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Breaking Free

Page 4

by Alicia McCalla

  Brandon jumped between them. “She doesn’t need your card! I’m taking this story!”

  XJ took the card and ignored Brandon. “You’re willing to print the truth?”

  Fitch smiled. “You get a chance to tell your side of the story. I’ll make sure of that.”

  She thought about this. Her eyes wandered towards Brandon. His eyes silently said, No.

  “Can you help me get my mom free?”

  Brandon moved closer to XJ. “Don’t listen to this bum. You can’t trust him. Revolution TV can help….”

  The reporter continued. “Well, that might be more difficult.”

  “Then no deal, go back with the rest of—” XJ’s emotions swirled inside her. I thought he could help!

  “Hold on! If you can prove that your mom is innocent, I can guarantee that the world knows it. I’ll even pay you for the scoop. It’s just….” Fitch touched his nose, avoiding eye contact with her.

  “Just what?” She leaned forward.

  “No, this isn’t right!” Brandon shouted. “I’ll tell your story. Revolution TV will help you! You don’t have to—!”

  The reporter cleared his throat and gave an awkward smile. “I’ve got to have whatever you find exclusively. No poachers. My articles carry a lot of weight and I’m sure we’ll be able to free your mom.”

  XJ felt relief. She wanted all the reporters gone. She wanted her life back to normal. She wanted her mom back. She glanced at Brandon and more emotions surged through her.

  “If I find anything, it’s yours first! Now get rid of these people!” She pointed at the other reporters.

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Fitch turned away from her, and began clearing out the other reporters.

  XJ turned toward Brandon. He looked crushed. But he doesn’t understand. I want these people gone. I want my mom to be free.

  Besides, he’d already chosen Heather at the wedding. He wasn’t interested in her. Not really. She fidgeted with the card from Fitch.

  Had she just made a deal with Satan or was Fitch her answer?

  Chapter 8

  “We don’t know because we refuse to accept the truth. Ignorance is dangerous in these troubled times.”

  —Dr. Gary Leonard Kates, Press Conference

  Brandon recognized Fitch from his dad’s newspaper division. He’d never liked Fitch. Something about him wasn’t right and Brandon knew he had to prove it. He wiped sweat from his forehead. Even though it was spring, the Georgia heat still warmed him.

  He watched in horror as XJ sealed the deal with Fitch. His stomach twisted in knots and he looked away. CAGE had removed all the corpses, but he could still smell the charred bodies. He couldn’t understand why she’d done it. It made him mad.

  All at once, his emotions softened. XJ was beautiful, confident, and lovely. He wanted to protect her. It pissed him off that she’d chosen Fitch over him. Brandon clenched his hands into stiff fists. His cheeks and jaws tightened. Fitch worked for Todd and that made him even madder. He wanted to dismantle his father’s media empire. He wanted Todd to hurt.

  Brandon watched the reporter slither away and his shoulders relaxed. Everyone else was just about gone, so he took a chance on trying to convince XJ that she should work with him instead of Fitch. He would take care of her. He would make sure that the world knew her story. He would do whatever it took to help her.

  Brandon raked his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. He marched up to her. “I don’t understand,” he said, allowing the confusion to show. “Why would you agree to work with Fitch?”

  So close to her, he realized how fragile she was. He wanted to pull her into an embrace but held back. He tried to focus on her response.

  “I’m not going to win my mom’s freedom by working with you,” she said softly.

  Brandon searched XJ’s eyes. He could see the deep thought. Her shoulders dropped. “The Revolution can’t help me. That’s what got my family into this in the first place.”

  He did admire her straightforwardness. Brandon rubbed the back of his neck and tried to stay calm. It was hard. He kept his voice devoid of emotion. “Fitch will double cross you. He won’t tell the truth about your family. He won’t help you with your mom. He’ll turn your story into something else. Revolution TV is….”

  “I’m sick of the Revolution!” Brandon watched XJ perk up, flail her arms and put them on her hips. She took her finger and pointed it at his chest. “I don’t want to hear about that stupid Revolution again. You sound like my mother and look where it’s got her!”

