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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

Page 8

by K E Osborn

  I should tell her.

  I want to tell her.

  I need to tell her.

  But I know the second I do, this will be over, and I’m not ready to give Tomi up.

  No matter how this plays out, I’m damn well screwed.

  Tomi’s fingers gently stroke up and down my chest, the move should be soothing, but I’m tense as hell as her soft breaths let me know at least one of us is relaxed after our amazing moment together.

  This is all I’ve wanted since the first time I saw her. She stole a piece of me the second I laid eyes on her, and it’s what makes this all so damn hard. Keeping this secret from her is eating away at me, but I feel like I’m between a rock and hard place with no way out.

  Tomi props up on her elbow, looking down at me. Her messy blonde hair framing her beautiful face as her lashes blink a couple of times. She looks deep in thought as her hand continues to trail up my tattooed chest.

  I grab her hand linking our fingers together. “What’s on your mind?”

  She licks her lips, letting out a small sigh. Her eyes shifting down like she’s ashamed. It’s a look I don’t like on her.

  “It’s all good,” she replies, but I can tell straight away something’s weighing on her mind. I’m sure she’s going to talk about Alex and how much of a scumbag he is and that she’s ashamed for stooping to his level by sending that email. She needs to let this out, so I say again, “What’s on your mind. You can tell me. I’m right here… I’m listening.”

  She hesitates, swallowing hard. “I told my sister she was selfish.” Her voice is weak, almost broken.

  That’s not the direction I thought this was going.

  My hand comes up as I push her hair behind her ear to comfort her. “We all say things we don’t mean, Tomi.”

  “I meant it. She was at college, but she was wasting her time on boys and parties, not concentrating on her grades. She was turning out like me… a damn mess.”

  My brows furrow at her words. “The fuck, Tomi? You’re nowhere near a mess.”

  She finally looks up at me. “Now. Now… I have to basically be a mom. I’m the responsible one.” My palm on her face tightens, and she nuzzles into it. “Before all… this… my parents said getting me my own tattoo studio would teach me how to be responsible. Would show me what it’s like to grow up, to stop my partying and staying out till the stupid hours of the morning…” She weakly smiles like she’s reliving a memory. “It started to work. Running my own business meant I had to pull my shit together. I had employees to look after. It settled me down. I wasn’t quite there, but I was on my way.”

  Her body tenses, her bottom lip quivers with the obvious memory flashing through her mind. “Kaylie looked up to me. Her big sister, the tattoo artist owning her own studio. But I still had a touch of the party animal, and Kaylie wanted to be me…” she pauses like she’s having trouble saying the next part. But finally continues, “She called drunk off her face, but bad drunk, the type where I think her drink had been spiked. She only went to that damn party because of the fight we’d had where I told her she was selfish. The problem was, my parents had to go get her because big sis couldn’t come to the rescue… her stupid ass was drunk as well.”

  My stomach falls through the floor as I watch Tomi’s eyes mist up reliving the memory. I tighten my hand on her cheek, pulling her face to look at me. “Tomi, you’re not that girl anymore. You can’t carry this weight with you. Your parents having a car accident with Kaylie in the car is not your fault, you weren’t responsible for the actions of the other driver.”

  Her entire body shudders as a warm tear slides down her face. “No, but if it weren’t for me, Kaylie wouldn’t have been drunk in the first place. They wouldn’t have even been in the car, and that damn truck would have never...” she trails off.

  Anger surges through me that she’s been living like this for a year. Grabbing her, I spin us over, pinning her beneath me, her normally strong and stubborn frame looking meek and fragile. “Stop right now, Tomi. You have to let this go, or it will eat you alive. You may not have been available for your sister at the party, but that’s more her fault than yours. It was her choice to drink, her choice to go to the damn party in the first place, and if you don’t stop dwelling on this… it’s going to suck you into a hell you can’t pull yourself from.” I soften my voice a little, my anger ebbing more into concern for her. “You need to be available for the people who are still here, for the people who need you now. Don’t dwell on ghost stories, Tomi, think of Levi. He needs all your attention, not glimmers of the past. Grieve for them, remember the good for sure, but don’t exist on the negative, it won’t do anyone any good.”

