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Desire Unleashed

Page 2

by Layne Macadam

  “Oh don’t go all sensitive on me, just wait here. I’ve got the perfect outfit to jazz you up.” Liz disappeared into her room and returned a few minutes later with a turquoise halter neck and a pair of white fitted pants she handed over. “Here, try these on.”

  Kathy murmured her thanks and went to do just that. She was a different shape than Liz—shorter, fleshier—so the white pants looked as if they’d been spray-painted on. And the slinky top shimmered and clung to her curves like a second skin, unlike anything she’d ever owned. The outfit made a statement. Kathy gazed into the mirror and didn’t recognize her reflection. Her butt was firm and shapely, and the low cut top showed a hint of cleavage and a lot of promise. Her face erupted into a grin.

  Twisting her hair into a French roll, Kathy secured it with a thick diamante clip, leaving wispy curls to frame her face. The upswept style and glamorous outfit made her feel sophisticated, chic. Sexy.

  Kathy knew she was attractive in an understated kind of way. Liz always said she was wholesome, the kid-sister, girl-next-door type. The kind that brought out the protective instincts in men, but she thought this new image went a long way to altering that perception.

  “So what do you think?” Kathy asked, hoping for a boost to her self-confidence as she pirouetted in the sitting room.

  She wasn’t disappointed. Liz couldn’t hide her double take.

  “You’ve got the wow factor happening; you sure look the part now. Put it out there and shake that booty girl and I tell you there will be hearts breaking tonight.”

  Kathy giggled, she hadn’t felt this light-hearted in an age, but could she really put it out there as Liz suggested?

  “Okay then, let’s get this show on the road.”

  With a spring in her step and a giggle on her lips, Kathy gathered her purse and keys, doused the lights, and locked the apartment behind them.

  * * * *

  Sonny was impatient to hear her voice again, that sexy Southern drawl of hers was such a turn on. He’d been anticipating the moment when he’d hear her dulcet tones across the telephone wires all afternoon, so was royally pissed when the familiar click of the answering machine cut in.

  He slammed down the handset. Damn, she should be home from work by now, so where the hell was she?

  He crossed the short space to the kitchenette and lifted a beer from the refrigerator. He’d banked on her being home, counted on talking to her. He had no idea where she could be and that annoyed the hell out of him.

  His imagination cranked up.

  He threw his head back, drained the can, and then crushed it and, in a fit of temper, hurled it across the room where it landed with a tinny thud by the door.

  “What to do, what to do?” he muttered, his anger gusting through him like a hurricane. As he paced the room, he swore a blue streak and wondered again where the hell she was.

  Making a snap decision, he grabbed his car keys and stormed out the door, not bothering to lock it behind him.

  Sonny parked across from Kathy’s apartment at sundown. Although the light was fading, he kept his dark glasses on and pulled the baseball cap lower over his forehead.

  He’d arrived at her condo just in time to see her disappearing inside carrying an armful of groceries. His anger abated as quick as it had flared, and he congratulated himself on being one lucky son of a bitch. It was a safe bet she’d be there for the night, so he decided to chance it and grab a pizza from the local take-out, then come back and watch and wait for lights out. He had nothing better to do, and at least this way he’d be close to her.

  Forty minutes later and munching on the last triangle of pizza, Sonny reminisced about the first time he’d seen her running along the beach. Damn she looked good in her sweats, it was evident she took pride in her appearance. Not every woman did that—take Lindy for example. But no, he didn’t want to think about Lindy now, that chapter of his life was over. Finished. Finito.

  It was a long wait. The streets were quiet at this time of night; he filled in the time listening to the radio while he waited for her to douse the lights and turn-in. They went out at nine, earlier than he expected. He’d just switched on the ignition when Kathy emerged from the building, accompanied by the tall redhead he’d seen arrive earlier that evening. They were both dressed to kill and he didn’t like that. Not one damn bit. He didn’t want anyone leading his woman astray.

