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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Ava Alexia

“Jules! I really need to practice. It’s my gift and I have to nurture it,” she pleaded.

  That seemed to reach him. He lifted from her, smiled and kissed her nose.

  “We’ll finish this later,” he said softly. He stood up and she scrambled from the couch. “And Jaime, I understand. I know how important the piano is to you.”

  She smiled and threw him a kiss as she crossed to the piano and began to play. Jules retrieved his laptop from the other end of the couch and opened it. He had a surprise in mind for Jaime. He smiled as he surfed the net.


  Jaime, Jules and Eddie stepped out of the LAX terminal into the bright, warm sunshine of Los Angeles.

  “This weather is great,” Jaime enthused.

  “There’s nothing like California weather,” Eddie said. “The cost of living is astronomical but people pay just to live here.”

  “I can understand it. I’m tempted to do the same. The snow is getting old in New York,” Jules said. He looked at Jaime. “Would you join me if I did?”

  Jaime was totally caught off guard and didn’t know how to respond. Where did that question come from? Jaime was flustered and Jules could see it. He took pity on her.

  “Eddie has tracked down the limo driver. Shall we go?” he smiled.

  Jaime nodded. They began walking to the limousine when they were accosted by a family of a man and woman and their son and daughter.

  “Miss Harrison, may we have your autograph?” the woman asked hopefully.

  “Here we go again,” Jules thought.

  Jules opened his mouth to say no.

  “Of course,” Jaime said.

  Jules shut his mouth in annoyance and resignation. Jaime wouldn’t disappoint her fans so he may as well get used to it.

  She signed the autographs.

  “We’re going to your concert tomorrow,” the daughter said. She looked to be about twelve years of age. “I can’t wait to hear you play.”

  “You are? That’s wonderful. I hope you enjoy it,” Jaime smiled.

  “Oh I will. One day I hope to play like you,” the girl said.

  “I’m sure you will be a splendid pianist. Just keep practicing,” Jaime said kindly. She handed the autographs back to the woman.

  “Thank you for telling her that,” the mother said. “Getting her to practice can be a royal battle.”

  Jaime chuckled.

  “I didn’t like to practice at her age either,” Jaime said wanly. She turned to the girl. “But practice really does make perfect. Remember that.”

  “Alright,” the girl said.

  “Goodbye,” Jaime said to them.

  “Bye,” they replied in chorus.

  Jaime waved and then got into the limousine. Jules and Eddie followed. They then heard the trunk lid slam and the driver was soon easing the car from the curb. Jaime glanced through her window and saw the family still standing on the curb waving. She grinned and waved back one final time.

  “You were very kind to them,” Jules remarked.

  “They are a very nice family. Most of my fans are wonderful people; which is why I will always take the time to sign an autograph for them,” she said.

  “And it’s great PR. An agency could not promote you better,” Eddie said.

  “But what happens when the fans become over exuberant? Who’s going to protect her?” Jules asked.

  Jaime knew where he was going. And she still didn’t want a bodyguard.

  “I’ve employed a bodyguard for this event,” Eddie said

  “You’ve what?’ Jaime was shocked.

  “You playing at the Hollywood Bowl. That place has been known to get a little rowdy after concerts,” Eddie said.

  “After a rock concert. I will hardly be playing with KISS,” Jaime objected.

  “Maybe not but I’m not taking any chances. Better safe than sorry. You got a bodyguard, Jaime. Get used to it,” Eddie said flatly.

  “I think Eddie did the right thing. We can’t risk your safety,” Jules said. He looked at Jaime’s mutinous face and grinned. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “You might want to thank Eddie for his forethought. He’s only concerned for your safety.”

  Jaime rolled her eyes at his smug expression.

  “Thank you, Eddie. I really do appreciate your prudence,” she said softly.

  “You are welcome, Jaime. Your safety is always my top priority,” Eddie said. He looked out the window. “The 405 freeway is clear for a change. We should arrive at the Beverly Hills Hotel shortly.”

