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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

Page 17

by K E Osborn

  I want to scream, I wish I could be vocal and let Xander know just how good he’s making me feel. The energy and passion in the room is reaching a critical level as his finger pushes harder on my clit. Heat swarms my body making me pant even harder. Sweat beads on my skin like little droplets of salty water as the pressure builds inside me.

  I rock my hips faster as I clamp down on my nipples, sending a shudder through my very core at the same time he circles on my clit. The indescribable feeling washes over me like a torrent, smashing me like the blazing heat of a thousand suns. I gasp, my head falling back in the throes of passion, my back arching as I can’t help but let out a soft moan. My body shudders, my muscles tensing as it hits me right in the abdomen so hard I hunch over, dropping my hands to his chest as he continues circling on my clit while I explode through my climax.

  I moan, my eyes clenched so tight I see dancing lights behind my eyelids as I pant heavily falling from my massive high. My body quivers as he leisurely brings me down while I slowly grind against his rock-hard cock beneath me.

  “Fuck, Tomi, that was so hard to watch you come undone like that and at the same time try to control myself.”

  My eyes slowly open as I pant. I look at him through my lashes, my nails digging into his chest while I grin. “Don’t control yourself anymore,” I murmur, still out of breath.

  He groans as his eyes light up, his hands move to my hips, lifting me slightly as his cock pops up below me moving into place. I edge myself on top of him as the tip of his head slides against my slickened opening.

  I need him, so fucking bad right now.

  I’ve needed him for so long.

  I was just too stubborn to see it.

  Edging down on top of him, his thickness sliding inside of me makes us both groan at the welcoming feeling. My eyes instantly lock onto his as I slip all the way down. He fills me completely, and it’s like I’m finally back right where I’m meant to be. We still for a moment just reveling in the fact we’re joined again after so long apart, panting for breath at the feeling as one of his hands moves up to caress my aching-for-him breast.

  He rolls my nipple in his fingers, sending a tingle down my spine as I begin to move up and down on him at a slow and steady rhythm. There’s no sound in the room other than our rushed and frantic breathing and the sounds of our bodies moving. We know we have to be quiet, but it’s so damn hard. The fact we need to do this silently is kind of adding to the kink of it all.

  It makes it all the more intoxicating.

  His hand squeezes my sensitive breast hard, making a small whimper erupt from my mouth as I bite down on my bottom lip. I grind down on him as payback, making him let out a heavy breath. We rock in unison, the pleasure building and rising to a place I know we’re both going to enjoy. My nails clamp into his skin. I want to leave my mark on him, and it instantly pushes a low groan from his throat. I love that noise, it’s so deep and husky it almost makes me come on the spot.

  He thrusts up inside of me, and my eyes meet his, and it’s like we finally see, knowing that our time apart did nothing but cement how much we care about each other. Yes, there are things we need to work on, but being together and working at this, it’s all that matters in the end. We have a family now, and as we rock together, the connection we share sends a wave of adrenaline through the room. It’s like all the stars align, and the foggy clouds disappear letting only the beautiful rays of sun shine through.

  I can see it, our bright future together.

  It might be hard, nothing comes easy, but with work, determination, and a partnership from the both of us, we can do anything we set our minds to. We can do this, I know we can because the way I feel about him right now as he thrusts into me, lets me know.

  I feel it in my heart.

  I know he’s the right guy for me.

  For my family.

  He pushes up, and I push down making him hit the right spot. I moan as he massages my breast feeling the rush begin to take hold. My muscles start to tense, my back arches pushing me onto him further as I feel him tensing as well. He’s close, so I try to keep my movements going to get him there. A cold sweat invades my body as I move up and down. I clench my eyes shut tight as his hands grip me tighter. My body shudders in utter pleasure that wracks through me.

  One last thrust and he sends me over the edge, fireworks exploding behind my eyes as my pussy clenches so firmly I feel like I might squeeze the life out of him. With a final gasp, I feel my climax hit me hard.

