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The Mask of the Damned (The Damned of Lost Creek Book 2)

Page 18

by Danae Ayusso

  There was no mistaking some of the scars: cigarette burns. Others were long gashes that were made from being whipped; electrical cord most likely. That was the crackwhore’s choice in whipping weapon. Some were small and perfectly uniformed lines, slashes almost, but not something I could pinpoint the source of. They were in various stages of healing, some scabbed as if they were only hours old at most.

  “What?” Remi asked, startling me.

  My eyes snapped up to hers.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean… I’m sorry,” I said.

  She shrugged. “It happens. I’m sure you have a lovely collection of scars.”

  Only on the inside, Girlie.

  There was a knock at the door.

  Remi looked down at herself before shaking her head in resignation then opened the door wearing just an unflattering State issued bra and pair of jeans.

  Bleu stood in the doorway with a pile of clothes in hand. His eyes moved over her many times before a blush crept up his neck to his cheeks.

  Remi huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “They’re called tits,” she said, irritated. “And scars. Sorry you had to see them,” she sneered.

  I know that tone.

  Shut up.

  Bleu nodded and stepped around her and into the room. He tossed the pile of shirts in his hands on the bed then shucked out of his jacket before pulling his hoodie over his head.

  What is he doing?

  I haven’t a clue.

  Are they going to screw with us in the room, on Dillon’s bed?


  “What are you doing?” Remi demanded, stepping away from him.

  When Bleu pulled his shirt off and dropped it to the floor, he motioned towards his side.

  Remi’s eyes widened. She looked from the perfectly aligned, thin white scars that ran down the side of his abdomen and along the insides of his arms to his face. “You’re cutter, too?” she whispered, tears flooding her eyes.

  Get out.

  I got to my feet and stepped around them.

  Bleu nodded, wiping the tear that rolled down Remi’s cheek away for her, and he offered a small, reassuring smile.

  With a shaking hand, Remi reached out and caressed over the scars on his side and her bottom lip started to tremble.

  Run! This is way too emotional for our lack of well-being right now. Run!

  I silently closed the door behind me then hurried down the hall and ran for the stairs.

  “Come on!” I called out. “Bleu will drive them… Shep, can you drive us?” I asked.

  Price headed from the dining room. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a panic.

  I shook my head. “Remi and Bleu need a moment. They are working through something… Can we go?”

  Kieran sighed and handed me my bag in passing before heading out the door.

  He knows.

  How could he not?

  “Everything okay?” Shep asked, offering me a piece of peanut butter covered toast, which I took.

  Price looked from me to the stairs. “Bleu and Remi will be late. They are trying to find her something that’ll fit.”

  I nodded.

  Damn. Daddy’s a good liar.

  He’d have to be.

  Shep nodded. “Okay, I’ll grab my keys.”

  I looked to Price. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “I’ll make sure they’re okay,” Price promised. “If needed, they can stay home today. I’ll text you and Kieran to let you know which to expect.”

  “Thanks,” I said and offered him a hug, which he took with a smile and hugged me tight. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Anything for my little girls,” he whispered against my head before kissing it.

  “What is Unusual Punishment for $1000, Alex?” I asked.

  “Exploding pancreas, chronic finger loss and dermatitis from contact with this climbing vine, rhus radicans.”

  “What is poison ivy?” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Correct, you have control of the board.”

  “Talk like a pirate for $1000.”

  “The atomic weight of this element used to fill vacuum tubes be 39.948; remember the gist o’ the category, ye scurvy scalawags!”

  I laughed. “What is arrr-gon?”

  “Are you paying attention, Mikhail?” Principal Wallace called out.

  “What is chromium?” I answered before looking over my shoulder at her. “You’re making us change our schedules to have our English Lit block during the last two periods of the day together in order to kiss and make up or some shit. Yeah, I got it,” I said, turning my attention back to the television in the corner.

  “You just got yourself Saturday detention,” she informed me.

  I snorted, shaking my head.

  This broad’s insane.

  “In 1950, 58% of this country voted in favor of the return from exile of King Leopold III.”

  I looked at Kieran. “You didn’t word it in the form of a question,” I sang.

  He snorted, rolling his eyes.

  “What is Belgium?” I stuck my tongue out at him, and he softly knocked into me. “And I was already under the assumption, Principal Wallace, that I had Saturday detention for one of my many earlier exploits, including but not limited to, verbally assaulting a cheerleader in flex hour, suggesting she was an incestuous train pulling trailer park whore; verbally assaulting a douchebag fifth year senior before physically assaulting said douche with an English lit book; then choked his uncle out in the middle of class; skipped three classes-”

  “Don’t forget the two assaults on what I am so very proud of in my pants,” Draven absently added from the other side of the room where he was thumbing through his cell phone.

  “And that,” I said, making a face, and he smiled. “What is the Tigris and the Euphrates?” I quickly added, answering the final Jeopardy question before turning the television off. “Though, ignoring you and your authority being the only thing from that long list of indiscretions being detention worthy is a little egotistical in my non-professional opinion and might be frowned upon by the School Board. Just saying,” I scolded, parentally.

  Draven chuckled, shaking his head.

