Desire Unleashed

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Desire Unleashed Page 7

by Layne Macadam

  “I’m ravenous too.”

  Yep, she wanted him.

  By the time they’d finished lunch and headed for the pickup the rain that had been forecast seemed imminent. Blackness rolled in over the horizon and thickened the low hanging clouds over head. Ice stored their gear in the back, jogged around to the driver’s door, and slid behind the wheel.

  The women were already buckled in, Kathy once again in the middle. It was a snug fit—their thighs touched. It was as if a lightning bolt from the approaching storm had dropped from the sky and coursed through his body. It was becoming a familiar sensation.

  She was watching him, but he didn’t dare take his eyes from the road for fear of losing control, not of the vehicle, but of himself. She had that kind of effect on him. He was still reeling from what nearly happened in the surf. Hell, he might have fucked her then and there if Liz hadn’t intervened. It wasn’t like him. He wasn’t an exhibitionist, he preferred his sex in private, but with her, it would be anytime, anyplace. It was a perplexing revelation.

  By the time they reached home, it was late afternoon. The sky was turbulent, but by some miracle, the rain still held off.

  “Thanks for a great day, and Shane, I truly am sorry about all the kerfuffle with Cindy, but on the bright side, it did give us the opportunity to meet. Anyway, if you’re free anytime I’m in town we should catch up,” Liz suggested as they reached Kathy’s apartment.

  “I’ll look forward to it Red, and speaking of Cindy, I forgot to tell you I have someone in mind who might take her, I’ll let Kathy know.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “So what time’s your flight?” he asked.

  “It’s not till six forty, but I thought I’d book a cab for four thirty. I’d rather be early than risk missing the flight, and that way I can grab a bite at the airport.”

  “Forget the cab, I’ll drive you.” Sure, he had ulterior motives, but even if he hadn’t, he would have driven her to the airport anyway. Kathy was an added bonus.

  “That’s very kind of you but not necessary.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Red. I’d just be home watching the box anyway. I’ll knock at about four thirty. I’m sure Kathy, would like to see you off as well.”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Well, that settles it then. See you girls in an hour.”


  Smooth, Liz thought, very smooth. She followed her friend into the apartment in one heck of a dilemma. She’d picked up earlier on the vibes between the other two and prayed Kathy knew what she was getting herself into. Shane had the look of a jungle cat ready to pounce with Kathy the willing victim. So she was torn between advising Kathy against it and saying nothing. On the one hand, it would do her good to have a diversion, but was she ready for someone like Shane Jackson? He was virile; she’d seen his erection in the surf. Was he too much man for Kathy? She was so old-fashioned and such an innocent. Would she appreciate her concern, or would she tell her to mind her own business? It was a tough call.

  Once inside she stalled her decision, opting for the first shower instead. By the time she’d finished, her mind was made up. Dried and dressed, Liz seized the bull by the horns and went in search of her friend.


  Kathy had been pensive since the incident in the water. What had Shane meant when he said she was killing him? She’d been ready for his kiss and was disappointed when he hadn’t followed through, but his body had made up for it. It felt so good when she’d wrapped her thighs around his hips, the feel of his masculinity pressed against her. But when he touched her intimately, she’d panicked like a schoolgirl and backed off. She was so darn naive and was momentarily regretful that she lacked experience. At college, she’d been so busy attending academic classes she missed the one on life.

  “Can we have a chat?” Liz hesitated by her bedroom door.

  “Of course.” Kathy beckoned her in.

  “Shane seems a nice enough guy.”

  “Then why do I feel a ‘but’ coming on?”

  “Honey, he’s not like the hometown boys. He’s a man. Older and more experienced than what you’re used to, and I don’t want to see you getting hurt. I feel somewhat responsible as I orchestrated the introduction.”

  “Then don’t. I’m not a child Liz—I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Of course you are Kath, but you’re vulnerable at the moment. I know you were holding out for a ring on your finger first, so I don’t want you pressured into something you may regret later.”

