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Fallen Angel: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance (The Wickedest Witch Book 3)

Page 3

by Meg Xuemei X

  Kaara didn’t stir. The sleeping beauty had cut the connection to this world and to us.

  No. I shook my head. She was linked to us, only that she was in a place where none of us could reach her for the time being. It wouldn’t be too long before she would return to us. I’d make sure of that.

  Marrok squeezed beside me. He just couldn’t abide being apart from her.

  He pulled her hand into his again, his thumb caressing her palm. “Kaara, love, Fiammetta and Gabriel are here. They have new information. We’ll bring you home soon, and you’re where my home is.”

  Kaara didn’t respond.

  I fought back tears, and it wasn’t because I needed to keep up the appearance of the Wickedest Witch. I couldn’t crumple down right now. Neither should the Wolf King.

  The plates of food his pack had brought him were still on the table, untouched.

  “Kaara is actually my Captain of Guards,” I said. “She followed me here to guard me.”

  “I knew you’re her exiled Queen and that she vowed to guard you with her life,” Marrok said. “She didn’t tell me more than that.”

  “She kept my secrets for a reason,” I said. “I survived because of her. I have amnesia, and I couldn’t form any new memories. For three years when I woke up every morning, I didn’t even recognize my own captain and best friend. Kaara was the only one who knew about my condition, until later, when Gabriel learned about it.”

  Marrok stared at me, dumbfound.

  “I didn’t recall if anyone else discovered my secrets,” I continued. “If they had, I’d probably at least tried to eliminate them.”

  “You tried to kill me a few times when you suspected I was onto something,” Gabriel said.

  Marrok blinked, darting his gaze between Gabriel and me.

  I frowned at Gabriel. “I don’t remember it. You can just keep counting!”

  He moved to stand beside me, his arm sneaking around my waist.

  “I never really held a grudge against you,” he said.

  “That’s very big of you,” I said.

  “You’re my mate,” he said.

  I softened my eyes.

  Marrok’s, however, saddened.

  I’d gotten my man back, but his mate was so far away from him, despite that she was right in front of him. He was terrified of losing her.

  “Whatever I learn about you won’t leave this room, Lady Fiammetta,” Marrok said.

  I sighed. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Akem sold my secrets to the vampires. When they took Gabriel from me, I started to remember him. But I won’t know if I’ll forget him or not tomorrow.”

  “You have us in your corner,” Marrok said.

  Gabriel snarled. I glanced at him, knowing he liked to bark.

  “That’s my line, Wolf,” he said. “My mate will always have me.”

  Marrok stared at Gabriel for a second before continuing. “Tell me about the portal, please, either of you.”

  “Why don’t you eat while Gabriel briefs you?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” he said.

  “Kaara will hate to see you like this, Marrok,” I said. “If you don’t eat or sleep, you’ll weaken. You’re of no use to her, or to us if you become weak and can’t guard her, let alone lead an army to fight through the portal.”

  “My witch always speaks with wisdom, Wolf,” Gabriel said.

  Now I was his witch with wisdom?

  Gabriel jogged to the table, grabbed a plate of cooked meat, and thrust it before Marrok.

  The Wolf King grudgingly took it, staring at the food with no appetite, but he put a fork of meat into his mouth and started chewing.

  Gabriel then told him all about Akem, the portal, and the Furies.

  “We’ll wait for the Furies’ next visit,” Gabriel said, “while my mate perfects her fire magic to open the proper portal.”

  “What if the Furies don’t come?” Marrok said before he swallowed the food.

  “They will. If not, we’ll go seek them out,” Gabriel said. “If we do, you wolves need to go with us to create a distraction.”

  “What kind of distraction?” Marrok asked.

  “At least howl like hell right outside the jungle to bring Akem’s attention to you while my mate and I conduct our business with the Furies.”

  “We can do better than howling like hell,” Marrok said.

  “Then I think I can count on you, brother.”

  Marrok gave Gabriel a glare. “We’ll make sure our mates get out of here.”