  Principal Wallace wasn’t amused.

  “I don’t mean this as a sign of disrespect,” I assured her, “but I’ve had a really long and extremely stressful twenty-four hours, and all I want to do is go home, get some ice cream, and soak in a bath until my fingers and toes get all pruney and the water turns cold. I understand that you’re tired of this stupid feud between the founding families. Believe it or not, I just learned of it and am already over it, so I totally feel your pain. And I can slightly understand how you think that shoving us in a classroom together might make us get along, or at the very least, stop beating the hell out of each other in the halls. On one level, it’s a rather ingenious form of punishment, which I totally commend you for and have to give you mad props for being so devious to implement it. Old school street skills right from the source, Principal Wallace. Respect!”

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes.

  “If you must know, my indifference and apparent disrespect towards your authority and punishment is neither. I don’t have anything to say or add to the bitchfest you’re currently dealing with from the others. I take the punishment because I am partially responsible for it. Thus, I will take it like a man just as the Van Zuls do every night,” I said with a face-consuming smile.

  Christian laughed. “Preach!”

  Paul wasn’t amused. “Screw you, Whore.”

  “Don’t make me give you a haymaker in the baby maker, Douche Bag,” Shep warned, cracking his knuckles.

  “Sorry.” I laughed. “Not really, but I couldn’t resist.”

  Principal Wallace shook her head in resignation. “Miss Shepherd, will you be able to handle them without putting yourself in the middle of the fray?”

  Dillon sighed. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Good,” she said and headed for the door. “I’m t
ired of the bullshit, and I’ve lost count of how many damn fights your families have had in my school. This is a warning to all of you: if you can’t get over this animosity, you’re out,” she scowled at the students, “and you’re fired,” then at Dillon. “Plain and simple. And I’m well aware that all of your trust funds specifically state that you have to finish high school in order to collect otherwise you’re cut off. And as I see it, the only two of you that stand a chance at passing the graduation evaluation test right now are Mikhail and Draven so don’t push me. Got it?” she snapped before slamming the door shut behind her.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” they mumbled and I chuckled, shaking my head.

  Spoiled trust fund brats, but the firing Dillon thing sucks ass.

  The bell rang and the others headed for the door.

  “You coming, Mikey?” Shep asked.

  “In a minute,” I said, waving him away.

  Shep glared at Draven before heading from the room.

  I headed over to him and held my hand out. “Give me,” I said.

  Draven cocked an eyebrow, pocketing his cell phone. “Give you what?” he asked with a smirk.

  “I can smell them,” I said, giving him a look. “I’m hungry.”

  He chuckled and reached in his bag then pulled out a kraft box and handed it to me. “Two smoked salmon with cream cheese and chive garnish croissant sandwiches. On the side are cucumber slices, brie, and a honey roasted nut medley with cracked pepper.”

  I opened the box then moaned. “I hate you sometimes,” I said with a sigh before shoving half of one of the sandwiches in my mouth and chewed with a smile while we walked down the hall towards shop.

  He chuckled. “I could say the same about you. How’d you know I left at sunrise to get food and change?”

  “I saw your taillights when you left,” I said, talking with my mouth full. “I was up with Grams. It was a bonding moment. Heard the story of Luke; that was a total hit to the proverbial balls. I hope you didn’t want one of these because I’m not sharing,” I informed him before shoving the other half of sandwich in my mouth.

  He shook his head. “I would never be stupid enough to think you’d share your food.”

  I rolled my eyes and started on the next sandwich.

  “I’m surprised Price let you out of the house dressed so…” his words trailed off before he reached around me then shoved the guy coming up behind us into the lockers on the other side of the hall. “Va te faire enculer,” he warned before turning his attention back to hall in front of us.

  I heard the perv’s comments as he approached, and he was going to slap my ass, but I knew my man whore wouldn’t let him touch me.

  Draven doesn’t share, that I know without question.

  “That’s why,” I smugly informed him with a smile before placing a piece of cucumber and nut dipped brie in my mouth.

  Softly Draven growled under his breath. “The damn death of me,” he complained.

  “Death to your reputation, you mean,” I retorted before popping another in my mouth.

  “Not at all,” he assured me with that cocksure smile I hate before his hand connected to my backside and I jumped.

  “Ow, Salope!” I complained, punching him, knocking him into the lockers. “Not yours.”

  Draven smiled. “You keep telling yourself that, Training Bra,” he said so I threw the empty kraft box at him. “I’ve never seen anyone eat as fast as you do,” he commented, offering me a travel mug. “It isn’t poisoned or laced with anything. It’s coffee. You look like you could use it more than me.”

  Suspicious, I took it from him.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked before taking a drink then moaned. “What in the hell is this?” I took another drink and fought to keep from doing the happy dance.

  Rich, thick and creamy with a slightly nutty note with a floral vanilla flavor at the end of the drink.

  “Coffee. And why not? You got me out of my house for the night, that is worthy of buying a girl dinner, if you must know. Soren is still in a mood, but Christian said he’ll take his frustrations out before I return.”

  That didn’t sound heathy or safe.

  “On what?” I reluctantly asked.