  Eddie’s prediction was accurate. The black limousine pulled into the hotel entry within twenty minutes and hotel attendants scrambled to greet them and handle their luggage. Eddie spoke with the bell hop regarding their bags as Jaime and Jules entered the beautiful hotel lobby. Jaime paused to view the opulence of the edifice. She had been in the hotel twice before but its magnificence always caught her attention each time she saw it.

  “It’s so lovely,” she said impressively.

  Jules embraced her waist.

  “Not nearly as gorgeous as you,” Jules murmured.

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  “You are great for a girl’s ego,” she teased.

  “Always willing to oblige; in more ways than one,” he grinned.

  Jaime blushed. He laughed. They walked to the registration desk and checked in. They exchanged pleasantries with the clerk then followed the bell hop up to their rooms. He escorted Eddie to his room first then moved further down the hall to a second door.

  “And this is the suite for the two of you,” the young man said.

  The bell hop opened the door and secured their bags in the corner of the room. Jules tipped him generously.

  “Thank you, sir,” he said effusively.

  “You’re welcome,” Jules returned.

  The bell hop left and Jules closed the door. He moved toward Jaime purposely.

  “How did Eddie know that we would share the same room?” Jaime asked.

  “Eddie is a smart guy. He figured it out,” Jules said.

  Jules stood directly in front of Jaime. There weren’t two inches between them. He began to undress her.

  “Jules. There’s a beautiful piano over there and I need to play it,” she murmured.

  “And you will…..later,” he replied as he pushed her blouse off of her shoulders.

  “But I should—

  “Shh! There will be plenty of time for you to practice. Right now is my time,” he muttered.

  He unsnapped her bra and dropped it to the floor. He then pushed her elastic waistband print capris to the floor and saw her bare bottom.

  “Ah! No panties,” he breathed.

  He stooped to lightly kiss her curly mound. She sucked in her breath.

  “Never with you,” she gasped.

  He then stood and lifted her in his strong arms. He carried her to the bedroom where they spent the next several hours fulfilling their wildest fantasies.


  Jules looked at Jaime as she stood in the restaurant entry and could have eaten her alive. She wore sexy white one shoulder dress that fit her like a glove. It was short and showed off her shapely legs to perfection. The white coloring highlighted her luminous tanned skin. Her auburn- brunette hair was fashioned in an up do and her dangling, glittering earrings emphasized her lovely neck. He could see the love bite that he had given her. They’d had raucous, racy sex for hours; each coming in the most satisfying and erotic way. Now as he looked at her, he wanted to do all over again. He had never been with a woman that caused him to be so insatiable. She was like a drug that he was addicted to and couldn’t get enough of. He knew she wore no underwear and his cock was hardening at the thought of running his hand under her dress and caressing her luscious lips between her legs. He would have to find a secluded place in this restaurant where he could spill his seed in her. Or it was going to be a very long, uncomfortable evening. Eddie had invited two of his LA friends, a man and a woman, and they had just a
rrived. Everyone exchanged greetings and the hostess showed then to their table. They sat and started talking. Jaime and Rachel hit it off immediately and Jules liked Brian as well. They ate, drank and had a great time conversing.

  “We’re coming to your concert, Jaime. We wouldn’t miss it,” Rachel said happily. “I adore your music.”

  “That’s great. Maybe we can hook up afterward,” Jaime said.

  “Sounds like a plan. I know of a great place in Hollywood Hills. You’ll love it,” Brian said.

  “Are you going back to New York the next day?” Rachel said.

  “No. We thought we would do the tourist thing for a few days since we were here,” Jules said.

  “Hey, we can show you around if you like. Take you off the beaten track to see the real LA,” Brian suggested.

  “Ooh! That sounds great,” Jaime responded.

  “And don’t worry, Jules. We’ll give you guys plenty of privacy,” Rachel teased him.

  “Just what I wanted to hear,” he said as he leaned over to kiss Jaime’s cheek.

