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The Woodsman's Baby

Page 31

by Eddie Cleveland

  “Thank you,” Abbie stops picking at her hair and smiles at me. She’s managed to make quite a mess of her locks from the tumble she took in the mud last night. She’s managed to get torn leaves and pine needles braided into her long hair. As she runs her hands over the mess with her face contorted in dismay, I can tell she’s not too happy about it.

  “Hey, what flavor oatmeal do you want? I’ve got apple cinnamon or maple and brown sugar left,” I hold up the Quaker packets shaking them.

  “Umm, whatever you want is fine,” she scrunches her nose and paws her long locks, distracted.

  “Great,” I rip open the last of the maple and brown sugar and dump them in the remaining water, giving them a quick stir before I throw the lid on the pot. “Abbie, don’t worry about that, you’re gonna go cross-eyed trying to pick all that stuff out. We’ll get you fixed up after breakfast, I promise. First things first though, how’s your ankle?”

  I walk over to where she’s sitting and kneel down at her feet, carefully lifting her foot.

  “It’s, ahhh,” she breathes in sharp as I loosen the laces and open her boot wide to look inside, “still sore.” She does an unconvincing job of trying not to flinch.

  “You did a number on it, that’s for sure.” I can see the bruising beginning to stain her creamy skin.

  “I’ll be okay,” she puffs out her breasts and sits up straight, but I can see she’s not going to be putting real weight on this foot for at least a few days. Will we be safe here that long? Or am I sitting here with a bullseye on my back, risking my freedom and possibly my life for a woman I barely know.

  “You will be, that’s true, but it’s going to take some time.” I just hope time is something we still have. I shake away the thought. Her partner probably went back into town anyway. I’m guessing he’ll be alerting the cops when he does. That is, if he can find his way back. After following them yesterday, I have my doubts. I can’t risk carrying her into town right now, not if there’s a posse of officers trying to track me down. We have no choice but to wait until she can hike. Then I can lead her a little way and send her in the right direction on her own. In the meantime, I’ve gotta hope that fucking P.I. doesn’t get the law swarming in on me. And if they do start nosing around, hopefully the way I set this place up will make me hard to find. I look at Abbie, she’s watching the thoughts flit over my face. I need to stop worrying about this shit. I’ll deal with whatever happens.

  “I made something for you,” I stand up and make my way outside, picking up the branch I’ve been transforming for her.

  Abbie twists her head to watch me, “What is it?”

  The bells I attached to the top jingle like an old ice cream truck as I hand it over to her. “It’s a walking stick, I made it while you were sleeping.” She takes it from my hands.

  “Thank you,” she looks at it like I just gave her the keys to a new car. There’s something so refreshing about the wonder in her face. I watch her green eyes twinkle and try to remember the last time I saw the magic in anything. When was the last time I let the world amaze me? It’s easy to tell myself that I haven’t had time, not when I’m out here trying to survive. However, I know that lustre wore off years before any of this became my life.

  “No problem. It should help you keep your weight off your ankle until it heals up better. Once you’re swelling goes down we can figure out a plan to get you out of here. Right now, we’ll have to lay low and wait it out. Trust me, I know it’s not ideal, but you’re in no shape to make that kind of hike.”

  “I understand. I’m not in a big hurry to get back and run into Cecil again anyway. I’m not even sure how I’m going to get back home. He has my plane ticket and he hasn’t paid me yet, so I’m kinda stuck.” She runs her slender fingers over the stick where I peeled the bark off in a spiral design. Her face transforms in awe.

  “You decorated it for me?” She meets my eyes and I’m frozen in place. The way her plump, pink lips are slightly parted makes me want to run my thumb over them before marking them with my kiss.

  Shrugging, I look back to the pot of oatmeal, “I had time to kill,” I lie. There were other things I could’ve spent that time on other than making her a pretty cane, but I couldn’t help myself. I guess someone as beautiful as her inspires beauty in everything.

