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The Woodsman's Baby

Page 12

by Eddie Cleveland

  My mind goes back to the blood-streaked blanket as I lay her down on my bed. I want her, the way my cock is already pressing tight against my zipper is proof that I could spend my life in bed with her, kissing her and fucking her until our bodies were sore and we had to close our eyes from pure exhaustion. But I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want to have to rush her to the hospital again. I feel like we dodged a bullet last week and even though the agony of keeping my hands off her is killing me, I’d rather die than do anything that will cause another trip to the emergency room. I’m not about to tempt fate.

  “I can’t,” I look down and turn back to the stove, pretending to look inside. “Everything is almost ready and I don’t want to burn the meal.”

  “Oh, come on,” she lightly tickles her fingertips up over my ribs playfully. “I’ll make you so hot there’s no way you’ll last long enough for anything to burn,” she murmurs.

  “No,” I turn and look at her. The word is a full sentence and I can see from the look of confusion and hurt swirling in her eyes that she realizes I’m not going to budge.

  “What’s going on with you?” She pouts, crossing her arms over her full tits.

  “What do you mean?” I pretend not to understand the question.

  “Ugh, it’s like you don’t even…”

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Charlotte’s unfinished thought evaporates into the air as we both look over to the front door.

  “Who’s that?” I narrow my eyes and walk over. It’s not like I live completely removed from civilization, but I’m far enough from town that people don’t try the door-to-door thing out here.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs.

  I open the door and Marcus looks up at me sheepishly as he runs his hand down over his arm. “I’m sorry to drop in like this, I, uh, can I come in?” He looks around the open space behind me and his eyes grow wide.

  “Yeah, sure,” I step back and let him walk through the door.

  “Now what?” Charlotte puts her hands on her hips and gives her brother a frosty glare.

  “I didn’t come here to fight with you,” he answers rubbing his hands together nervously. “I’m here to apologize.”

  I look at the face of a man I once called my brother and over to the woman I love, these two need to work this out. I don’t want anymore family drama hanging over our heads.

  “Come in, supper is almost ready,” I nod toward the kitchen. “We’d love if you’d join us,” I offer.

  “Is that okay with you?” Marcus looks over my shoulder to Charlotte.

  “Sure,” she answers, but I can hear the skepticism in her voice.



  “That meal was incredible!” Marcus pushes away his plate and rubs his hands over his belly like he’s the one who’s pregnant. “I had no idea you were such a great chef,” he smiles at Connor.

  “I picked up a thing or two over the years,” Connor shrugs and begins to clear the plates from the large farm style table.

  “You certainly have,” Marcus looks around the vast space. “You were right, Charlotte,” he twists in his chair to look at me, “this is the perfect place to raise your family. I can’t believe how you’ve breathed life into this place,” he smiles.

  “Well, that’s all Connor,” I stand up and help him bring the dirty dishes to the sink. “He’s worked so hard on fixing this place up and getting it ready for the little one,” my heart feels like it’s so full it might burst. I must be the luckiest woman alive. To find the man of my dreams and then to have it turn out that he’s even better than I ever imagined. Cooking my meals, fixing the house, keeping me safe and happy. Love feels like a cheap and inadequate word for what I’m feeling.

  “I’m sorry that I tried to push the house on you two,” my brother continues, but I’m in a haze as I let my eyes travel over Connor’s rugged chin and slide over his full lips.

  “I get it, I know you’re trying to look out for us,” Connor answers, but I’m not letting Marcus off that easy.

  “If you would’ve come by before this, you would already have known that the house is ready. That we are ready,” I grab Connor’s hand and place it on my belly.

  “You’re right, I’ve got no excuse. I’m sorry that I made everything so difficult,” he looks down at his hands and I can see guilt spread over his face.

  “Well, good then,” I know it’s not much of a rebuttal, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Marcus apologize for anything his entire life. It’s weird to have him admit when he’s wrong.