  She sniffles, her hand coming up to gently caressing my cheek. “Where have you been all my life, Just Xander?”

  I manage a smile. “Waiting for you.”


  The Next Morning

  My body aches in places I haven’t ached in such a long time. But it’s a good pain, a delicious ache. Delight fills my chest as my eyes slowly flutter open to the feeling of movement beneath me. I’m so tired as my weight is shifted, making my eyes open fully as I’m gently placed onto the bed. I know I was spread all over Xander last night, my head on his chest as we slept soundly. It was the best night’s sleep I’ve had for the last year.

  I didn’t have any dreams. Levi didn’t wake. It was a pretty successful night all around.

  Not to mention the mind-blowing sex.

  I lean on my elbow as Xander scoots out of bed, gloriously naked. His body is a marvel as he looks down at me and frowns. “Shit, I was trying not to wake you. I’m sorry.”

  I let out a small laugh. “Your body’s like a lead weight, Xander, you getting out of my bed is not a dainty task.”

  He leans down and presses his lips to mine. “Well then, good morning, beautiful.”

  I tense slightly. “Were you going to do a runner?” I ask point-blank.

  He creases his brows at me. “No. Jesus, Tomi, I’m not that guy. We’re not all assholes, you know?”

  Taking in a deep breath, I sit up in bed, the sheets falling from my naked breasts as I sit tall. “I know, and I’m pretty sure you’re cool, but I need to make sure that I’m here for Levi, and if I’m not functioning at my best, he suffers, so I can’t be…” I pause, not knowing what else to say.

  He leans down, his hand moving in swiping a loose strand of hair from my face. “Hurt? I don’t want to hurt you, Tomi.”

  Gnawing on my bottom lip, I nod. “Well, that settles that, then.”

  He tilts his head at me. “It does?”

  I jump from bed and pull on a robe shoving his jeans at him. “Get dressed, we’re having breakfast.”

  He chuckles. “Breakfast, then I gotta go to work.”

  I bump into his side. “Don’t worry, I won’t hold you captive. I’ve got to get Levi to school, anyway, and go into the shop early for a stock take.”

  He moves in, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. His morning erection clearly evident. “I’d much rather you hold me captive here all day than me go to work. I just want you to know that.”

  Butterflies dance in my stomach as I fawn internally over Xander. He really knows what to say. I lean in and gently press my lips to his, they tingle, bolting with a shock of electricity as he kisses me. Suddenly, his hand comes out slapping my ass with a thwack. The sting radiates through my skin as I break apart from him wide-eyed while he chuckles to himself, turning to get dressed.

  “You’re a heathen,” I murmur walking to my dresser to pull out some panties to put on under my robe.

  He draws up his jeans, winking at me. “Yeah, but I’m your heathen.”

  Those butterflies come back in full force as I swallow hard, then bend down picking up his tank top for him. He chuckles, taking it, and yanks it over his head as he grabs my hand, and we walk toward the door. Pulling in a deep breath, I can’t help but wonder how Levi will take this. A man
hasn’t slept over before. I’m not sure how this is going to go down.

  We walk out to the sounds of the morning television playing in the background, and we head to the family room. The curtains are still drawn as the morning news plays with Levi on the sofa watching it intently. He likes to keep up with the financial reports. Don’t ask me why, but they fascinate him. I think he’ll be a wiz with money when he’s older.

  “Good morning, friend,” Levi calls out.

  Xander’s eyes widen as I inwardly smile. Of course, Levi knew Xander was still here. He’s smarter than I give him credit for.

  “Hey, buddy, how’d you sleep?” Xander asks, breaking apart from me as we make our way over to my brother. Looks like I’m dumped for the better Beaufort sibling. But I don’t mind. I love the fact they get along so well. Xander plonks on the sofa beside Levi and Levi hands him a blueberry muffin. Okay, so my breakfast meals aren’t of the best standard right now. I need to go shopping.

