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More Than A Game (The Kings of Kroydon Hills Book 2)

Page 20

by Bella Matthews

  “How is this happening? We were with them Friday.”

  Sabrina steels her spine and pulls back. She takes a deep breath and pushes her shoulders back. My girl looks like she’s readying for battle, and for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, I think she’s going to be the one to save me.

  “Give me your keys. We’ve got to go, and I’m driving.”

  I reach into my pocket and hand her my keys on autopilot. I’m in no shape to drive right now. She goes to pick up a bag, but I take it from her. “I’ve got these.” I can shoulder a few bags. I just don’t know how I’m going to handle the rest of this day.

  Sabrina hands her bag to me and holds my eyes with hers. “I love you, Aiden Murphy. I’m so glad you came into my life.” She lifts up on her toes and gently presses her lips to mine before heading out into the hallway.

  We’re waiting for the elevator when the inevitable happens, because what we truly need right now is another hit. Sabrina’s parents walk toward the elevator. This cannot be happening right now.

  “Sabrina, we need to speak to you.” The venom dripping from her mother’s voice is lethal. Cold. Hateful. Her glare is directed at me, but I don’t give a shit right now.

  Sabrina doesn’t even acknowledge the woman. Instead, she turns to her father. “I cannot do this now.”

  “We need to talk this out, Sabrina. We might as well do it now. Not here. Not in the hall. Why don’t you have Aiden drop you off at our house? Or you could come home with us.” Her father’s making an attempt here. But my girl is having none of it. I move closer to her back, silently letting her know I’m here, whatever she decides.

  “You both need to listen to what I’m about to say because I’m only going to say it once. I will not have Aiden drop me off at your house. I am not ready to speak with either of you. Mom, what you did last night was horrible. You crossed too many lines to count. I love Aiden Murphy, and you better get used to him being around. Because if he goes, I go.”

  “Sabrina! You cannot be serious,” her mother snaps.

  “We. Are. Not. Doing. This. Now.” She finally turns to face them. “Friends of ours were in a car accident early this morning. We’re going to the hospital. Don’t call me, Mother. I’ll call you when I’m ready.” She turns to me, her face softening. “You okay to take the stairs?”

  “Yup.” I nod my head at her father, and she and I head down the steps and out the side door.

  By the time we walk into my house, I’ve pulled myself together . . . Well, as together as I’m gonna get. The house, however, is in utter chaos. Tommy is chasing Rocky in a circle around the kitchen, through the family room, the dining room, and back into the kitchen. I’m not sure who’s enjoying it more, Tommy or the dog. Annabelle and Declan are in the kitchen getting coffee. Bash is on the phone with someone, and Nat and Brady are nowhere to be seen.

  Annabelle is the first to see us. She walks to the bottom of the steps and yells upstairs, “They’re here, guys.”

  I lean down and kiss Sabrina. “I’m gonna go put these bags in my room. I’ll be back down in a minute.”

  She nods, and Annabelle envelops her in a hug. Tommy’s laughter echoes throughout the house and helps to keep me moving.

  I hear Bash’s footsteps follow me up the stairs. Walking into my room, I drop the bags on my bed and turn to see Brady and Bash both moving through the door.

  Bash speaks first. “That was Dixon on the phone. The doc had just walked into the waiting room before he hung up. Said he’d call back after he got the update. I think we should sit tight for now. It sounds like there are already too many people taking up space in the waiting room.”

  “Charlotte?” My voice cracks as force myself to ask the quesgion.

  Bash shakes his head, but it’s Brady who speaks. “She’s gone. She was already gone when they got to the hospital.”

  “Jamie wasn’t conscious when they brought him in, so he doesn’t know that yet,” Bash adds.

  “Jesus. What the fuck happened?”

  Bash leans against the wall and drags his hands down his face. “Dixon said Charlotte’s flight out was at ten this morning. He was following behind them to go grab breakfast at the diner before Jamie took her to the airport. He said . . .” He stops and stands taller, shoving his hands into his pockets. “He said that they were t-boned at the intersection across from the diner by some kind of dump truck, like the kind that delivers dirt. It hit the passenger side. Dix said the guy didn’t put his brakes on at all, like he didn’t see the red light or something. He hit them in full force. You guys know that intersection. It’s not small. The guy was probably going at least forty miles an hour.”

