well, everything was amazing, I needed to hear the words. I tried not to be needy and rarely made demands, but sometimes I genuinely needed to hear stuff like this. While our physical connection was intense and passionate—and I seriously had not experienced such magnificent sex with another man like I had with him—Tanner wasn’t great at sharing his feelings. There was the occasional moment when he’d let his guard down for words to spill out. But they were rare.

  On the flip side, I was sure he was honest when he showed me how he felt. Each touch, kiss, and caress, both in and out of the bedroom, meant something. I just wasn’t sure what the “something” meant to him. And while we’d shared some bits from our past as well as looking to the future, we hadn’t reached the point of sharing the big stuff. Yet. God, I was there already, on the edge of shouting to him, to the world that when he’d said that he needed me, wanted me that first time, I was his, and I loved him.


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