Book Read Free

The Starchild

Page 23

by Schuyler Thorpe

  I eyed him speculatively. “How can that be with the war over and all?”

  “It’s only been less than six years since the Praetorial Senate declared and end to hostilities. It’s going to take far longer than that before things ever return to normal.” The older man said. “For both sides.”

  I felt crushed inside by that new revelation.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

  “It sounds like you didn’t have a choice.” The other sky dancer was telling me.

  “I could have said no and that would have been the end of it. Calis knows that I can be set in my ways if I had a mind about it.”


  “I guess the allure of coming here was too much of a temptation to simply pass up.” I said, drinking more of my tea before setting it down on the plate. Then I took the slice of lemon and stuck the fleshy part into my mouth and spit out the rind–after chewing on it.

  The look on my face told Bayen everything about my experience and he started laughing at my obvious discomfort.

  But I shook my head.

  “It’s okay. Just sour as hell. But I have to admit: That’s the best lemon slice I’ve had in awhile.”

  “You can’t get any citrus produce down the surface?”

  I shook my head.

  “Not a whole lot of places on Earth that will grow anything. The planet is mostly arid and rocky–desert filled in most places. We have a few biosphere operations located in the equatorial regions in the southern hemisphere, but it’s mostly for local stuff. We don’t have much sustainability these days. Everything is either dependent on the space complex for trade or other off world, asteroid colonies between Venus, Earth, and Mars.” I explained in detail, before reaching for the small cutting knife next to my plate and rising up a bit from my seat so that I could slice off a health piece of bread.

  Bayen appeared again with a covered butter dish and removed the lid so that I could take some of the natural cream butter and spread it on my bread.

  I smiled at him gratefully as I did it, finding the simple act of generosity and kindness to be a bit comforting in light of what had been going on lately.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” I said in small ways of an apology.

  “The butter? No. Go ahead. Take as much as you’d like. I can always get more.”

  “You sure?”

  Bayen nodded. “I’m sure.”

  I added a bit more, feeling like I was going to make a colossal pig of myself tonight, but given what I went through–the feeling was both welcome and mutual.

  I proceeded to take a wet bite out of my bread, enjoying the succulent softness of the bread itself with the cold creamy taste of the butter itself. It certainly was different from what I ate back home because of the harsh fact that some luxuries couldn’t be afforded so easily because of costs and immediate availability.

  I stopped chewing for a moment to reflect on what I was about to eat and felt a keen pang of guilt and shame because my mom and brother couldn’t be here to help partake in this extravagant feast for the ages.

  Bayen noticed the change in me then and asked me what was wrong.

  Wiping my eyes, I said: “Nothing. It’s nothing. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by everything.”

  “Try and pace yourself if you can. We haven’t even hit the dessert course yet.” Bayen sought to caution me.

  My eyes bugged out. “There’s a dessert course?”

  “Of course. You think this is all we were going to feed you tonight?”

  “I just never thought–” I rambled on incoherently. “I mean…”

  Bayen gripped me by the arm lightly. “Take it easy, Isis. We’re going to be here all night.”

  “All night?”

  “Yes. Believe it or not, I didn’t have dinner because my mom and I were so worried about you and your health. We decided to make dinner, store it for later, and wait until you regained consciousness. Then we were going to eat.”

  “So where’s Fran?”

  “I don’t know at the moment. She disappeared from the house right after she had me carry you into the spare guest bedroom.”

  That took me by surprise.


  “Been gone for a couple of hours. I’ve been by your side ever since.”

  I started to worry and my new older friend (future boyfriend material at the very least) noticed that as well.

  “I wouldn’t worry, Isis. My mom’s been known to do this since I can remember.”


  “The city is mostly in lockdown mode during the night. The only people out are squads of Praetorial Guard patrolling the residential and business district levels. Also the Core Level areas as well.” Bayen patiently explained at that point.

  “My mom is perfectly fine. Better than fine in most respects. This part of the city is pretty docile and safe.”

  I opened my mouth to say something on that account when we both heard the front door slam abruptly–followed by the vocal sounds of Fran cursing up a storm.

  I giggled at her choice of words, but Bayen wore a serious look at that point–which made me tone things down to a set degree.

  I didn’t want to get him upset!

  I continued to eat my share of what was on my plate as Bayen finished doling out a healthy portion or two of Chinese noodles and bits of steaming teriyaki beef on top–and then drizzled with a marinade sauce straight from the bottle.

  “Keep eating.” He told me as he got up from his seat. “And I’ll see what mom’s damage is.”

  “Damage?” I echoed. “Isn’t that a bit old-fashioned?”

  “It depends on how the vernacular is being used.” He relayed back to me before disappearing from the kitchen. It didn’t take me long to overhear some bits of their loud conversation before Fran made her first appearance in the kitchen with a mixture of genuine anger, relief, worry, and what I saw was motherly concern painted on her face.