  “Ready to eat?” I don’t wait for her to respond, with the way she’s looking at me right now I need the distraction. It’s not my job to notice her lips or think about all the ways I want to enjoy them. It’s my job to keep her safe for a few days and then get her back. That’s it. I stand up and begin portioning the sweet smelling breakfast into a couple of bowls.

  “Why did you put bells on it?” Abbie shakes the stick and fills the air with the twinkling sound.

  “For bears,” I answer simply and hand her the bowl with a spoon.

  “Bears?” She looks out the window like she expects a grizzly bear to wave at her from outside.

  “Yeah, don’t worry about it. They don’t want any more to do with you than you do with them,” I grab my own bowl and drop it on the table, realizing I have no place to sit. Quickly, I go back outside and grab the big stump I use to cut my firewood on and heave it up, carrying it back in. With a thud, I drop it on the floor at the other side of the table and dig into my cooling breakfast. “Those bells give any animals in the area a heads up that you’re around,” I explain as I eat. “That way you don’t end up between a cub and its mom,” I empty my bowl in a couple of bites. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I took the first taste.

  I watch as Abbie slowly eats her breakfast. I let my gaze travel over her supple skin, down over her perky tits and slide down between her legs. My cock aches with a deep desire I didn’t realize I was fighting. Just like my breakfast, I didn’t know how starved I was until the temptation was there.

  And just like my breakfast, I want to eat her all up.

  I stand up abruptly and start gathering the dishes. You’d think it was the most complicated job in the world with how much forced focus I’m putting into it.

  “Oh, let me do that,” Abbie protests from behind me.

  “No, stay put and eat. I’ve got it. I’m gonna get this stuff tidied up and then I’ll help you get cleaned up. Normally, I just sponge bathe with a cloth and a pot of water, but when I get as dirty as you are I’ve got a place I go clean up. I’ll take you so you can wash your hair,” I keep my back turned to her. Until I get my appetite under control, it’s the safest option.

  “Really? Thank you!” Her voice is as musical as the bells I attached to the top of her walking stick.

  “No worries,” I turn and let myself watch her. My hardened features soften as I soak her in. It hits me, that sense of wonder that I thought I lost, the one that has been buried under years of boredom and cynicism has returned. I can feel it stir from its deep slumber when I look at her.



  “I think that’s just about everything.” I pat my bag with soap, empty water bottles and a clean towel inside. “Ready to get moving?”

  Abbie looks down at her dirt stained clothes, “I don’t have anything clean to change into,” she pouts.

  “No problem, I’ve got some drawstring pants you can cinch onto ya and I’ll lend you a clean shirt until we can get your stuff sorted out,” I watch as her mouth tugs down further at the corners. “What? Is there something else?”

  “No, well, it’s just,” she looks down at her hands, “I don’t have any clean underwear to change into,” her voice is so soft it sounds like she’s straining just to whisper.

  I can’t control the laughter that escapes my lips. I can’t help as it bubbles up and overflows from inside me. I don’t mean to laugh at her, it’s just so cute that she’s all twisted about, well, not having any panties to get in a twist.

  “Just do what I do then,” I chuckle, “go commando.” Her eyes grow wide, and for half a second, she lets them drift down my torso to my package. I can’t help but smir
k as her cheeks burn bright pink and she quickly diverts her eyes.

  I don’t want to let my body register the look. I don’t want to let my mind explore the possibilities. Instead, I walk over to my bed and pull a plastic bag out from the side of my bed where I keep my clean, dry clothes. Stuffing them inside my pack, I quickly zip it up.

  “Good to go?” I offer my hand to her to help her up off the chair.

  “I think so,” she grimaces as she stands, but finds her balance with the walking stick.

  “Here, let me help you,” I tug her arm around my waist and slide mine around hers, helping to ease some of her burden.

  “Thanks,” she murmurs. I can feel the heat radiating from her body. I can smell her hair, caked with mud on one side, but the smell of fresh peaches still lingers. I set my jaw and forge ahead. Opening the door for her, I help her through. I try to give her as much support as I can as I guide her around the cabin. I need to shut down my senses when it comes to her. I can’t trust them. Everything about her makes me want more. To feel more of her body against me. To smell the natural perfume between her thighs. To taste her.

