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The Woodsman's Baby

Page 49

by Eddie Cleveland



  Total Package

  Chapter 1 - Grayson

  “Alright, I’ve got some extra buttery popcorn and sodas, I think we’re good to go,” I put down the snacks on the coffee table in front and plunk down on the couch next to my daughter. “What movie did you pick for tonight, Celeste?”

  “Inside Out,” she smiles broadly, her eyes twinkling from behind her bright pink glasses.

  “The one about the feelings?” I vaguely remember images from the Pixar commercials.

  “Yup,” Celeste crams a handful of popcorn into her face and munches loudly as she turns on the show.

  “Cool, as long as you never make me watch that Justin Bieber documentary again, I’m good,” I laugh and crack open a Pepsi, slouching back into the couch.

  “I’ll make a Belieber out of you one day,” she teases me, not taking her eyes off the opening scene.

  “Not in this lifetime,” I shake my head and grab some popcorn.

  The movie isn’t going for five minutes when Celeste’s phone buzzes with a text. It irritates me that she gets texts at all, but I know it’s different from when we were kids. When I was twelve I had no interest in talking on my parents’ landline, let alone on a cell phone all day. I was too busy playing outside with my friends instead of hiding in my house sending them messages, one sentence at a time. I know I’m getting old, cause I don’t get it. Pretty soon I’ll need to start yelling at young whippersnappers to get off my lawn.

  Celeste picks up her cell and, to my surprise, shuts it off. I can’t help the smile that slides over my face. She’s a good kid. It’s nice to know that movie night with her Dad is still more important to her than grade seven gossip. I know it won’t last, so I’ll take these moments when I can get them.

  The two of us chomp on popcorn and watch as the girl in the movie faces being uprooted and moved across the country. That’s rough. I’ve been there. My father used to move for his job as a professor every few years. It was important to Celeste’s mother and I to give her a life of stability. I wanted her to have those epic friendships that I’d missed out on. The ones where you met in kindergarten and then were godparents for each other’s children. That’s why I went into the trades. I built my plumbing company from the ground up and now employ about twenty guys. You don’t get much more settled than that. Obviously, it hasn’t been perfect. When my wife, Brooke, was killed in a car accident, it took away a lot of the stability I’d worked so hard to build. However, we’ve stuck together and made it through the other side of our grief together. Even after four years, I miss her.

  “Ugh, I don’t feel great,” Celeste interrupts my thoughts and rubs her hands over her belly.

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” I sit up straight and look at her. She doesn’t look pale or feverish.

  “I don’t know, can you pause the show, I’ll be right back,” she stands up abruptly and heads to the bathroom.

  “Sure,” I pick up the remote and freeze the screen, waiting for her to come back.

  “Um, Dad?” Celeste calls me from the bathroom. Damn, I guess she is sick. I wonder if it was something she ate today?

  I walk down the hall, “What’s going on, hon?” I yell outside the door.

  “Um, I, well, I started my period and I don’t have anything.” Her voice is muffled from inside the bathroom.

  Shit. “Um, okay, don’t worry, I’ll go to the store. Can you just use some paper towel for now?”

  “I guess,” I can hear her rummaging around and I go the entryway and get my shoes on. Celeste comes out wincing and holding her stomach.

  “Hey, how about you lie down on the couch, I’ll get you some painkillers,” I offer and she just nods at me wordlessly. I grab her some Tylenol and water, not really sure what to say.

  “Here you go, hon.” I hand her the pills and glass of water and stand awkwardly, trying to think of something comforting to tell her. “Everything is going to be okay, I’m just going to run to the pharmacy real quick, okay? You relax and take it easy, I’ll be right back,” I force a smile.

  “Thanks Dad,” my little girl looks up at me and smiles. Not so little anymore I guess. This is definitely one of those times we both miss Brooke.

  Chapter 2 - Addison

  I walk into the Walgreens and quickly make my way down to the soap and bodywash section. I’m on a mission for the most luxurious bubble bath I can find. If I have to spend half my night boiling water to get a decently warm bath, then it better be worth my while.

