The C Word: Redefining Me (Book 3)

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The C Word: Redefining Me (Book 3) Page 17

by MacQueen, Michelle

  “Oh, I love the title!” Peyton held her copy up, waiting for Addison to take her picture. “A Girl Named Adele.”

  “I can’t wait to read it,” Avery said, scratching his head. “But it’s not all, like, sexy times, is it? I don’t know if I can handle getting that deep into Julian’s head.”

  “There’s some schmexy times, for sure, but it’s so good,” Addison said. “You’ll all love it.”

  “It’s one thing to read about fun times with Adele,” Cameron said, “but it’s another thing when you’re reading about fun times with Adele that your best friend wrote.”

  Addison wanted to hug Cameron. Not for the total dude moment he and Avery were having about reading Julian’s romance novel but for calling Julian his best friend. She could tell by the look on her boyfriend’s face how that both shocked and pleased him.

  “I can’t wait to read it.” Becks flipped through the paperback. “I’m all about schmexy times, I don’t care who wrote it.”

  “Okay, guys, there’s like one or two schmexy times in the whole book.” Julian rolled his eyes. “You can skip those parts if it weirds you out. There’s still a bunch of story that should sound a little familiar.” He turned to wink at Addison as he signed each copy of the book for his friends. “But you all should know, if you don’t write a review for this book, I’m going to hurt every single one of you. I don’t care how far you wander from Twin Rivers. I’ll find you.”

  “Cheers to Julian and his schmexy book, now can we talk about me?” Becks tapped his glass with Nicky’s. “Guys, I think I’m nervous.” He leaned forward with his elbows on the table. “We’re leaving for Nashville in a few days, and I think I might be scared to death. For reals.”

  “I can’t handle it if you get nervous,” Nari said. “So, get it out of your system before we get there. We have a plan, and it’s a good one. We’re meeting with your cousin’s label next week, and we’ll go from there.”

  “I’m not nervous about that. We’ll be fine.” Becks waved his hand like conquering the Nashville music scene was no big deal. “I just can’t decide what I want my stage name to be.”

  “You’re such an ass.” Nicky snorted, punching Becks’s arm.

  “I’m serious. We’ve always been Anonymous the band, but it’s just going to be the Becks and Nari show now.”

  “Hey, I’m just your backup, dude.” Nari threw her hands up. “I don’t need to see my name up in lights. We are a songwriting duo. Not really a band.”

  “Right, so am I just Becks now? Or should I be Beckett Anderson? I can’t decide.”

  Addison threw her head back and laughed with the rest of their friends. Leave it to Becks not to take anything serious.

  “I’m sure you’ll have help with that once you’re signed to a label,” Peyton said. “But I like the sound of Country music sensation, Beckett Anderson.”

  “I like the way you say it, Peyton Callahan. You make me sound sexy. Maybe you should screw MIT and come on the road with us to be our announcer.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” Peyton shoved Becks playfully. “But I am going to miss your pretty face.”

  “When are you leaving Cam to run away and marry me, Peyton? Do I have to become the world’s biggest star to win you over, because you know I’ll do it.”

  “Oh my God, I’m going to miss you guys.” Addison laughed. “Julian and I are staying right here in Twin Rivers, and it’s not going to be the same without you.”

  “Well, now, I’m still here,” Nicky said. “And I’m going to be bored to death at school now that you’re all graduating. I’ve still got two more years of this place.”

  “You’ll come visit me in Nashville on breaks. It’ll be fine, kid.” Avery mussed his little brother’s hair.

  “Well, don’t forget you have me too,” Wylder said. “My whole band flaked out on me, so I’m going to be bored right along with you.

  “And me,” someone said from behind the booth. They all turned to see Nicky’s ex-boyfriend, Kenny, standing there looking lost.

  “Do I?” Nicky’s brow shot up. “I was under the impression we wanted different things.”

  “No, we want the same thing.” Kenny approached the table. “I just can’t be as open as you. It doesn’t mean I don’t want you. My family… they won’t understand, but I don’t want us to end.”

  “Well, come sit down then.” Nicky scooted over to make room for Kenny, trying to hide his smile.

  “You sure about this asshole, Nick-Nick?” Becks stared daggers at Kenny, refusing to make room for him.

  “I think maybe I am. It’s okay if he has to hide a bit longer. I get it.” Nicky stared at Kenny, ignoring the way Becks’s shoulders slumped.

  “Hey, maybe you three could start a band,” Julian suggested. “Wylder’s looking for a new gig. I don’t think she can survive much longer without music since we’ve all left her high and dry.”

