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Always Love You (MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary series Book 5)

Page 12

by Shirleen Davies

  “Hell,” Heath muttered, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. “What do we do now?”

  “Like you said. Bring the family together, get all of it in the open, including the option of protective custody. And try to talk the women into leaving for the valley. When do you want to do this?”

  “Everyone will be here tomorrow. We’ll do it then.”


  “Are you out of your fuckin’ minds?” Swinger grabbed Rookie by the collar and slammed him up against a wall. “I told you to stay put until Joker and I got back. What part of that didn’t you assholes get?” He moved his other hand up to wrap around Rookie’s windpipe, squeezing until the man almost lost consciousness.

  “Enough,” Joker said, stepping next to Swinger but not laying a hand on him.

  Swinger glanced over, rage burning in his eyes. He dropped the hand from Rookie’s neck, then reared back and shot a fist into his jaw, letting him crumble to the ground. He swung toward the others who’d followed Rookie to the bar.

  “You get me now?” he growled. “This isn’t a fuckin’ game. It’s real and someone is going to die when it’s over. If you sons of bitches aren’t up for it, I’ll call Robbie, have him send replacements.”

  “We got you, Swinger. No more trips and no need to contact Robbie.” Sledge glanced at Rookie, still out cold on the floor, then back at Swinger. He’d earned full patch status a few months before. No way did he want to be the object of Robbie’s anger. Sledge had been the one to draw the deputies to the interstate, where they’d given up and turned back, allowing his brothers to return to the house. “There’s no chance the heat knows where we are. None.”

  “Shut up.” Swinger grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and threw one to Joker. “There’s no such thing as ‘no chance’, shithead.”

  He and Joker had driven onto the ranch a week before, being turned back before they got to the main house. They’d tried again yesterday, picking up a different rental car, wearing plaid shirts and heavy canvas coats. This time they came in another way and followed a narrow dirt road. They’d driven for an hour, spotting nothing before a black SUV pulled in front of them, blocking their path. Swinger made excuses about looking for property they’d heard was on the market, turned the car around, and left.

  He chugged the beer all at once, crumpling the can and throwing it in a corner. “I’ve got to call Robbie. Keep watch.” Swinger disappeared into a back room. Robbie picked up on the second ring.

  “What’s the news?”

  “We aren’t going to be able to get him on the ranch. Got to grab him when he comes off.” Swinger paced back and forth, waiting for his Prez to respond.

  Robbie slumped into a chair, thinking through options. Swinger knew more about grabbing targets than anyone in the club. He had a hundred percent record of bringing back or disposing of anyone he tracked.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “Snatch his old lady. Use her as bait.” Swinger grabbed another beer, knowing Robbie needed to ponder this before giving approval. He’d never advocated using women or children unless there was no other choice. His Prez knew if Swinger suggested it, no other option would work.

  “If we do this, I want to be there.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good—”

  “Did I ask you?”

  “No, Robbie, but my job is to keep you safe, out of this kind of shit. You should stay in Texas, out of sight. Let us take care of him.”

  “Not happening. I got more reason to want the bastard than anyone, and I’ll be the one to take care of him.”

  “Damn it, Robbie. At least tell me you’re bringing some brothers to keep watch for you.”

  “Me and two others. I’ll figure out who. Send me a picture of his old lady. I’ll let you know when I’ll be taking off.” Robbie hung up, leaving nothing for Swinger to do except swear.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Dress up. I’m taking you out tonight after I take care of some stuff.” Eric leaned down to kiss Amber as he slipped into his shirt. They’d come to her place after leaving the ranch and spent the last few hours in bed. It had been the best couple of days he’d had in years—since before they’d split up.

  “We don’t have to go out. I can cook.” She drew her fingertips down his chest, her voice sultry and low.

  “Yeah, and end up like last night without food?” His chuckle came out as more of a hiss as his body began to warm.

  “You didn’t like it?” A slight pout crossed her face as she worked her way toward the belt he’d just buckled. He reached down and stilled her hands.

  “You’re going to kill me, you know that don’t you?” He grinned before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her tight, covering her mouth with his. “God, you make me crazy,” he breathed against her lips before pushing her back onto the bed and following her down.

  An hour later he pulled onto the street. A quick trip to his place to change clothes, answer emails, and check with Kade, and then drive back to Amber’s. He planned to take her to his favorite spot. A place he’d never taken another date. Somehow he’d always known it should be saved for someone special.

  He turned off the engine when his phone rang.

  “Sinclair,” he answered.

  “Eric, it’s Keith Vance. I’ve got all the documents together and would like to come out this week to make a presentation about the various properties. Would Wednesday or Thursday work for you?”

  Eric pushed open his front door then shoved it closed against the cold wind. “Let me check with a few people. I’d like you to get in front of the leadership. If they aren’t available, then we should put it off until they can attend.”

  “Understood. Let me know as soon as you can. I may bring an associate with me.”