  Gabriel almost wanted to clasp hands with the wolf, but his massive wings got in the way.

  I kissed Kaara on the forehead.

  Keep her safe for me, I commanded my blood in her veins again. With our bond, I’d know of any change of her condition even from a distance.

  “Her love is for you, Marrok,” I said, “but her life is tied to me for now. She isn’t in a cold place because my witch blood, the most powerful firestorm, keeps her warm. As for you, Wolf King,” I glanced at the nearly empty plate in his hand, “she needs you to be strong and be there for her when she awakes, and I need you to be functional and capable of leading your pack into a fight.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me, Lady Fiammetta,” Marrok said. “I’m a warrior.”

  “I might find a way to wake her up earlier,” I said.

  Marrok shot to his feet, his eyes brightening with hope.

  “Not at any cost to you,” Gabriel growled, pulling me away from the wolf and his mate. “You haven’t recovered from your blood loss.”

  I blushed. Was he subtly complaining that I wasn’t as fiery as before in bed?

  “It’s not that, baby.” He kissed my eyebrow and made my toes curl. “But you can’t shed one more drop of your blood, and you know that.”

  “I won’t demand Lady Fiammetta sacrifice herself,” Marrok said. “My mate will never forgive me if any harm comes to her friend.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You overbearing males always assume everything.”

  The two males traded a look.

  I headed toward the door; I had to call it a night as fatigue swept over me.


  The Angel

  Fiammetta curled up to me.

  I’d been watching her most of the night while listening carefully for any noise outside. Her soldiers and the wolves guarded the tower on the clock, but I trusted no one save for my Archangel High Sense.

  It was satisfying to have her sleep in my arms. She jerked a few times, as if in a nightmare. I pulled her closer, rocked her gently, and whispered in her ear until she eased into a deep sleep. As long as I was with her, no one would get to her.

  As the first dim light shifted through the window, my mate’s face glowed. It was her ice magic. It had awoken before her. Then our mating bond beamed and pulsed. My heart raced as I waited for her to open eyes.

  Would she recognize me?

  I’d rehearsed this.

  Fiammetta fluttered open her gray eyes, and they were blank, icy.

  She had forgotten everything again.

  My throat went dry, and my heart ached.

  “Hey, baby,” I said in a low, sensual voice.

  She gazed up at me without a word, then turned to take in where she was before fixing on me again. Her eyes shifted from gray to silver as they roved from my face to my chest, then all the way down.

  I always slept naked.

  She stared at my erection, and my cock jerked under the weight of her scrutiny.

  It wanted to bury myself deep inside her, but instead, I lay still.

  She hadn’t screamed or attacked me.

  There was hope.

  Fiammetta licked her lips, and my nostrils flared at the scent of her morning arousal. I grinned at her, restraining myself from touching her breasts, especially when she didn’t return my smile.

  “Fia, baby?” I said. “It’s me.”

  Okay. I could do this. I was going to tell her the whole history about us. I would start wit
h her amnesia. “You don’t remember any of this. I know, right now, you’re wondering who I am and why I’m in our bed, holding you. But don’t panic. I’m going to explain it slowly, and in detail—”

  “Gabriel?” she asked.

  I answered immediately, “Yes, baby, I’m Gabriel. I’m your fated mate. You remember me?”

  “Of course I remember you,” she said. “You constantly brag. And you always bring up this fated mate thing. ‘You should do this for me, Fiammetta, as my fated mate. How could you not shield me, I’m your mate!’”

  “I never demand like that. You couldn’t find a friendlier, more easygoing guy in the universe. And I don’t brag. They’re all facts.”

  She arched an eyebrow, and I was hot for her beyond measure. My cock stood erect as testimony for that. Despite the first thing she’d said being a complaint, I was happy beyond myself.

  My witch remembered me.

  This was the brightest day regardless of Pandemonium having the dimmest light.

  “Fia, do you remember anything else?”

  She concentrated.

