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Page 9

by Mackenzie McKade

  Gia stared into the darkness, feeling each bump and turn that pushed her against Marc. In the distance, a dusty light appeared. Beneath it stood two men dressed in black suits guarding a single door attached to a rather old building weathered by time. She noted quickly that there were no windows—no method of escape except through that particular door. Of course, maybe there was another door she couldn’t readily see.

  Apprehension slithered across her skin as the limousine pulled to a stop before the building. “Marc, do you think this is a good idea?”

  He smiled beneath his domino. “Yes. A wonderful one in fact.” He grabbed her hand as the car door rose and they stepped onto the asphalt. The driver’s window groaned open, but only by a mere slit. Marc murmured something she couldn’t hear and then the window rose. He did the same to one of the guards at the door and the other man wave a hand before a sensor to allow them entry.

  Oddly, elevator music played as they stepped into a lobby-like room with a counter and a woman behind it dressed in a conservative black suit. She smiled. “Master Quinn, it’s so good to see you again.”

  “And you too, Bella,” Marc flashed the woman a soft smile.

  Master Quinn? The young brunette knew Marc? How?

  “May I take your coats and cloaks?”

  Marc helped Gia out of the fur and then spun his cape through the air before handing it to the clerk. In return, she handled him a digicard. He slipped it into his pocket.

  Gia leaned into him. “How does she know you?”

  “I did my training here.” Placing a warm palm at the small of her back, he urged Gia forward down a hall.

  With each step her trepidation rose. Not a good idea, whispered through her head. Still, there was something heady about the unknown, about the way her silky panties caressed her pussy, drawing her attention to what she was and wasn’t wearing. As she tightened her grip on Marc’s hand, she was thankful for the feather domino she hid behind.

  Her eyes widened as they approached two more guards. These men were not dressed in suits—far from it. They each wore skintight leather pants. One had a massive quantity of chains crisscrossing his bare torso while the other had piercings in each nipple that a gold chain hung from. The one with all the hardware opened the door and a flood of music, of laughter, of moans spilled out, making every muscle in Gia’s body react, tighten.

  When Marc escorted her into the room her jaw dropped. Everywhere she looked, people were dressed like her and Marc, and some were stark-ass naked or wearing only a collar attached to a leash. To the right, a kneeling woman with nothing but strips of leather wrapped around her breasts that crossed to circle her upper thighs was giving some man head. Her moans were vocal and wet as she slid her mouth up and down the man’s erection. The way he looked at her with fire in his eyes made Gia swallow hard.

  “You won’t ask me to do that?” Her words were a mere whimper of protest.

  “No, honey. At least not here.”

  Gia almost died when his hand slipped between her thighs and he discovered her wetness. The grin on his face widened.

  Okay. So she was aroused as well as shocked. Who could blame her? The place screamed of sex. The musky scent lingered in the warm air.

  Without a word, he moved her forward until a lean, muscular man stopped before him. “Master Quinn.” He extended his hand to Marc.

  Marc grasped the blond-haired man’s hand. “Master Demon.”

  The man Marc called Master Demon slid a hot gaze up and down her body and she could almost swear she felt his touch. “Exquisite.”

  Gia didn’t miss the large bulge in his leather pants or the heat in his blue eyes. A scar ran diagonally across a six-pack abdomen many men would die for. The stomach—not the scar. Yet it lent a dangerous mien to the man.

  “She is that and more,” Marc responded with an air of pride.

  “Will you be auctioning her off?”

  Auction? Oh shit!

  Marc wouldn’t dare—would he?

  Gia snapped her frightened gaze to Marc’s lustful one. He firmed his hand at her back.

  “This one is mine.” There was a bite of possessiveness to his response.

  “I see.” Master Demon swept his hungry gaze over her once more. “Pity.” Then he smiled a predatory grin. “If you tire of Master Quinn you can find me here, Little Red Riding Hood.”

  When he turned and walked away, Gia sucked in a breath of relief. “Marc, maybe we should go.”

