Desire Unleashed

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Desire Unleashed Page 6

by Layne Macadam


  “That went rather well,” Liz spoke pushing the lock into place before turning to face Kathy. “What do you think of Shane?”

  “He seems nice enough, but can we talk about him in the morning, I’m tired. Why don’t you go ahead and use the bathroom while I do a quick tidy up,” Kathy hedged.

  “Okay, if you’re sure, I’ll see you in the morning.” Liz padded down the hall to her room.

  Kathy was unnerved by the latest call but pushed it to the back of her mind; she had more thrilling things to think on. Like Adonis. She’d thought he hadn’t recognized her, but then came that wicked wink and her fears were confirmed. What must he think of her?

  As for the trip to the beach tomorrow, she had mixed feelings. A part of her was desperate to go, but to tell the truth, she was a little anxious, never having had a strong sexual attraction to anyone like she did for Shane. Slow to develop, she’d grown from a shy child into a gauche teenager and it wasn’t till college the boys noticed her, by then all her time was taken up with work and study. Liz said she was an enigma. But now at twenty-four and still a virgin, it was nothing ventured, nothing gained. With that thought in mind, she switched off the lights and headed for the bathroom. She hadn’t wanted to talk to Liz about tonight, not about the phone call and definitely not about Shane. If she were really lucky, there’d be no time to talk tomorrow either. Going to the beach, and then rushing Liz to the airport would be a full day. By the time they hooked up again, the evening would be a distant memory.

  Chapter 3

  Kathy awakened to the morning sun streaming through her open window, it promised to be another heat wave. Perfect beach weather. She rummaged through her drawers in search of the pretty yellow swimsuit that she’d bought on sale two summers ago—glad at last to have an opportunity to wear it. The color suited her complexion and the high cut style would accentuate her legs, and she wanted to look her best for Shane. Heck, she really wanted Shane.

  She could already imagine what it might be like making love, his strong hands caressing her, possessing her. It was a heady thought. Pulling on cargo shorts and a yellow T-shirt over her swimsuit, Kathy left the room eager to get the day under way.

  Liz was already in the kitchen pouring cereal into a bowl when she walked in.

  “Don’t you look like a little ray of sunshine,” Liz greeted. “The color suits you.”

  “Thanks—and hadn’t you better get a move on it’s almost ten.” Kathy observed glancing at the clock. “And Anne should be here shortly.”

  The sharp trill of the telephone interrupted their conversation. “I hope that’s not her going to be late.” Kathy groaned.

  “Anxious, are we?”

  “No, of course not,” she denied. Her excitement dampened at the possibility of one of Liz’s let’s-reveal-all third degrees so lifting the handset added, “I just don’t like to keep people waiting.”

  A heartbeat later the phone landed on its cradle with a crash. Liz stopped spooning cereal into her mouth. “How long has this been going on?” she demanded. “And tell the truth this time?”

  Kathy gave an audible sigh. “They started over a week ago. At first I dismissed them as kids playing pranks, but then I got a midnight call Thursday, and then that one late last night which makes me think it can’t be kids at those odd hours but some weirdo.”

  “Hmm, you could be right,” Liz agreed, her voice thick with concern. “If they continue you should inform the police and perhaps get your calls monitored or change your number.”

  “I don’t think it’s that serious.”

  A knock on the door cut off any further discussion about the nuisance calls.

  “I won’t come in,” Anne explained from the doorway. “I’m in a rush. Dad needs the car back ASAP.”

  “Thanks Anne, I owe you, big time.” Kathy passed the puppy over.

  “Think nothing of it, I’m happy to help. See you at school tomorrow.”

  Kathy closed the door and returned to the kitchen to find Liz drying the breakfast dishes. “Stop dallying and go get dressed or we’ll be late,” She moaned, trying to hurry her friend along. She was twitchy about their beach date with Shane and didn’t want to keep him waiting.

  “Give me two minutes max.” Liz put the clean crockery in the kitchen cupboard and wiped the counter before disappearing into her room.