  Abbie limps beside me, biting her lip hard.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “Mmhmm,” she nods, but I know she’s putting on a brave face.

  “No, you’re not. Stop.” I order her and she doesn’t move a muscle. “I’ll carry you,” I sweep her from her feet and her walking stick jingles as I hold her in my arms.

  “You don’t have to do this, I can walk,” she looks up at me from under those long, dark lashes, her lips inches from mine.

  Stop staring and walk.

  I don’t second guess the order from my brain. Lord knows I can’t trust my other instincts right now. I march through the woods with purpose, only letting my destination consume my thoughts. Not the beautiful woman looking up at me with that fuck-me stare. Not her sexy body. Just get to the water. Just focus on each step if you have to.

  I know I can’t touch her. Not when I plan on making her leave as soon as she’s physically able. I don’t know much about this girl, but I can tell she’d be crushed if I fucked her and then gave her ass a slap and sent her on her merry way. After what she’s already been through, I’m not going to add any more stress or sadness to her life. If that means a case of blue balls for me, well, I’ve got a hand, I can take care of myself.

  Luckily, I can hear the roar of the water not far off and Abbie stops looking up at me and turns to listen to the noise.

  “What is that?” Again, that wonder fills her voice. To see the world through her eyes must be amazing.

  “You’ll see,” I can’t help but smile, knowing how much she’s going to love this. I carefully make my way down a hill toward the stream below.

  As we get closer the rush of water fills the air. It explodes on the rocks at the end of the stream into a million sparkling dew drops. I watch Abbie’s face as she looks up, letting her green eyes follow the flow up to the top of the small waterfall above.

  “Wow,” she breathes.

  “We’re here,” I help her down to her feet. “To your own personal shower.” I help her hobble over to the edge of the cold, clear water and she leans back against my chest as she takes it all in. I don’t mean to wrap my arms around her, but they just feel so natural holding her close. If she minds, she doesn’t show it, simply enjoying the moment. This little waterfall in the woods, with no one around for miles. It feels perfect.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she murmurs.

  “You’re beautiful,” I breathe. Clamping my mouth shut, I realize the words came out too late. Abbie turns and looks up at me, tilting her head to the side, locking me with her gaze.

  “Thank you,” she looks away shyly, as though I’ve said something she won’t let herself believe.

  “Don’t thank me for telling you the truth,” I answer. Clearing my throat, I try to let some of the spray from this waterfall dampen the flames of desire I have burning for her inside. “Let’s get you set up here.” I push past my scorching need and try to keep doing the right thing.



  Cole guides me up the edge of the stream to the rushing waterfall. “Here’s a good place,” he stops and points to how the riverbank juts in, close to the spray. “Do you think you can manage by yourself?”

  I gulp at the idea of him helping me, naked, under the water. The idea is nerve-racking and… exciting. I can’t deny the flush of heat that’s racing through my veins right now.

  I bite my lip and nod, “I’ll be fine,” I hope it’s true. The last thing I need is to fall down, naked and splayed out in some awkward way. Nothing says sexy like that.

  I push the thought away. Who said anything about being sexy? I wouldn’t know how to be sexy if I tried.

  Sweet - sure.

  Funny - I have my moments.

  Cute - all day long.

  But sexy? It’s not me. When the other girls at college went out on Halloween dressed as ‘sexy’ versions of everything, I dressed up as Pikachu. I mean, in hindsight it was a terrible idea, but Pokémon Go was all the craze and… yeah, not sexy.

  Cole leads me as close as he can without getting us soaked. I can feel the mist of the waterfall on my face and a chill runs over me.

  “It’s cold,” I shiver.

  A slow smile spreads over his thick lips and my body warms back up, “It really is. But, it’ll get you clean, and that’s the main thing, right?”

