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My Sheriff: A Regret South Dakota Short Story

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by Moore, M. K.

  Seven years and four kids later, we are stronger than ever. Even at three in the morning, feeding Reston, our five-month-old, and looking seven shades of exhausted, she's still my goddess, my everything. I get up with her each time, though I can do nothing but burp him, and keep her company. Once Reston is happily sleeping again, we go back to our bed. Plopping down, she snuggles into my side.

  "I can't believe we're having another one so soon," she says sleepily.

  "What?” I ask incredulously.

  “Didn't I say something about this yesterday, maybe. Ah, fuck I got busy after soccer and tap class. Sorry, I could have sworn we had this conversation. How insane is that?" she asks, laughing a little. We have been busy, but I think my girl needs a break. Good thing I’ve got a little something up my sleeve.

  "How long have you known?" I ask. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I obviously know how it happened, but I really didn't expect it so soon. Five children under six isn’t going to be a breeze.

  "Aren't you happy? I am. All I've ever wanted was to be a mother. I got that almost five times over. I'm so happy. Thank you for these gifts, husband," she says kissing my chest.

  "Wife, I'm so happy. It is I who should be thanking you for these gifts. You've given me so many things over the years. I love you."

  "I love you too," she says rolling over on top of me. Her already wet pussy comes in contact with my hard cock. The little nightgown she’s wearing rises up, but I want to see all of her. So, I grip it near her breasts and rip it open. She moans, rising to her knees she sinks her warm, wet cunt down my shaft. I groan and thrust my hips meeting hers. After all this time, she expertly knows what to do. Her inner muscles grip my cock like a vice.

  When she's close to her orgasm, I lean up and pull one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking hard, tasting her sweet milk, which does nothing but turn me on more. Her hands which were resting on my chest pull my hair hard moving me from one nipple to the other. My sexy wife loves having her nipples played with and I'm only too happy to oblige her. I can feel my orgasm rising from my toes and I fill her cunt with my seed. Fuck yes, her womb is already bred. Nothing makes me feel more like a man than when I’ve successfully done my duty as a husband. I have to clamp a hand over mouth as shouts my name when she comes.

  She climbs off of me and moves to lay on her side of the bed, but I pull her to me. She sighs in contentment, her cheek resting on my pec.

  Every night we end up this way, no matter how hectic our days are, this is our time. As much as I love our children, this is just for us, so it’s our sanctuary.

  * * *

  In the morning, I have several things planned for our fifth-year anniversary starting with getting the kids ready for daycare and school while she sleeps in. Reston is going with Meredith’s parents for the weekend since we haven’t put him in daycare yet as Meredith is still on maternity leave. Afterward, between Aubree and their mom, they will pick up the other three this afternoon.

  I am taking Meredith to Midland for the weekend. I am taking her to an illustrious baking competition that I secretly entered her in. She has been talking about it for as long as I’ve known her. Aubree boxed up several of Meredith’s baked goods and shipped them to the entry address. I got the call last week that she won the preliminaries and the semi-finals are Friday with the finals Saturday. I hope she doesn’t freak out and hate it.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as I help her into my truck. “I left my mom with a ton of frozen breast milk, but I am going to need to pump soon,” she says.

  “We’ll be at the hotel in an hour. Don’t worry,” I say getting in the truck.

  “Okay. Now what’s going on?” she asks putting on her seatbelt.

  “The Midland Bake off,” I say,

  “What?” she all but yells.

  “Aubree and I entered you. You are in the semi-finals.”

  “Oh my God, Dallas. That’s crazy. I am not at all prepared for something of this caliber.”

  “You’ll do great,” I promise. “I have faith in you,” I tell her.

  “Thank you. But I am nervous.”

  “I will be with you every step of the way, baby.”

  “Alright then. Let’s do this,” she says excitedly. I start the truck and pull out of the driveway. She talks a mile a minute the entire way. When we arrive, we have just under two hours before the competition starts. We settle in and head down to the event space and check in.

  The first desert is Danish. Shit, I might be biased, but my wife makes the best Blueberry Danish on the planet. I should know, I've bought every single one she’s made in the last six and a half years. I had to work out that much harder, but those damn things were worth it. They are light and airy with just the right amount of blueberry filling. She’s got this in the bag.

  I watch her work from the seating area. She works quickly and efficiently. She is beautiful. All that blonde hair and sunshine it’s no wonder I fell head over heels for her when I should have known better, but I wouldn’t change all that waiting for any damn thing.

  In the end, she comes in second, but the recognition is just as much as first place. The monetary prize is what’s different. We spend the rest of the night making love before heading home in the morning.

