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The Color Alchemist: The Complete Series

Page 74

by Nina Walker

  I shrugged. “I’m not ready to go back,” I said. “I just came out here. But I’ll see you at dinner.”

  There was a heavy pause. A gush of wind weaved through the trees, rattling the pine, a few dropping needles around us to rest on the white snow.

  “Was it worth it?” She stepped close and peered up at me with intense curiosity.

  “Was what worth it?”

  “Choosing love over the logic?” She smirked, tugging the hood on her white fur coat over her hair.

  “I assume you’re talking about my engagement to Jessa.”

  “Of course.” She cocked her head and smiled demurely, her bright red lips a contrast to the snow.

  I wasn’t going to talk to her about this, not right now. “Go home, Celia,” I said, brushing her off and turning to head further up the barely-there path.

  “I see the way she looks at you,” Celia said. “I don’t know what you did, but you certainly have an angry fiancé on your hands. What did you do, Lucas?”

  I walked away. She didn’t follow me, and I didn’t care.

  That family was trouble.

  They were nosy, attention seeking, and lately, they were everywhere. Was I going to confide in Celia about my betrayal of Jessa only to betray Jessa’s secrets even more? Not likely.

  A few minutes later the scraping sound of boots on snow returned.

  “I told you to go back,” I said, turning to look for Celia. There wasn’t a reply, only a sharp stillness. I paused and listened, then froze when I heard the sound once again. This time it was slower, softer, like whoever it was, was trying to be quieter.

  “Who’s there?” I called out.


  The sensation of being watched spread through me.

  If it was a guard or someone meant to protect me, they’d have replied. Celia would have replied, and anyway, now that I thought about it, the sound of her boots had been different. These were heavier somehow, but also, quicker.

  They sounded again, closer this time.

  I took off at a run, ducking through low-hanging branches and working my way up the path. My breath was hot in my ears as I worked out where to go next. I probably knew this forest better than anyone. Would that matter?

  I stopped abruptly, stilling to listen. The distinct sound of boots on snow crunched through the air once again. I jumped behind the biggest and closest pine, hoping I was hidden. I ripped off my glove, grabbed some snow in my hand, and turned myself invisible.

  Please don’t let them have seen that!

  Then, I waited.

  I waited for whoever was looking for me to pass so I could know without a doubt who they were. Maybe if I caught a glimpse, I would discover who wanted me dead. Could they be one and the same? It seemed a likely scenario as I stood motionless and invisible in the cold winter landscape.

  Realization sank deep. Whoever they were, they were in the inner circle. They had to be if they were here, at such a private event, an event that only those invited knew about in advance.

  I waited eagerly, wondering if I’d see Faulk stumbling through the trees. Or maybe Mark or Sabine. Maybe an officer, one of the alchemists or teachers. Maybe someone I’d never expect.

  But the sound of boots was gone.

  The forest once again fell silent. They must have retreated. No longer able to bear the cold, I slowly maneuvered back to the lodge. I didn’t take the same path, in case someone was waiting for me. I stayed invisible as long as I dared, despite leaving incriminating footprints in the snow.

  Visible or not, every step I took these days was a step in a dangerous direction. The trouble was, I didn’t know how to course-correct. People wanted me out of the picture, many of them, and all I could do was continue on a path that might one day lead to my death.



  Jessa, are you there? Can we trust you? The smooth voice filtered through my mind, familiar and deep. I fought to hold onto sleep, my body cocooned by the fluffy comforter and my emotions exhausted. The nap came without much thought, but I wasn’t ready to wake up quite yet.

  Jessa, are you in there? The voice jerked at me once again.


  I sat up, realizing what was happening. My heart sped, and my hand swept to clutch the rainbow stone necklace that hung around my neck.

  I’m here. I reached out with my mind. What do you want?

  Are you still with the Resistance? they asked boldly.

  I stilled, weighing the decision on whether or not to tell the truth. What if the person on the other end of this conversation was a spy for Faulk?

  If you’re really with the Resistance, I said, tell me something to prove it.

  There was brief silence. Your sister was never really with the prince; it was a deal they made together to get her closer to the King and Queen.

  Relief washed over me.

  I could accept that. As far as everyone else knew, Sasha had played Lucas. They didn’t know about his brief interlude with the Resistance.