  “Oh god…! Why didn’t you tell me she was already up and about?” The woman asked in a frazzled tone of voice. Then she came over to me to check me out from head to toe while I wore a look of amusement while biting off the last piece of bread which I had in my hand currently.

  Then she crushed me in a bear hug which had me choking on my food while she went on about how the laws should be changed to treat people like me and how she wouldn’t stand for this injustice.

  “Mom…” Bayen breathed in quiet embarrassment.

  I couldn’t say anything either since one side of my face was smashed into her upper chest.

  “I promise you that we’ll get someone to see you in the morning, Isis. Before you go on your trip.” She was vowing to me then. “Even if I have to go through the entire medical directory.”

  Then she pulled me away from her and kissed me on the top of the head and bemoaning other things on top of that.

  Okay…maybe this was getting to be a bit much. But I couldn’t say that I blamed her. She acted so much like an aunt of mine that it made being with her a universal embarrassment.

  Even in front of my family.

  “Mom…!” Bayen warned up front. “I think Isis has suffered enough–don’t you think?”

  “But she could be suffering from other things which we don’t even know about!” Fran was explaining with gusto.

  I swallowed a couple of times to get rid of the dry taste in the back of my mouth and tried my best to steer myself towards my plate of untouched food. I spied a plate of egg rolls on the side and made every effort to get to it.

  But Fran was a lot stronger than she looked. She literally had me in some kind of reverse style chokehold which kept me from turning sideways to my left so I could actually reach for the entrée.

  It was at that point which Bayen finally made his move and intercepted his mother with both daring, conviction, and grace which surprised even me.

  “Come on…” he implored gently–steering her away from me. “Let’s give the poor girl
a chance to eat something solid since coming up here. I’m pretty sure she’s starving to beat the band.”

  “Immensely.” I chirped in wholehearted agreement–before reaching for the first two egg rolls on the plate.

  I sat one down on my end and took a healthy bite out of the other–my mouth drooling its appreciation all the way.

  “This is good!” I said with newfound appreciation. “Can’t remember the last time I had genuine takeout.”

  Fran smiled at me as she took a seat at the foot of the table across from me before her son picked things back up where he played host once more and went to serve his mother as he had served me.

  “I’m sorry we had to cut things short, sweetie. But you didn’t give us much of a choice.” She said in quiet apology.

  I nodded nonetheless.

  “Seems like my little impromptu display had everyone on edge. And for that…I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Fran countered gently. “Something beyond our level of comprehension happened and we now have to deal with it. The best we can. And take the consequences as they come.”

  I shuddered upon hearing those words.

  “I…I don’t want to think about that. What would happen if it were to happen again? What then?” I asked in a worried tone of voice.

  “I don’t know.” The shopkeeper said with raw honesty. “But if it does happen again, I won’t leave your side. Neither will my son. We will always be here for you no matter what.”

  I nodded, feeling a little bit better about myself. But now that I think about it, I should have never taken up Calis’s offer in the first place.

  It would have saved me a world of trouble. But since I was now committed, there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

  Except go home in defeat.

  And that was an outcome I wasn’t prepared to confront.



  By the time dinner was over, I was well past the point of popping and in a protein coma to boot. But I could not thank Fran or Bayen enough for treating me to such a resplendent meal for the ages.

  I could not remember the last time I actually had a dining experience like this one. It felt like a dream come true for me.

  And once again, the shame and the guilt I felt earlier resurfaced and I didn’t know what to do about that. I guess you could say I wasn’t used to being spoiled in such an extravagant manner–surrounded by things I wished I had for myself.

  And all to myself.

  I managed to make it back to the new guest bedroom that Bayen had spent the last ten minutes making it all presentable to me so that I could flop myself down on top of the firm bed and feel like I was sleeping on a pillow soft cloud.

  I did not need a second’s worth of invitation as I did as I first imagined and just lay there with my legs and feet sticking out like a board and letting out a very loud sigh of absolute contentment.

  It certainly beat the crazy day I had already. And for some reason, I didn’t feel the immediate need for a do-over.

  Fran came in a few minutes later to check up on me with a serving tray that held a fresh pot of tea and a cup on the side.

  I turned myself just a little to regard the new gift and said: “What’s the occasion?”

  “Just some hot tea to relax you.” Fran was telling me.

  “I think I drank enough for one night.” I argued lightly, even though my stomach gurgled in response. “In like an hour or two, I’ll be heading for the bathroom and relieving myself of all my pent up frustrations.”

  “It’s a rather new experience, Isis. I wouldn’t let it worry you too much. Tomorrow morning will be better. I can promise you that.” She said to me.

  I nodded in turn, feeling like I could sleep for a couple of days at least. Once the excitement had a chance to sufficiently pass, I was crashing and burning hardcore.

  I realized then that the only other times I never got a wink of sleep was before my very first pre-heat some years ago. Then my first Desert Storm race.

  I remembered being twitchy and wired for sound because I was so sleep deprived and walking a fine line at the same time.

