Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 15

by K E Osborn

  Scott Enterprises aren’t the bad guys in this development—Jacob is. He was fully aware of the issues they were going to face in the future. At the time, she could have found another shop which had a better lease time, one that wasn’t going to run out. Jacob used her to make the last few bucks he could until he sold to us to make his fast cash.

  Jacob is the asshole.

  Hopefully, now Tomi is seeing that.

  “That sniveling little prick,” Tomi murmurs.

  I dip my head in agreement. “I swear when I came into Hope & Faith Ink, I was coming in purely to get my ink, Tomi. It was close to home, you had a great name in town, and honestly, you were the only one who took walk-ins. I couldn’t make appointments ‘cause with my work schedule constantly changing, I needed a place I could simply walk into. Right place, right time. No spying. No snooping involved whatsoever. I swear, Tomi. I wasn’t sussing your store out because the deal was already done. It was in motion long before I came into your store to get my ink.”

  She turns back facing me, her eyes drooping with sadness. There’s so much she’s saying with her eyes, I just have no idea what she’s trying to tell me. So, I keep going. “When I put two and two together that it was your shop on the cutting block to make way for the mega-complex and I was tasked with the eviction notices, you have to know how much it killed me, Tomi. I fought it. I tried to stop it… but with eight years of planning and deals behind it, I just couldn’t. It was out of my power, and it was happening. Like it or not, Hope & Faith Ink could not be saved…”

  I take a deep breath as I reach out for her hand. She actually lets me take it this time, making a spark ignite inside of me as she looks into my eyes. “So, I did the only thing I could think of, make sure there was room in the new mega-complex for another tattoo studio… we’ve called it the art precinct.” She shifts a little listening intently to me. “I pushed forward the idea in the design process and took on talking to the designers about how the studio should be built, then it could designed the way you wanted it. So, it could be Hope & Faith Ink again.” I feel her hand trembling in mine. I’m not sure if it’s from excitement, nerves, or something else, but I keep going. “I know it’s not the same, it could never be the same, but it was the best I could do. This time, it will be yours to do with as you want. I lay the foundation, and you make it completely your own. That was my idea anyway.”

  I feel like she’s softening at my words, but then she swallows hard. “Was your idea… so it’s not a tattoo studio anymore?”

  My stomach swirls as I watch the hope glimmer in her eyes. I think I have her. “No, it is, but without your help, I’ve kind of had to improvise.”

  She sits taller, looking more like her confident self. “So, who gets the shop if I don’t?”

  “No one… it’s yours.”

  She gasps. “What… it’s just gonna sit there empty?”

  “I pay the rent on it, so I say who can and can’t use it.” I tighten my hand on hers. “It’s your shop. Yours only, Tomi.”

  She slowly smiles, but then it falls. “You hurt me.”

  A lump forms in my throat. “I know, and I’m so fucking sorry, you have to know that. But I never intended to let it get that far, or for you to find out that way. I was going to tell you, that night. It’s just… you got to the file first.”

  Her hand subtly moves over her stomach as she appears a little scared. It’s the first time I’ve seen that apprehensive look on her. I reach out, grabbing her other hand in mine. A spark ignites at our touch as I look deep into her eyes. “Tomi, I fell for you a long time ago. I need you to know I’m in. I’m all in. You, me, Levi, I want this to work. Just let me help you. Let me get you back in a shop and doing what you’re made for, what you’re born to do. You’re not a cashier. There’s nothing wrong with it, but your art, it needs to be out there in the world. I couldn’t bear knowing I was the one who took it away from you, but honestly, you’re the one stopping yourself from getting it back.”

  Her eyes glisten as she gnaws on her bottom lip, her hand moving over her stomach again.

  I furrow my brows as she clears her throat. “You, me, Levi, and… this little blip.”

  My eyes widen, my heart’s hammering in my chest as it leaps into my throat, my stomach swirling with adrenalin as it finally clicks.

  Her hand on her stomach.

  Why she looks tired.

  Tomi’s pregnant.