  “No problem. I’ll get back in touch Monday.” He hung up then hopped in the shower.

  Eric let the hot water sluice over him, thinking of Amber, and growing impatient to see her again as his body responded. He knew the desire and urgency they felt for each other would subside or slow after a few weeks, or months, or if he were lucky, years. Heath and Annie never seemed to grow tired of being around each other. The same with Cam and Lainey, and Trey and Jesse. He chuckled as he thought of Kade and Brooke and the way she’d thrown herself at him in front of the family without any sense of humility. He wanted that—uninhibited passion from Amber for the rest of their lives.

  His chest tightened at the thought. They’d just gotten back together, yet he knew without a doubt he never wanted to be without her again. He never believed they’d have a second chance, yet here they were, back together. They were older, perhaps wiser, with more to lose than before. He understood Amber’s fear—he felt it, too. If it didn’t work this time, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  Eric stopped at the flower store on the way to Amber’s and picked up a dozen red roses. The next stop was for a bottle of her favorite wine. He’d allow her one glass before they left, and even that might be too much if the last twenty-four hours was any indication. Maybe he’d better leave the wine in the truck. Tonight he wished he owned a sports car like Heath’s new one. He wanted the best for her.

  She opened the door, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the roses Eric held out.

  “They’re beautiful.” Her voice held a gentle softness, which tapped something deep inside of him.

  She placed the roses in water then set them in the center of the table before grabbing her phone and taking a picture. Pulling up the image, she walked toward Eric and showed it to him, a proud look on her face.

  “What are you gloating about?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “I’m saving it for those times in the future when you slink into some mysterious man-funk. I’ll show this to you. Maybe it will help you to snap out of it.”

  He shook his head, not quite sure what she meant but liking the part about the future.

  “You look beautiful.” He pulled her toward him, meaning to give her
a quick kiss before leaving for dinner. Instead, he moved his mouth over hers, brushing his lips across hers in soft strokes before deepening the kiss. She sighed as his grip tightened, molding herself to him until he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

  “You make me forget all sense of time or where I am.” His glazed eyes locked on hers, seeing the passion he felt. He almost decided to call off their dinner, swoop her up and take her to bed. She had plenty of food in the refrigerator, all they’d need to get through the night. Then he let out a ragged breath and stepped away.

  “I’ll help you with your coat. We have a reservation in twenty minutes.”

  Amber nodded, missing the warmth and feel of his body the moment he stepped away.

  He drove through areas of town she’d never seen, taking a winding road up a hillside, and entering a drive almost hidden within the pines. Her eyes widened as they pulled to a stop before a magnificent Victorian mansion.

  Lights bathed the intricate details and colors of cream, brown, and russet. A veranda extended across the entire width of the first story and wrapped around two sides. There were balconies on each of the upper stories and as Eric helped Amber out of the truck, she could see four chimneys.

  “It’s glorious,” she whispered and took his arm.

  “Wait until you see the inside.”

  Eric stopped at the ornate double doors and stepped aside for Amber to walk past him. She came to a halt, staring up at the cathedral ceiling, then letting her gaze move lower to see an older woman with a broad smile watching her.

  “Good evening, Eric.” She walked up to give him a warm hug. “It’s been a while. I believe the last time I saw you in here we were celebrating Heath’s birthday.”

  “You have a good memory, Esther.” Eric drew Amber toward him. “This is Amber Anderson. Amber, meet Esther Hastings, owner of this fabulous restaurant.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Mrs.…”

  “Esther, please.” She looked at Eric. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you bring a date in here.”

  “Yeah…well…” Eric hesitated, not quite sure how to continue.

  “You must be quite special, Amber, for Eric to bring you here.” Esther watched as Amber blushed, then smiled, and tightened her grip on Eric’s arm. “Now, let me show you to your table.”

  Their evening couldn’t have been better. Esther brought them a special she’d prepared and when Amber thought nothing more would fit in her stomach, Esther carried a beautiful fresh fruit pie to the table, still steaming with a side of ice cream for each.

  Eric and Amber stared at each other then laughed. “Any coffee to go with it, Esther?”

  “Of course.”

  Eric waited until they’d finished their dessert before asking what had been on his mind all evening. “How are you feeling so far, about us I mean?”

  They’d talked about everything except the one topic which hung between them like the thick fog over the Golden Gate Bridge.

  Amber set her fork down and reached across the table, taking his hand. “I think we’re doing wonderful. I know it’s been a short time and anything might happen, but you should know I want this to work. More than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

  A smile lit her face and Eric felt his chest seize. “Me, too,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He squeezed her hand, knowing in his heart nothing could pull them apart again. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Amber held his hand and lost herself in her own mental ramblings as Eric drove home. She paid no attention to the direction, looking up only when the truck began to go across a bumpy road. She glanced at him then out the window, disoriented.