  I can’t live like this anymore. I stop in front of a wall of brightly colored bottles with names like Strawberry Kisses and Lavender Wishes on them. I stare at the bottles, lost in a labyrinth of promises to make my skin softer, smoother, silkier and sweeter.

  My hot water tank has been busted for over a week now. With my shift work, it’s been damned near impossible to schedule a repair guy to come in and take care of it. I had today off and spent nine hours of it waiting for the service guy to show, but nada. I probably called at least ten times, but each time I got the same story, he would be there. Relax.

  Except he didn’t show. And I’m tired of driving a half hour each way to my sister’s place just to keep clean. I’m at my wit’s end. It’s not like I live in some kind of dump. I just signed all the paperwork on a mortgage for over three hundred grand for a nice house that I’ve busted my ass to buy. It would be nice to actually have hot water come out of the taps for that much cash.

  I realize I’ve dazed out, the colors of the bottles are all swirled together before my eyes like the collage of hues I used to see in puddles as a child that had a drop of gasoline in them from Dad’s constantly broken down car.

  Giving my head a shake, I focus my eyes and grab a bottle that promises to soothe my tensions away. Something I could definitely use right now. I turn on my heel to hit the checkout line and bump into a man standing behind me, lost in his own daze of indecision. Except he’s staring at a wall of tampons and maxi pads on the opposite side of the aisle.

  “Oops, sorry about that,” I touch my fingertips to where I banged into his shoulder and freeze as our eyes meet. Wow, his blue eyes lock me in place and steal my voice from my throat. My fingers slide over his tight, broad shoulder slowly as we wordlessly stare at each other.

  “That’s okay. Hey didn’t you just move in next door?” recognition flashes in his baby blues and he flashes me a toothy smile.

  “Are you on Norwood Drive?” I search his unfamiliar, handsome face and pull my hand off him, realizing I’m still awkwardly touching him. However, he doesn’t seem to mind a bit. Neither of us step back or try to put space between us. Standing this close to him feels completely natural. Completely comforting. Completely right.

  “I am, sorry I haven’t come over and said hi yet, life has been hectic,” he nods toward the wall of pads and tampons. “I’m Grayson Gallant,” he holds out his thick, white hand and I grasp my dark fingers around it. His shake is firm but gentle.

  “Addison Green, it’s nice to meet you,” I manage to utter the understatement of the year.

  I glance over at the endless selection of feminine products and back to him, dropping his hand. It’s cute how his cheeks are kissed pink as he helplessly flickers his eyes over all the boxes.

  “Do you need help choosing one?” I offer, finally taking a step back from him and turning so we’re both facing the seemingly endless supplies advertising cooling weaves and helpful names like Tampax Pearl. You’d think our periods were the time that we tried out for the Olympics with all the boxes advertising how sporty the options are.

  “Is it that obvious?” His skin burns a little brighter and the pink spreads to his ears as he runs his broad hand through his dark brown hair. “I thought I had the single dad thing down, but Celeste, my daughter, she just started her first period and I have no idea what she needs,” his blue eyes slide over the assortment of pads and tampons and then lock on mine, silently pleading for guidance.

  I tilt my head and smile; how could I not help out a single Dad in need? “Here, you can’t go wrong with this,” I pluck a box from the shelf and hand it to him. “She’s lucky to have a Dad that cares so much,” the smile tugging at my lips spreads even further when our hands touch. I clear my throat, “Anyway, I should go, my hot water tank is broken, so I’ve got to track down someone to fix it,” I force myself to look away from his chiseled jaw and his pink lips.

  “You’ve just met him,” Grayson’s eyes light up and he seems to stand a little taller. “I’m a plumber, I can come over tomorrow and get you all fixed up, if you want?”

  “Really? That would be amazing,” I can’t hide the excitement in my voice and it’s not just about the water. I’ve gotta admit, the idea of watching him use his, um, tools, on my…plumbing. Okay, that’s enough Addison, shut it down. “How much do you charge?” I can feel heat burn through my cheeks as I try to keep my wits about me.