  Everyone laughed. They could hear music coming from the room next door and Brian suggested that they go over to dance. Jules quickly seconded the idea for it gave him an opportunity to hold Jaime in his arms. It would also give him a chance to sneak away with her while the others were dancing. His cock throbbed in eager anticipation. The music was up tempo for several tunes and Jaime delighted in freestyle. Jules laughed as he spun her until she was dizzy. They traded partners for a couple of songs and then the music slowed. Jaime and Rachel went back to their respective dates and Jaime relaxed in Jules’ arms. He squeezed her waist as he ducked his head into the crook of her neck and shoulder. He could smell her lightly scented perfume. Damn! She smelled good. Jaime looked up at Jules and smiled.

  “Tonight has been fun. I like Rachel and Brian. They make a cute couple,” Jaime said.

  “Tonight has been fun but you know that Rachel and Brian are not a real couple,” Jules said.

  “They’re not? You’re kidding!” Jaime exclaimed.

  “Nope, they’re not. They just really good friends,” Jules said.

  “Wow! I would have sworn that they were an item. But it’s good that they are such good friends. You can never have too many of real friends,” Jaime surmised.

  She looked past Jules shoulder and noticed a tall man at the bar. He was talking and laughing loudly which drew her attention. And there was something about his bearing that seemed familiar. She looked harder but he turned his back to her to speak with the bartender. But Jaime had seen enough. She knew who he was and wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Who would have thought that she would travel across the country and run into him? Well, he hadn’t seen her yet and she was going to make sure it stayed that way.

  “Jules, I’m suddenly tired. It’s been a long day. Can we go back to the hotel?” she said wearily.

  “Of course. Are you alright?” he asked in concern.

  “Yes. I’m fine; just tired,” she answered.

  “Let’s go,” Jules said.

  They walked across the dance floor to tell Rachel and Brian that they were leaving. While Jules was saying a few words to Brian, Jaime glanced toward the bar. Her eyes locked with the man at the bar. He had seen her and was making his way toward her. Jaime did not want to speak with him. She hurriedly said goodbye to Rachel and Brian and started briskly walking toward the exit.

  “Jaime? Jaime Harrison?” the man called.

  Jaime almost ran to the exit. Jules turned to look back at the man who had called to her. He started to halt Jaime but she was already out of the door. Jules followed her outside and grasped her arm.

  “Hold on, Jaime. I think some guy was trying to get your attention. Didn’t you hear him?” Jules questioned.

  “No. But it was probably just a fan,” she said quickly. “Look. Here’s our car. Eddie must have called him to come get us.”

  She walked briskly to the limousine. Jules frowned. She seemed to be in such a hurry. Why? He then dismissed the thought. She was probably just tired. He got into the limousine behind her and the car was soon on its way. Neither of them saw the man standing on the sidewalk watching the limousine drive away. The man smiled slyly.

  “Well, look who’s in town,” he thought. “He would have to think of a way to casually run into her. Things were about to get interesting.”

  Chapter 7

  Jaime lay in the spa tub and relaxed as the jetted water massaged her tired limbs. She closed her eyes and the image of Cory Larson filled her mind. Her eyes popped open instantly and she saw Jules standing beside the tub. Jaime was breathing heavily and rapidly.

  “Are you alright, Jaime? You seem distraught in some way,” Jules asked. He sat on the side of the marble tub. “Did something happen at the restaurant that I don’t know about?”

  For the first time during their relationship she lied.

  “No. I’m fine. Nothing happened,” she said.

  She looked down at the rushing bubbles in the tub; unable to meet his eyes.

  “You just seem jumpy and on edge suddenly. You would tell me if there was a problem, wouldn’t you?” he asked. “It doesn’t matter what it is. We would work it out together.”

  “Of course, I would tell you. There simply isn’t a problem. I’m just really tired,” she smiled wanly.

  He stood up.

  “Alright. Finish your bath and come to bed. I think you need a good night’s sleep,” he advised gently.