  He stills, his cock pulsating as he groans, unloading his hot cum inside of me.

  I exhale, feeling utterly spent as I lean down pressing my lips to his languidly, kissing him through our afterglow. His hands slide up my naked back, holding me to him as we kiss like we have but a pittance of energy left to spare. His hands come up, smoothing the hair away from my face as I pull back looking in his eyes.

  “I’ll never get used to that,” he murmurs.

  I raise my brow. “What?”

  “How you can make every time with you feel like the first. You take my breath away, Tomi.”

  I lean down slowly kissing him again. “Because we’re meant to be, Xander.”

  His hand comes up caressing me again. “Yeah… we are.”

  I stare into his eyes for a second before slowly rolling off him, feeling like I’ve been needing that ever since we broke up. The pent-up energy inside of me required a release, and it’s nice to feel relaxed for a moment as I fall back to the bed.

  He leans up on his elbow glancing down at me, his fingers gently trailing up my stomach as he smiles, letting me catch my breath, then he leans down, pressing his lips to mine gently.

  Xander pulls back licking his lips. “I’ll move my stuff in on the weekend.”

  The thought warms my heart. “I’d like that.”

  He scrunches his face a little. “I really don’t want my money to make you feel like you’re incapable, Tomi. Please don’t think about it like that.”

  Shaking my head, I bring my hand to his cheek. “I’m sorry I took it that way and came down on your ass. But if we talk things through like we have, then we’ll be all right.”

  He nuzzles into my hand. “Yeah… we’re going to be just fine.”


  I feel like a new man as if a thousand-pound weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Today I’m not only walking into my office feeling refreshed because I’m finally back with the woman of my dreams, but I’m going to be a father.

  It puts things into perspective for me.

  Life isn’t about this office, it’s about the people in your life, the ones who make your life complete. Tomi and Levi are those people for me. While I need this job to support them and keep the lifestyle I want for them and my child, I don’t need the drama that comes with it.

  Unfortunately, it’s all a part of the job, and I need to suck it up.

  Sitting down at my desk, I turn on the screen of my computer and type in my password to open my emails as my door swings open with such gusto I’m positive it might fly off its hinges. I watch Sasha, my receptionist, peek up from her station to check on the noise.

  I steady my shoulders as Dad storms in, in his usual fashion, huffing and grunting like he’s going to give himself a damn heart attack. I guess I knew this was coming, I just didn’t think he’d look ready to stroke out quite so dramatically on entry. Honestly, he missed his calling, he should have been an actor.


  “Before you start—”

  “No! Your blasé attitude to this job, to this firm, has got to stop. Now! Your name is a part of this business, and people are noticing your lack of attendance. That reflects badly on me.”

  Relaxing back in my chair, I exhale. “Because I’m your son, or because I’m your second-in-charge?”

  He scoffs. “You’re being irresponsible and not behaving the way a COO should. If you’re not careful, Alex, I’ll have no choice but to demote and replace you.”

tting forward in my seat, I entwine my fingers and place my hands on top of the desk as I stare at him. “You won’t. You don’t have it in you to push me out. The problem is, father, I know it.” He curls up his lip going to yell something else at me, but I put up my hand and continue, “However, I won’t use that to my advantage as some people would. I know I need to be here, and I plan on making a better effort…” I pause deciding whether to tell him or not, but he’ll find out sooner or later, so I’ll give him a snippet. “I have a family to support now.”

  His head recoils back as his eyebrows narrow on me. “What the hell does that mean?

  Standing from the chair, I round the desk and then sit on the edge crossing my legs over in front of me, staring my dad square on. “Tomi and I are back together—”

  “That tattoo floozy?”

  My hands ball into fists, but I contain myself. “She’s not a floozy, Dad, and you’ll do well to remember that. We’re moving in together, us and her younger brother, Levi.”

