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Page 5

by Mackenzie McKade

  Damn. She felt good.

  Her breasts were soft and firm, nipples diamond-hard on his chest as she rubbed against him. Wild and needy, her desire fed his. Perspiration beaded his brow as every tendon inside his body tensed. He was so close but he had to hold on. With a little more pressure against her clit, he flicked his finger back and forth rapidly.

  A keening sound rose as she bore down, riding him harder and faster, keeping rhythm with his hand. Her pants were choppy. Her gaze so intense it made him impossibly harder. When her inner muscles pulsated around his cock, squeezing, milking him, her eyelids drifted closed and another tremor shook her. Throwing back her head, she screamed—a harsh, startling sound that pushed him over the edge.

  Thrusting once, twice, his body stiffened, becoming a conflagration of sensations. Flames shot down his shaft. Heat licked at his balls. The surge of pleasure bordered on pain as it tore through him, shredding his control and turning him inside out and then back again. He came in a rush, filling her with his hot seed. His cock pulsated, throbbed, and then he groaned her name.

  Delicious aftershocks jerked her entire body. The violent contractions bearing down on him teased his sensitive organ. Gripping her hips, he held them together until the last shiver subsided and she fell limp against his chest. With each breath her breasts rose and fell, rasping against his skin, a sensual temptation.

  The scent of their lovemaking hung like an aphrodisiac in the cabin. Perfect. He embraced her. Both released a sigh at the same time and he smiled. For several quiet minutes they just lay in each other’s arms, the heat of their bodies cooling beneath the air-conditioning, which adjusted accordingly. The rough road occasionally jostled them, but other than that it was heaven.

  When she finally sat up, he smoothed his palms up her arms, laying his hands in the curve between her neck and shoulder. He could feel the pounding of her pulse next to his fingertips.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He swept his thumb across her cheek in a slow motion.

  Turning her head to the side, she kissed one of his palms. “Thank you.” Then she slid off his lap, falling against the leather seat, laughing softly. “I can’t believe we just did that. I’ve never had sex in a car before.” She smiled, biting down on her bottom lip. Her grin never wavered as she continued to watch him pull his jeans and boxer-briefs over his hips.

  She sighed again. “You’re worth every penny M.A.C. charges me.”

  Marc flinched.

  The incredible moment came crashing down upon him like a ton of bricks. Her words stung, leaving him feeling more like a gigolo than her lover. Of course he couldn’t forget, she thought him an android—not a real man.

  One who had gone out on a limb, put his reputation in jeopardy just to be with her, but more importantly, a man who could easily fall in love with her if given half the chance.

  Hell. What was he saying?

  He didn’t know where the thought came from, but for a year now he had been restless, something missing from his life. He was tired of coming home to an empty house, no one to share his dreams with or wake up to in the morning.

  “Miss Easton,” the chauffer’s low voice over the intercom system broke through Marc’s wonderings. “We are approaching your gates. If you will activate them, I’ll see you to your door.”

  After retrieving her thong and jeans, Gia pushed her hand into a front pocket to retrieve the keyless remote and beamed it toward the entrance. As she turned to face Marc again, she frowned. “Are you okay?”

  Where was his game face when he needed it?

  “Yes.” But he wasn’t okay. In fact, he felt like shit. If this was how a woman felt after a one-night stand, it sucked.

  As the car slowed, the gates moaned slowly open. Marc attempted to focus on activating his pants and belt but her comment had cut him like a dagger. Not to mention, he had truly deceived her, taken advantage of her grief. He had to put an end to this charade.


  Wiggling into her shirt, she finished pulling it over her head before responding. “Yes.”

  He glanced out the tinted window toward a line of fans and paparazzi contained by two guards along the fence line. He and Gia were from two different worlds. It would never work out between them.

  “I—” His gaze met hers and that electrifying sensation zinged through him once again, silencing him.

  Tell her, his conscience urged, but he couldn’t do it.

  “Never mind.”