  “I’ve still decided to give up the house, for all the reasons I already said, but,” he holds up his hand to my open mouth, silently asking me to let him finish. “I’m just going to put it on the market. Once it sells, I want to give you half the profit, you deserve it, that house was as much yours as mine,” he finally meets my eyes and I can see he’s tearing up.

  “You don’t have to do that, we’re fine for money. Connor has his military pension and I’ve got my job,” I begin to argue.

  “Let him do this, Charlotte,” Connor interrupts and blankets his hand over my shoulder. “It’s important to him,” he murmurs.

  I shake my head, he’s right, now I’m the one being stubborn for no reason. “Thank you,” I turn to my brother and let go of the grudge I’ve been carrying inside. “That’s really kind of you,” I smile.

  Marcus stands up and I give him a quick hug. “Thank you, both of you, I know I’m going to be a better uncle, a better brother, and a better friend because of you two,” his voice cracks.

  “Hey, enough of that,” Connor clears his throat loudly. “No more crying allowed,” he jokes. “How about I make us all some tea and we chill out for a bit?”

  “I can’t stay,” Marcus lifts his hands, “thank you though. I just want to say that I’m proud of both of you and I know you’ll make amazing parents.” Marcus sniffs and wipes his eyes on his sleeve. “But enough of that, like you said, no more tears. This is a happy time,” he smiles broadly.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a bit?” I offer but my brother shakes his head no.

  “I’ve got to start preparing my sermon for next week,” he answers, “but thank you for the meal, and, well, just thank you. For everything.” He holds out his hand to Connor and they shake, their scarred palms being extended in friendship for the first time in years.

  Without any fuss and, for once, without any drama, my brother walks out the door and heads to his car. As he pulls back out of the driveway I look at Connor.

  “Ok, now you’ve got some explaining to do,” I tilt my head and purse my lips.

  “What? Now what?” He looks up at me, shooting his thick eyebrows upward.

  “Do you not think I’m pretty anymore, now that I’m starting to look pregnant?” I put him on the spot.

  “What are you talking about? That’s crazy!” Connor tries to laugh off my words, but I don’t smile.

  “I’m being serious, I want to know why you suddenly won’t touch me with a ten-foot-pole, or any pole for that matter,” I jerk my head toward his cock.

  “Charlotte, are you kidding? I’ve never met a woman that drives me crazy like you do. I love that your tummy is starting to show, I love your curves, I love you. There isn’t a haircut you could get,a pound that you could gain or a wrinkle that could form that will change that. You have my whole heart. And trust me, I want you more than you could ever even understand,” exasperation twists his face as he runs his hand over the side of his soft beard.

  “Then what’s going on between us? It’s like you’re shutting me out? If you still find me sexy, then why won’t you touch me?” I step into him and he throws his arms around me, pulling me in tight.

  “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m just worried about the baby. I mean, one second I was tossing you down on the bed ready to fuck you and the next we were at the hospital hoping you weren’t losing the baby. I just keep thinkin
g there’s something I did that made that happen. I don’t want to risk hurting either of you, that’s all,” he runs the palm of his hand over my belly and my anxieties ease off my shoulders.

  “That’s really the reason?” I look up at him from under my eyelashes.

  “I swear,” he holds up his hand. “How could you think I don’t find you attractive anymore. You were all I could think about before you got pregnant, and now that you’ve got my child growing in here,” his fingers trail over my stomach, “you have no idea how beautiful that makes you. If I had it my way, you’d never wear clothes and the only times we’d get out of bed would be to forage for food and use the washroom,” he laughs.

  “Sounds like a nice weekend to me,” I raise an eyebrow mischievously.

  “It sounds like pure heaven, but I just don’t want to hurt you,” worry flashes over his face like lightning.

  I grab his hand and give it a squeeze. “Hey, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m serious, I talked to the doctor, I specifically asked her about sex and she said it had nothing to do with the bleeding. It was just a fluke. It could’ve been anything. You don’t have to treat me like I’m made of glass now. We can still have our cake and eat it too,” I smirk.