  With my child.

  I look up into her eyes as joy fills my very soul. “You’re…?”

  She dips her head. I can’t help it as I let out a laugh while I lean in grabbing her and pulling her lips to mine forcefully. I don’t care if she fights me. I need her right now.

  Damn, it feels good to kiss her again after so fucking long.

  Sparks fly off in all directions, but she doesn’t fight me. She surrenders to the kiss, her mouth opening letting my tongue collide with hers as I move my hand to the side of her face, caressing her cheek tenderly while the other grips on her bicep, pulling her to me.

  Kissing her, after so long apart, is a joy I haven’t felt before in all of my life. Knowing now she’s carrying my son or daughter is something I can’t even comprehend. I slowly pull back, placing my hand on her flat stomach, my breathing’s rushed as she places her hand on top of mine. Elation swirls through me at a fast rate of knots, I can hardly stop myself from shouting from the windows.

  I glance up into her watery eyes.

  I feel it.

  The connection between us.

  It’s always been here. There was never any question about that as I stare into her beautiful doe eyes. “I’m going to be a father.”

  She giggles. “In full disclosure, I found out a week ago…” She pauses and blinks a few times. “I just needed some time to wrap my head around this and figure out what I wanted, what I needed from you.”

  I sit taller at her serious tone paying full attention. “I’m listening.”

  She sighs. “I should have heard you out. I should have stayed and listened to what you had to say. I dismissed you. I assumed you were the bad guy in all this because the emails came from you when all the time your orders came from above. I know you couldn’t have stopped it now. I’m sorry for judging you. But I’m still fucking angry you didn’t tell me. For lying to me about your name, for leading me along. I won’t stand for that kind of bullshit, Xander. And if you ever lie to me again, I won’t hesitate in leaving you.” My stomach churns at how deceptive I was around her. “And I’m not calling you, Alex. I can’t do it.”

  I lean in swiping a piece of platinum blonde hair from her face. “I understand. I can’t apologize enough for every shitty thing I did. But Tomi, you mean so much to me. All of it came from a good place. But I promise you, I’m not going to fuck this up again.” I want to lighten the mood a little. “And just so you know, you’re gorgeous when you’re firing orders at me.”

  She scoffs. “You’re an asshole.”

  “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”

  She laughs, leaning in to kiss me again briefly. The electrical current sends a burning sensation to my cock. God, I’ve missed her. Suddenly, she pulls back looking in my eyes. “I’m not moving in here, Levi will hate this place.”

  Excitement fills me. “It’s settled then, I’ll move in with you. Levi’s fine with me. And with the changes the baby will make around the house, you’ll need the extra hands to watch over Levi’s moods. A screaming baby will be an adjustment for him, and we will need to make sure his needs come first. We have to make sure Levi doesn’t become scared. We can create a safe haven for Levi, one where he can go and have his quiet time. Maybe even use some soundproofing in his room for added comfort. We will make sure he’s well taken care of.”

  Tomi exhales. “Yeah, I agree. We can do this. All of us, together.”

  My cheeks hurt from the grin on my face. “Together.”

  I lean in pressing my lips to hers, at the same time pulling her over me as I
fall back on the sofa. She giggles as she collapses on top of me, smothering me in her as we kiss like long-lost lovers finally reuniting.

  I knew she would find her way back to me because she always was my girl.

  No matter how hard she fought it, I never lost sight of that fact.


  Xander’s making us something to eat. He said he needs our baby to be well-fed, even though I ate before I came. I can already tell he’s going to be a doting father, and I can’t say his reaction hasn’t warmed my heart. I know trust is going to be a big thing between us—he’s going to have to earn it from me. But so far, he’s going out of his way to prove to me that he knows he did the wrong thing, and he was trying so hard to tell me the whole time we were dating. He wanted to, so bad, it was just finding the right time and the right way.

