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Detour (The Getaway Series Book 5)

Page 1

by Jay Crownover













  Leveled (novella)



  Avenged (crossover novella)




  Better When He’s Brave

  Better When He’s Bold

  Better When He’s Bad









  Girl in Luv

  Boy in Luv

  Jay Crownover LLC

  Copyright © 2019 by Jay Crownover

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  A letter of copyright has been applied for through the Library of Congress.

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Jay Crownover LLC, 1670 E. Cheyenne Mnt. Blvd. Box# 152, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906.

  Publisher’s note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Cover design by: Hang Le

  Photographed by and copyright owned by: Regina Wamba

  Editing and formatting by: Elaine York, Allusion Graphics, LLC/Publishing & Book Formatting

  Ebook interior images by Christine Borgford

  Proofreading & copyediting by: Bethany Salminen


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Sneak Peek


  Chapter 1

  Other Books by Jay Crownover


  About the Author

  Dedicated to love.

  However that looks. In all its different forms.

  Everyone should be so lucky to find the kind of love that is powerful enough to both hurt and heal.

  Sometimes it’s the unexpected detour that life throws your way that ends up taking you exactly where you were meant to be.

  Wyatt Bryant is all kinds of broken.

  Wyatt never planned to end up in the middle of nowhere. He was a big city guy, used to bright lights and constant noise. He needed both those things to distract him from the ugly memories of his past and the loneliness he couldn’t seem to shake. Now, he is bound for the back roads of Wyoming because his younger brother is beyond worried about him. He’s headed for a quiet place to heal and search for some uninterrupted serenity to figure out what he’s going to do with the rest of his life. Wyatt never expected to live his life in the slow lane, and he really didn’t see the breathless attraction to a small-town sheriff coming.

  Rodie Collins is all kinds of conflicted.

  Rodie had long since grown used to the snail’s pace of life in Sheridan, Wyoming. He was accustomed to the gossip and malicious grapevine that was common in all small towns. Cruel words and judgmental looks followed him throughout his childhood and made him overly cautious as an adult. He had it easy keeping the peace in Sheridan most days, at least until Wyatt showed up. Rodie couldn’t hide his attraction to the sexy former special agent, and there was something about the city slicker that made him want to throw caution to the wind. Rodie loves his job and his hometown, but he may have to pick between what he’s always known and Wyatt when push comes to shove and long held secrets come to light.


  I didn’t know I was going to get this far in the Getaway series!

  I wrote Retreat on a whim to stretch my writerly wings. I didn’t plan on folks taking to the Warners the way they did, and I didn’t know that I was going to become low-key obsessed with writing about Rodie and Wyatt.

  This is my disclaimer to folks who might actually live and love near Sheridan, Wyoming. Since the town was just the backdrop in the other novels, I didn’t think I needed to make it a fictional place. I used a real town on the map, which I normally only do if I am very familiar with the place and people I’m writing about. Since Sheridan played a tiny part in the previous novels, I kept the Warner Ranch near a real place on the Wyoming/Montana border. However, I didn’t realize what a big part the city and residents of my fictional version of Sheridan were going to play in the story when I got to Rodie and Wyatt’s book.

  I’m sure the good folks of Sheridan are lovely, open-minded, incredibly empathetic and understanding people in real life. In my fictional Sheridan, that isn’t the case. So, I feel like I need to clarify: the locals and the situations that arise in the Getaway series are entirely fictional. The town is also considerably bigger than I make it seem in this series. I tweaked the perception to fit my previous narrative.

  So, I apologize for taking liberties with Sheridan and the folks who call it home. There was just no way to adjust the location this far into the series. (The previous two books in the series take place on the road, so I had to bring everyone home in this book!) Just know, any inaccuracies or generalizations relating to this very real place are my own and in no way reflect the reality of what I’m positive is a lovely town in cowboy country.

  I feel like I owe the real Sheridan a visit after this series is all wrapped up!


  Love & Ink,



  I saw him as soon as I stepped off the plane in Billings, Montana. The airport wasn’t huge, but I would’ve spotted him in a crowd if it was. It annoyed me to no end that I couldn’t miss Rodie Collins. The sheriff of the small Wyoming town where my younger brother had settled down had been irritatingly unforgettable since the moment we met well over a year ago. It got under my skin and made my back teeth grind furiously when I realized that others weren’t immune to the intimidating man’s larger-than-life presence. The young mother in front of me, who had been frazzled and loud the entire flight, missed a step and nearly sent her toddler flying when she caught sight of the tall, auburn-haired man. He pushed off the wall where he was leaning so he could make his way toward our gate. I heard her inhale a sharp breath, and I couldn’t contain an eye roll. Sure, there was no getting around the fact that Rodie Collins was one hell of a good-looking man, but there was something hard and unforgiving in his green gaze that warned everyone to keep a safe distance. If the coldness in his eyes weren’t enough
to make anyone with a functioning brain leery, the badge and gun on his belt would be.