  She paused. “You’re not going to get distant with me like a real man after a one-night stand, are you?”

  Is that what men did? He thought about it, remembering feeling that emotion more than once with several of the women he’d dated and ended up in bed with.

  Gia chuckled softly. “Judging by your face you’re guilty.” Hunched over, she stepped into her thong and then her pants. “Or perhaps you’ll tell me you’ve got a young female android waiting for you?” Her curvy hips shifted as she pulled up her jeans.

  He shook his head, although he was working on a female version of the M.A.C.

  “Good.” She ran her fingers through her long hair, attempting to calm that just-fucked look, but it did no good. Her lips were kiss-swollen. Marc wet his own lips, swearing he could still taste her kiss lingering. Large red splotches appeared on her neck where his raspy five-o’clock shadow had rubbed. She smelled of sex—of him.

  Gia barely finished slipping her feet into her sandals before the limousine stopped before a statuesque colonial mansion with towering columns. The two-story house was beautiful, elegant, just like its owner. A large magnolia tree with big white flowers shaded a small wrought iron table with two chairs, giving the front yard a romantic and private ambience. Yellow hibiscus framed each side of the walls beyond the pilasters.

  In seconds, the chauffer opened the door and recognition sparked in his eyes. “Mr. Charleston,” he said hesitantly.

  Marc’s heart rose to his throat. The jig was up.

  The company’s new chauffer had been so infatuated with Gia when he had first picked them up that he had barely given Marc a second look. That wasn’t the case now, as he straightened his backbone and smiled. Marc’s face must have revealed his anxiety, because the young man’s grin diminished. He made no further comments, stepping back to open the trunk and retrieve Marc’s luggage.

  “Would you like me to carry your bags into the house?”

  “No,” Marc said a little too hastily, wanting to get away from the driver before he could say more. “I’ll take care of them. Just leave them at the door.”

  He extended Gia a hand. Her fingers curled around his. As she exited the vehicle, she glanced at the driver and then Marc. “Mr. Charleston?” She cocked her head, her brows dipping in question.

  Marc shrugged, releasing a tight burst of laughter. “I must look like someone he knows.” With a tug of her hand, he put distance between them and the chauffer.

  Gia turned toward Marc, looking up at him with those big, seductive eyes. “You know what?” Before he could answer, she continued. “I think I’ll use and abuse you all night long. Do you think the Institute will have any issues with that?”

  What could he say other than, “No, sweetheart. Do your worst.”

  Taking her hand in his, he escorted Gia to the front door. Again, she used her keyless remote and the large oak doors splayed wide. He released her to toss his garment bag over a shoulder before he grabbed a suitcase in each hand. As they entered the marble entryway a slender, dark-haired woman discreetly eyed Marc.

  The middle-aged housekeeper stepped aside and the doors automatically closed. “Good evening, Miss Easton.”

  “Evening, Leda.” Quickly Gia scanned the four entrances leading away from the foyer of the large mansion as if she half expected someone to pop out from around a corner. When a shaky breath escaped her, she continued. “Did my attorney call you?”

  Leda activated the locks, ensuring they closed completely before turning to face Gia. “Yes m
a’am.” She smoothed her palms down her white apron, her black, mid-thigh uniform a contrast against her olive skin.

  “Have you removed everything that I requested?”

  “Yes ma’am. Everything.” Leda cleared her throat. “Mr. Temin has called four times. Miss Summers, twice. Your publicist telephoned and asked to be forwarded to your private message box. Antares is en route to the house.”

  So her agent was already calling to make amends.

  Marc could almost feel the tension build inside Gia as she wrung her hands.

  “Thank you. Please ensure the household knows that Mr. Temin and Miss Summers are not allowed on the premises. Which reminds me, have Antares verify that the new security system works. I don’t want anything or one on my property without my knowledge. Furthermore, I won’t be taking their calls or any from the media. Have everything forwarded to Karen. She can handle it until I have to.”

