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Cherry Blossom Girls Box Set

Page 36

by Harmon Cooper

  Rather than have another heated epistolary exchange with my little trouser snake, I slipped out of bed and lugged my ass to the bathroom to drain the lizard.

  After I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw I was a little worse for wear. My beard was unkempt, the scar on my face had started to darken, and my hair was thickening as it grew out.

  Worse for wear? Shit, I looked hard as fuck, but it felt like I’d been hit by an eighteen-wheeler.

  After a couple of poses, just to see if I’d grown any more muscle (I hadn’t), I decided to take a shower.

  The water took a moment to warm, but it eventually got there, and I was able to ignore the lump of hair sitting where the soap should be. Shitty seedy motel.

  Damn, did the water feel good on my sore muscles though. Once it got to the point where it was too hot and my skin had turned pink, I took a step away and just relaxed in the steam for a moment.

  I actually heard the door open this time, and sure enough, it was Veronique.

  “We meet again in the bathroom,” she said, taking off the shirt and panties.

  “It seems to be the place for us to meet …”

  She stepped into the shower and kissed me. She kissed me again and again, and I was definitely into it, but I could also tell that … well, I don’t think she’d ever kissed someone before. Grace hadn’t been the same, likely because she’d read my mind on how to kiss. Not that I was an expert or anything, but I’d had my fair share of make out sessions in high school.

  So I let Veronique experiment on her kisses for a while, to get used to it.

  Eventually, she turned around and bent over, beckoning me forward.

  I shouldn’t have had enough energy for an erection, but there was a time and place for everything. And this was the time and place for me to swallow the fact that I’d been drained pretty hard last night, I was hungry, and to forcibly send all my energy toward my nether regions.

  Not that I needed to do much begging. My member had already grown to full size. I approached her, my hands on the shower wall and water spraying off my back. It wasn’t too hard to slip in.

  She was incredibly tight, but the water and the fact our juices were flowing soon made things a little easier. She looked at me over her shoulder, her hair partially covering her face as she got into her rhythm.

  “Gideon,” she whispered, and even though the shower was beating down upon our bodies, my ears were completely tuned into her words. “Gideon,” she whispered again. “Gideon.”

  I just kept going, trying my damndest not to come too soon. I got the sudden feeling – like I had with Grace in the past – that this would be the last time I had sex. This thought only inspired me to get more into the motion, grunting as I went at it as best I could, forgetting all the things that were out to get me.

  She raised one leg and placed it on the side of the tub to stabilize herself. It was then that I noticed the door had cracked open, Dorian standing on the other side.

  I blinked as she stepped into the bathroom, nude from the waist down. If Veronique cared, she didn’t show it.

  In fact, she became more aggressive when Dorian entered.

  Thank you, God, I thought as Veronique turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She climbed up onto me, and I leaned against the bathtub wall for leverage, aware that one false step and I would crack my ass pretty hard. I don’t know where I got the strength for it, but I definitely wasn’t going to let her down now. Once we were in a steady position, she lowered herself onto the luckiest dick this side of Richard Branson and started going at it again.

  Meanwhile, Dorian closed the toilet lid and sat on top, her legs spreading wide until one knee pressed against the sink and the other against the side wall. She made eye contact with me as she started fingering herself.

  It wouldn’t be long now; I should be considered a superhero for how long I’d already lasted with all this going on. And to think there were some people out there who encountered these things in their normal life!

  I’d never met a swinger. Well, no one had ever introduced themselves to me as a swinger, but I imagined this was what life as a swinger would be like, except the women wouldn’t be as hot.

  As much as I kept trying to tell myself to shut down my inner monologue and enjoy the moment, my inner monologue was the only thing keeping me from blowing the top off my penis. The more I rambled in my head, the easier it was not to blast off into outer space.

  With Dorian in front of me, touching herself and moaning, and my arms growing tired and sore from holding Veronique, something had to give.