  “Yeah, we’re not musical,” Nicky said, clearly enjoying the way Kenny draped his arm around him. They were so cute together, but Addison wasn’t sure they were right for each other. She’d have to keep her eye on Nicky to make sure he was happy.

  “It’s all right, I have a new band,” Wylder announced.

  “What?” Becks whirled around to face his sister, wincing at the sight of Nicky and Kenny together. Maybe Becks agreed with Addison. There was just something not trustworthy about that Kenny kid.

  “Yeah, I’m the new drummer for Powerplay.”

  “That all-girl group?” Becks asked. “They’re really good. But they’re a college band.” He scowled at his little sister “Does Dad know about this?”


  “Does he know the whole story? Those girls are pretty wild?”

  “He doesn’t need to know the details. It’s just a gig, Becks. A way for me to still be able to play now that you guys are gone.”

  “I’m going to be checking up on you, kiddo. I don’t want to find out you’re hanging out at a bunch of keg parties.”

  “Whatever.” Wylder rolled her eyes.

  A loud sniff sounded behind them.

  “Oh, come on, Dad.” Julian laughed. “Get it together, man.”

  Brian Callahan gave a sheepish shrug. “What can I say, I’m proud of my kids. It’s graduation day, and I’ve got one daughter headed off to freaking MIT. And my son, the author.” He came to stand beside Julian, clapping him on the shoulder. “Just a few short months ago, I was afraid you wouldn’t make it out of high school. And here you are with a bright future and an amazing career ahead of you.”

  “Well, the book has to make money for that to happen, Dad. It’s doing pretty well so far, but don’t get ahead of yourself.”

  “Oh, it’s going to be a bestseller if I have anything to say about it.” Mr. Callahan puffed out his chest. “I have over three hundred Facebook friends dying to read Adele’s story.”

  “Dad, you’re hilarious.” Peyton rolled her eyes. “But you can go tell Mom these salmon crostinis need to go on the menu.”

  “I see what you did there, Pey. Trying to get rid of the old man.”

  “You’re a genius. Can’t get anything past you.” She grinned at her dad.

  “In all seriousness, guys. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see all of you back together again. Cooper will always be the seventeen-year-old version of himself in our memories, but watching you all deal with the loss in your own ways and come back together again has been like watching a miracle happen before my eyes. I’m proud of each and every one of you, and I can’t wait to see where life takes you from here. The sky's the limit, but always remember, you have a home here in Twin Rivers. Right here at The Main where you’ll always be welcome.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Julian said. “That was one of your better speeches.”

  “Thanks, Mr. C,” Cameron and the others said, but Addie’s thoughts were on Cooper. Since Julian told her what actually happened that night, a weight had lifted off her shoulders. The wor
st night of her life no longer had the power it once had. She felt free to begin the next chapter of her life now.

  “It’s weird not having Cooper here to celebrate.” Avery picked at the last of his empanada. “I’ve spent too much time missing him, not realizing just how much of a bastard he really was.”

  Addie winced at his words. They all knew what went down between her and Cooper that night, but they never openly talked about it before.

  “I want to hate him, Ads,” Avery said. “Part of me does, but part of me just can’t reconcile the guy I knew and the guy in that room with you that night.”

  “Neither can I,” Addison said, casting her eyes down at her hands in her lap. “But we have to forgive him, guys.”

  “How can you say that, Addison?” Peyton asked. “He tried to rape you.”

  “But he didn’t.” Addison met Peyton’s gaze across the table. “Julian stopped it before it went that far.”

  “But it shouldn’t have even gone that far,” Avery said, his jaw firmed to a hard line. “He was a drunk asshole sometimes, but I never imagined he was a rapist too.”

  “He wasn’t, though.” Addison leaned forward to catch his attention. “He was your best friend, and you loved him. I want you to remember the Cooper that was your ride or die best friend. That’s the Coop we all need to keep with us.”

  “How can you be so forgiving, Addie?” Nari asked, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive him, so I don’t know how you could.”

  “I can because I choose to believe if Julian hadn’t been there that night Cooper would have come to his senses and stopped. We were both drunk, and that’s no excuse for what he tried to do, but the thing is, we will never know what was going through his head that night. So for me, I have to let go of the anger, and I choose to remember the version of Coop from our childhood. The one who would never hurt anyone.”