  “I have already taken those measures, Miss Easton.”

  Gia’s smile was genuine. “You’re a gem. Thank you.”

  Marc’s admiration for the actress grew. Instead of the spoiled diva he had expected, she showed kindness and respect for the housekeeper.

  “Leda, this is Marc,” she paused, “Charleston.”

  His heart thudded. This couldn’t be happening. Of course, he couldn’t ask for a better cover then his real name just in case anyone recognized him.

  Gia winked. “It’s as good as any other surname.”

  Oh if she only knew.

  Then she turned her attention back to the housekeeper. “Please make sure the room adjoining mine is prepared for him.”

  “That too has been taken care of,” Leda assured them.

  Marc was impressed with Leda as well as how smoothly Gia’s household appeared to be run. There was more to this woman than what met the eye. Discovering all her little idiosyncrasies would be a pleasure.

  Chapter Four

  Leda was efficient. By now she had probably erased any signs or memory of Doug and Mary from the entire home.

  Well, it wasn’t really a home, but an image Doug insisted on to lend authenticity to her success. In all honesty, she would have been happier with a cozy little ranch house outside Los Angeles or maybe a beach condo. No one needed this much room for only one individual with a staff of four and a host of guards. No, make that a staff of three, since Mary didn’t live here anymore and there would be no more overnights with Doug. Now her little family consisted of Leda, Vicki the cook, and a young woman named Lenora who Gia had recently hired to help Leda and Vicki with their duties. Lenora was a wiz with electronics, which everyone needed in this day and age.

  Most of the house and yards were cybernetic—from the synthetic grass, bushes and trees that needed no trimming to the automatic doors, security system and climate control. Even her bathroom had been designed to her preference so that when she took a shower or bath the water was at the exact temperature she preferred without needing adjustments. Her likes and dislikes were known, cataloged and fed into the main system of the house. She couldn’t ask for anything more, except for flawless companionship, and she had that now with Marc.

  Leda took several steps toward him. “Mr. Charleston, may I take your bags to your room?”

  “No, thank you.” Marc continued to hold his suitcases. “They’re quite heavy. I’ll take care of it.”

  Leda gave him a quick thankful smile. “As you wish.” She pivoted toward Gia. “I’ll inform Vicki there will be two for dinner.”

  Gia nodded. “I need a shower.” Without another word, she headed toward the escalator, which sensed her approach and activated, moving upward.

  “Dinner in about an hour, Miss Easton?” Leda asked.

  “That sounds—”

  “Make it two,” Marc interjected. A loud thump followed. Before Gia could turn around, he eased up behind her, pressing his chest and hips against her back. “Do you want me to join you? Wash your back?” The low, velvet caress of his voice made her turn in his arms, forgetting that they had an audience.

  Light laughter spilled from her mouth. “You won’t rust, will you?”

  With slumberous eyes, he lowered his chin so that their lips were almost touching. “Not if you keep my body well lubricated and serviced.”

  Gia’s pulse raced. When she remembered her housekeeper’s presence, heat spread across her cheeks. Without looking at Leda, she said, “Make it two hours.”

  “Very well, ma’am.”

  Marc glanced at the housekeeper. “I’ll come back for my luggage.”

  When the woman’s footsteps faded, Gia cocked a brow, pinning her gaze on Marc. “Lubricated and serviced?” The image painted by those two words made her nipples grow taut. “Next you’ll be asking me for a massage.” And she’d probably give it to him. He had been extraordinary in the car. Her body still pulsed with the aftereffects of their joining.

  She blinked hard.

  He was doing it to her again, making her forget that he wasn’t real.

  “Your hands all over my slick, oiled body.” A growl rumbled in his throat. “I could live with that.”

  The impressive bulge in his pants pressing against her belly set loose a million butterfly wings, light feathery sensations followed by a tingling in each of her nipples. With just a couple of sexy words, he could make her body burn.

  Unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around him. “You’re amazing.” And well worth whatever the Institute of Robotics decided to charge her.