  So I set Veronique back down, turned her against the wall, and started up again. Keeping my eyes closed this time so I could concentrate.

  But my eyes didn’t want to stay shut; they wanted to watch Dorian, so that’s what they did. Now three parts of my body had minds of their own – my brain, my eyes, and my dick – and all were screaming for me to come.

  And as Dorian moaned and Veronique found the perfect groove, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  Damn you, male orgasm! I was done in a matter of seconds, finished, ready to jump off a cliff if someone presented one to me, and just as I was about to pull out, Veronique’s pussy clenched around my penis, draining me even more.

  My legs got weak, my arms started to shake. Veronique was orgasming and draining my life force, the metal of the towel holder bending in her direction, the sink’s faucet starting to rattle.

  She came and released me. I fell backward and just barely stopped from cracking my ass open.

  Dorian started to laugh, still lightly touching herself. I started laughing as well, and as Veronique turned back to me, I saw that she too had a crooked grin on her face.

  Boy, were we all fucked in the head.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ken Kim Calls Again

  The shower to end all showers? Maybe. I hadn’t expected Dorian to join in the fun, even if her fun only meant she was watching and touching herself, but that was what happened. And now that the three of us had that out of our system, it was time to get down to business.

  Once we got Grace, I’d have a full-blown harem going and there was nothing society could do to stop me.

  Society isn’t trying to stop you; besides, you could just move to Utah, my inner voice said. And what about Grace? Isn’t it an insult to her to do what you’ve just done?

  I’m going to save her, possibly today, I told the bitchy, retrospective Gideon. Damn you and your societal norms! And don’t you dare tell me to move to Utah!

  The voice didn’t reprimand me after that.

  As I put my clothes on, a feeling of intense hunger came over me. I checked my smartphone to find the nearest place to grab a bite. Curiosity led me to my email inbox, and while Dorian and Veronique got dressed, I started reading through my messages.

  A rep from EBAYmazon had contacted me, asking if they could speak to me more about my first two Mutants in the Making books. They wanted to feature the first book in a deal that would go out to their incredibly large mailing list of readers. They also wanted to republish everything once I got a third installment out.

  Republish everything? I nearly did a backflip.

  My first instinct, rather than run around the room high-fiving and slapping asses, was to message Luke, and I would have done just that if I hadn’t seen an email from Dr. Ken Kim.


  Please email me your phone number. I know about what happened over the last two days. We need to talk. I can help.

  Ken Kim

  I considered the message for a moment.

  “What’s up?” Veronique asked and moved to sit next to me. Her face was still a bit red and her eyes were still incredibly dark, even though there was something soft behind them that I hadn’t seen before.

  “Ken Kim. He wants me to call him.”

  Dorian and Veronique exchanged glances. “He’s still contacting you?”

  “For the last several days,” I said. “He’s even
given me a code to put in your systems – yours and Grace’s – if you remember correctly. But I just don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “Well, you bought the prepaid phones …” Dorian said, referring to the phones Abuela had ordered for us.

  “I did. Fine, let’s have breakfast, then call him. But let’s go somewhere like thirty minutes away or something, just in case we’re being tracked.”

  “Teleportation?” Dorian asked.

  I thought about it, then shook my head. “Nah, let’s use Diego’s services again. Keep things low profile for now. We’ll see what Ken has to say.”

  I put the Longhorn cap on and stood. “Also, I need to give Diego his hat back.”

  After I set up the prepaid phone and made sure it had a charge, the three of went downstairs. The abuela at the front desk didn’t say anything about the fact that Veronique had joined us, despite never seeing her come through the front door last night. “Mijo,” she called to her grandson, “I think they need a taxi.”

  Diego came out of the back room, towering and intimidating as ever. He nodded when he saw Veronique. She returned his gaze with just about the coldest look possible and he glanced away.

  “Where to?” he asked me.