  “I’m not about to get pressured into anything…”

  “These macho types like Shane can be pretty forceful, and he won’t be satisfied stopping at a few kisses, I can guarantee you that.”

  “Thanks for your concern, but it’s really not necessary.”

  “But Kathy…”

  “For pity sake Liz, I don’t want to talk about it,” she snapped, her voice holding more heat than she’d intended.

  “All right, I get the message.” Liz backed off. “I’ll just go and finish packing.”

  Kathy regretted losing her temper. She didn’t want their weekend to end on a sour note, but the feelings she was experiencing were new, and she needed to assimilate them before she was ready to discuss them with anyone, even Liz.

  In the bathroom, she discarded the swimsuit in the corner, knowing she’d never wear the offensive garment again. She turned the jets to full force and stepped under the spray, luxuriating in the warm water on her body. The shower gel was aromatic and creamy. She massaged her legs in long smooth strokes beginning at the ankles and slowly working her way up to the apex of her thighs where her fingers lingered, enjoying the sensual caress as she imagined it was Shane touching her. In the past, she’d wondered if perhaps she was frigid, if the problems with her female organs had made her so. The doctor had said it was unlikely she’d get pregnant easily, that IVF might be a solution. And even though she’d said that the endometriosis would not affect her desire to have sex, Kathy wondered just the same because the kisses she’d shared, while not unpleasant, never stirred her to want to go further. She wanted her first time to be with a man who inspired the white-hot passion that she’d only ever read about. Like the passion she’d felt in Shane’s arms today.

  Kathy stepped from the shower and vigorously rubbed her body dry before applying body lotion and slipping into pastel pink lace panties and matching bra. She pulled on a peasant style skirt and added a sleeveless cotton blouse. The outfit was one she’d picked up the day before while shopping with Liz. The vertical lace inserts in the shirt gave a glimpse of the bra underneath, and the scooped neckline showcased the swell of her breasts.

  She plugged in the dryer and got to work on her waist-length hair. A dab of perfume and a coat of berry colored lip gloss and she was set to go. Except for the shoes. Kathy carefully contemplated twenty-nine pairs of her only fetish before settling on a pair of funky three-inched high-heeled sandals.

  She eyed her reflection in the full-length mirror and added a wraparound grin. When she entered the living room, Liz was already seated on the couch waiting. Kathy’s smile deepened as Liz’s face erupted into a matching grin. The warmth of the shared greeting confirmed the tension had passed and their relationship was back on track.

  Chapter 4

  Ice discarded the damp bath towel in the hamper by the door. He stood before the mirror studying his naked reflection with a critical eye. His hair was thick and dark. His blue eyes fringed by raven lashes, but the lines that now played at the corners when he smiled were new.

  His shoulders and chest were broad, and his biceps clearly defined. The dark hair covering his torso only partially concealed the rock hard muscles beneath. Thanks to the job, he wasn’t carrying any excess fat. His belly was flat and hard, his waist slim and his hips lean. Yep, he was in great shape.

  He lathered his face and reached for the razor. His hands he noticed were big with long tapered fingers, ideal for exploring the secret pl
aces of a woman’s body, and they were just itching to explore Kathy’s.

  Ice drew the razor down his cheeks in smooth repetitious strokes. The aftershave he splashed on stung for a second, but he slapped his face and grinned, exhilarated at the prospect ahead. After raking his damp hair with a comb, he pulled on faded jeans, pushed his feet into a pair of loafers, and buttoned his crisp white linen shirt. He was ready and it was time to go. He locked up and headed next door.

  Kathy answered his knock. She was looking hot to trot. He gave her a meaningful glance and in a husky voice leaned in and whispered, “You look great babe.”

  She gifted him with a coquettish smile. The glint in her liquid brown eyes held promise. He thought about kissing her as he waited for her response, but Liz appeared with a suitcase and lifted a quizzical brow, and the moment passed.

  “Let me take that, Red,” he offered, and she relinquished it without a murmur. “All set then are we?”