  For most of my adult life, I’d had a badge and gun of my own. I shouldn’t be impressed by Rodie’s, but I was. Righteousness and authority looked good on the man, and even though I’d die before admitting it out loud, I was jealous. The only way I’d get my badge back was if I agreed to a desk job for the remainder of my career. And no one could give me an honest answer as to whether or not I’d ever be able to fire a gun properly again. My shoulder had been blown into too many pieces to count on my last undercover assignment, rendering me virtually useless in the eyes of the law. I’d barely gotten feeling back in the injured limb, let alone full mobility. I was never exactly thrilled to see the stoic sheriff, but encountering him when I was beaten down and as close to giving up on everything in my life as I’d ever been, well, this was pretty much my own private version of Hell on Earth. And the very handsome devil was now staring in my direction.

  As the young mother continued to gawk at the tall man in the black cowboy hat and tan uniform, I narrowed my eyes and leaned heavily on the cane in my hand. My shoulder hadn’t been the only part of my body that was nearly destroyed in the ambush down by the border. In fact, it was nearly a miracle I was still walking, talking, and breathing. None of the doctors who’d fought to keep me alive after I was airlifted to a hospital in San Antonio could promise that I’d ever be able to function like I used to again. None of them knew how stubborn and determined I could be. However, Rodie didn’t seem to be shocked at all that I was making my way on my own two unsteady feet.

  “Where’s Webb?” My younger brother had been harassing me for months to come stay with him in Wyoming at the sprawling ranch where he worked. He insisted the fresh air would do me good, and the wide-open space would be the perfect place to figure out my next step in life. I’d scared him big time when this last assignment went so bad, and he wasn’t about to let me forget it. He also wasn’t going to let me forget that I’d gone from being a highly decorated soldier to being a highly decorated DEA agent. I’d always lived a life with no ties and no guarantees, and now I was at a total loss as to what to do with myself. Honestly, I was confused as to who I was supposed to be without my badge and a dangerous mission to complete. “He was supposed to come pick me up.”

  Webb had to know that the last person I wanted to make the two-hour drive out to the ranch with was the man currently standing in front of me. I’d mentioned to both Webb and his pretty girlfriend that something about the sheriff of Sheridan rubbed me the wrong way.

  “He said he was caught up with one of the tours on the ranch, and Ten is out tracking a missing hiker.” One broad shoulder lifted and fell totally unbothered. “Ten radioed in and asked me to come pick you up. Gotta keep up with the ‘serve’ part of ‘protect and serve.’” One corner of his mouth lifted and I narrowed my eyes to hide the fact that his lopsided grin made my heart thud heavily in my bruised and healing chest.

  “None of the brothers could come and get me?”

  The ranch my brother called home was owned and operated by the Warner family. The brothers were lifelong Wyoming residents and true-blue cowboys. The family was great. I was endlessly appreciative of how they’d all taken Webb in and made him part of the family. Especially since our childhood had been garbage and traumatic as hell for both of us. No one deserved a sense of security and a place to belong more than Webb. His girlfriend, Tennyson McKenna, was also from the area around Sheridan and she seemed just as tough as the terrain. She was my brother’s perfect match and the only person I trusted to love him the way he deserved. She wasn’t going anywhere, no matter how the world tried to challenge them, and that was what my brother needed more than anything.

  “What can I say? Everyone was busy, so you’re stuck with me.” The grin on Rodie’s ruggedly handsome face widened, and something sparked in his emerald gaze. My instincts were honed to a fine edge from years of working undercover in some of the most dangerous places in the world, and the hair on the back of my neck lifted as something about Rodie’s easy willingness to play chauffeur didn’t sit quite right. Every alarm bell I possessed was ringing loud enough to drown out the rest of the sounds around us.

  “I could’ve arranged for a car service. I’m sure you’re busy keeping the people of Sheridan safe.” I couldn’t keep the bite of sarcasm out of my tone. Sheridan was a small town in middle-of-nowhere Wyoming. I knew that Rodie had been a Recon Marine in his former life. But I didn’t know how he ended up keeping the peace in a place you had to look pretty hard to find. The big man had clearly taken a step down from what he was capable of. It should be common knowledge that he was way overqualified for his current position considering his training.