  “A breakfast restaurant, maybe a diner. Only stipulation is that it needs to be somewhere not here.”

  “Not here?”

  “I mean, somewhere else in the city. Not in the vicinity of the hotel.”

  He looked at his abuela.

  “Take him to the Jim’s in Oak Hill,” she said with pure grandmotherly finality. “Your tia used to work there.”

  And so we went to the Jim’s in Oak Hill, wherever the hell that was.

  It took about twenty minutes, going from South Congress to 71 to a suburban nook surrounded by rocky cliffs, oak trees, and a complex traffic grid. The Jim’s was smack dab in the middle of the shopping center, near a gym – yep, Jim’s near a gym – and across the road from a McStarbucks. Diego waited outside as we went in and got seated.

  We ordered. Pancakes, sausage, and gravy for me, the same for Dorian, and each of us had a coffee.

  My phone buzzed. It was Luke.

  Luke: Are you alive?

  Me: Barely. I’ll be frank. Our little MC was taken hostage by government forces, put in a military jail, rescued by a teleporting hottie, and nursed back to health with Mexican food.

  Luke: Damn, I could use some Mexican food. Wait, did you say put in a military jail?

  Me: FML. The MC then teamed up with the teleporter to rescue the vampire. The following morning, he hooked up in the shower with the vampire while the teleporter watched. Now he’s eating pancakes.

  Luke: LOL. This. Is. The. Best. Message. I’ve. Read. All. Year.

  Me: Please do not share this with anyone.

  Luke: You got it. Just let me take a mental screenshot. Sometimes, I would hate to be you. Other times, I’d trade my left nut.

  Me: You keep your damn left nut because you don’t want to be me, trust me there!

  Luke: But back to the military jail. Tell me about that.

  Me: They attacked us. We were captured, they put me in jail and attempted to interrogate me. It was terrible. I don’t want to relive it.

  Luke: Okay then. Tell me about the almost threesome.

  Me: It started when I took a shower. Vampire came in. Teleporter came in after. I don’t understand my life. It wasn’t a threesome, but two of us had sex while the third rubbed one out.

  Luke: I thought ‘rubbed one out’ was just for guys, no?

  Me: Yep, women can do it too. Apparently.

  Luke: I’ve seen videos of that!

  Me: Stop trying to cheer me up with your humor because it’s working.

  Luke: LOL. Your life is the stuff of legends, man! So what’s next? Where’s the psychic?

  Me: Still need to rescue the psychic. I’ll update you later. I don’t know how this is going to go down just yet.

  Luke: Well, shit, stay safe.

  Me: Also, EBAYmazon contacted me. They want me to write another novella so they can publish all three into a full book.

  Luke: Wow! That’s great news!

  Me: It is. Shit pancakes are here. I’ll hit you back when I know more.

  Luke: Shit pancakes? Is that an American thing?

  Me: Shit COMMA pancakes are here.

  Luke: Hey man, whatever you’re into. No judgment. #grammarnazi

  I cracked a grin at my phone. If I were British, I would call Luke a cheeky bastard.

  Dorian didn’t finish her pancakes, so I finished them for her. We had another cup of coffee, the three of us discussing a number of things, mostly centered around what they knew about Ken Kim – which wasn’t much – and what Veronique had experienced once they took her.

  I also told her what I’d gone through, and for once, I saw true concern in her eyes.

  “But back to what happened to you. What was that vat that they had you in? Sarcophagus? Maybe that’s what I should call it.”

  “I don’t know,” she said, finishing off her third cup of coffee.

  “Well, we’ll just have to figure that one out. Or not. Who knows?” I paid the bill and we stepped outside. Dorian and Veronique formed a small perimeter around me. They were on edge, Veronique more than Dorian. I motioned to Diego – who was still waiting in his car – that we’d be a moment. “Time to call Ken,” I said.

  I had already sent Ken Kim my phone number back in the restaurant, and I figured it wouldn’t take him long to respond.