  “Very well. The best I have since Dad died.”

  My head snaps up in shock as the room falls to silence, my heart hammering in my chest. Levi doesn’t talk about our parents’ death very often, the fact he is now means something.

  I just don’t know what.

  I’m a little shocked.

  I’m not even sure what to say.

  Xander’s eyes casually glance up at me as if to assess the situation while the tension in the room ebbs slightly. “Well, that’s good that you slept well,” Xander suggests.

  Levi nods matter-of-factly. “Yes, it is. Having a man in the house is protection from the shadows.”

  My heart shatters so intensely, I have to turn away to stop my eyes from overflowing. I never once thought in this entire year that Levi was missing that manly figure in his life to make him feel secure. No wonder he’s so terrified at night. I can’t protect him like our father could—like Xander can. Even though the shadows he’s scared of can’t hurt him, just having Xander here makes him feel at ease. Secure. It’s something I’ll never be able to give him, and it tears my heart to shreds.

  Xander’s hand smooths up the back of my leg giving me the support I need right now. “Well, I’m only a phone call away, you know that, and Tomi’s very capable. She can take on anyone and anything. Hell, I’m scared of her most of the time.”

  Levi lets out a stifled laugh as I relax a little at Xander trying to make us both feel better at the same time. I turn around to face Levi to let him know what Xander said is true. I’ll always be here for him, no matter what.

  “Xander?” Levi murmurs.

  “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Thanks. You should stay every night, though, anyway.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I move in behind Levi and scruff his hair. “Okay, that’s enough. You have to get ready for school, mister.”

  He quickly pulls his hair back into a neat position, then standing, he heads off to his room. I slide in to sit next to Xander, letting out a huge exhale as I plonk onto the sofa. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his side and cuddling into me as I rest my hand on his chest.

  “How you doing? You okay?” he asks.

  Pouting, I sigh. “I think I have some competition. He loves you more than he loves me.”

  His face lights up beaming with pride as he leans down kissing the top of my head. “I’m a shiny new toy, Tomi, that’s all.”

  I grin mischievously. “Does that mean I get to play with you, too?”

  He leans in, his lips almost pressed to mine. “Oh, yeah, wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  His lips meet mine kissing me as Levi rushes out. “Tomi, you have to get dressed or we’ll be late.”

  Groaning, I regrettably break apart from Xander.

  He lightly kisses the tip of my nose as I stand and stride to my room to get ready.

  Levi walks with a rush toward the classroom, but just as he reaches the step, he turns back and waves at us. Xander and I both return the gesture from Xander’s Chevy as Levi’s friends all gawk at the tricked-out vehicle. Seems they are all glancing at Levi like he’s the coolest kid in school. Levi looks so happy he was able to ride in the car and that he gets to tell everyone he knows Xander.

  “I’m glad I was able to do this for him,” Xander mentions as he pulls out onto the street.

  My ponytail whips back with the wind as I bask in the morning April sun. My eyes close just enjoying this moment with him. “I can’t believe how happy Levi looked just now. You’re so good with him…” I open my eyes, turning my head to face him. “Good to us.”

  Xander creases his brow like he doesn’t believe what I’m telling him. He’s so humble. “I just want to make you both happy. I love being around the two of you, and if I can give you a fraction of the way you make me feel, Tomi, then that’s an achievement in my eyes.”

  I melt completely on the inside. “Hashtag swoon.”

  He glances at me with a giant smirk on his face. “Did you just say hashtag swoon?”

  My eyes open wide as my muscles stiffen. “No?” I pause. “Did I say that out loud?”

  He bursts out laughing as he takes the corner heading to the shop. “Goddamn, you’re something special.”

  “Or psychotic… could go either way.”

  He chuckles, his hand coming down and resting on my thigh. I move my hand on top of his, lacing my fingers with his as we approach Hope & Faith Ink. It’s great that he’s dropping me off at work today. Greta’s picking Levi up from school as always, so when she drops him off, she can drive us both home. I know she won’t mind, she’s done it before.