  “Take me upstairs and undress me.” His hand smoothed down her back to rest on the swell of her ass while a long finger slipped beneath her waistband, wedging between the cheeks of her ass. “I’ll show you just how amazing I can be, especially with hot, slick oil.” Along with the wicked promise he gave her, he flashed one of those drop-dead grins she was discovering were hard to resist. Her heart flip-flopped, did a double twist and then plunged.

  Intertwining his fingers with hers, he brought the back of her hand to his lips. “Lead the way.” As she stepped upon the ascending steps, he pulled her back down and she fell into his arms. “I need to taste you.”

  The second his lips touched hers, the attraction between them erupted like a volcano spitting red-hot lava. There was no gentleness in his kiss, only a savage hunger. Their teeth crashed, tongues dueling—rough and possessive. It felt as if he wanted to crawl inside her.

  Gia’s pulse jumped again, taking off as if she were running a marathon. Marc stole her breath and messed with her mind. How was it possible that an android could stir such passion in her?

  His hands were everywhere at once, sliding across her body, tugging at her clothing. When his warm palms touched her now bare waist, she murmured, “Not here. Bedroom.” The last thing she needed was to provide her staff with something to talk about. Although she trusted her household, today had reminded her trust was an illusion.

  She stepped lightly on the escalator and he captured her mouth with a drugging kiss. Holding him close, she returned the same fiery urgency. She needed this. She needed him. Real or not, this man touched something inside her. A need she didn’t even know she had, and he made her forget about this afternoon’s betrayal.

  In the back of her mind, Gia knew she had to get them to the second floor and her bedroom before they both stripped naked and had sex on the escalator. They stumbled once or twice and almost lost their balance. Laughing like two teenagers, they finally made it to the top, a little worse for wear.

  Her shoes lay somewhere on the steps below along with both their shirts, now making their way upward. The steps stopped before they jammed. His belt was unfastened, retracted into his buckle, the zipper of his pants spread wide. An impressive erection pressed against his snow-white skivvies. She ran a fingernail up the curve of him and he yanked her back into his arms, his mouth finding hers once again.

  As he continued to bewitch her with his kisses, she shuffled her feet, easing him down the hall. Lights sensed their movements and spontaneousl
y grew brighter with each of their steps. When they came to a stop before her bedroom she forgot about the sensor. As he pressed her hard against the door, it swung open, throwing both of them forward. In less than a heartbeat, he shifted his large frame, taking the brunt of the fall.

  With an “ugh”, she landed atop him and started to giggle. It felt good to laugh.

  “You think that’s funny?” The smallest hint of a smile touched his mouth, that deep dimple in his right cheek more charming than ever.

  “I wasn’t thinking at all,” she admitted. Who could think being kissed like that?

  Without waiting for the sensor to reactivate, he caught the corner of the door with his foot and shoved, closing it with a bang. As he rolled her over, a cry of surprise squeezed from her lips. His large body hovered over hers.

  With deft fingers he plucked the clasp of her bra and it came loose. “I’ll give you something to think about.” The way his gaze swept across her upper body made her womb clench. “You have gorgeous breasts.” Slowly, he smoothed his thumbs over each nipple while he kneaded her fullness. “Firm, but soft.” When he lowered his head, anticipation arched her back off the carpeted floor. He licked lazy circles around the already hardened peaks. “And tasty too.” Then he took an aching nub into his mouth.

  Hot. Moist. And so arousing.

  Gia closed her eyes, arching farther into him.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Long, sensuous pulls on her nipples were followed by incredible suction. When he scraped his teeth over her tender flesh, teasing strings of pleasure shot straight to her pussy. Moisture dampened her thong.

  A throaty groan surfaced from deep inside her. “God. Yes.” Weaving her fingers through his hair, she held him to her breast, cradling his head.

  “Mmmm.” The delicious sound he made vibrated against her skin, prickling the flesh across her arms.


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