  Sonny ripped off his baseball cap and threw it onto the passenger seat to join the sunglasses he’d discarded earlier. He hadn’t counted on this hiccup and was agitated when routine wasn’t adhered to. He snatched up the digital camera from the glove compartment and shoved it into his pocket. One never knew when the opportunity for memorabilia would arise. Latching onto his self-control, he closed the car door behind him with a faint click and tailed the women at a safe distance.

  * * * *

  The night was balmy—stars twinkled like jewels in the inky sky, a perfect night, a magical night … a great night for a stroll. The girls agreed to walk the short distance to the club. Ten minutes after setting out, Shenanigans came into view. They could hear the band playing a rendition of Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl” the minute they’d rounded the corner.

  It was still rather early, the place wouldn’t start to fill up until later, so they had no trouble getting in—Liz was vivacious as she made small talk with the doorman, who was without a doubt quite taken with her charms. She had that effect on men; they fell like ten pins. Kathy had seen it many times before, but Liz was impervious to the impact her beguiling smile had on the opposite sex.

  The music was a good deal louder inside. The band was belting out another dynamic tune that straight away put the pair into party mode as they looked around with interest for somewhere to sit. Although the lighting was dim, it wasn’t so dark they couldn’t see—the bar was well lit and cast a muted glow over the rest of the room.

  A collection of tables and chairs were scattered on the floor. Some were occupied by couples, but most were taken up with same sex groups of three or more, who were out on the prowl, looking for love or just a good time.

  Kathy and Liz skirted the dance floor, weaving a path toward the back of the room, where a number of tables stood vacant. They settled into their seats and ordered a margarita each from the attending waiter, and then Liz caught Kathy up on all the hometown gossip.

  Liz’s younger sister had become engaged and was planning a flashy wedding.

  “You’ll come back for that of course, the family will be crushed if you don’t,” Liz said, lifting her drink for a taste.

  “Wow, that’s fantastic news. Of course I’ll be there.” Kathy beamed. She hadn’t realized Rachel’s relationship was that serious and was over the moon for her. Then her face collapsed into a whimsical expression.

  “Oh, p-lease.” Liz groaned. “Trash that thought.”

  “What thought?”

  “Don’t play the innocent with me. I know you too well and I know what you’re thinking, so don’t even try to deny it,” Liz’s tone held more than a hint of disgust.

  Kathy squirmed. She wanted to be a modern woman, self-assured and sophisticated, but deep down, she guessed she was just an old fashioned girl at heart with old-fashioned values when it came to sex and marriage. Liz always teased her to join the twenty-first century and rolled her eyes now as she dared her to contradict.

  “Okay, okay,” she said, folding under her scrutiny. “I wish it was me marrying the man of my dreams. There, I’ve admitted it. I know I’m a freak, but I can’t help it. I want to be a wife and mother more than anything, it’s what I long for so sue me.”

  “Then don’t just sit there whining, do something about it.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I said before, put yourself out there.”

  “Flirting doesn’t come easy to me.”

  “Well at least stop scowling, you’ll frighten off any potentials. Flash those pearly whites instead, so they at least know you’re interested.”<
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  Kathy bared her teeth. “How’s this?”

  “Be serious.”

  Kathy smiled prettily. “So, has Rachel set a date yet?”

  “Nothing official, but she’s hoping in six months. You know, Ian will be there too.”

  Kathy’s eyes clouded—what Liz was about to say next was a no-brainer—and she sent her a warning glare that was promptly ignored.

  “He still moons over you like a lovesick calf, it’s pathetic. When he heard I was coming to visit, he made me promise to put in a good word for him and I’m a girl of my word so here goes.” Liz took a breath. “He’s a nice guy and he’s keen on you. You could do a lot worse you know, he’s loyal, hardworking…”

  “Blah, blah, blah. Just because I want to get married doesn’t mean I’d settle for any Tom, Dick, or Ian. There’s no spark between us. Never was really. I just wish he’d get the message. It’s not like we were ever a hot item, more like a one sided affair. I know he’s your friend, but to be frank, on the few occasions we did date, Ian was so pedantic it was starting to bug me. He’d obsess over every little thing, even his tie if it was off center. It was driving me crazy. And before I left town he got even weirder, following me around like a stray puppy. I’d look over my shoulder and hey presto, there he’d be. It was creepy.” She finished with a shudder.