  “Don’t think too hard,” I said, not wanting her to hurt her head. “It’s okay if you don’t remember other people or events. You have me, and I’ll take care of you.”

  She frowned. “I remember things on this planet, but not beyond that.” She focused again, and agony rippled across her face.

  I pulled her to me. “Shush, baby, don’t force it. One step at a time.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve got you.”

  As I wiped off the beads of sweat on her forehead, she relaxed in my arms.

  “Let the memories come naturally,” I said.

  She bit her lip. “What if they never come to me?”

  “No matter,” I said. “We’ll face it together. I’ll always be there for you.”

  She looked uncertain.

  “You now remember what’s happened on this planet,” I said. “That is a big breakthrough. Some of your memories are no longer locked.”

  And I had a perfect idea for a celebration. I rubbed my cock against her thigh as a hint.

  She gazed at me through her thick lashes with a sly look, held back a smile, and snuggled back against me.

  “I need more sleep,” she said. “Don’t wake me.” Then she closed her eyes and slept.

  I wrapped my arm around her and just looked at her. I could do this for eternity. I wasn’t sure if it was because of our mating bond, or my heart. It didn’t matter. I’d never felt happier than when I was around her. Now I needed to make her fall for me, because then, more than anything, she would want to spend her life with me.

  The Wickedest Witch was not impossible to win.

  She’d warmed up to me. Look how her head rested on my shoulder.

  We fit perfectly.

  She turned to her side, her back against my chest. I inched closer to spoon her, my face nuzzling on the column of her neck as I inhaled her enchanting scent.

  I recalled the first time I’d climbed the tower into her chamber, she’d pretended to be asleep then attempted to stab me. It’d ended up with me bending her over a chair.

  She’d spread her legs wider for me, her lush wetness soaking my shaft as I fucked her from behind.

  My cock throbbed so hard at the memory that I could no longer hold back, especially with her naked in my arms.

  My hand moved to fondle her pussy.

  My witch moaned.

  As I thumbed her plump clit, she jerked her leg and arched her back.

  I had to penetrate her now.

  I bent her creamy leg forward, and she was more than willing to cooperate even in her half sleep. Aiming my cock between her folds that parted in eager invitation, I thrust into her heat.

  “Gabriel,” she moaned deeply.

  I started moving faster. Her inner muscles clenched my cock, and her sweet depth drew me in. I thrust in harder, my cock claiming every inch inside her tight, hot channel.

  She writhed and ground against my crotch, making me unleash another wave of raw thrusts.

  I poured my desire, need, and possessiveness into her.

  She moaned breathlessly, taking me in, taking all I had to offer, and I always had more for her. I drove into her with long thrusts, all the way to her depth.

  My mate turned feline. She slammed her ass back toward me, not so gently, her sleep forgotten.

  My thrusts became frenzied, pressure building under my crown, and pleasure rendering me savage and mindless. I’d come in her hard, soon.

  My female shuddered, her own urgent release calling to her.

  When her pussy milked me mercilessly, I thrust into her wild orgasm like surfing on a crashing wave.

  Unpleasant shrieks rocked the tower while my cock was still pumping seed into my mate.

  “What the fuck?!” I roared.

  I’d kill those Furies one day!


  The Witch

  Shrieks burst outside my tower while I rode the high wave of my orgasm and Gabriel was releasing his into mine. His cock became even harder and larger and kept stretching me, which only highlighted my pleasure that was already at its peak.

  He thrust into my molten core, his hardness imprinting every inch inside me. One day it would kill me when I couldn’t manage the pleasure coming from either the heavens or hell.

  The Furies’ shrieks didn’t stop. They couldn’t get into my territory without my permission, yet their shrieks still pounded my tower. My eardrums hurt from their unholy sounds. The wolves howled in rage and fear, and my guards’ frightened shouts increased outside.

  They couldn’t bring down the Furies.

  Gabriel cursed murderously. “No one should interrupt an Archangel when he’s fucking.”

