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Cherry Blossom Girls Box Set

Page 68

by Harmon Cooper

  It was a good twenty-minute walk from where I currently stood, but once I got closer, I saw that it was indeed something – a trailer.

  Goddamn, did it feel good to find some form of civilization.

  Stella began coughing.

  “Are you okay?” I set her on the ground, taking in the confusion on her face when she saw me.

  The vibration that followed was enough to throw me to the ground, where I nearly smacked my head against a big rock. I did manage to scrape my shoulder against it though. I reached my hand out toward Stella and saw her head dip forward again.

  She was out cold.

  “Damn,” I mumbled, gingerly touching the abrasion on my shoulder.

  The light from the trailer was bright orange, and as I looked at it, I saw the door open.

  A man stepped out, his face covered by shadows.

  “Help!” I called over to him. “We got lost in the desert, and …”

  The man took a few steps closer to me, and as he did, I could make out his features a little more. He had a crew cut, dark little eyes, a square jaw, a beer belly. He wore shorts and a pair of combat boots, the laces undone.

  You will help us, I thought to him, calling on Grace’s power for assistance.

  The man started laughing. “Your powers won’t work on me, boy,” he said, reaching his hand toward me. “Now get inside. I’ve been waiting all day for you.”

  “All day? Who … who are you?”

  “Father,” he said, his eyes flaring yellow.

  The End.

  Book Four is out now!

  Seriously, though, you’ve made it this far—you won’t believe where the series goes next!

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  Thank you.

  Thank you for reading this series and reviewing it.

  Like Gideon, the Cherry Blossom Girls have changed my life, and I still can’t believe people enjoy this series as much as they do!

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  As of the writing of this back matter (June 2019), I’m currently working on Book Eight, which means you have a bit of catching up to do.

  How long will the series go? That’s a damn good question, but right now I’m writing about Gideon and the CBGs in Asia and it shows no signs of slowing down. Stronger villains, more angles and without spoiling anything, the fourth installment of this series is where things take a turn in a direction that changes the dynamics between Gideon, the CBGs, and people trying to kill them.

  So read on, please review, and check out some of my other series on the following pages.

  I now have Cherry Blossom Girls posters and other swag available on my online store. I’ll continue updating merch going forward!

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  What’s that? You have a page too, Mr. Author? YES. You can also join the Proxima Galaxy here to see how all my books are connected, see previews of upcoming releases, and get early copies of my new works as well as audiobooks.

  Need some more LitRPG? Then check out the LitRPG Books page, or the GameLit Society page, run by some great dudes.

  So join the group, enjoy the community, and thanks again for reading, for the support, for making this weird series a possibility!

  Yours in sanity,

  Harmon Cooper

  (My new series is in the same vein as CBG–fun, wild, crazy superpowers, just… read the blurb.)

  Not everyone can say they met their new girlfriend while being detained for impersonating a superhero.

  Hell, not everyone can say they have a superpower.

  But Sam Meeko can, and this is the story about how he discovered his strange power (hint: through police brutality), the people he met immediately after (hint: three beautiful women), and the kick ass team they formed once they realized there was a vampire outbreak descending upon their city. When the cops don’t know what the hell is going on, and the real Centralian superhero teams can’t be bothered, saving the day falls to this ragtag bunch of half-powered superhero hopefuls.

  Assuming, of course, that they can get their acts together.

  Other Books by Harmon Cooper

  Hate your job. Win the lottery. Get a superpower. House of Dolls.

  A fantasy harem adventure inspired by Pokemon Go!, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and the Persona family of video games. Check out this Amazon best seller!

  Tokyo, Japan meets online fantasy gaming and South Park-styled humor. Yakuza, goblins, action, intrigue - add this book to your inventory list!

  What if Ready Player One was a multi-part epic? Gritty LitRPG action, gamer humor, fantastic fantasy worlds, and a killer MC. Read now!

  And now… A book by LUKE!

  If you didn’t know, “Luke” in this book is based on a real Canadian writer, Luke Chmilenko, who is a friend of mine, and whose book above is a beloved LitRPG series.

  Please check it out if you haven’t already!

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