  Dad scoffs, turning away from me, pacing the room. “Jesus Christ, they’re moving in with you. I knew she was nothing but a money-hungry—”

  “Stop! I’m moving in with them. Levi doesn’t like change due to his disabilities, and my apartment wouldn’t be right for him.”

  Dad lets out a harrowing belly laugh. “Let me get this straight, you’re moving out of your penthouse apartment to live in squalor with a woman you hardly know and her idiot brother?”

  Anger surges through me as I step forward, the vein ticking in my neck. Everything in me wants to deck him, but he’s my father and my boss. I need to keep my cool. “Don’t you ever call Levi an idiot…” Fuck! I’m trying so hard to rein myself in. “So help me God, I’ll—” I stop myself before I say something I will totally regret.

  His brows knit together as he stares at me. “Ha, you actually care about the kid?”

  “Of course, I do. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love them both.”

  “Love? Love! You love her? Of all the women you could have shacked up with, it had to be a boring tattoo artist.”

  I scoff. “There’s nothing boring about Tomi, Dad. She’s the most complex, stunningly beautiful, kind, and generous woman I know. Not like the women you want me to be with.”

  He curls up his lip. “What about Sasha, she’s more your type?”

  I glance out the window to see Sasha typing away busily, thankfully not hearing this argument. “She’s my receptionist. That’s just wrong. And she’s more your type than mine.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I scoff. “You think I haven’t seen you with Mindy in your office? Hell Dad, this entire place knows about you and your receptionist. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mom knows, too.”

  He swallows hard, all his fight seemingly left him. I don’t think anyone has ever fought him like this before. Calling him out on his indiscretions is a big deal, especially when he’s doing it during work hours. I’ve known for years that he and Mom weren’t working. Hell, Mom’s probably diddling the pool boy for all I know.

  Their marriage is a front for the company, that’s all.

  Mom gets her lavish lifestyle, and Dad has the supportive wife on his arm to show off at fancy dinners. I bet they don’t even sleep in the same room anymore.

  “This doesn’t give you an excuse to be lax about your duties, Alex. You’re the Chief Operations Officer, and if you want to take over from me and be the CEO when I retire, you need to step the hell up.”

  I take a breath and nod. “I know… but we’re going to need to talk about my work hours. I can’t be as flexible as I was. I want to be able to have time with them, too. I can’t live for this place anymore. I can’t do what you did and live at work, ignoring my family.”

  He grunts. “That’s what you think I did, ignored you while you were growing up?”

  I shake my head. “I think work was more important than spending time with your family. That’s just not the case for me. I need balance in my life. Work is important, but my family means more. That includes you and Mom making time for us to come over and spend time with you as well.”

  A slow smile crosses his face. “Well then, if you think that way, Saturday night, bring this Tomi girl over to meet us. Just you and her. I need to see what she’s all about before I can condone this union.”

  I stifle a laugh. “Doesn’t matter whether you condone it or not, we’re together. Nothing you can say or do will change it, Dad.”

  “Yes, but for how long? How long until she takes everything you own, leaving you to pick up the pieces of your fragile heart, and I have to fill your bank account back up?”

  My lip curls. “That’s not what this is. Tomi isn’t like that. And since when have you ever filled my bank account. I have money, lots of it, but I have worked damn hard for it.”

  Dad rolls his eyes. “Every woman is like that, son. Mark my words, she’s after your wallet… but bring her Saturday night. I’ll make up my own mind.”

  “Fine, but don’t be an ass to her.”

  He turns, heading for the door. “Me? An ass? I don’t know how to be one, Alex,” he argues then storms out of my office slamming the door on his way out.

  I sink back against my desk hating that I didn’t get the chance to tell him I’m going to be a father. But I think maybe that’s best coming from both Tomi and me anyway.

  It’s our story to tell.

  As a team.

  Telling my parents together might also soften the blow.