  As another spritz of dew hits me, I’m not so certain. Are globs of mud in my hair really that bad? Maybe I can learn to live with them.

  I sigh with resignation and begin to peel off my jacket. Cole turns around and busies himself with his hiking bag. He keeps his back to me as I strip from my filthy clothes and try to build up the courage it will take to get me under that glacial water. I peer back at Cole but he still hasn’t moved. Not a muscle. He really is a gentleman.

  I start to move forward and he holds up his hand, but keeps his head facing away from me, “Here’s some soap. I’ll leave the backpack here and fill up some water bottles downstream. It’s got the clean clothes and a towel for you inside. Holler when you need my help, okay?”

  “Thanks, I got this,” I try to convince myself it’s true, but as my body breaks out into gooseflesh, I know it’s going to be harder than I imagined to convince myself to stand under that freezing stream of water.

  I creep to the edge of the waterfall and look up at the misty rainbow the droplets are making over the side. It would be amazing, if it wasn’t so damned cold. Inching forward further, I lean over and let the waterfall pour over my head.

  “Ahhh! Oh my God! That’s painful!”

  “Are you okay?” I hear Cole call out.

  “Yeah, just might get frostbite, that’s all,” I yell back.

  I can hear him laughing over the water rushing around me. “It’s not funny!” I cry out, but I know if the shoe was on the other foot I’d be laughing too.

  Leaning forward again, I force myself to keep my head under the stream until I don’t see any more debris or dirt fall from my hair. I quickly lather my hands and run them through my locks and over my shaking body. It’s the moment of truth. I’ve gotta rinse off. I take a deep breath, “Okay Abbie, on three,” I mumble to myself, “one, two, three!”

  I don’t budge. Not an inch. Nope.

  Instead, I watch the water endlessly fall from the sky and tremble. All right, standing here is just prolonging the inevitable, let’s do this! With a gulp of air, I step under the icy blast and scream. The water is so cold it feels like little razor blades nicking my skin. I quickly step back, and lose my balance. Stumbling backward I put too much weight on my sprained ankle and my legs crumple under me. I fall back toward the ground. Oh no! It’s happening! I really am going to end up naked and splayed out on the ground!

  Strong hands catch me and pull me back up to my feet. I’m too grateful to feel self-conscious about my nudity.

  “Thank y
ou!” I instinctively press my forearms against my breasts to cover them up and Cole lets me go, only to pick up the towel and cover me up. He hovers over me, and I lean into him, telling myself it’s to keep me warm, not because his body feels so amazing against mine.

  Cole looks down at me, he drags his thumb down the side of my face and slides a thick strand of my wet hair from my cheek, behind my ear.

  His eyes travel my face and settle down onto my lips, I don’t move, I don’t breathe, I just feel my pulse radiating through me as I wait. Is he going to kiss me?

  Crunch! Snap!

  “Oh no!” I yelp as we both jump and twist around toward the noise behind Cole. Is that Cecil? Did he track us down? My heart is pounding faster in my chest and has nothing to do with Cole’s mouth almost covering mine.

  A doe and her baby step out from the forest and watch us carefully as they reach the river’s edge. The mama never takes an eye off us as she and her baby quickly lap up some water from the crystal clear stream. I’ve never been so close to deer before. Growing up in an apartment in the city didn’t bring a lot of wildlife into my life. They’re so magical. Suddenly the mother deer lifts up her big ears and the two of them bolt off, springing through the woods and out of sight.

  “Wow,” I breathe the word. I look up at Cole, but he hasn’t been watching the deer, he’s been watching me. I can’t help but squirm under his half-cocked smile. “What?” I feel like he’s looking into me. I feel so vulnerable, so exposed, and wearing nothing but a towel and wet hiking boots isn’t the reason.

  “Nothing,” he finally answers, looking like I’ve ripped him from a deep sleep. He runs his thick hand through his sandy hair and looks down at where he’s scuffing his boot into the dirt. “How about we get back. I think we’ve got everything done here, right?” He won’t look at me. It makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong, but I have no idea what.


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