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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

Page 6

by K E Osborn

  She leads me through the front door, shutting it behind me. Her arm grazes mine, and it’s not hard to notice my hairs stand on end the moment she touches me. Tomi’s body ignites something inside me when her skin touches mine. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and all I know is I want more.

  As I take in the entry of her home, it’s just as I’d imagined—pictures of her family litter the walls—her parents, her sister, all of them together. You can tell this was a family home. It has the feel to it, the warmth, the energy as soon as you enter the front door.

  It feels like home.

  The carpets are a little worn, but they’re still plush. The white walls have faded to a more cream color, the wooden baseboards have a few nails missing. It’s not rickety or broken down, it’s just lived in. We enter to the left then veer off to the family room. It’s dimmer than the hall and the living room we just came through. The curtains are drawn and only a side lamp is on giving out a dull glow across the space. There’s a singular sofa facing a television with the screen light that’s quite dim, and then it clicks into place—this room is specially designed for Levi’s sensory issues. The lights been dulled for him. Tomi’s done well to make this area safe for him. I spot Levi on the sofa playing video games on the television.

  Over to the right is the kitchen. Tomi leads me as we slowly walk through without disturbing Levi. I watch him as he’s engrossed in his game. It’s good he’s found a way to function in this crazy thing we call life.

  I step into the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter and turn to see Tomi moving about at the dining table trying to clear away some things. I walk over and notice its artwork, so I reach out, stopping her so I can view it. She huffs, glancing up at me like she wants me to let it go, but I’m not that guy. I reach out to pick up one piece of paper, it’s a tattoo design of an intricate butterfly. She moves off to place the ice cream in the freezer.

  “These are really good.”

  She shrugs, closing the freezer door. “Meh, just doodling—”

  “No, this…” I pick up a design of a Trojan warrior and show her. “This is great stuff. No wonder Hope & Faith Ink is so popular.”

  She slumps her body, her happy demeanor all but vanished in an instant. “Well, we won’t be around much longer if Alex-asshole-Scott has his damn way.”

  I tense all over, lowering her stencil to the table, giving her my full attention. “What’s going on?”

  She huffs while folding her arms over her chest. “I got another email from him tonight, telling me the eviction is final. We have to vacate before the end of the month… fucker.” She blinks her eyes a few times but keeps her control, the sheer hatred she shows for him is plain for everyone to see in her eyes.

  A cold shudder runs over my spine seeing her so uptight. She obviously hates Alex. The contempt she holds is clear toward me because I’m the one who sent that email only a mere hour ago.

  By the look on her face—God if she only knew—she would slit my throat while I slept or maybe even while I’m awake, I’m sure.

  I’m not even joking. She’s feisty enough to do it.

  I need to change the subject, my guilt is eating me alive. So I turn toward the family room and pop my head out. “Levi, you want some ice cream?”

  Levi glances up from his game, pauses it, and races over, kind of wobbling about like a giddy child. He’s tall, a little stocky for his age. I’ve researched Klinefelter Syndrome, so I know what I’m dealing with—hips are larger than a normal male’s at sixteen, his chest being slightly more pronounced is also a symptom of the syndrome. I don’t know a lot about it, but his autism seems more prominent than anything else he has going on right now.

  Levi rushes to the table and jumps onto the seat. He sits, his eyes down, not making eye contact as Tomi moves about the kitchen getting the bowls then the tubs out of the freezer for him. I move to the donut packet to open it, the aroma of peanut butter floods the kitchen with its delicious nutty smell as I place the donuts in front of Levi. He pushes them to the left a little more. I tilt my head wondering what that’s about.

  Tomi moves in beside me letting out a heavy sigh. “Oh yeah, things have to be in the middle of the table… you’ll get used to it.”

  My chest squeezes at how Tomi knows so much about her brother’s needs. She’s amazing the way she takes care of him. But at the same time, my heart breaks a little for Levi, considering how hard it must be to live a life where if things aren’t a certain way, it’s painful for him. That’s what I’ve read anyway. So I want to do things right by Levi. I want to be a good friend to him, maybe a support he can lean on.