  “Nonsense, Ian was in all probability just concerned and wanted things to be perfect… he truly is just a sweetie.”

  “Sweetie! Anal is more like it, but if you think he’s so sweet you go out with him.”

  “Wake up Kathy, it’s the twenty-first century and you’re still looking for the fairytale ending. Well, let me tell you girl, the Prince Charmings of this world are long gone.”

  “Gosh, what a cynic you are, relax you’re turning sour.”


  Liz gave an inelegant snort and turned to signal the waiter. She ordered another round of drinks and gave the room the once over.

  It was fast filling up.

  A group of strapping males had just arrived and staked out a position by the bar. They were a wild bunch, young, handsome, and full of life, obviously with something to celebrate. Judging by their appearance, they were from the local Naval Base. Eight in all, and from the appreciative looks bestowed upon them by the female patrons, the guys were in for a good time.

  Liz eyed them with interest. Indeed they were a handsome bunch, but young, not long out of their teens if she were any judge. Her eyes traveled further up the bar and rested on a lone, fair-haired pin-up boy propped up against the counter having a beer. As she watched, three more guys sauntered in and joined him.

  These four were in an entirely different league. Older, self-assured, a powerhouse of muscle, they looked positively lethal. Although less rowdy than the younger men, it was apparent from their camaraderie that both groups were acquainted.

  Liz enjoyed an uninterrupted view and decided to taunt her friend. “See any potential husbands at the bar Kathy?” she joked nudging her. Not even in her wildest dreams did she think Kathy would be remotely interested in this crew.


  “Bite me,” Kathy said, but intrigued swiveled to check out the guys. Although cute, she dismissed the first group as too young. “I teach first graders, I don’t want to hang out with them as well.” She laughed. Then her eye was captured by a tall dark-haired Adonis, older than the others and slightly removed from the group. He lounged with casual indifference against the bar in quiet conversation with three men more his own age.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  Her chest constricted as if the oxygen had been squeezed from her lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

  Kathy blatantly stared, sizing him up, oblivious to everything else. She guessed his age to be around thirty. He was tall, well over six feet with ebony hair and a hard, powerfully built frame. The body of a warrior with the face of a god.

  Dressed in denims and a black shirt, he oozed masculinity. One hundred percent home grown hunk—truly magnificent—she couldn’t drag her eyes from him. It was as if she was a moth and he was the flame.


  Shane Jackson a.k.a. Ice leaned against the bar and sucked on a beer. The SEAL trainees were in fine form tonight. SEAL was the acronym for Sea, Air and Land and the SEALs had to be efficient in all disciplines, adept at reconnaissance to demolition and everything in between.

  But tonight was all about fun. This was their first day off since Hell Week and that had been over weeks ago. Hell Week was exactly what the name implied. A punishing week where candidates survived on very little sleep and a truckload of adrenaline. A training session designed to divide and conquer and bring each man as close as possible to his physical and psychological breaking point. It wasn’t the first time he’d been through it, but it was his first time as the trainer. He was in great shape though, prime physical condition, and easily rose to the challenges of his job. But tonight was liberty, and judging by the antics going on around him, the trainees were hell bent on making the most of it.

  He watched with amusement as a group of young women celebrating a bachelorette’s party flirted outrageously with the trainees, and the guys being guys, were lapping it up. Some of the girls were taking photos and flashes were going off like fireworks as one of the trainees and the bride-to-be entertained the crowd with their own rendition of dirty dancing.

  Not to be outdone, two more of their group escorted a blonde and a brunette onto the dance floor and initiated some steamy moves of their own. Yeah, the place was heating up, and it didn’t take much encouragement for the rest of the trainees to join in the fun. From the smoldering looks and heat being generated on the dance floor, some of the guys were going to get lucky tonight.