  “Where are we going?” She looked around, seeing nothing except miles of grassland in the almost moonless night.

  “To my place. It’s time we made love in my bed.” The smile he offered sent shivers through her body as her heart hammered almost violently in her chest. He pulled to a stop in front of a cabin with a view to the valley below.

  A few tall pines and scrub oaks dotted the area around the house. In the distance Amber could see lights from other houses.

  “The lights over there are from Cam and Lainey’s place, and those are from Kade and Brooke’s. That,” he pointed in a third direction, “is where Heath and Annie live.”

  “How far away are they?”

  “The cabins are about half a mile apart, while the ranch house is closer to a mile away. We drove in from a side road few people know about. I’ll show it to you during the day as it’s closer when coming from your place.”

  “You seem to believe I’ll be coming here a lot,” she teased.

  “Unless you move in, which would be the best from my perspective.” He locked eyes on her, waiting.

  Her breath hitched at the thought. “I think it’s worth discussing,” she finally said, taking his hand as he led her into the cabin.

  He closed the front door behind them, then turned to face her, cupping her face in his hands. “When you’re ready, I want you to move in with me. I want you in my bed every night.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips and drew back.

  “And marriage?”

  “Is that a proposal? Because if it is, I accept.” His smile broke her nervous reaction at the thought of moving in with him. They’d lived together a brief time in college before the split and her departure for New York. All had gone well. They talked, rarely fought, and became each other’s best friend. And their lovemaking…well…had only gotten better. They could do it again, she was certain of it.


  They woke up Sunday morning to a light dusting of snow and winds strong enough to push you off balance. Breakfast consisted of eggs, toast, and orange juice before Eric scooped her up and carried her back to bed.

  “I could get used to this.” Eric pulled a strong arm around her and tugged her close, gathering the covers around them.


  “Oh, yeah.”

  She could feel his soft breaths fan her cheeks as he placed kisses behind her ear and softly nipped at the lobe. “Do you still want children?”

  His question took her by surprise, although she didn’t know why. They’d talked of a family many times while engaged. Eric loved children, and so did Amber. Her thoughts hadn’t changed over the years.

  “If I can have them with you, yes.”

  He lifted her and set her on top of him before she had a chance to protest, his gaze boring into her.

  “Marry me, Amber.” He put a finger to her lips when they began to part. “I love you, always have. Waiting won’t change how I feel and I don’t believe we’ll find any dark secrets about the other neither can live with.” He grabbed both her hands, touching his lips to them. “The wedding can be months off if it will make you feel better. But I want a ring on your finger now, so everyone knows you’re mine.”

  She stared down at him, eyes wide, not knowing quite what to say. Her heart pounded, causing heat to course through her and a flush of warmth on her face. She hadn’t been prepared for this—not yet. A lump formed in her throat, which she forced herself to swallow.

  “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “Not at all.” His eyes narrowed on hers. “I can’t imagine living without you. If you’re afraid I’ll change my mind, I won’t. Not ever. You’re it for me, Amber.”

  Her eyes darted around the room as she tried to focus on what to do. She loved him, had since they’d been in high school. Years had gone by and her feelings had become stronger. Like Eric, she couldn’t imagine a future without him in it. Amber took a breath and placed her palms on his chest, feeling his heart pounding as rapidly as her own. She caught her lower lip between her teeth before releasing it and running her tongue across her lips.

  “All right.”

  Eric shot upright, not quite believing her answer. “What?”

  “I said, yes. I love you and I’ll marry you, but with one condition.”

  He stilled, waiting.

��The end of summer.” She cleared her throat. “I want an August wedding.”

  A smile broke across Eric’s face as he recalled a similar discussion years before.

  “That’s when we planned to marry before, in August.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, not wanting to let her go. “August it is, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “All right, who’s missing?” Heath asked as everyone gathered in the great room before Sunday dinner. Even Rafe had flown in from Montana for business and to see Mitch and Kade. Heath had to hand it to him—his brother was making a hell of an effort to reunite with the family he’d turned his back on years before and the son he’d known nothing about. Bringing his Montana family into the fold might take longer. At least Mitch seemed to be doing his part to build a bridge with Kade.

  “Just Eric,” Annie said, putting a hand on Heath’s shoulder at the same time the door burst open and Eric walked inside holding Amber’s hand.

  “Sorry, we’re late.” He walked up to his mother, giving her a hug and kiss, then shook Heath’s hand, never dropping his grip on Amber.

  The room fell silent, everyone noticing how the two looked at each other and waited. Eric draped an arm around her shoulders, then held up her left hand, showing off the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. The same one she’d worn years before.

  “I know this will seem sudden, but Amber and I are back together. She’s agreed to marry me.” He leaned down to kiss her as the room broke out in chaos.

  Brooke screamed and shot out of her chair, wrapping Amber in a death hug, then turning to Eric. “It’s about time the two of you got your act together.” She grinned then pulled him into her arms.


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