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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

Page 9

by Brooke Summers

  "You're right. I'm not angry. I'm actually really proud of how she managed to think things out. I would have understood had she had an abortion." He tells her and I don't believe him. He'd be a fucker, he'd do everything in his power to destroy her for killing his kid. How do I know this? Jagger and I are the same, and if a woman did that to my child, I'd make her suffer.

  "She contemplated telling you, she wanted you to know, but she didn't want to make things between you and Carina difficult." Yeah, she doesn't like that bitch either. "She'd landed her dream job even though she was pregnant, she thought you deserved to know the truth, so she did the one thing she promised herself she'd never do. She returned to Cali, back to Synergy. You were with Carina. She said you looked happy and she couldn't bring herself to tell you then and there, so she called you, left a message asking you to call her back. That was her third mistake."

  Jagger frowns, "I never got a call, hell I never got a message. I would have called her back!"

  Mia shrugs, "Well Sarah got a call back. Not from you, but she did get a call back telling her that you didn't want the baby and to leave you alone and to never contact you again. Sarah never mentioned her pregnancy on the voice message she left." She swallows harshly, "Her fourth mistake was listening to me. I told her to send you the email. I didn't think you'd be a heartless bastard and ignore it." She shakes her head looking at him in disgust.

  I reach for her hand, and she instantly looks at me, "Who called her Mia?"

  More tears fall, her eyelashes are wet, "Carina." She confesses, and the mood around the table immediately shifts. That bitch is dead. I don't give a shit, she's fucked, and I'm going to make sure she has a painful fucking death.

  "Why?" Jagger's voice cracks and my best friend, the man who doesn't bat a fucking eyelid as he guts someone, chokes up. "Why would she do this, how the fuck did she do this?" He asks as he finally manages to compose himself.

  "She must have seen Sarah at Synergy when she was pregnant and intercepted the message," Lacey speaks up as the little redhead reaches for the bottle of champagne and pours us all glasses. "Question that I have is why haven't you replied to Sarah?"

  I take a glass from her and own up. "That would be down to me. See, Jag and I have a penchant for being hotheads, and I told him not to. He needed to think before he acted, he thought that Sarah had kept Allie away from him and he was mad as hell."

  "Typical man," Mia mutters as she brings her glass to her lips.

  "So what are you going to do now that you know the truth?" Lacey asks.

  "I'm going to spend my life making it up to both Sarah and Allie." Jagger instantly replies, not even thinking about it.

  "Who said that Sarah wants you?" Mia raises her eyebrow at him, and she's a pitbull when she needs to be. Fuck, I'd hate to be on the wrong side of her.

  Jagger smirks, and I know that he loves a challenge. He's not going to stop until he has Sarah just as I won't until I have Mia. "Where is she?" he asks, and both girls sit back in their chairs and don't say a word. "Mia, Lacey, please." He pleads with them.

  Mia shakes her head. "Look, I've told you everything that's happened. There's one person who you owe an apology to. She gave you a way of contacting her. You're just being an ass now, demanding we tell you where she is. I'm never going to tell you so why don't you pick up that fancy ass phone of yours and email her back?" Her smile is triumphant as she takes another sip of champagne.

  "Right, thanks. I'm going. I'll call you tomorrow." He says, getting to his feet.

  "Oh, Jagger." Mia calls out sweetly, and he stops in his tracks, turning to look at her, "Hurt her or Allie again and I swear I'll hurt you so bad you won't be able to walk for a week. Do you understand?" Such venom for such a little lady.

  Jagger glances at me and smirks. Yeah, I'm going to have fun with Mia.

  "I won't." He assures her, “That's my daughter, and I'm going to make sure that nothing ever hurts her. Thank you for looking after them for me."

  "Fuck," Mia whispers as she wipes tears from her eyes. "The asshole had to say that! I was fine hating him and then he comes out with that."

  Lacey laughs, but she too has tears in her eyes. "I'll be back later, I need to make a phone call."

  Mia's eyes widen before she slowly smiles, "Okay," and it's in that moment that I realize Lacey's going to call Sarah and let her know what's happened. I should stop them, but I don't. They've looked after their friend when Jagger couldn't, and they're protecting her, making sure she’s not blindsided.