  He pinned her with a hard glare. “Do you trust me?”

  Did she?

  “Yes,” she murmured, before she realized she’d spoken aloud.

  “I’ve rented a private playroom. Just you and me.” His low growl made the muscles in her pussy squeeze tight. “We’ll have to progress through this room in order to get to ours.”

  And so they did.

  In one corner a woman was hogtying a man. Lying on his stomach, his arms and ankles bent behind him, the agony on his face clashed with the bliss clouding his brown eyes. When the dark-haired woman moved with skill, pulling the ropes to make him cry out, he came with an ecstasy-filled moan. As the woman stepped aside, the man rose into the air without use of chains or suspension cords. That’s when Gia realized he hovered over an anti-gravity chamber. Everything that came into contact with the flow of the air joined the man.

  The next alcove was another gravity chamber, but this time a naked couple were engaged in intercourse while floating in space. Heat raced across Gia’s cheeks but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the sight. As the man and woman turned upside down, Gia tilted her head, wondering how they could maintain contact in that awkward position.

  Marc had the nerve to laugh at her as he urged her forward.

  In another corner, a woman was strapped to what looked like a cross. She wore a full black leather suit with a multitude of zippers. The ones across her breasts were splayed wide so that her nipples were bared. Gia shivered at the sight of the nipple clamps attached. She knew the pleasure-pain those little vises induced. When the man standing next to her tugged on the chain connected to each clamp, the woman groaned a deep, throaty sound. Moisture dampened Gia’s thighs. She squeezed them together as she walked to keep from moaning herself.

  Yes. Everything here was beyond her imagination, but she couldn’t deny that there was something hot and arousing about the scenes. Even the screams coming from a woman somewhere behind them were laced with sensuality.

  Marc weaved her through the throng off to a row of doors as if he knew exactly where he was going. When they stopped before a blue door a chill raced up her spine. What would she find behind it?

  Marc’s breathing was already labored. He could sense Gia’s excitement. Yes, she was frightened, but that was expected, even desired. It would make the moment she came so much sweeter.

  “Ready?” he whispered close to her ear and felt the tremor that snaked through her.

  “Yes.” Her answer was soft, breathless.

  Slipping the digikey from his pocket, he scanned it across the sensor pad and the door slid open. He entered first, turning to face her as he pocketed the key. He needed to see her expression when she entered.

  Marc wasn’t disappointed.

  As she walked into a nineteenth-century dungeon complete with holograms of people in varying stages of sexual torture, she gasped. Her eyes grew as large as saucers at the screams, growls and soft cries. Even the musky scent of sex filled the room. She stared at the wall of torture devices and the table next to a wooden restraint device, and then at him. “Marc?”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked again.

  She bit her bottom lip, worrying the piece of flesh caught between small white teeth.

  “Do you want to go home?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  With her hand in his, he brought it to his lips. “That’s my girl.” Then he led her toward the obscure piece of equipment near the wall of toys. “Sit down on this board and then slide your bottom down so yo
ur back rests against this other board, locking your arms behind you to hold on.” Her body would sag between the two boards, and then the fun would begin.

  When she complied, he strapped her ankles and her arms. The minute he began to move the contraption, the cutest shriek of surprise pushed from her lips. He flipped her over onto her abdomen and she landed against a padded board as her head went downward and her ass rose into the air.

  A tight giggle slipped from her lips. “You know this isn’t very dignified.” Long auburn hair swept the floor, hiding her face.

  “No, baby, but it’s sexy as hell. You’re wide open to me.”

  And she was.

  The split in her panties revealed her pink nether lips and even her clit, peeking out from beneath its hood.

  “Are you comfortable?”

  Broken laughter met his question. “What do you think?”

  He couldn’t help chuckling. “Okay. Let me rephrase that. Do you hurt?”

  “No. But I think that man over there is staring at me.”