  “Holy shit. Dixon saw the whole thing?” This shit keeps getting worse. He watched his roommate’s girl get killed.

  Bash nods. “Yeah. It’s bad, man.”

  Brady grabs my shoulder. “Let’s go downstairs and get the girls.”

  We hear Rocky howl.

  Then Bash’s phone rings. “Hey, Dix. What’s going on? What did the doc say?”

  All of the color drains from Bash’s face.

  Fuck, no. This isn’t happening.



  As I watch Sebastian follow Murphy up the stairs, my heart aches for him. The crazy ups and downs of the last forty-eight hours have been some of the highest highs and lowest lows I can ever remember experiencing in my life. Moments later, Nattie comes downstairs, and Declan hands her a cup of coffee. She shakes her head no and leans against his shoulder. “Don’t you have to get to the stadium?” she asks.

  He rubs her back. “Game’s at eight tonight. I’ve got time. I let Dad know what’s going on. I’m good for now.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Declan.”

  “Me too, kid. Me too.” Feeling like I’m intruding on a private moment, I step away.

  Wait a second. I look around for Annabelle, who’s sitting at the counter, nursing a cup of coffee. Moving quietly, I sit down next to her and steal her mug.

  “Hey! Give that back. My head is killing me in a way only caffeine can fix.”

  I move it further away. “I’ll give it back when you tell me what Declan is doing here.” Belle inspects her nails. Then I finally notice what she’s wearing. Annabelle Hart does not wear oversized sweatpants and a giant Notre Dame hoodie. “You’re wearing his clothes? You slept with him!”

  Belle grabs my hand and pulls me off the stool and into the dining room. “Could you please keep it down? I don’t think Nat caught on to that fact just yet, and I’d like to keep it that way if I can.”

  “Oh, come on, Belle. You’re wearing his clothes. I’ve never seen you in men’s sweatpants before, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t play football for Notre Dame.”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly plan to pack a bag for last night.” She drops my hand and starts to pace. “He was supposed to be dropping me off after the fundraiser. But then one thing led to another, and we ended up going back to his place instead. Even then, I thought he’d be dropping me off at my own house this morning. I thought I’d have time to get changed before I came to get Tommy. I figured I’d just wear my dress from last night home. It was supposed to be a classy walk of shame, okay?” She’s managing to whisper and yell at me at the same time.

  “So, you giving up those batteries?”

  “No. It was a one-time-only thing. A mistake that will not be repeated. What sucks is it was a really good mistake, like, fucking amazingly good. Seriously—I’m going to have to buy a new vibrator, I’ve never come so hard in my life—good.” Annabelle thunks her head against the wall, then groans, “Declan Sinclair ruined me. Fuck me.”

  “Nope.” I raise my hands up. “Not fucking you. Sounds like Declan’s already been there and done that, and I’m not into sloppy seconds.”

  “What the hell, Brina?” She holds in her laugh. “Just do me a favor, and don’t mention this to Nattie. I’d like to act like it never happened.”

hear Rocky howl. “Oh shit, Tommy,” Belle yells. The two of us rush back into the family room. Tommy’s happily sitting on the couch watching Jurassic World . . . again. Rocky’s scratching to be let outside, and Nat’s trying to attach the leash.

  I hear footsteps and glance up at the stairs to see the guys heading our way. “Oh, God.” I cover my mouth with my hand in an attempt to hold in the sob that’s working its way up my throat. It’s written all over all of their faces.

  This isn’t good news.

  Murphy moves toward me, and I walk right into his arms. I feel the sobs he’s holding back. They wrack his body. His arms tighten around me. “I can’t believe this is happening. He’s gone. They’re both gone.”

  “I’m so sorry, Aiden.”

  We stand there until I feel his breathing beginning to even out.