  I make it a note to learn everything I can about autism and how to cope with it from the outside looking in. I need to understand how he must be feeling because if helping Levi makes his life easier, it also makes Tomi’s life easier, and I’m all for that.

  I simply want to assist them both. That’s actually what I was aiming for in that damn email. I wanted to help her, not offend her. I wanted to give her support, as much of it as I can without making her suspicious. I didn’t mean for it to come across negatively. I guess I can see how it could, though. Especially for someone who’s as headstrong as Tomi.

  I move to sit, causing Levi to moan. He points to the seat to his left, making me glance up at Tomi. She shrugs with a nod, so I move to sit next to Levi while Tomi shifts to the other side trapping Levi in the middle.

  He smiles so wide like he’s finally comfortable.

  Reaching out, I go to grab one of the donuts. “Want a donut, Levi?”

  He bobs his head emphatically. “Yeah.”

  So, I pick up the one right in the middle. Levi grins as he takes the donut from me.

  I get it now.

  Levi likes everything in the middle—it’s his comfort zone.

  I can work with this.

  “Peanut butter’s my favorite,” Levi gushes while smashing the donut into his face.

  I chuckle as Tomi dishes out the ice cream into three bowls while watching us. I pick up a donut, shoving it in my mouth, the creamy texture of the peanut butter mixed with the sugary donut is like a damn flavor overload. I’m not sure I like it, but if Levi does, then I’m sure as hell going to pretend I do, to make him happy.

  “It’s good, yeah?”

  Levi turns up his lip. “No… it’s gross. But I like peanut butter.”

  Tomi bursts out laughing as she brings the bowls over while I try to swallow the donut without laughing. Tomi glances over at me. “Sorry,” she murmurs.

  My hand slides up the back of her thigh, and I shake my head. “Nothing to be sorry for.”

  Her bottom lip pulls in as she bites down on it, then she slowly slides down on her seat.

  I glance at Levi who’s still persisting with the god-awful donuts. “Wanna eat your ice cream before it gets warm?” I ask, and he bobs his head like he was waiting for someone to tell him that very thing. He drops the half-mangled donut into the box and pulls his ice cream to him as I glance at Tomi and smile. It’s weird, but this feels like the most normal way to eat dessert—with Tomi and me on either side of Levi as we encourage him to eat it all. I don’t know why, I haven’t truly known her all that long, but this feels like it fits.

  I can’t help but wonder if dessert feels this good, how Tomi and I would be in this situation. We’re obviously so damn right for each other. How can we have met under these circumstances and it be this right but also so utterly fucking wrong?

  My mind swarms while Levi keeps me occupied and distracted, but in the back of my mind, I know this could come crashing down on me at any fucking second.



  Sitting back watching Xander with Levi, I can’t help but think of how great he is with him. I’ve always been so protective over the idea of having a man in my life because anyone who’s with me has to accept Levi.

  Not only does Xander accept him, they’re almost getting along better than X
ander and I are right now as I giggle watching them battle each other on Levi’s favorite video game, Fortnite. Xander, of course, has no idea what he’s doing, but he’s putting the effort in, and that’s all that matters with Levi. He knows if your genuine or faking it. He’s a hell of a lot smarter than people give him credit for. It’s what irks me about the life he’s been dealt. His brain is so powerful, he can do so much. It’s just the limitations his body and mind have put on him that are sometimes debilitating.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love him how he is, but there are times I wish he could walk in public and not be ridiculed by the stupid little teeny boppers who laugh at him for his clothing choices or for the way he walks with a slight waddle. People can be such assholes. I’m glad that somehow Levi rises above it all. For him, his life’s nothing but rays of sunshine and puppies. He’s happy and content, but I just don’t know how long his bliss is going to last. His routine is structured, when it gets pulled out of whack, he starts to crumble. It’s what I’m terrified about the most. My brother falling apart to the point I can’t help him. What if I lost Levi, too?

  My chest squeezes hard at the thought as I clench my eyes tight fighting back the tears.

  “Oh, you got me again! How do you keep doing that?” Xander calls out through a laugh, breaking me from my thoughts. I welcome the intrusion as I glance over to the two great guys on the sofa.