  “You’re a good person, Addie.” Julian took her hand, kissing her fingertips. “My brother had a darker side. We all know that. Addie is right, we will never know what he was thinking. But there is one thing I’ve never shared with any of you. I was the only one in that car with him right before it went over the falls. I heard his last words, and I’ve never repeated them.” Julian’s eyes shone bright in the harsh diner lights.

  “My brother insisted I save myself and leave him to his fate. His last words were “Maybe it’s what I deserve.” So, in his final moments, he was remorseful. I think Addie is right, there’s a chance he would have stopped, but we’ll never know, so let’s move on. Let’s all choose to remember the best version of Cooper and let him rest in peace.”

  “Cheers to that.” Avery lifted his glass. “To Cooper.”

  “To Cooper.” Addison lifted her glass, thinking of the boy who used to protect his little sister and her closest friends. Julian was right; it was time to let him rest in peace. Addison was finally happy, and her future shone bright like a beacon in front of her. She couldn’t wait to see where life would take them now.

  * * *

  We hope you enjoyed this book! Don’t forget to flip the page to see how you can get more information on Dating Nashville - starring Becks!!

  Did you fall in love with Becks like we did? His story, Dating Nashville, is book one of a new series called Discovering Me. It releases September 25th!

  Don’t miss any Becks news by signing up here.

  Nashville isn’t going to know what hits them.

  About Michelle

  Michelle MacQueen is a USA Today bestselling author of love. Yes, love. Whether it be YA romance, NA romance, or fantasy romance (Under M. Lynn), she loves to make readers swoon.

  The great loves of her life to this point are two tiny blond creatures who call her “aunt” and proclaim her books to be “boring books” for their lack of pictures. Yet, somehow, she still manages to love them more than chocolate.

  When she’s not sharing her inexhaustible wisdom with her niece and nephew, Michelle is usually lounging in her ridiculously large bean bag chair creating worlds and characters that remind her to smile every day - even when a feisty five-year-old is telling her just how much she doesn’t know.

  See more from Michelle MacQueen and sign up to receive updates and deals!

  Also by Michelle MacQueen

  Redefining Me:

  The F Word

  The N Word

  The C Word

  Discovering Me:

  Dating Nashville (Coming Soon)

  Dating Washington (Coming Soon)

  Dating Texas (Coming Soon)

  The New Beginnings series





  Fantasy and Fairytales (Written as M. Lynn)

  Golden Curse

  Golden Chains

  Golden Crown

  Glass Kingdom

  Glass Princess

  Noble Thief

  Cursed Beauty

  Legends of the Tri-Gard (Written as M. Lynn)

  Prophecy of Darkness

  Legacy of Light

  Mastery of Earth

  About Ann Maree

  Ann Maree Craven is an Amazon bestselling author of Young Adult Contemporary Fiction and YA Fantasy (her Fantasy fans will know her as Melissa A. Craven). Her books focus on strong female protagonists who aren’t always perfect, but they find their inner strength along the way. Ann Maree’s novels will appeal to audiences of all ages and fans of almost any genre. She believes in stories that make you think and she loves playing with foreshadowing, leaving clues and hints for the careful reader.

  Ann Maree draws inspiration from her background in architecture and interior design to help her with the small details in world building and scene settings. (Her degree in fine art also comes in handy.) She is a diehard introvert with a wicked sense of humor and a tendency for hermit-like behavior. (Seriously, she gets cranky if she has to put on anything other than yoga pants and t-shirts!)

  Ann Maree enjoys editing almost as much as she enjoys writing, which makes her an absolute weirdo among her peers. Her favorite pastime is sitting on her porch when the weather is nice with her two dogs, Fynlee and Nahla, reading from her massive TBR pile and dreaming up new stories.

  Visit me at for more information about the series and discover exclusive content.

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  Also By Ann Maree Craven

  Redefining Me:

  The F Word

  The N Word

  The C Word

  Discovering Me:

  Dating Nashville (Coming Soon)

  Dating Washington (Coming Soon)

  Dating Texas (Coming Soon)

  Emerge Series (Written as Melissa A. Craven):

  Emerge: The Awakening (Book 1)

  Emerge: The Edge (Book 1.5)

  Emerge: The Scholar (Illustrated Character Journal)

  Emerge: The Volunteer (An Emerge Short Story)

  Emerge: The Judgment (Book 2)

  Emerge: The Catalyst (An Emerge Short Story)

  Emerge: The Captive (Book 3)

  Emerge: The Assignment (An Emerge Novella)

  Emerge: The Heir (Book 4)

  Emerge: The Betrayal




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