  Marc looked over his shoulder to see a bear of a man was indeed watching her. The raw lust in his eyes set even Marc on edge. Maybe the whole realism scene he wanted to portray was too much. He reached for the digikey in his pocket and ran his thumb over the disengage strip. The imagines filling the room flickered and then dissolved.

  He turned back around to the woman before him. “Better?”

  She nodded.

  Leaning down, Marc planted a soft kiss against her moist pussy and was delighted when she sighed. Hell. There was nothing stopping him from tasting her. He slid his tongue along her slit and she pulled against her bindings to no avail. When he pushed his tongue between her folds to taste her, she cried out his name.

  “Please. I need you inside me.”

  “You’ll have to earn that pleasure.” The feminine scent of her arousal was driving him mad. “Did you like it when I spanked you?” Put my hand mark on your ass?

  “Yes,” she groaned, wiggling. “Please, Marc. Fuck me and then you can do anything you want.”


  Intriguing and appealing. But for now he wanted to discover Gia’s limitations. There was a thin line between pain and pleasure and they’d been skirting around it. He planned to find her threshold tonight.

  Picking up a six-tail flogger, he lightly drew it over her thighs, ass and then the tender skin of her pussy. Her sex tightened and released. The movement was enough to send a rush of blood straight to his groin. He fought the groan surfacing. When he could suck air into his lungs again he snapped his wrist.

  Gia gasped and flinched but didn’t say anything.

  With practiced flicks of his wrist, he bathed her thighs in stings, moving across her ass, relishing her broken cries. Slowly he rubbed his palm over the warm surface, knowing that by stimulating her bloodflow, the feeling would intensify.

  “Oh my God,” she choked. “Ow…ow…ow… It feels like needles penetrating my skin.”

  “You okay, baby?”

  “No,” she said sharply. “I need you to fuck me, Marc. Now.”

  He chuckled with pleasure. This time when he struck the leather against her ass, he put muscle behind it.

  A real scream rent the air.

  He struck again before she could catch her breath and then shoved a finger deep inside her. Damn. She was hot and wet.

  “No more. No more,” she panted before releasing a deep, throaty groan.

  His cock hardened to the point he had to activate his buckle and unzip his pants. The freedom sent a charge of heat to his balls and stole his breath.

  “Marc, please.”

  Kneeling beside her, he gently pushed back her hair and kissed her lightly on the forehead. “You can take more, baby. I know you can.”

  “I need you inside me now.” Her eyes were misty, a sob strangling her.

  He wiped at her tears with his thumb. “A little more,” he encouraged. “You’re stronger than you realize.”

  “More?” She paused and then nodded, surrendering to his pleasure.

  When he stood behind her again, Marc almost lost it. Her thighs and ass were crisscrossed with strap marks, a heady blush, but it was her glistening sex that called to him. He smoothed the ends of leather slowly across her flesh and she shivered. Each time her pussy flexed and released his erection thickened, grew impossibly harder in anticipation.

  This time he flicked the flogger lightly across her delicate skin.

  “Oh my God!” She jerked hard enough to rattle the hinges. “Marc.” Another gravelly groan followed that sent sparks igniting in his groin. She squirmed, her sex even wetter than before.

  Damn. He wanted to take her here—now.

  Sliding a finger over her swollen folds, he could feel the quiver that shook her. “It hurt, but you liked it, didn’t you, baby?”

  “Ahhh… No. Yes.”

  To help her decide which it was, he pressed softly on her clit, which swelled beyond its cover, eliciting another moan from her. “One more and then I’ll give you what you want.”

  “Marc, I— Yes. Please.”

  Again, he lashed her sex with the sweet, sweet sting of the flogger. When she yelped, he pushed his pants down mid-thigh and moved up behind her. Positioning his cock at her hot entrance, he thrust into her scorching sheath.

  For a moment, he couldn’t breathe. When he finally found his voice, he said, “Fuck, baby. You’re so hot.” Scalding hot and so wet it made his mind whirl.