  “Okay. I won’t be long,” she said softly.

  He left the bathroom. Jaime stayed in her bath a while longer. By the time she finished and went into the bedroom Jules was sound asleep. She slipped into bed beside him and he pulled her close to him even in his sleep. She laid her head on his shoulder and thought about the lie she had told him. Lying to him didn’t sit well with her. She never lied and Jules was the last person she would have ever thought she would lie to. But there was no reason to bring Cory up. He was well in her past and although she saw him tonight, she certainly wouldn’t see him again while in LA. She was sure that Cory did not run in her circles. So the chances of seeing him again were slim to none. It simply had not been necessary to explain who he was to Jules. He was non-existent to her.


  Cory sat in his one room studio and thought about Jaime. When he’d been involved with her she had not hit it big. Now she was practically a household name and he intended to cash in on his good fortune of seeing her again. She was right here in his backyard. How sweet was that? He had found out that she was in LA to perform at the Hollywood Bowl tomorrow. It wouldn’t be hard to maneuver his way backstage. He would simply pretend to be one of the stage hands working the show. Getting into her dressing room would be a piece of cake; and then they could have their discussion.


  Jaime awoke to next morning feeling refreshed. She wasn’t worried about Cory. She felt that she wouldn’t run into him again and she had nothing to stress about. Jules wasn’t in bed but she could smell fresh coffee wafting in the air. She smiled as she hurried out of bed and trotted into the bathroom. She wanted to hug and kiss Jules and see his handsome face. Jaime went through her morning ritual in record time and padded into the sitting room in her black satin nightgown and robe. Her dark hair fell about her shoulders in disarray but her grey eyes were shining in anticipation of seeing him. Jules was standing on the terrace looking at the view of the city. He sensed her presence and turned around. He raked her from her head to toes and thought she looked sexy enough to eat.

  “Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

  She moved to kiss his mouth briefly.

  “Good morning,” he greeted. “Did you sleep well?”

  She stood in his loose embrace and laid her hands on his bare chest. He wore only his pajama bottoms which was his custom.

  “Yes. But I missed you when I woke up,” she smiled.

  “You were sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to distur
b you. I’ve been looking at this beautiful view,” he said. “You know, I think I can see the ocean from here. I know you have your concert today but let’s go to the beach tomorrow.”

  “I would love to. Malibu isn’t far from here,” she said.

  “It’s a date then,” he confirmed. “In the meantime how about breakfast?”

  Jaime smiled seductively as she glided her hand down his chest to his groin. She cupped his quickly hardening penis.

  “Sure. If by breakfast you mean this,” she murmured as she captured his mouth in a deep kiss.

  Breakfast was put on hold as Jules picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom. He dropped her on the bed and came down on top of her. He was about to kiss her when she squirmed from under him and pushed him onto his back. She pushed his pajama bottoms down and closed her mouth over him. Jules nearly yelled in excitement. He hadn’t asked her to suck his penis since the previous choking occurrence. She had avoided doing so and he hadn’t pushed it. She needed to feel comfortable in suckling him again and he had to let her decide when that would be. But he had longed to feel her mouth on him again. Damn! It felt good to be in her mouth. She trusted him to take care of her and by God he would. Jules realized at that moment that he was in love with Jaime.


  Jules looked up at Jaime as she stood to take her bow and his heart filled with pride and love for her. She stood graciously before hundreds of thousands of adoring people and threw grateful kisses to them. She was America’s darling, loved by all and she returned their love tenfold. Going to her concert with Logan two months had been the best move he had ever made. And to think that he had tried to get out of it but Logan had insisted that he attend. He now wondered if Logan had not been setting him up. If he had, he needed to thank him for meddling because Jules had found the love of his life because of it. He had always thought that settling down with one woman was for other men but not him. He would always be the eternal player; with no attachments, no commitments. But meeting the grown up Jaime had changed all of that and he could not imagine his life without her in it. Tomorrow would be amazing as he would initiate his plan to keep her by his side forever.


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