  There was some extra movement behind me and I realized that Bayen had entered the picture with a small bag of clothes that he took the liberty of rescuing from the clothes closet out in front.

  “I think I got everything.” He announced then, before brushing up against my feet in a split second with a leg. I tried to make a grab for him with my toes playfully, but he already left before I could feel anything.

  I sighed and then decided to get up for a moment on all fours and feeling the tightness in my upper and lower back as well as the strain in my legs.

  But everything had a chance to fade after a spell and I turned and sat back down, legs crossed at the ankles, and feeling very tired.

  I even yawned to beat the band then and Fran noticed that as well–even after Bayen took his leave of both of us and closed the door behind him as he went.

  “I better see about changing into something nice for the evening,” I announced then, bending over to grab the bag and bringing it up next to me. I started rummaging around for something cute to wear and found a teddy night shirt in my size as well as a pair of cotton white panties tucked into the bottom. Then I found a pair of satin shorts that I knew would come in handy for the time being and proceeded to take all these articles of clothing out before stripping out of my red dress and blouse.

  Oddly enough, I didn’t even think to be wearing a bra of any kind because it never entered the picture back home or even here. But Fran figured out my bust size through the biometric scan she took in the arts and crafts shop and I found three frilly bras folded at the way bottom of the bag.

  Taking one out, I held it against my ample chest for a moment and thought that would be nice to wear as well. It certainly beat waking up with your boobs pinched under your arms and screaming in pain as a result.

  So I fumbled with the thing for a moment–even with Fran’s help–and managed to get it on without further trouble. Then I put the teddy night shirt on–the emblazoned pink cloud with a teddy bear sleeping on it (night cap included)–and then stood up for a moment to slide the rest of the dress off my body.

  I stood there in the same panties I wore and silently debated if a fresh pair was worth the headache.

  “You don’t have to change if you don’t want to,” Fran was telling me then. “You can just leave those on and put the shorts over them for the night.”

  That was a more simpler solution than ever before. I could save the other pair of panties for later.

  But something was missing from the equation.

  “What about my clothes?” I asked of her then.

  “They came back clean and folded. And in the clothes closet across from your room. You can get them in the morning when you wake up.”

  I nodded as I put the shorts on last and put the bag on the floor at the head of the bed next to the night stand where the serving tray and pot of tea lay.

  Then with Fran’s help, I managed to get first two covers peeled back so that I could climb into bed and fluffed the pillows one last time before crawling in.

  I tried not to think of the fragrant smell of the tea so close to my face, but the cloying scent was a bit more relaxing then I originally gave credit for.

  Fran kissed me on the top of the head and wished me well.

  “Sleep tight.” She said.

  I nodded, lying there on my side and thinking about nothing but sleep. I really did feel exhausted. Maybe it was just everything coming at me all at once, but I couldn’t escape the feeling that more was heading my way whether I was ready for it or not.

  “Thank you.” I returned with another tired yawn. Fran smiled at me before she opened the door and turned off the light–plunging my world into an internal darkness.

  Then she left, closing the door and allowing me a chance to get a good night’s sleep.

  That notio
n lasted approximately two hours before I was woken up out of a sound sleep–with sweat trickling down my back and off my sides.

  I groaned softly, feeling like I had run a fucking marathon in my sleep. I certainly couldn’t shake these intense feelings that I was having right now either.

  The sensation of incredible pain. Of loss. Of–

  I started coughing then for no apparent reason.

  I fumbled about in the darkness for anything that could pass itself off as a light switch and I found something of a panel above my head and slapped the first two buttons on it.

  Almost immediately, the lights flickered on and then off in sequence and I had to hit the same button again which turned the lights back on and I flinched as the lighting burned holes into the back of my retinas.

  Shadows and sparks entered my vision as I blinked them away and threw the covers off–feeling icky and gross and not wanting to spend another minute in my sweat soaked bed.

  This was just as embarrassing as it was annoying. No matter where I went, I would always be sweating things out to beat the band and I could never get a good night’s rest on top of that.

  I would always wake up scared, terrified, unsure of myself or my immediate surroundings and I would always be in pain.

  And the latter was always true for me. Because right now, my stomach hurt and I couldn’t figure out why.

  It could have been from the fact that I made a complete pig of myself again on those rare occasions, or it could be something else.

  Something more foreboding…

  I stumbled out of bed and hit the floor in a dead run–opening the door and making a beeline for the bathroom. It didn’t take me more than a couple of seconds to get inside, switch the light on, shut the door and bolt for the toilet in passing.

  I wasn’t interesting in peeing at this moment. I flipped up the toilet seat, hugged the bowl, took a couple of deep breaths and then promptly threw up.

  It wasn’t even a close contest.

  But even as I was puking my guts out, I cried out nonetheless each time, feeling the excruciating pain rip right through me like razor blades and I thought I was dying.

  Besides what was in the bottom of the bowl, I also started coughing up blood as well and seeing the rich red collages splatter inside the toilet on top of that.


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