  "You left," I say when Lacey leaves us alone.

  She stands and turns her chair around so that she's facing me properly. She sits back down; I do the same. She's even more beautiful than I remember. What nobody knows, not even Jagger is that Mia has ruined me. I've not slept with anyone since her. I've been searching for her for a long time, and she's finally here. We're in a fucked-up situation, but that's not going to stop me from having her. She's mine, and I plan on keeping her that way forever.

  "I'm sorry, I know that I should have left a note or something. I didn't think you'd want to hear from me again." Her voice is gentle as she wrings her hands together.

  "Mia, you were a virgin, why me?" It's something that's been playing on my mind since that night, I knew as soon as I entered her that she was innocent and I should have pulled out and walked away but I couldn't, as soon as I thrust inside of her, she was mine.

  She blushes, her porcelain skin turning bright red. "I didn't think you noticed."

  I take her hand and pull her toward me, she comes a little hesitantly, but as soon as she sits on my lap, she softens against me. "Mia, you never did answer me, why me?" I whisper.

  She sighs, "I don't know Hudson, there's something about you that I can't explain. You make me feel things that I've never felt before. It's like you're a magnet, I'm being sucked into you and no matter how much I resist it doesn't work." Her voice is a whisper and it hits me in the gut. She feels this pull too, that's good, because it means I won't have to work too hard at persuading her.

  "Mia, I'm not a good man. I'm never going to be one either." I won't do what my dad did; it's not who I am. I wouldn't turn my back on that life, it's in my blood. "I can't promise the future, but I can promise that I will make you feel like the princess you are."

  Her breath hitches, "Hudson." She whispers and fuck, she needs to stop. My dick is hard enough to cut diamonds. "We can't do this, you're my stepbrother."

  I turn her around so that she's straddling me, such sadness etched on her face. "I don't give a fuck. You're mine, Mia, and no one is going to deny me what's mine." I growl as I capture her mouth kissing her hard and fast. Fuck, how can I have missed her when I only spent one night with her?

  She whimpers as I pull away, "Hudson, we can't." She gets up off my lap and walks over to her chair, "I'm sorry."

  I smile, she's so fucking polite. "Why are you apologizing?"

  Tears swim in her eyes, "Because I don't want to hurt you."

  So fucking innocent.

  "Mia, you're not hurting me." I tell her truthfully, "This thing between us, it's never going to go away. You've been on my mind for almost two years now. I know what I want, do you believe that because our parents are married that it's going to end whatever this is?"

  "They won't like it." She tells me, and I know right there that she wants this as much as I do.

  "Baby, you leave them to me. Okay?"

  She bites her lip, her eyes glance to the ground, she's unsure. "Hudson..."

  "Boss." Martin's voice calls out and Mia immediately straightens, she's frowning as she looks between Martin and I.

  "Yes?" My irritation clear, whatever it is had better be life or death.

  "Um, Boss," he says again looking extremely uncomfortable, good the fucker, he may have undone all the work I laid out tonight.

  "I'll be back in a minute," I tell her and I can tell from the glassy eyes that she's already gone back to the woman who doesn't believe we should be d
oing this. "What?" I growl as I come to stand in front of Martin.

  He doesn't react to my annoyance, "Boss, Arturo has been arrested. I've been told on good authority that he'll be deported within the week."


  Martin sighs, "Boss, they can't just deport someone, they have to go through the proper channels. It'll be done."

  Fuck. "Fine, what about that asshole Juan? What's he doing?"

  "He's pissed. Jorge said that he doesn't suspect that he was set up, which gives us the element of surprise in whatever it is you have planned." He smiles, "Boss, do you need me to stay around?"

  "No, you can leave. Let me know if there's any more updates." I peer into the house. It doesn't seem as though anyone has left yet. Great, no way to escape, without having a lecture about it.

  He nods, "Will do, Barney's here if you need him. If you can pry him away from the redhead."

  I smirk, I knew as soon as I saw Lacey that she'd be Barney's type. "Thanks, Martin." I turn and head back toward Mia.

  Just as I sit down the door opens again, and Lacey barrels through it. "He's an asshole Mia." She practically growls as she sits down.

  Mia smirks, "What's he done now?"