  I panted breathlessly. I couldn’t stop. I had to ride through this orgasm.

  “I’ll get rid of the fucking Furies once and for all,” he added as his cock throbbed wildly in me.

  A nudge reached my mental shield. I ignored the Furies, but they kept knocking on my mental door.

  I lowered my shield and hissed. Come back later!

  I can’t, the Furies said. Akem travels to the other side of the planet. I have only this time window. Remove your ward.

  You could get into the Vampire Tower. Why can’t you enter mine?

  You ward it with your TimeFire this time, the Furies said in dismay. Please drop the ward. I have only one minute.

  Gabriel and I were still locked, and none of us could break up while the orgasms continued. And it was a long one.

  Receive me, now or never, Wickedest Witch. You can’t leave Pandemonium without my help.

  I sighed and commanded my ward to drop for a second. The next, a naked woman stood before our bed while Gabriel still drove into me with fierce last thrusts.

  I hadn’t expected the Furies to be so speedy.

  “Delicious,” Daisy sighed, watching our copulation.

  Gabriel snarled and folded a wing to cover me.

  “I can’t see her, but I can still see your nice ass, Archangel,” Daisy said.

  I hissed.

  “Oh, please! What’s the big deal if I take a peek?” Daisy said, licking her lips slowly. “I haven’t had it in centuries.”

  “And you won’t get any here!” I said.

  Gabriel chuckled and kissed me, his cock still as hard as steel rod in me. “Baby, you’re territorial.”

  Wolves howled, and my soldiers shouted frantically outside my door, assuming we were under attack, but no one could get in.

  “We’re fine here!” Gabriel roared for all to hear. “We have a guest. That’s all.”

  The howls and bellows outside died out.

  Gabriel turned to Daisy. “Back away and give us some privacy. My mate and I are getting up.”

  “I don’t have time,” Daisy said. “I’ll just lay out the proposal as I go.” She stalked to my wardrobe, grabbed a robe, and shrugged it on. But she let the front of the robe open. It didn’t do much to cover her

  When she returned to our bedside, Gabriel had covered us with a blanket. We had shifted our position. I was now sitting on his lap, my back against his chest, his cock remaining hard in me. His arms sneaked around my waist, and his wings came around, forming a shield.

  Daisy had seen us, and she’d be leaving in a minute. There was no need to break up our delicious joining for her sake.

  She gave us a bitter, vicious, yet envious look.

  “What’s the portal’s problem, Fury?” Gabriel asked. “Talk and don’t waste our time.”

  She fixed her ice blue eyes on me. They were red just a moment ago.

  “Your portal won’t have enough power to let an army walk through,” she said. “It’ll collapse before one third of your people pass. And you don’t have enough time and energy to practice and perfect your TimeFire. It requires your precious witch blood, doesn’t it?”

  Gabriel tugged me tightly against him as he noticed that I stiffened.

  “We’ll divide into three groups then and create one portal at a time,” Gabriel said.

  Daisy shook her head. “Akem will throw whatever he has to stop the witch from leaving; he can’t bear losing her. You haven’t seen his real power yet. This planet is his. He draws energy from it and from every alien on his land. Sure, you two are powerful couple. Your combined strength is formidable, and you might make it and leave by the portal. But what about the others? Will you leave your loyal Captain of Guards, who bled her last drop of blood for you?”

  I swallowed. I would never leave Kaara and the others behind.

  “Akem can also seal the dimension,” Daisy continued. “You can’t beat him even with your TimeFire before you know how to make it really work for you. And you’re running out of time, as am I. The portal you created a few days ago was an echo, a reflection. You’ll have to use your precious blood of firestorm to create an uncontested one next time. But how much blood can you shed after what you’ve given to Kaara Nightshades to keep her alive?”

  “We know the dilemma,” Gabriel said. “We’ll deal with it, but what can you offer?”

  “You’ll have only one shot,” said Daisy. “You’ll need my help to bring everyone through.”

  “Lay your cards on the table,” Gabriel said.


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