  Every day with her is better than the last and I thank God every day for bringing me to her. They say that patience is a virtue, good thing I had that in spades.



  Twenty Years Later

  All five of my babies are grown, with only our youngest still single, but I am sure that will change soon. She’s just started working at Cal’s rig and her boss, Ethan, made his intentions quite clear to Dallas and I. Speaking of my husband, he is retiring from the Regret Sheriff's office today. Next up for us, is traveling the world. I’ve always wanted to see Europe, so we are starting in Wales. Other than our honeymoon, I’ve not been out of South Dakota and I’ve never been out of the country. Neither has Dallas.

  At fifty-seven, he still makes love to me every chance he gets. I plan on doing nothing but lying in bed with him for the next week before our trip begins. We’ve earned this break, but I’m going to miss the kids, though they are doing their own things.

  Our flight to Wales was uneventful, but once we get there, I am in awe of how beautiful it is. We walk everywhere, eat strange foods, and make love in the moonlight. By the time we reach Italy, about a month later, we are both exhausted. Late one night my phone rings. I flip the light on the nightstand on. I see that our youngest, Maureen, is calling. I smile. She is my little fighter. I was in labor for thirty-six hours with her. We’ve always been the closest.

  “Mama?” she asks breathless.

  “Is everything okay? It’s the middle of the night,” I ask, mom-mode activated.

  “Shit, sorry. It’s only six here.”

  “Language, Maureen,” I say, chuckling. I’ve picked up some habits from my man over the years.

  “Geez, Mama. Are you guys ready to come home yet?” she asks. I can hear the hope in her voice. What mother could say no to that?

  “Yes. God yes. I am exhausted. Why?”

  “I’m getting married.”

  “I know, baby,” I reply without thinking.

  “What? How do you know? I literally just said yes.”

  “Ethan called your father yesterday,” I explain. For thirty minutes, they spoke man to man about it. In the end Dallas had no choice but to give his blessing. Ethan loves our daughter. It’s the all-consuming kind of love we have.

  “Oh. Well. Come home then. He’s giving me a week. A week. So, come home now. I need you. Please I need you,” she begs. She sounds overwhelmed.

  “Alright. We’ll leave tomorrow,” I say laughing. Boy, does Ethan have it bad. At least I had two weeks to prepare.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, mama. Fly safe.”

  “I love you too. See you soon,” I say, hanging up.

said yes?” Dallas’ sleep-filled voice reaches my ears.

  “She did. I was her first call. She needs me.”

  “I knew she would. We leave at noon tomorrow.”

  “I knew I married you for a reason,” I say, caught off guard when he rolls over me. Looking up at his face, his beard has gotten grayer, but man he’s still so handsome. After all these years, he still makes my knees weak, among other things.

  “Just for that reason?” he questions, rolling his hips, his hard cock hitting my clit just right.

  “No,” I moan. “All the reasons.” When he is inside me, I still lose my mind just like it’s the first damn time.

  “Good answer,” he groans as he slides into me hard and slow, like he wasn’t just balls deep inside me a couple of hours ago. This life we’ve created just keeps getting better and better. When I come, so does he. Being with him has been everything I’ve ever dreamed of. When I met him, I never would have thought he would have wanted me too. After all this time, I never question him or myself. We are who we are. Love makes life worthwhile and I count myself incredibly lucky I found it so early in life.

  * * *

  Once we get home, Maureen is in a full-blown panic and I try to help her as best I can. She wanted a big-ass white wedding with all the trimmings, so I helped her make it happen. I can’t help sobbing as Dallas walks her down the aisle to the still popular song, “Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time” by Panic At the Disco. It was an odd choice for a wedding song, but it’s been Maureen’s favorite song since she was a little girl and it came on from my playlist on a road trip. The reality of my last baby getting married and starting her life sets in. Once Dallas hands her over to Ethan, he sits down next to me and gathers me in his arms.

  “It’s going to be okay, baby,” he whispers in my ear sending chills down my body. His voice is raspy and sexy.

  “I know,” I say softly.

  “I mean it. You’ll have another grandbaby soon enough,” he says. My eyes pop up to his.


  “Your daughter, the blushing bride, just blew chunks in a plant out in the hallway,” he says. It’s hard for me to contain my laughter at the image of that.

  “Oh my god, did she tell you for sure,” I ask wondering why she didn’t say anything to me all week.

  “Yep. Called me gramps and everything. Ethan doesn’t know yet. She’s telling him when they get to Hawaii.” Oh well, I am sure she wants to tell her husband first. Dallas just happened upon it, so I can’t be too upset.