  Lacey reaches for the bottle of champagne and fills her glass as Barney comes outside. "The jerk asked me if I wanted to go home with him. I mean what type of woman does he take me for? Who really goes home with someone they don't know because they growl and shit?"

  Mia blushes, and I smirk. That's exactly how it happened with us. I still don't understand how a sweet virgin went home with me that night but fuck, I'm glad she did.

  Lacey gasps as she takes in Mia's beet-red face and my smirk, "No offense, Mia.”

  Mia shrugs, "I don't regret it. It was amazing. But Lacey, if you don't want to, then don't."

  "I don't give up that easily Red," Barney grins as he joins us at the table. "You playing hard to get is just making me hard."

  I shake my head, what an ass.

  Lacey looks at him in disgust. "Pig."

  Mia's trying hard not to laugh, "Sorry Barney, that doesn't work on Lacey. You want her, you're going to have to come up with something better than your caveman act."

  Barney slams his hand on the table, "Challenge accepted."

  Lacey's eyes widen, "Whoa." She says, raising her hands in the air, "Nobody said anything about a challenge. I don't accept a challenge."

  Mia laughs, and I catch her mouthing the word 'Liar' to Lacey, I don't get the whole playing hard to get. It's a complete turn-off, if you're into each other go for it. Mia's not playing hard to get with me. She's confused, and I just need to clear her head of any confusion.

  The back door opens and Dad and Tina walk out, both of them with wide smiles. Tina’s head rests against his shoulder, his arm around her, holding her close to him. He was never this intimate with Mom, he was an asshole toward her, and I hated him

  "I'm so glad you're all getting along." Tina looks at Mia with such softness.

  "Bored, Mom?" Mia asks with a smile making both Lacey and my dad laugh.

  Tina's eyes widen, "Why would you say that?"

  Mia cocks one perfectly shaped brow, "Oh, besides the fact that you've come outside and left your hundreds of guests inside, it could be the fact that as soon as you escaped..."

  Tina gasps, "I did not escape."

  "Suuureee." Mia says, "As I was saying, as soon as you escaped you look relieved."

  Lacey hoots, "She's right, Mrs. Brady, I don't think I've ever seen you look so relieved."

  Tina waves her hands, "Oh hush up, you two. What am I going to do with you?"

  "Do you have any plans while you girls are here?" Dad asks, he seems so at ease around them, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or some shit, he's different. I'm not sure what to make of it.

  Mia glances at her hands, she's nervous, I want to reach out and pull her toward me, but I know that she'd be pissed if I did that. I need to get her used to it first before I do it.

  "Um Mom, do you still have the keys to the old house?" Mia's voice is hesitant.

  "Yes, do you want to go back?" Tina stares at her, and it's as if they're having a silent conversation.

  Mia nods, "Yeah, after what we were talking about earlier, it would be nice. While I'm here, I want to go visit Dad."

  I frown, her dad? I wonder where he is. My dad hasn't mentioned him at all.

  "Of course, do you want me to come with you? We can go to the grave together?"

  Grave? Shit, her dad must be dead.

  Mia stands, tears swimming in her eyes, "No, I've not been in a while. I'll be okay."

  Dad pulls Tina closer, offering her support. "I'll give you the keys tomorrow, when are you thinking of going?"

  Mia shrugs, "I don't know yet. I'm tired, I'm going to call it a night."

  Dad pulls Mia into his arms, her entire body is tight. Whatever he whispers to her eases her slightly, and my fists ball. Great, I’m jealous of my dad. Fuck. Dad releases her and Tina pulls her into her arms.

  “Of course, rest, we’ll talk tomorrow. This party is over anyway; everyone’s getting ready to leave. It’s almost one am,” Tina presses a kiss against Mia’s temple. “I love you, Mia.”

  “I love you too Mom,”

  I stand, “I’m going to go too, I’ve a bit of work to do before I call it a night.”

  “Son, there’s a room here for you,” Dad tells me with a smile, “Mia, will you show Hudson his room, your room is beside his.”

  “Sure, Lace, you staying here or you going to bed?” Mia asks as she glances at me.

  Lacey glances at Barney, “I’m going to bed.” She stands up, not before giving Barney a filthy look.