  “I’ll just grab my handbag and keys,” Kathy announced.

  Liz and he waited till Kathy came back and locked the apartment, and then together they took the stairs to the basement. Ice flicked the locks open with the remote attached to his keychain, tossed the suitcase into the back, and swung into the driver’s seat. Liz climbed in next to him leaving Kathy the seat by the door. He was miffed by her action although he hid it well, but Liz’s impish grin told him that no way was she letting him have things all his own way.

  Ice kicked over the engine, shifted into first, and deftly maneuvered out of the basement and into the traffic. The cab of the pickup was silent as he changed through the gears and stepped on the gas. When the vehicle peeled off the Silver Strand, he slid the girls a sideways glance. They were holding hands. He experienced a brief moment of alarm. Nah. No way.

  Then they started to talk, typical girlie stuff. He was content to leave them to it and contemplate what lay ahead. Dinner first, and then back to his place for some fun.

  He shifted his lecherous thoughts back to the road. The streets were quiet for a Sunday night, and they made the airport in good time. Ice snagged a parking spot close to the terminal. The storm still hovered, biding its time, deliberately holding off. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to dump its torrential load.

  He hauled his ass out of the vehicle and lifted Liz’s bag from the back. He wanted to avoid a drenching, so hurried the girls toward the shelter of the terminal.

  Once inside, they joined the baggage check-in queue. There were at least fourteen other people waiting their turn and only one operator. Fortunately though, some were able to self check-in, so the line moved along at a good pace. Ice hoisted Liz’s bag onto the scales for weighing. The operator keyed in some digits and handed over a boarding pass.

  With the check-in complete and all flights running to schedule, it didn’t seem any time before good-byes had to be said.

  Leaning across, Liz reached up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for today big guy and for being so understanding about Cindy.”

  “No problem, Red.”

  “Call me later in the week,” Kathy muttered.

  Liz spun toward her friend and opened her arms. Kathy closed the gap. They clung together in silence, both with eyes awash with unshed tears. Ice felt awkward witnessing their display of emotion and was about to give them some space when Liz broke free and announced, “I’d better make a move, security might take a bit of time to get through. Your turn to visit me next. And if you do get a new phone number, be sure and let me know, okay?”

  Kathy nodded, but now that the departure time had arrived, she was reluctant to let Liz go.

  “You’ll be okay,” Liz whispered, wiping a stray tear from Kathy’s cheek with her fingertips.

  Kathy looked fragile, standing alone watching her friend disappear from view, and it left him feeling perplexed. What was all that about? What did Red, mean? Why wouldn’t Kathy be okay? Women. Go figure.

  “Come on, Kathy.” He gripped her hand and walked her out to the car. As they neared the pickup, he pressed the remote, but when she moved to get in, he turned her toward him, tilted her chin with his hand, and gently brushed her lips with his.

  He’d only meant it to be a comforting gesture, but when Kathy’s arms crept around his neck and she arched her body against his, he was lost. He pushed the seam of her lips apart and penetrated the silky softness of her mouth with his tongue.

  She tasted deliciously sweet, as he’d always known she would. He’d played this moment in his mind many times since he’d first seen her at Shenanigans. But this was neither the time nor the place.

  That thought got blown out of the water when Kathy sucked his tongue, holding him there. His body hardened instantly. He parted her thighs with his knee and ran his hand up the silky expanse of her leg. Luxuriating in the feel of her, his hand crept higher making contact with the flimsy lace of her panties. He pushed it aside and skated his fingers over the soft pelt of her pussy.

  Fat cold darts of rain hitting his face shocked him out of his rapture. What the hell was he doing? The open car door offered little privacy, and it bothered the hell out of him that he hadn’t even considered that.

  Ice smoothed down Kathy’s skirt and helped her up into the pickup, edging her over to the center seat. The door closed with a soft click. He loped around to the driver’s side and climbed behind the wheel, his shirt and jeans spotty with rain.