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” Connor sighs heavily, but I can see a sparkle in his eyes.


  “Because,” he swoops his arms under the back of my legs and picks me up bridal style against his chest as he crosses the floor and begins to walk up the stairs, “I’ve always been more of a pie lover,” he grins down at me and carries me up to our bedroom.



  “I can’t believe you could ever think that I’m less attracted to you,” Connor lays me softly on the bed and leans over me, “you’re fucking beautiful. Everyday you’re even more stunning than the day before,” his lips graze my earlobe as his whisper kisses my skin. “Even when we’re old and gray, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you. I’ll still be chasing you around the house and grabbing your ass whenever I can,” he smiles.

  “I love you,” I can’t help but smile back. Connor’s lips softly caress mine and I melt back against the mattress as our tongues dance together sensually.

  “I want to see all of you,” he pulls back and begins sliding his fingertips up under my shirt, easily peeling it from my body. “I want to take my time with you until every inch of your body is trembling for me,” his voice grows thick and he unclasps my bra. My breasts fall slightly, I’m still not used to how much bigger they’ve gotten with the pregnancy. All of my shirts make me look like a Hooter’s waitress, clinging to my curves like body paint.

  “That won’t take long,” I look up at him with a sly smile, “just looking at you makes me quiver,” I admit.

  “Then you’re going to really enjoy this,” he gently guides me back down to the mattress and climbs up on the bed, quickly ripping his shirt off and tossing it aside. I let my fingers explore his tight muscles, travelling the mountains of his cut abs and the valleys of rigid definition between them. Connor straddles me, cupping my chin up, I close my eyes as he kisses me like it’s our wedding day and I just said “I do.”

  He kisses a trail across my jawbone and over to my earlobe, suckling it softly before lightly dragging his teeth over my sensitive flesh. Connor has a way of making every part of me raw, exposed and sensitive to his touch. Every glance, every whisper, every graze of his skin against mine, makes me feel fluttery inside.

  I roll my head to the side and moan as he nibbles and kisses a slow path down the side of my neck and over my collarbone, then down to my breasts. “Fuck you’re sexy, Charlotte,” he presses my breasts together and runs his thumbs over my nipples sending a surging bolt of electricity down through my stomach and burning like an ember of white hot desire between my legs.

  “Thank you,” heat rushes over my skin as a sudden shyness overcomes me. I feel like I’m seeing myself for the first time through his eyes. I’ve never thought of myself as some kind of model or raving beauty, but from the look of wonder battling with longing on his face, I feel like this must be what it feels like to be one of those girls.

  “No, thank you,” he corrects me warmly, “for your sweet smile in the morning and for these sweet tits right now,” he buries his head into my chest and drags his tongue over my full breast, teasing the nipple with just the tip as he reaches the top. Opening his mouth, he sucks my dusky nipple in past his lips, his soft beard slightly tickling me. I don’t have time to think about it though because as he circles my nipple with his lips and thrashes his tongue over the tip, electricity builds up inside me again like static in the air before a crazy summer storm.

  “Oh Connor,” I push my shoulders back, thrusting my breasts forward and lift my hips toward him, grinding against him.

  “Mmmm,” he hums as he kisses my other breast, driving me crazy. Slowly he kisses and licks a trail down my ribs and over my little belly, giving my hip a little nip with his teeth that makes me yelp with the overwhelming ticklish feeling that zaps through me. Connor smiles mischievously, looking up at me with a twinkle in his emerald eyes as he drags his tongue across my belly button and down to the edge of my pants.

  “I need to taste your honey, Charlotte. I need to feel your sweet cum splash on my tongue,” he holds the fabric around my button with his teeth and pops my pants open with his hands, wasting no time pulling them down the full length of my legs and ripping them free from my ankles.