  I was right; my throwaway phone rang a few minutes later.



  “Okay,” he said cautiously, “I don’t know how you’ve managed to do it twice, but kudos. Really. And now the tough part begins.”

  “Do it?”

  “Escaped. I mean, you were in a high-security military prison that was set up at Camp Mabry just to house you and the other supers.”

  I smirked at the ground. It was already hot in Austin, and the sun was glaring down on us. “I got lucky,” I finally told him.

  “I can’t believe Dorian Gray flipped! I’ve been reading the inside report …”

  “How do you have access to that, Ken?” I asked, sitting on the curb. “I need you to be honest with me because what you say next will decide if I ever speak to you again.”

  “Look, I know you’re suspicious, I get that.”

  “More than suspicious,” I said. I pulled the phone away from my ear and put him on speaker so Dorian and Veronique could hear.

  “Okay, more than suspicious, fine, but I’m on your side. I want you to succeed. I want them to be defeated. The … the fuckers!”

  Dorian and Veronique glanced at each other when he said this. I couldn’t tell if they bought it or not, but I certainly didn’t.

  “Tell me every reason why you’re helping me. Get on your fucking soapbox and dance, Ken.”

  I watched Veronique as a small smirk formed on her face, lifting her sharp features.

  “Well?” I asked after Ken had been silent for a moment.

  “I … look, I’m a coordinator of the program – senior coordinator in charge of subjects and their well-being. That’s why I met with Sabine so frequently. And yes, I know the person you have referred to as ‘Mother,’ and to be honest,” he paused, “I’m a dead man. Once she sees me in person again, she’ll know what I’ve done. I can hide in New Haven, but I can’t hide once we actually meet. So I’m trying to get out before she comes back. Point is, I want to help. What’s so bad about that?”

  “There’s nothing bad about that. But how can I trust you?”

  “I’ve seen shit that I can’t … the things they did to other subjects … the decommissioned ones. And there are more that will be coming for you soon. Mark my word.”

  I stared at the phone for a minute. They hadn’t actually sent many after us, just Angel and Dorian, which was odd.

  “Why are they holding back?”

>   “They haven’t been authorized to leave yet, but they’re coming,” Ken said, not quite answering my question. “I want you to know everything I know. Fuck, I’ll say it. I loved Sabine just as much as Bobby did. That’s the goddamn truth. I want her to succeed, to have some semblance of a life, dammit!”

  So, it’s about Grace then, I thought.

  “You’ve done something I don’t have the balls to do, Gideon. You’re my fucking hero.”

  Dorian looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, giving her the ‘I’m nobody’s hero’ look.

  “You’ve risked it all for a few people you barely know,” Ken blurted out. “I wish I had your courage.”

  “It’s not courage as much as it is utter stupidity,” I said. Mixed in with bouts of misguided horniness, I thought.

  Might as well be real about it; Grace, Veronique, and now Dorian had changed me. They’d brought me incredible success, opened up realms of possibility I never thought possible, and given me a life aside from a failed sci-fi writer working at a gift shop. They had become my companions.

  “Well you asked, and I’m answering. So that’s who I am, and it’s why I’m trying to help. Did you activate the code yet?”

  I shook my head at the phone. “No, you never told me what it did, and I was afraid it would turn on GPS tracking or whatever. So I figured it was a bad idea. Plus, I forgot the code.”

  “Grace would be with you now if you had activated it. And I’ll send the code in an email.”

  “What do you mean she’d be with me now?”

  “For Sabine, the code unlocks an ability to make people’s nightmares become reality. Let me rephrase: She can dip into someone’s mind, take the thing they fear the most, and make them see it. It’s an incredible power, and she could have … fuck … she could have even taken down Angel with that.”

  “Did you know Angel has sex with Mother?” I said. “A real motherfucker.”

  Dorian and Veronique snickered. I placed my hand over the receiver and told them I’d explain later.


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