  “Easy. You really suck at this,” Levi replies, making Xander bump into his side, which causes Levi to snicker at him.

  That’s rare since Levi doesn’t like new people touching him at all.

  I move forward, resting my hands over the sofa and onto Levi’s shoulders. “Right, c’mon, big guy, time for bed. You have school tomorrow.”

  He groans. “Just one more game?”

  “You want to wake up asleep?” I ask him the same thing I always do when he won’t go to bed.

  Xander raises his brow at me as Levi audibly mumbles under his breath, “I’ve told you this a million times, Tomi, if you wake up, you can’t be asleep when you’re awake.”

  “Exactly. Because you go to bed on time.” I wave my hands through the air then point toward his room. “Now go.”

  Levi groans, slowly getting up off the sofa, then he turns back to face Xander. “You’re cool, Xander, come play again. But don’t bring those donuts.”

  Xander smiles wide. “Sure thing, buddy. Sleep well.”

  He grumbles, thumping his feet toward his room, but then turns back again. “Xander?”

  Xander peers over the back of the sofa. “Yeah?”

  “You’re my friend.”

  My entire body melts as I look at Xander’s face soften with joy. “Yeah, Levi… I’m your friend.”

  Levi turns, striding off to his room as Xander stands and walks over to me. My heart races so damn hard I’m having trouble holding myself together while he saunters to me, all broody, sexy, and fucking perfect. He takes my hand in his, those damn sparks shoot straight from his fingers to my clit, making it throb as he leads me over to the dining table.

  Letting out a sigh, I stare at him in utter awe. “You’re so good with him.”

  His face lights. “He’s a great kid.”

  The fact Xander is so damn good with Levi means everything to me. I never thought I’d find someone who could accept Levi and me as a package.

  Xander’s kind of a catch.

  Slowly, Xander scoops out a spoonful of practically melted ice cream, a glint in his eyes letting me know he has something on his mind. The gooey ice cream sits delicately on the spoon as his eyes meet mine, his free hand moves under the spoon as he brings it up to my face. I know what he’s doing, and I open my mouth to take the delicious treat. He slides it into my mouth as his eyes meet mine. His intense sapphire blues lock right onto my very soul, and as the cold hits my tongue, a shudder runs down my spine, making all my senses come alive. The energy pulsing through the room swirls around us as my breathing rushes while I continue to stare at him. I’ve never had anyone feed me before. I’ve always thought that was for babies, but this is kind of erotic.

  How he’s looking at me, the lust in his eyes, the adrenaline coursing through the room has me on edge. I inch closer to him, needing to be as near to him as possible as I swallow the delicious ice cream. His eyes focus in on my lips.

  I lick the sweetness from my mouth. I can’t hold back the tension anymore, so I push his spoon aside and thrust my hands into his hair, forcing his mouth to mine. The warmth of his lips against the cold of mine is a sensory overload. I lean into him, my breasts rubbing against his tank top. My hardening nipples pushing up against my bra only make me moan into his mouth.

  His hands swoop up, one into my hair, gripping my ponytail, his fingers threading through it tightly as our tongues collide in a flurry of passion.

  Our breathing becomes frantic as I shift closer, his other hand sliding down to my ass as he pulls me nearer. I make the move by sliding on top of him, my fingers gripping his hair as I straddle him, kissing Xander like there’s no tomorrow. My clit throbs so damn much as I grind down on him, feeling his hardening cock beneath me through his jeans.

  This is becoming heated as we rock together on the chair. I feel everything, it has my temperature rising higher and higher. I want him so bad right now I’m having trouble holding myself together.

  Then I faintly hear the movement of footsteps in the hall.

  My heart leaps into my throat as I dramatically pull back from Xander, my eyes open wide as I pant for breath backing away from him.

  Smoothing out my dress, I turn just in time to see Levi walking in with his sleepy eyes. He’s tired. I clear my throat, knowing we were seconds away from being walked in on by Levi. I notice Xander subtly rearranging his crotch.