  Turning back to face the front, I watch my baby say her vows. Her sisters, Natalie, Darlene, and Molly are next to her looking just as pretty in gold dresses. All three of them in various stages of pregnancy. Our only son, Reston, sits beside me next to his wife. She is also pregnant. All the new babies of the O’Grady clan are coming soon and that warms my heart.

  I always pictured myself surrounded by kids and a husband who loved me. What I got instead was so much more. Every day with my sheriff has been better than the last and the next thirty or so years should be no different.


  I want to thank my husband, Daryl. You are so supportive of my dreams and I love you so fucking much for like ever.

  Thank you, Mama, for all of your support! I love you.

  Karlee, thank you for being a friend. #GoldenGirls reference. But seriously, thank you!!!! Love you .6 times!!!

  Elisa, thank you for just being you! We surprised you with this one, but ya know we loves you!

  JENNY!!! You are the best damn alpha reader a girl could have!

  To my arc team, no matter how many arcs I send in a short amount of time you guys pull through! Thank you so much for hanging out with me!

  To all of the readers, you guys are the ones that make this possible! Thank you for reading me and taking the time to review. You don’t know how much seeing your words of encouragement help me when I am struggling!

  Love Always,


  About the Author

  MK is married to the love of her life. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. She is an avid reader and loves telling steamy stories she deems filthy contemporary. She loves meeting readers, so come hang out with her!



  TWITTER: @smutyourmouth



  BOOK + MAIN: @mkmoore

  INSTAGRAM: mkmoore0320

  SNAPCHAT: mkmoore032010


  For more flirty, filthy fun check out my Facebook group with KL Fast:

  Other books by MK Moore

  To Love Series

  -Brother in Law to Love

  -Heel to Love

  -Wife to Love

  Royally Yours

  -A Princess for Hans

  Love In Norlyn

  -Madame President

  Regret, South Dakota

  -My Aubree

  -Her Forever

  -My Sheriff


  -Christmas Auction

  Turn Me On

  -So Good

  -Xander’s Treat

  -One Night Wasn’t Enough

  -Thanksgiving Ever After

  Seven Brides of Christmas written with Elisa Leigh, KL Fast, Elizabeth Princeton, Shelby Reeves, Vanna King, & Sylvia Kane

  -A Groom For Christmas written with KL Fast (Book 1)

  -A Bride For Christmas (Book 2)

  Clearwater Curves Serial written with Elisa Leigh, C.M. Steele, & KL Fast

  -Fancy Curves (Book # 2)

  The Caribbean Rivalry Series written with C.M. Steele

  -Stealing Destiny (Book # 2)

  -Taking Her For Granted (Book # 4)

  A Hauntingly Romantic Halloween Novella written with Elisa Leigh, C.M. Steele, & KL Fast

  -Hunting Gypsy (Book # 3)

  Kissing Junction, TX series written with KL Fast

  -Candy Corn Kisses

  -Thankful Kisses

  -Candy Cane Kisses

  -Champagne Kisses

  -Chocolate Kisses

  -Midnight Kisses

  -Shamrock Kisses

  -Summer Kisses

  -Cowboy Kisses

  -Justified Kisses

  The Gallucci’s written with KL Fast

  -Anthony by KL Fast

  -Trinna by MK Moore

  America’s Sweethearts written with KL Fast



  All for Love Series written with Elisa Leigh

  -Daddy Captain

  Whelan Brothers written with Elisa Leigh

  -The Irishman by Elisa Leigh

  -Lucky in Love by MK Moore

  Forever Safe Series written with KL Fast, CM Steele, Elisa Leigh, ChaShiree M, Mila Crawford, Brandy Ayers, Haven Rose, Claire Ashlynn, May Gordon, Brynn Paulin, Pixie Chica, & Samantha Rose

  -Loving Summer written with Elisa Leigh

  -Blind Love

  -Swearing To Love You written with ChaShiree M. coming 6/21

  Moosehead Minnesota Series written with ChaShiree M.

  -Marry Grinchmas

  -Sterling and Kennedy

  -A Rose for Max

  -The Time Between Us

  Queen of Hearts Ink Series written with ChaShiree M.

  -Inked Heart

  -Inked by Him

  -Inked by Her

  -Ink Me

  -Ink My Soul

  The Jorgensen’s written with ChaShiree M.







  -Erik & Lanie


  The Jorgensen Legacy written with ChaShiree M.



  -Hagen & Missy

  The Mercenaries
written with ChaShiree M.

  -Rescuing His Virgin




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