  I grimaced in pain. I could stand on my own, but not for extended periods of time. Our standoff was zapping the last of my energy, and my shoulder was starting to scream at me. I needed a painkiller and a nap. I didn’t need a silent face-off against a man I was going to lose to anyway. Rodie was bigger than I was, and taller. He was a few years older than me, but he looked like he was ten years younger. There wasn’t a single stray strand of silver or white in his thick auburn hair, and his body looked like he could play for the nearest professional sports team. Before my last mission went bad, I’d like to think I kept myself in pretty good shape and could hold my own in the looks department. Rodie didn’t hold his own; he dominated the department and made me feel even worse. I knew I looked as rough as I felt. It was just one more reason I didn’t want to be stuck in a car with him for two hours. I already had a complex about this guy; I didn’t need to add another one.

  Rodie’s mahogany eyebrows lifted and I swore he was fighting back a full smile. “Come on. You clearly need to get off your feet. You look like you’re ready to pass out. You can continue being disgruntled that I’m your ride once we get in the car. How many bags do we have to grab from baggage claim?” I should’ve known he wasn’t going to respond to my comment about the car service. It was stupid and made me sound ungrateful and petty. It would cost a fortune to get me to the ranch, so I should just shut it and be happy I didn’t have to hitchhike.

  I rubbed my free fingers across my forehead and tried to will away the rising headache. “A couple.” All my earthly belongings fit in both, which was sad and spoke more about my own personal state than anything. It was another reason Webb demanded I come recuperate in Wyoming. My brother was worried I’d completely lost myself in my job, and he very well may have been right. It shouldn’t have taken me less than an hour to leave my entire life behind, yet it did.

  The burgeoning smile quickly died and the brightness in those jade eyes hardened. I felt a chill shoot up my spine as Rodie’s perceptive gaze dragged up and down the entire length of my battered body.

  “Who helped you get to the airport in DC? There’s no way you managed to wrangle a couple of bags in your condition.” Those dark eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted down, the brim of his cowboy hat casting his face in a slight shadow. Something was obviously bothering him. “Are you leaving someone special behind? Is that why you kept telling Webb and Ten no when they asked you to come to Wyoming?”

  The questions didn’t feel like a friendly inquiry. There was something darker, more demanding underneath them. If I weren’t worried about falling on my ass, I would’ve tried to take a step back. Suddenly, I felt like Rodie was doing his best to crowd me, to take up all the space and air around me. Or maybe I was just so hyper-aware of him I simply couldn’t see or feel anything beyond him.

  I held up my hand on my good side and cleared my throat, trying for some semblance of control in the situation. “There is no one special. I’m not leaving anyone behind. Grady came down from New York to help me get everything together and take me to the airport.” My former partner in the DEA was the one who got my DC condo ready to sell as well. He was also the one who walked me through Dulles, holding tight to my arm, like I was some kind of invalid. Grady was the only person I trus
ted, aside from Wyatt. The only person besides my brother I could abide seeing how truly weak and damaged I was.

  Almost instantly, the brewing agitation in Rodie’s gaze cleared, and the chill that had slipped over my skin lifted. The man across from me was powerful without even trying, and I hated that I reacted to his mere expressions so quickly. I tried to keep myself composed, but something about the small-town sheriff got under my skin and stayed there.

  Without another word, Rodie turned on the heel of his boot and led the way toward the tiny baggage claim. He obviously slowed his typically distance-eating stride in consideration of my much slower and unsteady gait. I was glad the airport was small. By the time we got to baggage claim, I was exhausted and twice as shaky on my feet.

  The strain of the walk must’ve shown on my face, because as soon as we came across a bench, Rodie pointed to an empty seat and ordered, “Sit.”

  I scowled at him, my hand tightening defensively around the handle of my cane. “Am I a dog?” Taking orders had never been my strong suit, and everything inside me balked at how badly I wanted to simply listen to him.

  Rodie heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. Pushing the brim of his hat back with a single finger, he leaned down slightly so we were eye-to-eye. I felt my breath catch and my heart start to pound. It was a lot to have all that intensity focused directly on me. It wasn’t good for my peace of mind to be this close to someone I was undeniably attracted to, but knew without a doubt could never and would never return those feelings. I’d stopped having one-sided crushes on cute, straight boys when I was a teenager. It’d only taken getting my heart crushed once to learn that lesson.

  “Sit your ass down, Special Agent Bryant, or I will put you on that bench and make sure you don’t get up.” I felt my jaw drop at the quiet demand. Stunned and speechless, I practically collapsed into the seat as I continued to stare up at the sheriff. I slowly turned cherry red from embarrassment or because I was turned on, I wasn’t sure which. Rodie grinned down at me and flashed a wink that brought an unchecked growl from my throat. “Good boy. Now tell me what your bags look like so I can grab them for you.”


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