  “Can I have some water?” Levi asks, not even seeming to take in the awkward tension filling the room.

  I dart off into the kitchen, trying to catch my breath without saying anything. I race about grabbing Levi a big glass of water, figuring I better help him to bed. I usually always do, but I didn’t tonight. It’s probably why he’s come back out.

  “C’mon, let’s get you into bed, all right?” I tell him, handing him his plastic cup.

  He waves at Xander as I glance back at him. Xander’s trying to hide his smirk, which actually makes me feel a little better. So, I wink at him, then head down toward Levi’s room.

  We walk in, and his night light is on. He sleeps with it every night because he has a problem with shadows and the dark. I’ve never been able to understand why, but I don’t need to understand, I simply accept it, and we deal. As he hops into bed, I move around, shutting all the cupboard doors for him. The corners of his mouth turn up at me as I walk over, bending down. He likes to feel like he’s surrounded and enclosed in his bed with a heavy feeling. So, I place his weighted blanket over him, then tuck it right into his sides, tight, as if I’m trapping him in. How he can sleep like that, I have no idea. But it works to keep him calm—most nights. We’ve gotten into a routine, so we stick to it. Unfortunately, tonight, Xander distracted me with his gorgeousness.

  Leaning down, I kiss Levi on his head as I walk toward the door. “Night, little brother.”

  “Night, big sister.”

  I blow him a kiss. It’s our ritual, then close his door. He likes it closed because he doesn’t like the shadows the hallways make when the moon changes its height. He only likes the light in his room. He’s very particular, and that’s okay.

  Taking in a deep breath as I stand outside Levi’s door, I steady my shoulders, then turn to walk back out to find Xander. My whole body is still throbbing from our intense-as-hell kiss. But I let my attraction to him get in the way of my duties as big sister and caregiver to Levi.

  I can’t let that happen again.

  I stride into the kitchen to see Xander at the sink, elbow deep in suds and hot water. I gnaw on my bottom lip as I watch him doing my damn dishes. I raise my brow folding my arms over my chest, imp
ressed with his domesticated skills.

  This guy continues to astound me.

  I can’t help but let out a small laugh. “I have a dishwasher, ya know?”

  He turns to face me, a small splotch of soap suds on his chin. “You do?”

  My lips pull in to try and stop myself from laughing when he’s being so fucking nice, but I walk over opening the cabinet door that appears like part of the kitchen cabinetry, yank it down to reveal the dishwasher.

  Xander lets out a stifled laugh. “I like your eye for design.”

  Grinning, I shrug. “I kinda like designing things, comes with the flair for art, I suppose.”

  A strange look crosses his face as he tilts his body, continuing to wash the bowls. “Humor me…” he pauses, then continues, “… if you could have a tattoo studio with any features, any design aspects you wanted, what would it be?”

  I tilt my head, wondering why he would ask that question, but I’ll play along. I walk up to him and casually wipe the suds from his face smoothing my hand over his cheek. “If I could have anything I wanted?” He nods. “Well, the welcome area would have a mural, so as soon as you walk in, you feel excited to be there. It would be classy and arty, maybe of my parents, my sister, and Levi. I would know how sentimental it is but make it artistic so customers think it’s just art, but not in a tacky way...” He continues with the dishes, but his face is focused like he’s taking this all in. “The zones would have a rustic brick façade with a white plaster wall making each individual section private. It would be a classic look.” I glance up to the ceiling imagining it in my mind. “Chesterfield couches in the waiting area for people to sit on. The other walls painted in a dark, textured finish giving a sexy feel to it.” Warmth floods through me. “Giant mirrors line the walls making the space feel bigger but also for the clients to view their tatts when done. But not only is there the main space, but there are additional rooms for the clients who don’t like being out in the main room on show. Some like their privacy.” I take a breath and shift my eyes up thinking about it all. “Places for display cabinets… a piercing room, we could even branch out and have a tanning salon...” I exhale. “The possibilities are endless…” I glance at him and slump my body. “But it’s all a pipe dream, unfortunately. With Alex Scott wanting us out, the idea of expanding is null and void. I doubt I’ll even be there at the end of the month.”


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