  But I guess there never is a right way to tell the woman you’re seeing that you’re the man she despises. So, I do understand his side. I don’t like it, but I get it. I don’t condone it, but I see where he was coming from. I just hope when we tell Levi this news when he gets home from school, that he’s not too overwhelmed. I want him to be happy Xander will be back in our lives and that he’ll be okay with him moving in.

  As for a baby, that news I have no idea how he’ll take.

  Screaming children are not generally high on his approved list of things he can tolerate. So this will be an interesting stage in our lives. I know Xander is working on a quiet room for Levi. He’s going to plan it out for him, and I think that will help a lot.

  Xander walks in carrying a tray full of fruit and sandwiches. I smile as he brings it over to the coffee table, placing the tray in front of me. “I told you to lay back and put your feet up.”

  I snort out a laugh. “I’m pregnant, not injured, Xander.”

  He sinks into the sofa beside me, running his hand up my thigh. “I know, I simply want you to be as comfortable as possible.”

  I smirk. “You’re not going to be that guy who’s constantly making me take baths, helping me walk everywhere, and watching what I eat during this pregnancy, are you?”

  He stiffens a little like he’s been caught. “Do you want me to be?”

  I laugh. “No, Xander, I’m a strong, independent woman. I can walk. I know what I can eat. I got this.”

  He nods, looking a little put-out. “I do wanna help you, though, Tomi. This is my baby, too, and I want you both to be comfortable.”

  I sink a little at his words, my hand coming up to caress his face.

  God, I’ve missed doing that.

  “And you’re amazing for wanting to do this for us… if I need anything, I’ll ask. How’s that?”

  He nods seeming satisfied. “As long as I can spoil you every now and then… you, Levi, and the baby.”

  I lean in pressing my lips to his tenderly. “I forgot how kind you actually are. I was so wrapped up in how evil Alex was that I forgot how amazing Xander is.”

  He weakly smiles, taking my hands in his and looking deep in my eyes. “I can never begin to apologize enough to you, Tomi. Sorry doesn’t cut it, I know that. All I can do is let you know that I’ll never, ever, lie about anything to you ever again. I know the trust between us is fractured, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you’re in my life…” he swallows hard, the look on his face of complete sincerity, “… because…” he takes a deep breath, “… I love you.”

  My heart leaps into my throat as my bottom lip trembles. The reason I’ve been so cut up about all of this is because the Xander I knew, the Xander I had fallen for, meant so much to me. Now I understand why I’ve been so cut up.


  I hate Alex Scott.

  But I love, Just Xander.

  “I love you, too. I think that’s why this hurt so damn much.”

  He grimaces as he tightens his grip on my hands, his face looking pain-filled. “Just know I’m going to spend the rest of forever making this up to you by being the best partner and father I can be.”

  “I believe you,” I tell him as I pick up a strawberry and shove it into my mouth. The hint of sweetness teamed with the juicy refreshing tang brings my tastebuds alive.

  He finally smiles. “Eat. Have a snack, then we’ll go pick up Levi from school in the Chevy. What do you say?”

  I swallow the delicious fruit as excitement builds inside of me. “I think he will love that. He’s had some issues at school of late, so you picking him up is exactly what he needs. He’s missed you as well.”

  “I’ve missed him, too.”

  Suddenly, his phone starts ringing, and he lets out a groan as he looks at the screen. “Shit…” He hesitates, looks at me, exhales, then swipes the screen. “Dad, before you start—” He abruptly stops as I hear yelling on the other end of the line, but it’s too muffled for me to make out what his father is actually saying.

  Xander rolls his eyes while slumping back into the sofa like he’s annoyed at the world right now. I sit back wondering what he’s being yelled at for but guessing it’s because he’s here with me and not at work.

  He exhales as the yelling stops, and he shakes his head. “Are you done? The thing is, Dad… I slog every day for you, tireless hours, working my ass off doing the asshole jobs, and when I want to take some time for me, you blow up in my damn ear.”

  The yelling starts again making me gnaw down on my bottom lip. I slide my hand onto Xander’s thigh to show him I’m here to support him as his hand moves out entwining our fingers together.