  Is she even listening to me? Brandon frowned. “You need to grab a clue XJ! CAGE plays for keeps. I wouldn’t put it pass them to have Fitch on the payroll. You can’t trust him.”

  XJ narrowed her eyes. “And am I suppose to trust you? The last time you didn’t choose me. Last time you chose the establishment. Last time you chose Heather.”

  His voice cracked. “That was different! It wasn’t what you thought!” Brandon wanted to explain what really happened that day a million times but he couldn’t find the words. His public decision haunted him but he was trying to honor his mother.

  “Who bankrolls Revolution TV?” XJ sneered. “Oh, that would be Daddy Miller right?”

  Brandon shuddered. “I bankroll my own broadcast. My dad has nothing to do….”

  XJ let out a disgusted sound. “Really? You’re no better than Fitch! If your daddy told you not to run a story I’m pretty sure you’d do just what you’re told. I’m pretty sure you’d forget about your revolutionary pipe dreams, and be the little rich brat that you are.”

  Brandon felt her ego blow in his gut. He did want to tell her story—he knew what was in his heart. He wanted to change the world and he’d use his dad’s money, power, and fame.

  But, he was still different from Fitch.

  He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Look, you’re right,” he said tonelessly. ”You have no reason to trust me. What will I do different from Fitch? Well, I’ll tell you: I’ll respect your family. I’ll respect you. Can you say that about Fitch?”

  XJ moved closer and placed her hand on his shoulder. He kept his hands in his pockets, but wanted to take them out and touch her. He looked into her brown eyes and knew that this was much more than a story to him.

  She said. “I respect your honesty. I know you believe in your heart that you’d do the right thing. I’m not sure if that’s enough. CAGE wants to mind swipe my mom. I’ve got to go with a sure thing. Fitch is it.”

  The moment lingered. Both stood silent. His hands ached to touch her smooth chocolate skin. He wanted to hold her. Brandon closed his eyes and remembered the warmth of their embrace. He inched closer to her and the backyard washed away.

  He wanted to show her tenderness and affection and he couldn’t remember feeling this way about anyone. He certainly never felt this way about Heather. He wanted to tell her that he was a sure thing too.

  “Fitch will double cross you.” He let the words roll off his tongue.

  “And, how do I know that I can put my trust in you?” XJ’s voice shook.

  He moved closer to her. He wanted to kiss her to make this all go away. “Don’t trust me. Trust the Revolution. Your family has always gotten more from the Revolution than from the mainstream.”

  “My grandfather’s dead,” tears welled in her eyes. “My mother’s on her way to having her mind swiped. And I’m seventeen trying to figure out what to do. I don’t see what the Revolution has done so positive for my family.”

  He gently wiped away the falling tears from XJ’s eyes. “Then don’t put your trust in the Revolution. Put your trust in me.”

  “I trusted you once and it didn’t work out well for me. I can’t trust that you’ll choose me over your designation type.”

  “Don’t be foolish.” I want to kiss her so bad!

  “I’m not being foolish! I just want something out of this for me and my family this time!”

  Brandon dropped his hand from her fa
ce. “Is that it? You want money?”

  XJ stepped back from him. “Don’t judge me. You choose money all the time. You chose her over me.”

  His neck tensed. I wish I could explain what really happened! “I’m not with her anymore! I don’t use my dad’s money for Revolution TV.”

  “Oh, forgive me! My mom just got hauled away! Now the little, reporter boy is offended, because I didn’t know he broke up with his perfect girlfriend!”

  “And you think handing your story over to that crook will help you?!” Brandon had had enough. He was ready to fight with her now.

  “Get off my porch! Get off my land! Leave me alone!” XJ stormed away from him.

  “I’ll prove it to you!” he shouted at her back. “I’ll prove that Fitch is no good! I’ll prove you should stick with me!”

  XJ was about to retort, when the trees moved. “Who’s there?” She asked, looking frightened.

  “Aghh! Aghh!” They heard a funny voice.

  “Who is it?”

  “XJ! XJ! I’m caught in the bushes! Help me—it’s me Ziggy!”

