A Long Way to Love: A Historical Western Romance Book

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A Long Way to Love: A Historical Western Romance Book Page 23

by Lorelei Brogan

  “Yes.” Elise nodded eagerly. She was glad that Ronan’s plan didn’t include traveling more right away. She was fairly certain that she could get some money if she found a job. For now, she couldn’t focus on any of that. She felt exhausted. She needed to focus on the fact they were safe and that Ronan had a plan.

  “Come on,” Ronan said, staring down at her in concern. Elise felt sudden heat where his hand was still on her waist. She realized with a start how often she had found herself in this position lately. The other realization that made her cheeks blush was the fact that she liked having Ronan close. It made her feel safe.


  Ronan led the way to his friend’s house. Even though Ronan had said he wasn’t worried about Hank or the Indians, Elise still saw that he kept an eye out the entire way. After what felt like forever, they made it to a ranch. It was a rather large ranch but difficult to see everything on it because the sun was already dipping down below the horizon. They had arrived just before sunset in Las Cruces, just like Ronan predicted. Elise was more than relieved to be safe in the town.

  She waited uncomfortably after dismounting. She had no idea who the people at this ranch were or if they would be happy to see that Ronan had someone with him.

  “Are you all right? You look worried.” Ronan asked, stopping before he walked up to the house with the cheery bright windows.

  “I’m fine, I just … are you sure they are going to be happy to have us here?”

  “They will be more than happy. Jorge and his mother are some of the friendliest people I know. Especially since Jorge owes me a favor from the last time I was in town. You are going to like them, and they will be thrilled to meet you.”

  “All right.” Elise still wasn’t certain. She hated to ask people for things, especially people who didn’t know her. She wondered if Ronan was right about Jorge and his mother. All she could do was hope.

  “Wait here; I’ll be right back.” Ronan gave her a quick smile, and Elise felt slightly better, but worry still gnawed at her stomach. She watched as Ronan walked up to the cabin and knocked. A few moments later, a man answered the door.

  He was tall like Ronan, but his skin was much darker. She couldn’t tell if it was because he spent a lot of time in the sun or if it was his natural color. He had black hair and sparkling brown eyes. His whole face lit up as he saw Ronan.

  “Ronan, amigo! You are here; what are you doing in town?”

  Elise watched as the two embraced. She’d known some men who worked with her father who spoke Spanish. Amigo meant friend. She figured it must be a good sign if Jorge thought of Ronan as his friend.

  “What are you doing in Las Cruces? Ma! Come and see who it is!” Jorge looked more than excited. He seemed to be ecstatic. His enthusiasm made Elise smile. It was nice to know they weren’t unwanted as she’d feared.

  “That is quite a story. I was wondering if you wouldn’t have a spare bed in there somewhere that Elise and I could stay the night in. I mean, I could stay in the parlor, or we can both stay in the barn.” Ronan sounded embarrassed, and Elise realized that he’d messed up his wording.

  “Elise? Who is Elise? I thought after Veronica you were sworn off getting to know another woman for the rest of your life.”

  “I was, I am … I mean, this is different.” Ronan didn’t sound sure of himself at all, and for some reason, that made Elise hopeful.

  She straightened up as Ronan and Jorge approached her. A woman hurried out of the house, stopping them.

  The woman was short, shorter than all three of them. She had curly black hair that was pulled into a quick bunch at the back of her head. She had wrinkles by her eyes when she smiled and a large frame that was both warm and welcoming.

  “Ronan! Mi hijo! I am so happy to see you. How have you stayed away so long? You know that we miss you.” The woman gave Ronan a big hug.

  Ronan chuckled. “I’m sorry it’s been so long, but come, I have someone for both of you to meet.”

  Anita and Jorge followed him over, and Elise felt tense as they approached. She wasn’t sure if these people would like her. They didn’t know her, after all.

  “Anita, Jorge, this is Elise. She is a … friend.” Ronan hesitated a bit, and that made Elise wonder what he wanted to say. “And this is my good friend Jorge and his mother, Anita.”

  “It is so nice to have you here. Any friend of Ronan’s is welcome.” Anita stepped forward and wrapped her in a tight hug. Elise was surprised, but after a few seconds, she returned the gesture, taking in that feeling of closeness.

  When it was Jorge’s turn, he simply outstretched his hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said politely.

  As he turned, Elise heard him say something to Ronan. “Es bien bonita!”