  “Sorry Kathy, I got a bit carried away, but I gotta tell you girl, you’ve had me hard since the moment I first saw you.” His lips touched her cheek briefly. “So what would you like to eat?”

  “Whatever you’d prefer, I’m easy.”

  That’s what he was counting on. “How about Italian? I know a really good restaurant not far from here.”


  “Perfect,” Kathy said, her stomach all butterflies and nerves. He could have suggested they go to the closest stable for a helping of hay, and she would have agreed.

  He graced her with a sexy smile and set the car in motion. Kathy wracked her brain for something clever or witty to say, but came up with squat. Remembering the old adage—better to say nothing and be thought a fool than open your mouth and confirm it—she sat in veritable silence until they reached the restaurant.

  Instead of talking, Kathy thought about his intimate touch. It had been so unexpected. She’d never let anyone touch her like that, ever. It had happened so quickly, but before she could protest, he backed off. For it to have happened at all, and in public, was unbelievable, but she had to concede, it had felt good.

  Shane parked the car and turned toward her. “Ready to make a run for it?”

  “Ready when you are.” Kathy flicked the handle and climbed down. Shane raced around to the passenger door, grabbed her hand, and ran for cover towing her after him. They were both laughing when he pushed open the restaurant door and stood back for her to enter.

  “A table for two,” Shane instructed the seating hostess. They followed her to a table by the window where they were seated and handed a menu.

  Kathy smiled her thanks and took in her surroundings. The table was covered with a starched white cloth and set with silver and fine crystal wine glasses. A candle in a glass holder graced the center and flamed between them in the dimly lit room. An Andrea Bocelli CD provided the background music setting the mood for an intimate evening.

  A waiter arrived and announced the house specials, all of which sounded appetizing. They made their choices and Shane selected a Merlot from the wine list. Kathy rarely drank so whatever he ordered she said would be fine.

  As they waited for their order to arrive, heavy drops pelted the windowpane as the rain now came down in earnest. Lightning sheeted the sky, thunder boomed and crashed resonating throughout the building and putting on a spectacular light show. “Wow, we arrived just in the nick of time so it seems.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t like to be caught in that,” he replied.

  The server was back in a jiffy and poured a small amount of
wine into Shane’s glass. He lifted it, swilled the contents, and inhaled the bouquet before bringing it to his lips.

  “Very nice,” he announced then waited for the server to fill their glasses before making a toast. “To us.” His glass chimed against hers.

  Kathy took a deep swallow. The wine served the double purpose of relaxing her and making her chatty. Once started, she opened up about her work and regaled him with funny teaching experiences she’d had in the past. They both laughed without restraint when she conveyed some of the antics that the Cyclone Twins, Martin and Timothy, tested her patience with.


  Kathy had a melodic laugh, infectious. Ice liked the sound of her voice too. As the meal progressed, he discovered she was good company and a good listener. He told her about his work and how he’d joined the navy at the age of nineteen. When Kathy asked about his family, he’d confided that his mother was sixteen when he’d been born, his father split before the blessed event, and her scandalized parents had kicked her out of home unable to endure the humiliation of her condition. At the age of four his mom dumped him in foster care never to be seen again. Years later, he’d learned that she’d died of a drug overdose.

  Talking about the past brought back bitter memories as well as sweet. When Kathy got up to go to the ladies room, his mind flowed back over the years.

  A misfit, a lost cause most of his young life, rejected before he was born and shuffled from one foster home to the next left him with nothing but a bad attitude and bad memories. But at fourteen, his luck changed when Ruby and Harry Davidson singled him out. Harry was a retired Marine, early fifties, and at first impression came across as a hard-nosed mother. Harry and he regularly butted heads over every damn thing that first year together. Only for Ruby’s kindness and grandmotherly ways, he may have done a runner and ended up dead on the streets like his mother.

  Reflecting back, Ice recognized most of the fault lay at his door. He’d been a prized jerk, but his bad behavior stemmed from the fear that it would only be a matter of time before the Davidsons also sent him packing. Just one more rejection in a long list that started with his parents.


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