  “Barney dear, would you like me to set up the spare room for you?” Tina asks, and Barney’s eyes widen in shock. He’s an employee and Tina’s treating him as though he’s family.

  “Um, Mrs. Brady that would be great but no need to go to any trouble. If you point me in the right direction, I’ll make the bed.”

  Lacey walks toward Tina, quickly glancing over her shoulder at Barney. “I’ll show you, Mrs. Brady showed me earlier. Goodnight Mrs. and Mr. Brady, thank you for a wonderful evening. The party was...” She pauses as she glances at Mia, “Delightful.”

  Tina laughs, “You’re sweet and full of shit, you and Mia hid for the entire evening. Ladies, you aren’t even twenty yet, no more drinking.”

  “Wait, what?” I say a little too loudly, making both Tina and my dad look over at me. I compose myself and think on my feet. "You've been in my club." I give her a pointed look.

  "Hudson?" Dad questions, "How did she get in? When did she get in?"

  I give him a look, "That's what I'd like to know."

  Mia's eyes are wide, "Mia went to the club almost two years ago, not long after her eighteenth birthday." Tina's tone is full of disapproval. "I have no idea how she and Sarah ended up in your club, although now isn't the time to discuss this."

  "Not the time to discuss this? She got into my club underage. If the cops found out about this shit, I could be shut down." I growl, I've got the cops on my ass enough as it is, if they think kids are getting into my club, they'll be on me even more. "Who was on the door?" I ask Mia and her eyes flash with anger.

  "Hudson, just make sure it doesn't happen again."

  I grind my teeth at his words. I know how to run my own damn club. I’ll be making sure this shit doesn’t happen again.

  Mia shrugs, "How am I supposed to know who was on the door, I only went once. Anyway, I'm going to bed." She's pissed, and I don't blame her I'm acting like an ass, although I've just found out I fucked her when she was barely eighteen, I was twenty-six. Shit, at least she was legal.

  I follow her into the house. She’s walking fast, probably trying to get away from me. “Mia,” I call as she begins walking up the stairs.

  “What Hudson?” She asks, sounding resigned.

  “I’m sorry, I was an ass.”

  Her eyebr
ows raise in surprise, “Wow, didn’t expect that.”

  I smirk, “I can apologize when I need to, but Mia, I was shocked, I didn’t realize that you were so young.”

  She shrugs, and it pisses me off, “It’s over and done with Hudson, you don’t need to worry about me being so young.” Hurt in each and every single word she says.

  I don’t say anything until we reach the top floor, “That’s your room.” She points to the door on the left.

  I grab her arm as she walks towards her room and pull her back to me, her body crashing against mine. “Mia, I don’t give a fuck how old you are. I was shocked, but relieved you were legal.”

  She rolls her eyes, “Oh, and if I wasn’t?”

  “I would have to wait,” I growl, my dick hard as fucking stone.

  “For what?”

  I smirk, “You to become legal. You’re mine, Mia, and I’m going to have you again, once wasn’t enough.” I crash my lips against hers again, and she melts against me.

  Yes, she’s mine and her body knows it, now it’s time to get her head to catch up.



  How does he do it? One kiss and I'm putty in his hands. I still don't think this is right, but when I'm around him, I feel safe, I feel loved, and I feel sexy. It's weird, I don't feel this way around anyone else, and Hudson screams bad boy. I know Lacey believes he's dangerous, and I agree to a certain extent, but I can't see him being a drug dealer, hell I can't see him killing someone. Surely if he were, my mom wouldn't want me to get to know him, she'd be doing everything in her power to keep us away from one another.

  I stare up at him, wanting more of him, wishing he'd push me against the wall and fuck me. I know that it's wrong, our parents are married. I shouldn't even be having these thoughts. His hands go to my ass, and he gently squeezes my cheeks. "Hudson, God, why are you doing this to me?" I whisper, willing myself to walk away but I'm rooted to the spot, he has that pull on me that my body and heart are drawn to him.

  "Because Mia, you're mine. You walked into my club and totally eclipsed everyone. Your beauty outshone everyone there, but the best thing about you is that smile of yours. Once you came home with me you cemented the fact that you were mine." His amber eyes darken as his hands tighten on my ass.


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