  “No charge, not after you helped me out. Besides, you’re my neighbor,” he smiles and I feel like a cold shower might not be such a bad idea after all.

  “I can’t argue with that,” I answer. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I cringe as I turn and find a checkout. My voice was too sing-songy. Too excited. I don’t care though, I buy my bubble bath and look over my shoulder at him before I retreat to my car, happy to have another excuse to spend time with him tomorrow. Things are finally turning around, and the heat is definitely being turned up.

  Chapter 3 - Grayson

  “Hey, Celeste, you alright?” I walk into the front hall and peek inside the living room where my daughter is still lying on the couch.

  “Yeah, I’m good. You don’t have to look so worried, Dad. It’s just my period. It’s not like I need my leg amputated or something,” she smiles up at me from the couch.

  “I’m not worried,” I shrug it off with a lie. “I’m the cool dad, remember?”

  “We’ve been over this,” she gives me an exaggerated sigh, “you can’t give yourself a nickname. Not ‘Cool Dad’, not ‘Awesome-o’, and not ‘Captain Handsome,”’ she shakes her head.

  “Fine,” I concede. “Well, someone got you the stuff you need, I’m not saying it was ‘Cool Dad’ necessarily, but I’ll just say I heard from ‘Captain Handsome’ that it might have been him,” I hold up the bag and Celeste laughs, stands up and grabs her supplies.

  “Thanks,” she disappears down the hall to the bathroom.

  “No problem, kiddo. Hey, do you want some tea or a hot water bottle or something? How can I help?”

  “By not worrying,” she calls back over her shoulder and closes the bathroom door behind her.

  She’s got me there, I am worried, but not about her period. More about what it represents. Celeste is growing up. Soon she’ll be bringing home boyfriends, going to her first unsupervised parties, keeping secrets. Am I ready? Is she really going to confide in her father when teenage drama begins to creep into her life? Is she going to tell me about her mistakes? About her heartbreaks?

  I know we’ve been close her whole life, but for the first time since she was born, I’m worried that I might not be enough.

  “I’m kinda tired, Dad,” Celeste comes out of the washroom and interrupts my thoughts. She looks wiped out, I can’t blame her, it’s been a day.

  “You heading to bed, hon?” I search her face for clues. Does she need to talk? Is she okay with all of this? I definitely don’t want to be some kind of hover parent, overreacting to everything, but I don’t want her to feel isolated or confused either.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna call it a night,” she closes the space between us and stands up on her tippy-toes, reminding me of when she was three and used to dance on my toes, pretending to be a princess. Celeste gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks away, “Goodnight Dad.”

  “Goodnight hon.” I smile weakly.

  “Oh, and Dad?” She stops at her bedroom door and looks down the hall at me.


  “Quit worrying,” she smiles at me before she goes into her room.

  She’s right. All I can do is keep trying to be the best father I can. It’s worked so far. Celeste is a good kid, whatever the future brings, we’ll work through it. That’s what family does.

  I rub my hand over my jaw and sigh, exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks and I decide that crashing for the night isn’t a bad idea. It’s been a long day, I think a hot shower and some pillow time are exactly what I need.

  I go down to my master bathroom and turn on the water, letting it get steamy as I strip down. My gaze wanders as I get lost in thought. I don’t even realize that I’m staring out the window until the light turns on in the house next door. I jump at the unexpected burst of light, but don’t avert my eyes when I see Addison walk into the room.

  My eyes travel over her kinky, black curls and her radiant, mahogany skin. I let my gaze slide over her large, round tits and down to her soft belly, continuing down her full hips to her plump, sexy ass. She’s perfection. I watch as she slides some balm over her thick lips and presses them together. The thoughts start out innocently enough, about how I want to kiss those lips. How I want to suck her fleshy bottom lip into my mouth and tug on it as my hands travel her curves. How I want to watch her lips kiss a trail down my body, slowly exploring a path down to my cock.