  Elise reminded herself to ask Ronan what both Anita and Jorge had said. It seemed that he understood Spanish much more than she did.

  Jorge and Anita stepped in front, leading them back to the cabin.

  “What did they say?” Elise whispered to Ronan as they walked.

  “What?” Ronan asked.

  “Anita said, “Mi hijo,” and Jorge said something about, “bonita.”

  Ronan chuckled, and for a moment, Elise thought he looked embarrassed.

  “Anita called me, ‘my son,’ it’s a way that people who speak Spanish show endearment, I suppose. I’ve known both of them for a long time. Maybe she sees me as a second son.”

  “And what did Jorge say?” Elise wanted to know. It was hard hearing words said about her that she didn’t understand.

  “He said that you are really pretty.”

  Elise blushed. Now she wasn’t sure that she wanted to know what he’d said.

  Ronan shook his head, looking away. “I told you they would both like you.”

  Elise smiled. She was glad to be accepted by Ronan’s friends. Anita and Jorge led them into the kitchen. Elise noticed right away that the cabin was very well kept and beautiful. It had a homey feeling about it that made her feel warm and welcome.

  “You don’t have to feed us or even give us a room; we really can sleep in the barn,” Ronan said.

  “Nonsense. You two are not sleeping in the barn. Ronan, you can sleep in the parlor, and Elise can sleep in the extra room.”

  Ronan crossed his arms. “All right, but hopefully Jorge can help us find some jobs, and then we can pay you something for everything you’re doing for us. You know that you don’t have to.”

  “You’re right. We don’t have to, but we want to. You don’t worry about a thing. And first thing in the morning, we will go into town. I know a few people who are looking for help. Las Cruces is constantly growing. There are always new opportunities for jobs in town.” Jorge’s confidence made Elise feel a little more at home. She was starting to hope that maybe, there would be a way for them to find what they needed to get to California after all.

  Chapter 31

  Ronan sat down in a chair in the parlor. Elise had already been set up in Anita and Jorge’s extra room. Ronan was relieved that both Anita and Jorge had made her feel welcome, just like he knew they would.

  “So, Amigo, what is going on? Who is this beautiful woman you have brought here? I thought you learned your lesson after Veronica.” Jorge sat down opposite him on a simple bench. He leaned forward, a look of interest on his face.

  “I did learn my lesson. Elise is nothing like Veronica.”

  “How can you be certain? Tell me about her. If you are defending her, does that mean you care about her? Or do you think she would be interested in staying in Las Cruces to get to know me better? My mother has been telling me I need to find a wife.”

  Ronan was surprised to feel a surge of jealousy at Jorge’s words. “I don’t think she would be interested in that. I mean … she wants to go to California, and I am taking her there so I wouldn’t get any ideas.”

  “Whoa, slow down. I can see that you have feelings for her. Don’t worry; I will not even give it a second thought.” Jorge laughed. “Te
ll me, how did you find her, and what are the two of you doing traveling alone together?”

  Ronan shook his head in amusement at Jorge’s use of the word alone. He started with how he’d heard about Elise’s father’s death and then continued with the story of the wild journey until the moment they’d been chased into town by Indians.

  “Wow, I have to say I am impressed with how eventful your journey has been.”

  Ronan grinned. “I know, right? It has been quite the wild ride.”

  “You know, you and Elise are both welcome here until you feel like you can continue your journey. I will find you both jobs, and you should be able to save up the money you need to continue. Besides that, if you happen to find another criminal, you might get a bounty after all.”

  Ronan nodded, “It’s unlikely, but I am certainly open to the idea. I still can’t believe how I let Hank escape. I should have stopped him. I should have stayed awake.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it. It happens to the best of us. I know that you must have been exhausted.”

  Ronan smiled. “I was pretty tired. Besides, we are safe now, and that is what is important.”

  Silence stretched between them for several long seconds.

  “Have you told her?” Jorge asked.

  “Told who what?” Ronan shifted in his seat. He had a feeling that Jorge’s question would be an uncomfortable one.

  “Elise, have you told her how you feel about her?”

  “No, and I don’t really feel something specifically for her.” Ronan wasn’t about to discuss his feelings or his worries with Jorge, at least not yet.

  “All right then.” Jorge grinned, and Ronan could tell that his friend didn’t believe him when it came to his feelings for Elise.

  “I should get some rest, but I’ll be ready first thing in the morning.”

  Jorge stood and gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “I’ll see you then, amigo. You sleep tight.”