  * * * *

  Ice was up early. Needing to expel some of his sexual energy, he’d already put in an hour of calisthenics and been for a two mile run before breakfast. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins. He hadn’t felt this alive in an age and was itching to get underway. He packed his towel and a bottle of water into a bag and prayed the forecasted storm didn’t happen the doorbell rang. Right on time and raring to go baby, just like I knew you would be. He grinned.

  He swung the door wide. The girls looked as pretty as pictures, but only one was totally fuckable, and she gave him the sexiest little smile.

  “Good morning ladies, all set to go are we?” He asked locking his apartment.

  “It’s a great day for the beach,” Liz enthused as he led the way to the basement where his truck was garaged.

  “The weather reporter predicts a storm, but they’ve been known to be wrong.” Ice pressed the remote unlocking the doors, stowed the beach gear in the back, and swung into the driver’s seat.

  “I hope so, I want to work on my tan,” Liz said standing back to allow Kathy in first.

  Kathy scrambled in and squeezed up against him thigh to thigh. When their legs touched, he felt the heat straight through his shorts. She was subdued on the drive to the beach. Liz on the other hand talked enough for both of them as he made short work of the distance. If he didn’t know better he’d think Kathy was shy or playing hard to get, but he’d seen her in action Friday night and there was nothing shy about her then. Weird. Maybe she was just waiting to get him alone before putting the moves on him.

  Pulling the truck into one of the few remaining parking spaces at the beach, Ice cut the engine. The lot was almost full with vehicles of eager beachgoers intent on enjoying the unseasonably hot weather. Grabbing their gear, they made a beeline for the water.

  The heat haze shimmered off the sand as they snaked their way through the throng of people and brightly colored beach umbrellas decorating the shore. Finding a vacant patch, they dropped their gear, spread their towels, and started to undress in anticipation of a swim. The sky above was clear, sunrays reflected and danced off the water beckoning them into its cool depths.

  Ice eyed Liz as she stripped down to her skimpy black bikini. With hair the color of a sunset, vibrant red and textured with burnished gold, laughing green eyes, and slim build, she was certainly something to behold. That is until his gaze switched to Kathy.

  When she pulled off her shorts, he almost expired on the spot. The way her ass wiggled as she peeled them over her hips was almost his undoing. He could feel the blood shoot straight to his groin at the images it conjured.

  Curvaceous hips and full breasts accentuated the narrowness of her waist. Perfect. Every single inch of her. Her translucent peaches and cream complexion was flawless except for the smattering of freckles that dusted either side of her upturned nose and the little mole on the outer corner of her top lip.

  He couldn’t take his eyes from her, couldn’t get enough of her. Liz had noticed him staring and sent him a funny little smile, and he wondered if she’d caught on.


  Kathy discarded her shorts determined not to blush. Shane was blatantly undressing her with his eyes and not stopping at her swimsuit either. His eyes burned, she could feel their heat as she tugged the cotton top over her head and tossed it beside her shorts on the beach towel. It was silly to feel uncomfortable, but the slinky swimsuit fabric molded her body leaving little to the imagination and made her feel oddly self-conscious. It was bizarre. She wanted him to admire her, to be desirable in his eyes, but when she caught him doing just that, she looked away
and heated to the roots of her chestnut hair. Thank God, Liz came to her rescue.

  “I brought the block out,” she cried holding it up. “Do me a favor Shane and put some on my back while I do Kathy’s.” Without waiting for his consent, Liz passed him the sunscreen.


  Ice rolled his eyes, she was a bossy little piece, but he took the tube anyway and applied the sunscreen to Liz’s bare skin without comment. When he’d finished, she took it back and squeezed a blob into her palm.

  “Now I’ll do you,” she said and began liberally rubbing it in circular motions into his back. “Can’t be too careful can we? What, with the holes in the ozone layer and all.”

  At any other time he would have enjoyed the lanky redhead’s hands all over him, but not since he’d laid eyes on Kathy.