  I blink and look away from the window, pulling the little string that drops the blinds down. My cock throbs with need as I step into the shower and let the hot water trickle over me. I can’t get the fantasy out of my mind, Addison on her knees in front of me, her lips surrounding my huge cock as she tries to take it inch by inch into her mouth.

  My hand wraps around my thick shaft and I close my eyes as the water rains down and pours off my body in little streams. I jerk my hand in slow, long strokes as I let the fantasy unfold in my mind. I can see her dark chocolate eyes looking up at me as her mouth brings me closer. My strokes get shorter and faster as I imagine her hollowing her cheeks and sucking hard on my fat dick. My orgasm shudders through me, leaving me tired but satisfied, leaning against the cool tile.

  I need to get to bed. It’s been a long day and tomorrow probably will be too. I’ve got to fix Addison’s hot water tank, not that I mind. Any reason to get to know her better, any excuse to spend more time with her is fine by me.

  As I towel off and throw some pajama pants on, I realize I’m excited about what tomorrow will bring. I’m excited to see Addison again. My head hits the pillow and my thoughts begin to swirl in lazy, warm breezes as sleep begins to overtake me. I don’t think I’ve looked forward to spending time with any woman this much since… well, since Brooke.

  Chapter 4 - Addison

  “Hey, thanks for coming over, you’re a life saver,” I run my hand through my coarse hair and smile up at Grayson.

  “Well, I don’t know about that, but I’ll see what I can do.” My breath hitches in my throat and my heart is thudding in my chest as I soak him in. I know I’m staring, but the way his plaid, button-up shirt ripples every time he moves his broad, sculpted shoulders is distracting. Almost as distracting as the way his fitted jeans cling to his muscular legs and his tight ass, not to mention…Oh my!

  I can feel my eyes grow wider as I bite my lip to try to keep my mouth from dropping open. Damn! Is that bulge for real? Heat kisses my entire body, especially between my legs.

  “Can I come in?” He looks past me into the house.

  “Of course!” I tear my eyes from his, um, package and open the door wider and sweep my hand out, inviting him, “I’m so spacey today, I think I didn’t have enough coffee.” I try to make excuses, “Please, come in!”

  I step back and watch his firm, round ass as he begins to untie his boots.

  “Don’t worry about them,” I wave off his efforts. I’m not fully unpacked yet, so just keep them on. Here, I’ll show you where the hot water tank is.” I guide him down the stairs to my basement, afraid that if I stand by him for one
more minute, I’m going to make a total fool of myself.

  “Sure, sounds good,” he follows me down the creaky stairs and over to the busted heater.

  I watch him as he examines the piping and peers at the joints. “Yep, here’s the problem,” he points to an elbow in the brown tubing over the top of the tank.

  “What’s wrong?” I squint at it, not having much idea of what he’s talking about.

  “It looks like this pipe was threaded wrong, see how this isn’t snug here?” He points at the pipe, but I can’t stop staring at his beautiful blue eyes.

  “Mmhmm,” I agree and force myself to flicker my gaze over.

  “I need to replace the pipe and the joint here, but that’s no biggie. I’ve got the stuff I need in my garage. Do you know how to shut off the water?”

  “Hmmm?” I feel like I’m listening to someone underwater. His words seem slower and less defined.

  “Can you shut off the water while I get the stuff I need to fix it?” He levels me with his stare.

  “Yup, I can. Sure, no problem,” I give my head a shake and try to pay attention.

  “Great,” his smile makes my feeble attempt to stay focused damned near impossible. “I’ll be right back.”

  Grayson takes the stairs out of the basement two at a time and I watch his snug jeans leave little to the imagination as he goes.

  I find the valves for the water and twist them all the way shut just as Grayson makes his way back down here.

  “Okay, this should do the trick,” he holds up a copper tube and a new elbow in one hand and lays the toolbox he has in his other hand down on the floor. “If you don’t mind, could you give me a hand here? I’m going to need a bucket for the water that’s still in the line to empty into.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I search around the room and pick up an old mop bucket from behind some boxes, placing it by his feet.


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