  Ronan nodded and sank onto the floor where Anita had arranged some blankets for him. Maybe it was still stiffer than a bed, but it was certainly better than the ground in the middle of nowhere with no fire and the worry of Hank or the Indians coming after them.

  He closed his eyes, ready to get some rest in preparation for the next day.


  Despite being tired, Ronan woke up early the next morning. He was surprised to find that Elise came out of her room a short while later. It seemed that she was also worried about their situation and finding a job.

  Anita prepared them a huge breakfast, and they were off into town before the sun was even up.

  “So, what sort of work can the two of you do?” Jorge asked.

  Ronan glanced over at Elise. He wasn’t sure what sort of job she was comfortable doing.

  “I have done cleaning, child care, and other things. Just cooking isn’t something that I am good at.”

  Ronan hid a grin. “I can do pretty much anything. Just point me in the right direction.”

  “All right, the diner is looking for people. Before you say it, they don’t need a cook. Just someone to do some cleaning and take food to the tables and stuff like that.” Jorge offered Elise a smile, and she smiled back.

  Ronan forced the jealousy that threatened to arise back down where it belonged. Jorge had given him his word that he wouldn’t be pursuing Elise in any way. He was going to have to believe his friend for his own sanity’s sake.

  “As for you, there is a wood mill down by the river. With so many people moving to town these days, there is always a need for more workers. I know the owner. He will most likely give you a job.”

  “Thank you, Jorge. You have no idea how helpful you are being to us both.”

  Jorge nodded with an easy grin on his face. Ronan forced himself not to watch Elise to see what her reaction to Jorge was. Could it be she was thinking of him in the same way he had mentioned last night?

  To Ronan’s relief, they didn’t take long to get into town. They stopped at the diner first, where the woman in charge gave Elise a job. After making sure that Elise was all right with staying, Ronan went on with Jorge to the river.

  Just as Jorge said, the owner of the wood mill hired him after a quick recommendation from Jorge. Ronan was happy to get to work. He knew the sooner he got to work and the more money he saved, the sooner they would be leaving Las Cruces.

  “I’ll see you back at the house later, all right?” Jorge asked before leaving.

  “I’ll see you there. Thank you once again for helping us out like this.”

  “You’re welcome.” Jorge gave him one smile before leaving.

  Ronan got right to work on what his new boss told him to do. It was calming in a way to be working with his hands. He wondered what life would have been like if instead of being a bounty hunter, he’d settled down to a normal job. His mind went back to the offer of working at the hotel that his friend had given him.

  He would never be able to hold down a job like this in the long term. He would miss the adventure and the thought of the travels waiting for him. But maybe he could adjust his expectations if he had a ranch. On a ranch, maybe he would be happy, taking care of cattle and growing crops. Maybe even if he had Elise there, and they started a family together. The thought both made him smile and embarrassed him. He shouldn’t be thinking of those thoughts about Elise. She had done nothing to make him think that she wanted a life like that.

  But even though he knew he shouldn’t be thinking about it, he still couldn’t get her face out of his mind. Her smile and her laugh and the way she looked when she was carefree. But then there were also the times when she was worried or scared, and those times made him feel terrible.

  He hoped that she would be happy in California. If she were, it would make this entire trip worth it.

  Chapter 32

  “Elise, would you do me a favor and take this out to the table at the window?” Meg asked, giving her a large plate of food.

  Elise nodded and took the plate. She had been working at the diner for a couple of hours now and already was getting considerably good at it. She liked the fact that working meant she was moving toward something, that she was contributing.

  She had not expected that working at the diner would be hard work. She was fairly certain that it would be easy, but her legs and her back already hurt; she was sure that it would get worse by the end of the day.

  When she got back to the kitchen, Meg was putting dishes into the basin.

  “So, is this how it is every day?” Elise asked. She had never worked in a diner before.

  “Pretty much. It’s not that busy. The cooks make it easy. If I had to cook everything too, it would be a lot harder.” Meg smiled softly. She was a shorter woman with stout shoulders. Her eyes were shaped like almonds and the clearest green Elise had ever seen. “Tell me about yourself. What are you doing in town?”

  “It’s a long story, but the short version is that I am heading to California. I promised my father I would make it there to live with my aunt.”

  “I see.”

  “We lost all of our supplies, so we have to work to buy some more before we finish our journey.” Elise giggled. “I guess it is shorter than I thought.”


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