  When Liz was done, she refocused her attention. “You’ve got a blotch of cream on your cheek Kathy.”

  “Allow me.” Leaning across, he rubbed the cream into Kathy’s soft skin in a caressing motion. The heat radiating from her drew his hand like a magnet. His thumb lingered circling her cheek, and as his eyes dropped to her breast, her nipples pebbled under his appreciative gaze.

  “Ah thanks,” Kathy murmured, crossing her arms.

  “Come on you guys let’s hit the waves,” Liz called as she ran toward the surf.

  The connection broke. Kathy took off after Liz, with him hot on her heels.

  He hit the ocean first, dived beneath the waves, and surfaced in deeper water about twenty feet out. A hare’s breath later, Liz laughingly came up beside him shaking the salty water from her hair. It was evident she was a strong swimmer as she had reached him easily.

  “Not bad for a girl,” he praised.

  “Ha, how about I race you to the pontoon?” she challenged, pointing to the floating platform about one hundred and thirty yards farther out.

  “Just say the word Red,” he teased.


  Liz started and struck out through the water catching him unawares. The small head start she gained was no advantage as he caught up and adjusted his stroke to keep pace with her. Stroke for stroke, he matched her over the distance, level-pegging her all the way and only increasing his speed over the last twenty yards to touch the pontoon ahead of her.

  “What kept you, Red?” he taunted as she came up alongside him panting.

  “Showoff,” she accused, thrusting out her tongue in a most unladylike manner.

  He laughed at her antics as he hoisted his ass onto the platform and reached down for her hand. “Like I said before Red, not bad for a girl.”

  They sat without speaking, dangling their legs over the edge of the bobbing platform, the salt water glistening on their skin, an easy camaraderie between them.

  “Kathy’s a good cook,” he broke the silence.

  “Yes she is—you caught me. I fibbed about my culinary skills, can’t cook at all.”

  “I enjoyed the evening immensely, except for the phone call of course, what was that about?”

  “Kathy admitted that they started over a week ago. At first she dismissed them as prank calls, but there was that one last night, another at midnight on Thursday, and another before we left this morning. She said he started out as a heavy breather, but now he’s declaring that they have a future together, that she’s his destiny. To tell the truth, I’m a bit concerned leaving her alone, she doesn’t really know anyone here yet.”

  Hearing what Liz had to say put a different spin on things. “She knows me now, I’m away a bit, but while I’m around I’ll look out for her.” He scanned the water trying to spot where she was as he spoke.

  Liz pointed to the shore. “I told you last night she can’t swim.”

  “Seriously, I thought you were joking.”

  “I was joking when I suggested you teach her to swim, because there’s no way that will happen, you’ll be lucky to get her out past her knees.”

  Ice enjoyed a good challenge and lithely got to his feet. “We’ll see about that shall we?”

  “Don’t bully her,” Liz warned.

  “Never.” He laughed and executed a perfect dive off the pontoon. Slicing through the water like a porpoise, he swam toward the shoreline and Kathy. She had her back to the horizon, frolicking in the cool shallows with the gentle waves lapping her thighs. He easily closed the distance and came up alongside her grinning. “How about a swimming lesson?”

  Uncertainty flickered across her face, and she gave a vigorous shake of her head.

  “Come on Kathy, the water’s calm,” he encouraged.

  “No it’s okay, you go back to Liz, it looked like you were having a good time and I’m fine here.”

  “Kathy, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but one way or another, you have to learn to swim.”

  “But I’ve changed my mind.” She squeaked her objection.

  Ice ignored her, and without another word scooped her into his arms and waded into deeper water. She clung to his neck like a vine, protesting all the while and pressing her breasts hard up against his chest.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you I promise, and you’ll be able to touch the bottom, so don’t be scared.”

  He lowered her smoothly to her feet, the undulating waves lapped her breasts like a lover’s caress, but she acted afraid and gripped his arms tight for support. “It’s too deep.”

  “Relax, you’re safe with me,” he whispered into her ear. “Just lie on your back and float while I support your weight,” he instructed.