  “Oh fuck,” I breathe as he slides between my legs and opens my aching pussy with one long, slow lick. I let my legs fall to the sides, spreading them for him as he immediately dives his tongue into my slick slit and swirls it in my quivering hole before sliding it up to my clit. I thread my fingers through his dark hair and watch as he delves his tongue inside me in a frenzy of passion and need. I open my legs further, exposing all of myself to him and mewl loudly as he thrusts a finger inside me.

  He wanted to make me quiver, well, I’m a bundle of nerves, barely able to contain my body’s erratic tremors as his tongue splashes pleasure over me, waking up parts of my body I didn’t even know could feel good. This sensation isn’t just contained by my clit or pussy or breasts. I can feel the primal need for the release only he can give me in my outstretched toes and my clenched ass. It’s in the coiled muscles of my legs and the tight grip I have on his hair as he licks me to the edge of my sanity.

  Suddenly it’s like every cell inside me explodes with bliss as a tsunami of ecstasy rolls over my entire body, leaving me limp and drowning in the amazing sensation. “Oh, my God, Connor! Fuck! Yes!” I don’t even recognize my growling voice escaping my throat as I let go of his hair and thrust my hands over my face.

  Connor sits back on his haunches, admiring the trembling jelly he’s reduced me to. That smirk on his face tells me exactly how proud his is to drive me this wild. “Fuck me, baby, please, I need to feel more of you,” I beg, trying to pull him on top of me, pants and all.

  “You sure that’s what you want?” His eyes glint as he toys with me.

  “Please,” my voice is hoarse with need.

  He doesn’t say another word, instead he slides off the edge of the bed and strips free from his pants and underwear. I can’t help but lick my lips as his thick cock springs, swaying slightly between his legs.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  Connor climbs back between my legs and I wrap them around his waist, hooking my ankles behind him and pulling him into me. He holds the base of his cock and guides it into my wet pussy in one deep, unrelenting thrust.

  “I love you,” he murmurs as I look up into his eyes. His cock stretches me out in a way that makes me feel so tight inside, like I was made for him and him alone.

  “Ohh!” He buries himself until his balls slap against me and I feel full inside, “I’ve always loved you Connor,” I grip my muscles down against him tight and he thrusts inside me quicker and quicker.

  I don’t mean
to dig my nails into him, slowly dragging them across his back as he fills me over and over with his hard cock. Connor grabs my wrists, thrusting them over my head and pins them to the bed as he fucks me faster, urgently. “I will always love you, Charlotte. Forever.” He breathes the words as he claims my pussy, making me his.

  Connor roots inside me, his orgasm tearing through him as he fills me with his seed. The warm spurts splashing inside me bring on an unexpected wave of pleasure. I can’t even make a sound as another orgasm tears through me.

  Connor rolls off to the side and I snuggle into his chest as he wraps his arms around me tight. Our hearts are beating erratically and our breathing is jagged, but our bodies are just a tangle of relaxed limbs. We both lie on the bed, satisfied and happy.

  “I’ll love you forever too, Connor,” I nuzzle into his chest and smile as he runs his hand over my hair.

  “Like I said, I’ll be chasing you around even when we’re wrinkled and old,” he chuckles and pulls me closer. I close my eyes and let the thought stir up beautiful images in my brain. Of the life we’re going to have together. As parents, lovers and friends. A smile crests my lips as I let my dreams of our future swirl in my head.



  “Wahhhh!” My eyelids spring open and my breasts feel tender as the sound of little Christopher wakes me from my nap. I don’t mean to keep passing out when I put him down, but I guess they say “sleep when the baby sleeps” for a reason.

  I walk down the hall and lift my fussy boy from his crib, giving him a little kiss on the nose. “There’s my cutie pie,” I coo at him. Is there anything that can brighten your day quicker than a toothless, drooly baby smile? I brush his soft, curly hair across his forehead and bounce him as I walk down the stairs to the living room.


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