  The second he eased back and then plunged forward, she shattered around him. Her strangled mewling sounds touched something inside him. He didn’t have a moment to think about the sensation, because from out of nowhere his climax slammed into him, almost rocking him back on his heels. He burrowed his fingertips into her hips as red-hot fire tore down his cock. The burn was bittersweet until it released, tossing him into ecstasy. Marc could do no more than moan, deep and long.

  It took everything he had to stumble back from her warm haven and rotate the equipment so that she was upright. He needed to release her, but before he did he tasted her lips. Still unsteady, he unfastened her wrists and then her ankles, assisting her to stand. Gia collapsed into his arms, boneless.

  “You okay, honey?” He placed her atop the table, using it as a crutch to keep them both upright.

  “That was amazing,” she hummed.

  Marc smiled, brushing back her hair. “Can you walk?”

  The smile she returned was weak as she peered through heavy eyelids. “I don’t think I’ll ever walk again.”

  “Then we’ll continue our play lying down.”

  Sweeping her up into his arms, he carried her toward the makeshift bed across the room. Before he set her down, he quickly disposed of her clothing, including those sexy red stilettos. Gently, he laid her upon a huge pillow of feather down. Manacles attached to the floor by chains were at each corner of the bed. She whimpered softly as he fastened them to her ankles and wrists.

  He replaced her domino with a leather blindfold.

  She called out his name. Her tongue flicked between her lips. “What are you doing?”

  He brushed his knuckles across her satiny cheek. “You’ve just been purchased by a sultan to be included in his harem. You must be prepared for his pleasure. The blindfold pleases him.”

  “A sultan?” She giggled.

  As Marc rose he continued, “I leave you now in the hands of my most entrusted eunuchs with instructions on how I wish you to come to me.”

  “Huhhh?” She paused, tilting her head as if she listened for his footsteps.

  He smiled, knowing that when one sense was taken away the others were magnified.

  “You’re not really leaving me, right?”

  He didn’t respond. Instead he padded lightly to the table where the items he had specified awaited him in a box. Before he returned, for added effect, he activated the door so that it opened and closed.

  “Marc,” she croaked, jerking against her bindings. �
��Dammit, Marc. Answer me.”

  Shucking his pants and shoes, he knelt between her thighs and reached for a warm, wet sponge. The second he wiped across her breasts she gasped.

  “Hmmm. Marc? If you’re not Marc would you go get him?”

  Damn. She was hot. The image before him made his cock stretch and thicken. A remarkable occurrence in light of the fact he had just climaxed about as hard as he ever had. Blood surged into his balls, filling his sac with a sweet ache as he continued to cleanse her body. When he placed the sponge between her thighs, a high-pitched shriek greeted him.

  “Please.” Her desperate cry lingered.

  After seeing to her bath, he squeezed oil upon her body and began to work it into her skin, paying special attention to certain sensitive areas.

  “Oh. My. God.” Her breath left in a rush.

  The scent of almonds teased his nose. “Shhh… You must obey at all times if you value your place in the Sultan’s harem,” he whispered against her ear, giving away his identity.

  The tension in her body relaxed, melted beneath his caress.

  “What a good concubine you are.” Marc couldn’t help it. He ran his fingertips along her moist slit before sliding two digits deep inside her. “Your master wishes you wet for him.” He continued to finger-fuck her until she squirmed beneath him, releasing soft whimpers that drove him mad with desire.

  The throb in his groin bordered on unbearable. Draping his much larger body over hers, he guided his cock to her moist entrance. With one thrust, he buried himself deep inside her and groaned as she arched, screaming. Then she shattered around him. Her inner muscles hugged and milked him, pulling him closer and closer until he could do no more than to follow her.

  Red-hot rays ripped down his pulsing erection. The release was sweet, sweet pain that morphed into the most unbelievable pleasure he had ever felt. Caught in a kaleidoscope of sensations, he allowed himself just to feel—the softness of the woman beneath him, the rhythm of his heart beating and the glow of heat that filled him.


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