  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

  For now, though, I need to tell Tomi that we have a dinner date on Saturday night. Two nights from now.

  So, I pick up my desk phone and dial her cell. It rings a couple of times, and she answers soon after.

  “Hello, Tomi speaking.”

  A slow smile crosses my face. “That was very professional.”

  She giggles. “I didn’t know the number, and if the school calls, then I have to be… you know, pleasant.”

  I sink back into my chair feeling calmer at simply hearing her voice. “How’s your morning?”

  She exhales. “I was looking up OBGYN’s ‘cause you know, we’ll need one of those. A good one.”

  “Don’t factor in cost, Tomi. If you find one you think is too expensive, but you love them, we’ll go to that one. Remember, my money is our money now.”

  She exhales. “I’m only agreeing to this for the sake of peanut.”

  I hold in my laugh. “Got it! So, listen, I just had my father in here—”

  “Oh, God, how’d that go?”

  I tense a little. “I told him about us. How I’m moving in, but that’s all I managed to get out before he invited you and me over for dinner on Saturday.”

  She’s quiet down the line. A little too quiet. I tense up as I exhale. “Tomi?”

  “I’m meeting your parents in two days?”

  I grimace. “If you’re okay with that?”

  I can practically hear her overthinking from here. “Yeah, I mean I have no idea what to say to them. What the hell do I wear?”

  “Babe, you wear what you normally wear. You’re beautiful however you dress.”

  “Shouldn’t I like… dress up or something? I mean, I’m meeting them for the first time. I should at least dress up a little?”

  The tone in her voice lets me know she’s concerned about this, so I try to ease her nerves. “What about if I go in my jeans and tank top, will that make you feel better?”

  She’s quiet for a pause, and then she exhales. “If you think they’ll accept us wearing our normal clothes, then okay. I just… I want them to like me, Xander.”

  I tense up knowing that Dad already has a sour impression of her. But Mom, she will be easier to convince. “It’s going to be fine… I promise.”

  She scoffs. “Wanna say that like you mean it?”

  Dammit. She can see straight through me. “I’ll be there and hold y
our hand through every step of the way. We’re in this together.”

  “Why do I feel like I’m in for a rough night?”

  Why do I feel like she’s one-hundred percent right? “Like I said, it’ll be fine.”

  “Ah-huh, now I’m off to look up topics of small talk at dinner parties.”

  I let out a small laugh. “There you go. Just don’t stress about it. You need to keep calm for peanut.”

  She exhales. “Yeah, fine. Friday night we start moving your stuff in, and then Saturday night we meet the parents. We’re doing this.”

  I smile feeling nothing but excitement that we’re moving forward instead of ten steps back like we have been. “Yeah, Tomi, we’re doing this.”

  “Well, Mr. Businessman, have a good day. Don’t work too hard.”

  I smile, glancing at the design work of her studio on my desk. “I’m working on a certain new development today. Something to do with the design layout of a tattoo studio.”

  “Well, I look forward to hearing all about it tonight when you come home to us. I can’t wait. Talk to you later.”

  “Rest up,” I tell her as I end the call.

  Slouching back in my chair, I can’t help but wonder what the events of Saturday night’s dinner will bring.

  Will Dad be on his best behavior?

  Will Tomi?

  Will they clash heads completely?

  I have no idea.

  All I do know is I have to stand by my woman because she’s my main priority now. I don’t want to end up like my father. I just hope he doesn’t say anything to scare her away. I don’t know what it might be, but I’m sure he’s holding an ace up his damn sleeve.

  If there is one thing my father wants, it’s no distractions for me.

  And Tomi is exactly that.

  She’s a threat to him and this company.

  The thing father doesn’t take kindly to is a threat.

  They must be eliminated at all costs.


  Saturday Night

  Xander can try to calm my nerves all he wants, but meeting his parents is a big deal and the fact that we’re driving to their place now in my mini rather than his car is making me even tenser.


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