  I hear Annabelle in the background. “Come on, bud. Let’s take Rocky for a walk. Grab your coat for me.” Looking up, I see Tommy and her disappear down the hall. Moments later, the back door clicks shut.

  Good. Tommy doesn’t need to see or hear this. I can’t imagine the feelings this must bring up for Annabelle about their parents’ deaths.

  When Murphy’s arms begin to loosen, I link mine through his and join the others in time to hear Declan ask the question I’ve been dreading. “What happened?”

  Sebastian is flipping his phone around in his hand. I’ve never seen him fidget before. Bash always seems to be in complete control of any situation. Even when the Train Wreck was wreaking havoc, he didn’t seem upset or show any lack of composure. “Jamie’s roommate, Dixon, just called.” Bash clears his throat. “They had to perform a craniectomy, and Jamie went into cardiac arrest while they had him open on the table.”

  Murphy interrupts him. “English man. Translate for those of us who aren’t pre-med.”

  “They had to relieve the pressure on his brain. It was happening because of the fluid building up in his skull. Dixon said he thinks Jamie’s head hit the driver’s side window. You know there were no side airbags in that truck. That thing was fucking ancient.”

  Murphy makes a sound that is a mix between a laugh and sob. “He loved that old Chevy.”

  The sad smile on Murphy’s face disappears when Bash continues, “He went into cardiac arrest twice while they were in the OR. The second time, they couldn’t bring him back.”

  Nat sniffs. “So, they’re both gone?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. They’re both gone.” Brady wraps his arms around her.

  Murphy’s hold on my hand tightens. I move in front of him, my back to his chest, and wrap his arms around me. “Did anyone call their parents?”

  Bash answers, “Dixon said Coach Barnett has been there all morning with him. Coach was taking care of all of that. I told him we’d take care of Rocky. Dix hates the damn dog.”

  “I’ll keep him. If Dix doesn’t want him, I’ll keep him.” I’m not surprised Murphy wants Rocky.

  I’m kinda glad he’s going to get to keep him. I think it will help.

  Nattie touches Murphy’s brown boot with the toe of her hot pink converse. “Rocky’s a she, remember?”

  “Then I’ll keep her.”

  Everyone stands quietly, absorbing this heartbreaking news.

  There are certain times in your life you know you’ll never forget.

  Your first kiss.

  Your first love.

  The first time you find the thing you’re good at and start making plans for the future.

  The first time you realize your parents aren’t perfect, but mere mortals like everyone else.

  The first time you realize life isn’t guaranteed.

  That you aren’t safe just because you’re young.

  That it can all be taken away in an instant.

  That nothing is guaranteed.

  This will be the day I remember as the day my definition of safety and invincibility was forever altered.



  It’s long past midnight when I watch another minute click by on the clock. I’ve held Sabrina in my arms for hours, thinking about life and how fucked up it can be. Jamie was a good guy, loved his family, loved his girl, loved his team. He always took being one of the captains to heart. He’d waited years to finally ask Charlotte to marry him, and just a few days later, they’re both gone.

  What kind of fucked up world do we live in?

  Sabrina’s been sleeping with her head resting over my heart all night. Before she drifted off, she told me she could hear it beating. I wonder if that comforted her as much as feeling her soft breath on my skin has comforted me. She’s okay. She’s alive and in my arms. And tonight, that’s enough.

  I’ve got nothing to offer this girl, not yet anyway. But I will one day. I’ll wait, but not patiently and not forever. I’m never gonna make fun of Brady again. If I thought Sabrina would move in here, I’d ask her tomorrow.

  My fingers dance over the smooth skin of her bare back as I imagine our life together. I think about her pregnant with our babies and the terrifying feelings I had months ago aren’t there. There’s nothing but peace.

  I picture our home, our happiness, and it gives me hope.

  I don’t picture a place or a thing. I picture Sabrina.

  She’s my home.

  Rocky puts his paws up on the side of the bed and scratches. I guess he’s got to go out. Shit. I think she’s got to go out. I’ve gotta remember that Rocky’s a girl. Why the hell did Jamie get a girl dog?