  “You don’t want to know,” he admitted.

  Draven was keeping something from me, I could tell.

  I looked around then grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall before shoving him in the bathroom.

  “Bitches, out!” I barked, motioning the three freshman reapplying their makeup from the room.

  After locking the door behind them, I turned to Draven.

  “What are you keeping from me?” I demanded.

  Draven gave me a look. “Usually I’m the one kicking people out of places before locking the door behind them. Someone’s taking things from my repertoire now.”

  I gave him a look. “Do these lame ass lines ever work?”

  “Usually my dimples and fantastic ass is enough to get their panties wet. If that doesn’t work, this usually does,” he said then pulled his shirt up and flexed his impressively defined abdominal muscles.

  No matter how many times I see them, it still sends a shiver racing down my spine.

  “But, as usual,” he said, lowering the handful of cotton, “you are apparently proving to be more of an ice queen than I’m used to.”

  I stepped into him then pressed my finger against his lips. “Shh, don’t talk, you’ll ruin it,” I whispered before pulling his shirt back up.

  Draven smirked before flexing his abdominal muscles.

  I shivered and caressed my fingers down the impressively defined muscle groupings.

  “Damn,” I mumbled before biting my bottom lip.

  Perhaps I’m an ass and abs woman.

  He shook his head. “Perhaps that will work after all,” he said then grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch before wagging his brows at me.

  And Man Whore pulls a man whore routine and causes me to be snapped back to reality.

  “Ew,” I said, pulling away from him then punched him in the arm, knocking him back against the wall.

  Draven smiled. “Don’t worry, Training Bra, I’ll thaw you eventually and you’ll thank me for it. They always do.”

  “Sorry,” I choked. “I just threw up in my mouth.”

  He rolled his eyes then started fixing his hair in the mirror.

  What’s he fixing? I don’t know. He has enough product in his hair that I’m sure it’s eating a hole in the ozone layer above him.

  “You’re staring,” Draven pointed out before smooching his lips at his reflection then winked.

  Oh how I wish Justice would deal with him for me.

  “What are you keeping from me?” I demanded before taking another drink of his coffee, finishing it off.

  “More than you could possibly imagine,” he said, taking the empty travel mug from me and put it back in his bag. “I like the pink ones. The pale pink diamonds look nice with your complexion…” his words trailed off and he looked me over again.

  They are crystals, not diamonds. You can’t get diamonds in pink, I don’t think. No, they are too big to be diamonds, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  “No bleeding this time?” he asked, taking my face by the chin and turned my head to one side then the other, looking at my ears. “The other earrings were antiques and the posts are a larger gauge compared to these. They should be more comfortable. Are they?”

  I nodded, pulling away from him.

  How is it that he can go from one Draven to the next in a fraction of a second? It’s like he has D.I.D. as well! Is that why we are seemingly friends all of a sudden? We’re both crazy?

  “I like them. No bleeding, they are beautiful,” I said, looking at him curiously. “How did you know that about the others?”

  He shrugged. “Ma mère enjoys shopping and jewelry… My superior taste in jewelry and fashion is an inherited trait, she says.”

  That doesn’t surprise me in the leas

  “I’m not a fan of the outfit,” he said, his tone and the look on his face changed and I knew the man whore was back. “But I can’t deny how much Winnie enjoys the length of your shorts, or lack thereof.”

  And I was right.

  “Really?” I complained, not in the mood to entertain his slutty side.

  “Really,” he said, stepping into me then pulled my beanie off and ran his fingers through my hair. “I’m still unsure about the purple.”

  I smacked his hand away and took my beanie back before putting it back on, brushing my bangs to the side. “It’s a good thing it’s my hair and not yours, now isn’t it?” I sneered.

  “Give it time and it will be,” he said with a smirk.

  My nostrils flared and hands balled into fists.

  “You are playing with the wrong little girl today, Man Whore,” I warned. “I’m exhausted, have been emotionally traumatized by my grandmother and her losses, the truth of my lineage, my father’s loss, and the loss of all those throughout the past centuries at the hands of your family and mine… My Philly minded side shouldn’t give a shit, but she does, and now we’re both carrying the burden. I don’t know how to deal with that, how to properly process any of this-”

  “And you want to unload on me as you’re accustomed to doing,” Draven interrupted, sounding offended.

  “Yes and no,” I admitted. “I just want answers and you’ve been the most helpful person in my life since coming here.”

  Draven made a face. “But I don’t want to be,” he complained.

  “That makes two us,” I said. “I don’t want to have to rely on you of all people. I don’t like that you effortlessly break down my walls and just walk in as if you own the fucking place. I don’t like that you are the one single thing that seemingly keeps me sane… That’s the most insane thing I have ever said!”

  He shook his head. “This isn’t going according to plan,” he complained.

  I’m glad one of us has some kind of plan, even if it isn’t working out too well at the moment.

  “I wish it was anyone but you,” I whispered, heading for the door.

  Draven grabbed my hand and spun me around before everything when black then light again, and I was being smashed against the mirror. His eyes moved over my face before his mouth smashed into mine; his tongue sliced between my lips as it sought mine.


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