  Xander pulls up out the front, and I take a look at my beloved shop, thinking soon it will be a pile of dust and rubble. I feel my mood shifting, and I don’t want Xander to get caught up in my hatred for Alex Scott, so I turn around and smile. “Thanks so much for this morning… and last night.”

  The cheeky grin plastered on his face tells me exactly what he’s thinking about. “It was my pleasure.”

  I glance at my cell to see the time and furrow my brows. “You’re going to be late for work, aren’t you?”

  He hesitantly smiles. “Yes, very. My phone’s been buzzing nonstop in my pocket since eight this morning. But it’s worth the wrath of my father to spend the time with you both.”

  Grimacing, I tighten my grip on his hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be. I’d much rather be here with you.” He dips his head looking regretful. “But… I do have to go.”

  My eyes widen. “No, of course.” I lean in quickly kissing him then turn to get out, but he grabs me, pulling me back to face him.

  “You’re not leaving with a kiss like that, beautiful. Kiss me like you mean it,” he demands, his fingers looping through my ponytail and yanking my face to his. My lips crash into his making a soft whimper escape my mouth.

  My hand slides up onto the side of his face, caressing him as his tongue dances with mine passionately, in his car for the entire street to see. My thighs clench together as the world spins in slow motion. Everything becomes a blur as it’s just us alone in the world, and no one and nothing can stop us from enjoying this moment together.

  Electricity pops and crackles all around us, setting the car on fire as my lips tingle, igniting with his caress. He sends me to another place when he kisses me. It’s like I don’t know where he starts and I end. Like we’re one entity, and everything around us is a flurry of excited adrenaline.

  It’s pure magic.

  Just like in the movies.

  I’m breathless as we finally part, needing to take this down a notch before we end up stripping off in broad daylight. While that would be fun for us, not so much for the street we’re currently stationed on.

  His hand gently caresses my cheek as his eyes stare directly into mine. “I’ll talk to you soon.” I simply nod as all my air’s been taken away. “Have a good day.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I find the feeling returning to my body and turn to get out of h
is car. I slide out, closing the door and simply smile at him. “Talk soon.”

  He gestures for me to walk inside, so I giggle and turn with a pep in my step toward the entrance to Hope & Faith Ink. I pull out my keys turning them in the lock.

  He wolf-whistles. “Anyone ever tell you your ass is sexy in those tight jeans?” he calls out from the car.

  I turn around laughing as I flip him the bird. “Catcalling from a car, nice one, tough guy. Now go on, fuck off, some of us have work to do.” He pulls out his cell showing me the flashing screen of it ringing, and I wince. “Well then, go on, shoo, you crazy stalker.”

  He puts the cell on the passenger seat and winks at me. “Laters,” he calls out then pulls out onto the street.

  I walk inside Hope & Faith Ink, the smell of cleanliness mixed with cinnamon hits me as always.

  It smells like home.

  A home I’m going to have to let go of but not for a little longer.

  I still have some time.

  So I’m going to cherish every damn second I have left.

  “So you really think you could take on The Rock, as in Dwayne Johnson, in a wrestling match?” Jana calls out to Skins as she swabs at her client’s tattoo while Skins finishes up a sketch.

  “Hell yeah, these guns aren’t just for show, chick,” Skins replies, cockily making the rest of us laugh as he brings his bicep up and kisses it. I have to admit, Skins, with his muscles and shaved head, does look like he could kick some serious ass, but there’s no way in hell he could take on The Rock.

  “I’d pay to see that,” Gigi calls out from the piercing room. I hear her female client giggle.

  Jana focuses on the tattoo she’s currently doing, shaking her head. “You wish you could, Skins. Hogtie would have better luck than you.”

  I almost spit out my coffee as Hogtie shakes his head, continuing on with his tribal tattoo like nothing happened. Though, if anyone were to take on this quest, it would be Hogtie. He’s twice the size of skins, but this is a pointless topic, no one here is taking on The Rock.


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