  Removing myself as gently as I can, I manage to get up without waking Sabrina. I pull the comforter up, draping it over her body, and look at this beautiful woman, sleeping so peacefully in my bed, those long lashes fanning her pretty face . . .

  Rocky paws at my leg then sits down and wags her tail, tapping it impatiently against the floor. “Alright, girl. I’ve got you. Let’s go out.”

  Those are the magic words because she makes a beeline to my bedroom door and looks at me as if to say, “You can hurry up now.”

  Rocky doesn’t take long to do her thing outside before racing back to the door. I don’t blame her. I can see my breath in front of my face as the cool night air reminds me it’s not summer anymore and November is closing in on us. As soon as I crack the door open, she races by me to get back inside the warm house and runs to the kitchen island where Bash is sitting.

  Watching a bulldog run is pretty fucking funny. Her short little legs don’t look like they’re big enough to support her round body. Rocky curls up next to Bash and rests her head on his sock-covered foot.

  “Hey, you little traitor. I’m the one that got out of a warm bed and took you outside.”

  Her head lifts for a moment as she glances my way before turning back to Bash and settling in.

  He drops his hand and scratches behind her ears while Brady places three shot glasses on the counter. “You guys couldn’t sleep either?”

  Bash shakes his head. “I talked to Dixon earlier. Jamie’s parents are having him flown home as soon as they can.”

  Brady turns back around with a bottle of Jack Daniels and pours three shots. He pushes one to Bash and one to me, then lifts his in front of us. “To Jamie.”

  Bash and I raise our glasses. “To Jamie.”

  “I haven’t really slept, just been staring at Nat all night.” Brady refills the shots.

  I nod. “Yeah, man. I know the feeling.”

  “It’s just so fucked up.” Bash downs his second shot.

  I throw back my shot and push my glass toward Brady. We’re all going to regret this at practice tomorrow, but none of us cares right now. “Bash, man, how are you going to deal with this kind of shit all the time when you’re a hotshot doctor?”

  “I don’t know. I just know I need to even out the scales. It’s fucked up, but I figure if I can save lives, it will help offset all the lives my pops has ruined.”

  Brady refills the three glasses. We lift them. “Brothers.”

  Bash and I repeat, “Brothe

  The glasses get pushed back and refilled again. “Brady, man, when did you know Nattie was it for you?”

  Bash looks at me like I just pissed in his Cheerios. “Oh, come on. This is what we’re gonna talk about now? Should I go get you guys a box of tampons too? What the fuck?” He fills his glass and drinks. “Can we not tonight?”

  “Aww. You feeling left out, Pretty Boy?” I throw back another. “You might be better off. I swear, all day, I just kept thinking that if something happened to Sabrina, I don’t know what I’d do. It’s not even like it’s been years, but I feel like I’d do whatever I had to, to make sure she stays safe and happy. Six fucking years. They were together six fucking years.”

  Brady is swirling the amber whiskey in his glass. “I promised her dad I’d take care of her. I knew when I said it, I meant forever. When you know, you know.”

  Bash refills his glass. “Jesus, I live with chicks.”

  Hours later, when the bottle is empty, and we’ve all become sad, sappy, drunken versions of ourselves, going back to bed sounds like a great idea. I’m not an incredibly quiet person sober, and drunk Murphy is loud as shit. I try tiptoeing up the stairs, but when Brady trips up the top step, Bash and I laugh so hard even Rocky runs away from us.

  By the time I fall through my bedroom door, Sabrina is out of bed and there to help me. She’s wearing one of my Kroydon Hills Prep shirts, her dark hair is a mess of curls around her shoulders, and she has creases on her face from the sheets. She’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  She wedges her body under my arm like she’s going to shoulder my weight. “Come on, Aiden. Let’s get you to bed.”

  When my butt hits the bed, I fall back and stare at the ceiling fan going in circles above me. “I’m sorry I woke you up, Princess.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She scoops my legs up and shoves them under the blanket before she pulls it up and over me. I feel her body slide in next to me before her hand moves under my shirt and around my waist. Brina’s head finds her comfy spot, and she starts tracing circles on my skin.


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