  Brandon let out a disgusted sound. Not that class clown!

  XJ looked back over her shoulder, as she ran to help Ziggy. “Brandon, our conversation is over.”

  “I’ll prove it to you.” Brandon yelled back as he headed towards his car.

  He’d find a way to convince her to see his side. But first, he’d have to stop thinking about how sexy she looked running toward the trees.

  Chapter 9

  “Brandon and you are the coolest, Heather. I hope when I find someone with the right mate-designation type that my relationship is as good as yours.”

  —Audience Member, GEP Network’s Teen Sensation

  Heather wanted to scream. She could have scratched XJ’s eyes out. How dare she get close to Brandon, again! She already warned her once.

  She balled up her fists and thought about what she’d like to do to XJ. Instead she stood up, slapped the dirt off her pants and watched Brandon walk back to his car.

  Brandon is most important. She switched on her tracking ability and allowed it to fill her mind.

  Her vision turned red. She knew her eyes had turned red too. Maybe she should punk XJ into leaving Brandon alone. Heather’s nostrils flared as she saw her step sister running toward her, and over to another part of the burnt yard. Her breathing sped up.

  Yeah, that’s what I’ll do! I’ll show her! Heather’s boots clunked across the gravel as she stepped out of hiding and walked up behind XJ.

  “I need to talk to you.” Heather saw the back of XJ’s hair through red eyes. She put her hands on her hips.

  “I’m sorry.” Her step sister said, without even turning around. “You’ve missed the bulletin. Fitch already has my exclusive.”

  Irritation burned Heather and her stomach boiled. “I’m not here to write a story about you! I’m here to—!”

  Someone leaped out of the bushes and hugged XJ tight. “Please—!” Heather said with annoyance. She’d recognized him from school. What’s his name? Ziggy. That’s it! She hangs out with losers!

  She tapped her foot. “Don’t you hear me talking to you?” Ziggy smiled at her and before she realized it, he’d pounced on her.

  Heather stumbled back, as she peeled him off. “Don’t touch me, freak!” But Ziggy touched her everywhere. He made his way to releasing her perfect ponytail. Heather’s blond hair fell down to her shoulders. Ziggy raced away with her hair clip. Her lips parted and her eyes widened.

  “Give that back to me! You little turd!” Heather tried to catch him but he moved quick.

  He talked so fast and moved at lightening speeds. Her eyes couldn’t keep up with his movements. Her hands shook.

  Not now! She had to focus. She needed another white pill bad.

  Heather closed her eyes and tapped deeper into her tracking ability: the part of her that was both tracker and hunter. Heather tracked Ziggy’s mind trail as if she could smell his scent. She held up her arm like a speed breaker catching Ziggy in his chest. Ziggy bounced backwards and fell hitting the back of his puffy Afro on the ground.

  He screamed a decade a minute.”I diddn’t mmmean itt! I just wannniitt toooo sssseee itttt!”

  Heather ignored him. She jumped on top of his chest and held his arm down with her knee. His body squirmed as he screamed. “DDDon’t hurt me whiteee gUrrl! GGett Off! III justtt wwwannna seeee ittt!”

  Heather put her face down to his. “Mine you turd! Mine! Keep your grubby hands off!” She wrenched her hair clip from his hand. Her body started to shake.

  Not now! Not now. She thought. I’ve got to keep control.

  But the other Heather swarmed inside her mind. Really? the voice said. You’re really beatin’ up on this helpless child? Let me out!

  Heather grabbed her head. No. No. You can’t come out! I’m busy.

  Heather snapped back and saw someone heading towards her. She rolled off the little butterscotch-colored Ziggy.

  “You’re hurting him!” It was XJ.

  “He should’ve kept his hands off me!” Heather yelled.

  “He’s got a disorder. He can’t help it. He’s got advanced GEP ADD. It causes him to move fast and fixate on small items.” XJ helped Ziggy off the ground and began picking dirt out of his Afro.

  “You two are freaking idiots!” Heather whined.

  XJ stopped patting Ziggy and took a closer look at her. “Heather? WTF? What do you want uppity, white girl? Here to gloat for your mother? I really don’t have time for you or your mama!” She finished cleaning Ziggy off, and turned her back on her step sister.