  Observing the young men, Ice could empathize, clearly remembering experiencing the same hype when he and Frosty were trainees. God, there were days back then when he thought he’d never make it through.

  He glanced across at the tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed man beside him and smiled. Patrick Frost, or Frosty to the team, was the only married man among them. A man utterly content with his life and it showed. His best buddy, confidante, and family, ever since they’d met at SEAL training all those years ago. He recalled it had been a tough time, but with each other’s support, they had made it through. The following years and some dangerous missions together had reinforced just how steadfast and reliable Frosty was. Yes, he was a good man to have on his side.

  Then there was B. Michael Brannigan, better known as Hawk, propped up against the bar, radar on girl alert, cruising the boundaries and taking in the scenery. Next to him was Zach Buchanan, likeable, easygoing, and rakishly handsome, but an unknown commodity. Ice believed the persona Zach presented to the world was just a veneer that masked the real man underneath. He talked a lot but revealed little and played his cards close to his chest. A computer wizard to boot, the man was smart and careful. His nerves of steel and Hollywood smile allowed him to excel at two things—dismantling bombs and impressing women.

  The job never fazed or flustered him, as cool as anyone Ice had ever worked with. Yes, he was cool all right, except of course when it came to the ladies. He had a real knack with women. He only had to crook his little finger and they’d be there in a heartbeat, from the cutesy teens to the grandmotherly types, every last one of them, all eager to do his bidding. Yeah, a real big bad Wolf was Zach Buchanan.

  Ice turned and addressed him, “Hey Wolf, I thought you had somewhere else to be tonight?”

  “Plans fell through,” he grumped.

  “Yeah, and this is as good a place as any to get laid,” Hawk chimed in.

  Hawk’s mind was never above his navel for long. As Ice shook his head and smiled, the hairs on the back of his neck bristled, making him instantly alert. His instincts told him he was being watched. Like a predator, he scanned the room searching for the cause of his unease.

  He shifted his head and like a bolt from the blue, the culprit entered his vision. Even in the dim lig
ht he could see the prettiest pair of doe eyes staring straight at him, and his attraction was instant.

  Captivated, he held her gaze, ignoring the conversation around him.

  “Forget it Ice, she’s too pure for you.” Wolf laughed and slapped him on the back.

  “Fuck off,” he snapped, more aggressive than he’d intended, his attention still riveted on Doe Eyes.

  “Ho, ho, ho, the old man’s smitten.” Hawk chuckled and rested his elbow on the bar.

  Frosty took a swig of beer and sidled up next to Hawk. “Who’s he scoping?” he queried, craning his neck to see the source of Ice’s attraction.

  “Hot Tits, at the back of the room,” Hawk supplied, tilting his head in her direction.

  “Yeah, she’s a cutie, worth a try,” Frosty acknowledged. “And if I’m not mistaken Ice, she’s scoping you too.”

  Ice ignored their banter. His focus unwavering, his eyes clashed with hers. She really was something else, a hot little number who brazenly ogled him back, her eyes beckoned with a not-so-subtle invitation and damn if he wasn’t going to take her up on it. But not before he finished his beer.

  Ice swallowed the last mouthful and placed his empty on the bar, but before he could take a step, his plans collapsed like a house of cards in a breeze. Two young men had beaten him to the draw.

  Hawk slapped him on the back and commiserated, “Too slow old man, better luck next time.”

  “Plenty more to choose from,” he replied with careless abandon, though he was feeling mighty pissed. It wasn’t like he ever had trouble hooking up, but Doe Eyes was the only one who had captured his interest in the last five months and he’d wanted her bad.


  Kathy watched Adonis turn his head and their eyes collided across the distance.


  It was one of those moments that stayed in your mind forever, but in actuality it couldn’t have lasted more than a minute. Telltale heat burned up her neck until her cheeks flamed. She lowered her eyes, but the urge to follow Liz’s advice was overwhelming. She gave into the temptation and gifted him with a smile.


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