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Sure you can, you’ll be fine. Trust me.”

  Kathy did as he asked, closed her eyes against the brilliant sunshine, and laid back in the water, legs and arms akimbo with his hands under her back.

  She was doing well, so well in fact he slowly removed his hands allowing her to float on the surface, blissfully unaware that he’d released her. He took advantage of her oblivious state to study her face. Not a classic beauty, her mouth was too wide, her nose a trifle broad, but she had a cute little mole on her top lip. She looked angelic except for that mouth, it was full lipped and dead sexy. His mind boggled. Then his eyes traveled further down her curvaceous form and he was rewarded with a bird’s eye view.

  The water had saturated her flimsy swimsuit making it transparent. The material stretched taut across her chest clearly defining each areola and its stiff peak. The words left his mouth in a whisper, “If you’re trying to tempt me with that see-through suit then your strategy is working.”

  A definite mistake.

  Kathy’s eyes flew wide, without his supporting hands she panicked and with flailing arms sank like a stone beneath the water.

  Ice lunged, grabbed her arm, and dragged her coughing and spluttering to the surface. “I’ve got you Kathy, you’re safe.”

  She clutched his neck like a lifeline and gripped his hips with her legs. He tried to calm her. “Relax you were never in any real danger,” he said cradling her in his arms. She clung tighter. Her curvaceous body jammed hard against him made him lengthen. Pleasure engulfed him. He fondled her ass, rubbing her up and down his length. Meeting her eyes, he whispered raggedly, “You’re killing me, babe.”


  The bulge at his groin was obscenely huge and his words had her in a fluster. Beet red and way out of her depth she whimpered, “I don’t mean too.” Then dropping her legs scrambled to put some space between them.

  Liz, her self-appointed protector, swam up and intruded on the moment giving Shane, a censorious glare. “Kathy, are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. It was silly of me, I panicked,” she muttered.

  “Come on, we’ll take you in, that’s enough lessons for one day.”

  “You two go ahead, I want to do a few laps first.”

  Kathy and Liz waded to shore and picked up their towels. Liz spread hers on the sand and stretched out, Kathy rubbed herself dry. She was still blushing and pulled her T-shirt over the offensive sw
imsuit that was so transparent, everyone had copped an eyeful. But that wasn’t the worst of it. When she’d launched herself at him, she’d felt the full length of his rigid penis flush up against her, but did she back away then? No, she circled his hips with her legs and settled on top of it. It wasn’t until he rubbed her up and down its length did she back away. What he must think of her, she dare not imagine. But oh, he did feel good.


  Ice watched until Kathy and Liz were safe back on shore. He seriously needed to burn off some tension and couldn’t walk out of the surf with a boner the size of Everest. Holding Kathy like that had fired his blood to the point where it wasn’t a question of if they’d have sex, it was where and how soon.

  An hour passed before he came ashore, the exercise had left him feeling relaxed and more in control. He padded up the sand to where the girls were stretched out sunbathing.

  “I was beginning to think you’d drowned.” Liz pushed her sunglasses off the bridge of her nose and peered up at him.

  The towel was scratchy on his skin as he dried off. “I guess I was out there a while,” he conceded. A shadow passed overhead as he dropped beside her. He looked up. The sun was eclipsed by a disruptive sky. “I think it’s time we made a move.”

  “Ready when you are,” Liz said, and she and Kathy got up and began gathering up their belongings.

  His stomach rumbled like the threatening sky, and he gave it a slap. “All that exercise has made me ravenous, how about we grab a bite to eat before heading home? There’s a little café on the promenade that makes great burgers.”

  “That works for me,” Liz agreed.

  The sand scrunched beneath their feet as they picked their way back up the beach. Kathy was still avoiding his eyes. She’d been doing that since their encounter in the surf, so he confronted her head on. “How about you Kathy, are you up for it?” He wondered whether she’d get his underlying message. It wasn’t just food he was ravenous for. When her head shot up and she spoke, he had his answer loud and clear.


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