  Heather started to shake. Her other voice railed inside her mind. Let’s go. Let me out. You don’t need to do this. The girl already has enough to deal with.

  She felt her mind melting down. “Shut up!” She said inside and outside her head; and shook off the other personality. Her vision turned red again, and she dug deep into her hunter self.

  She wanted to spit on XJ. “I’m not here for my mother. I’m here to tell you to keep your hands off my man.”

  XJ took a deep breath and turned around. Her fists were clenched. “Really? Are you really here about Brandon? CAGE takes my mom away and all you can think about is your little rich, boy toy?”

  “If I can remember correctly, this isn’t the first time you tried to steal my man!” Heather spat, pointing her finger. “Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time?”

  “Brandon chose you just like my father chose your stupid mother!” XJ shot back. “Isn’t that enough for you? Leave me alone!” She turned her back to her step sister again and led little Ziggy towards her house.

  I’m going to claw her eyes out! The hunter popped into her mind and Heather charged towards XJ. She almost had her hands around XJ’s braids, when the girl whipped around to face her.

  XJ’s eyes had turned gray. That’s when Heather realized that she couldn’t move. She wanted to scream but nothing came out. Just then her step sister’s face came into view.

  Her words were muffled. “I don’t want Brandon. I’m more worried about my mom. Now get off my land before I forget you’re my step sister and hurt you, white girl.”

  Heather felt something flash inside the front of her eyes. The door to XJ’s house closed.

  “You tramp!” Heather screamed.

  She blacked out.

  She came too, breathing deeply. “Ah, finally out….” Her second personality had taken over. “I need to get outta here!”

  The other Heather railed inside her mind. Let me out! She raged and screamed. But the Heather now in control knew better than to release her.

  Not now anyway. The new Heather walked back to her car—all the while feeling sorry for her step sister and what was going to happen. Maybe I have time to stop it.

  She slid into her car. Her shoulders slumped and she cried on the steering wheel.

  But the thick emotion allowed the first Heather to slip back in control. This one hated XJ.
Heather bent the rear view mirror to her face, and fixed her make-up. She laughed hysterically. “You won’t be able to save that little jungle bunny!”

  Trapped inside herself. The other Heather felt bad. Their plan was in motion. She knew she couldn’t stop it. XJ is in trouble and it’s all my fault.

  “Stop feeling sorry for her! She tried to steal my man!” The outside Heather mashed the gas and skidded away. “Serves the slut right!”

  Chapter 10

  This generation of GEPs has a rendezvous with destiny.

  —Dr. Gary Leonard Kates, Press Conference

  XJ hopped up onto the porch landing, opened the front door, waited for Ziggy to enter and slammed the door. She turned to face the ransacked living room—the couch and chairs overturned in the aftermath of a serious battle.

  She felt sick. This was the worst day of her life. Her back crashed against the closed door, as she slid into a declining slump all the way to the floor. Uncontrollable air gasps escaped her throat as her head fell between her knees.

  Her life was falling apart and she felt powerless to do anything about it. Tears and moans soaked the inside of her jacket. She could barely hear Ziggy consoling her. What was she going to do? How would she save her mother? Could she trust Fitch?

  XJ slowly pulled herself together. She felt Ziggy rub her back and shoulders. He was the best friend she’d ever had even though he had an ADD problem.

  Ziggy said in his rapid speech “Iiii’mmmm ss-sso soooroorrry, mmmaaannnn. Justttt sooo sorrrrry.”

  XJ wiped her face. “It’s not your fault. I’ll figure this out.”

  They both sat in silence, while her mind raced through the afternoon’s events. She remembered the last conversation with Dorothy, about a stupid ring and meeting Brockman. XJ searched the jacket pockets and stood up. Her fingers emerged with a glowing, platinum ruby ring.

  “WWWoooeeee, whhhhhatt’s thatt ttthing?” Ziggy sputtered, while his eyes twinkled like he’d been struck with a fixation bug.

  “Something my mom gave me.” She slid the ring on her finger.


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