  “Well, that might be true, but, in any case, I’m taking the rest of the day, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He ends the call abruptly as my eyes widen in shock.

  I would never have hung up on my father.

  His relationship with his parents seems so different to how mine was.

  He groans, running his free hand through his hair as he glances at me. “Sorry, you shouldn’t have to hear that.”

  The corner of my lips turns up. “Xander, we’re part of each other’s lives now. I’m going to see every bit of your life. Even the crappy business-side with your father. So, don’t hide anything from me, please.”

  He exhales. “I wish you didn’t have to meet them…” He exhales heavily, and I can tell he’s struggling. “I guess Mom’s okay, but Dad? Dad’s going to have a field day with this.”

  Tensing, I guess I hadn’t thought about the fact that I’m going to have to meet his father, the real man who started the chain of events that caused me to lose Hope & Faith Ink. I’m only just dealing with the fact that Xander had a hand in it. How will I go meeting the man who was actually, mostly responsible for it?

  Xander leans in pressing his lips to my forehead. “But we can do it at your own pace. I’m not going to make you meet them until you’re ready.” Sighing as he pulls back, I relax a little further, feeling more at ease.

  “Thank you. Meeting the parents is such a huge thing, and now we’re going to have to tell them we’re pregnant as well. Yeah, great first impression. Not!”

  He chuckles a little. “Well, Mom will be happy about the baby. She’s been at me about a grandchild for years.”

  I snort. “Years?”

  He nods. “Years. Practically from when I was old enough to date.”

  I giggle. “I think I’m gonna like your mom.”

  “I think you will, too. But for now, we got to get Levi. He’s the most important one in this. I don’t want to miss him walking out of school.”

  My heart fills with joy. I love the fact he’s so eager to see my brother. The connection they share is real. I see that now. “Okay let’s go, he’s gonna be so excited.”

  We pull up in the school drop-off and pick-up zone in the red Chevy, right where all the kids will see us. I’m so happy we’re able to do this for Levi. He’s still having issues with those stupid kids thinking that Xander coming here in the car was a one-time thing. Hopefully, this will get them off Levi’s back for a little while and help him behave a little better.<
br />
  The school bell rings, and I sit up higher, feeling excited about Levi coming out to us with his school caregiver. Eventually, the doors open, and kids rush out in all directions. A group of them take in the car and stare at it, some of them from the mainstream school taking pictures with their cells as I sit here with Xander’s arm around me in the front seat.

  I glance around looking for Levi, and then I spot him casually and slowly walking down the stairs with his caregiver, looking for Greta. I messaged and told her what was going on. She said she was overjoyed at the situation and was only too happy to take the night off so the three of us could be together. But if I needed her, she was only a phone call away.

  Xander honks the car horn, making Levi glance up. His eyes widen as he takes in his favorite car. His body straightens like he’s in awe as he starts rushing toward us. I grin so wide seeing the pure elation on his face.

  “Friend?” he yells so loudly everyone turns to look at him.

  “Yeah, buddy, it’s me,” Xander calls back as I hop out from my seat, give the caregiver a wave, and slide into the back of the car so that Levi can sit in the front with Xander.

  Levi reaches the car almost out of breath with his excitement. “You went away. You were gone,” Levi states.

  Xander frowns as I reach out placing my hand on Levi’s, but he doesn’t look at me, his eyes firmly planted on Xander’s. “I know, buddy, and I’m so sorry. But I am back now, and I’m not going anywhere. I am going to be around with you guys a hell of a lot more if you’re okay with that?”

  Levi purses his lips like he’s thinking but says nothing as he hops into the front seat of the car. He turns to face Xander as an awkward tension builds. I’m scared he’s not going to want Xander around anymore.

  Levi exhales. “You’re my friend. You can stay.”

  I let out a relieved breath as Xander squeezes Levi’s shoulder. “Thanks, man, I’m glad you feel that way.”

  Levi shrugs. “You can make up for it,” he teases.

  I let out a snort. “Levi,” I berate.


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