  I got up from the bed and paced the room, my feet padding softly against the hardwood floor. I peeked outside the main door and into the hallway, hoping maybe I’d see someone acting suspicious, but there were only guards. All the bedrooms were on the top two floors, so whoever was talking to me could easily be in their own room, hidden.

  There had been about twenty alchemists and officers, plus a few higher-ranking families loaded into those cars this morning. And guards. Lots of guards. And I couldn’t forget the camera crew.

  Whoever it was, I was just going to have to trust them if I wanted answers.

  If there’s still a Resistance, then I’m still with them, I replied.

  We thought so, but we had to make sure. Why did you tell the royals about the attack?

  We? I bit my lip and sighed. I told Lucas because I thought I could trust him. I wanted to save him from getting hurt, but he betrayed me.

  We’ve already received word about that. But it looks like Lucas may be on our side again. We’re being cautious about it.

  Why would they think he was on their side again?

  Doesn’t matter, I replied. I’ll never tell him my secrets again.

  There was another long pause. The wind howled against the windowpane, rattling the frame. I shivered and sat back on the bed, pulling the comforter over my jean-clad legs. Even with the white sweater I’d thrown on that morning for good measure, I was freezing, the cold wind relentless.

  Are you going to use your blood alchemy against King Richard? the voice asked. If you can get him close enough, get him alone, you could end this all right now. End him and end the problem.

  But wasn’t the issue deeper than just one man? What about the officers? Faulk? What about the alchemists who willingly participated in hurting innocent people in the name of New Colony? If Lucas took over, he might turn out to be the same. After everything, I just didn’t know anymore.

  I’m not a murderer. Jasmine never mentioned murder and I won’t agree to it.

  You say that now, but you might change your mind.

  I mean it.

  Okay, so what’s your plan then?

  I laughed. Plan? I just want to get out of here before I end up married to a Heart. I don’t want to end up like Queen Natasha. Guilt ripped me at the statement. Lucas might be misguided, but he wasn’t Richard. And I wasn’t Natasha.

  Maybe things would be different?

  But still, my chest burned at the idea of a loveless marriage. I thought about what my parents had, how they treated each other, and the trust between them. That was what I wanted. A love that came before politics and circumstance.

  Who are you? If you want me to help you, I deserve to know who you are.

  There was another break in time, and I waited as patiently as I could. It was as if the person talking with me wasn’t alone, like they were conversing with someone else. He had said “we”, hadn’t he?

  I know there’s at least two of you, I said, trying to
see if I was right. I know one of you must be a purple alchemist. I’ll figure it out eventually, so you might as well reveal yourselves.

  And have us end up dead like Jasmine? the voice shot back. How do we know you won’t go to your fiancé about us?

  Prickly tears burned at the back of my eyes. Not because I was upset with him but because he was right. People had died because I’d told Lucas too much.

  I already explained how I feel about what happened with Lucas. I won’t say a word to anyone about you. I swear it.

  More silence. I waited once again, but my nerves were beginning to get the best of me.

  Besides, you need me, I added, or else you wouldn’t have reached out. I jumped up from the bed again and paced the length of the bedroom. The longing to get back in with the Resistance, to not be alone in this, pulsed through my veins.

  Come out on the balcony, the voice said.

  I grabbed the fuzzy throw-blanket from the end of bed and wrapped it around me. I opened the door and stepped out onto the small wooden balcony. There was an overhang from the roof so no snow had reached the porch, thankfully, but the planks froze my bare feet. I ignored the cold and surveyed the back of the lodge with its identical balconies, searching for another alchemist. A few guards were posted along the edge of the forest, but nobody else was on their back balcony as far as I could tell.

  Where are you? I asked again, getting annoyed. I’m not standing out here all day. I’ll freeze.

  A door opened a few rooms over, and Lily Mason slipped out. Her white-blonde hair whipped in the wind. After a long pause, she turned to smile at me.

  “Hi, Jessa. How are you?” she called out, her voice nearly lost on the wind.

  “Hi,” I yelled back, narrowing my eyes.

  I know I’m talking to a man, I said back to the voice in my mind. Does Lily have anything to do with you?

  The pause this time was short.

  We had to be extra careful with you, so Lily shared her magic with me.

  Then another person swung open Lily’s door, joining her. An officer. Not just any officer, either, but one of the men who worked directly with Faulk. I didn’t know his name, but I knew him to be an enforcer. Brute strength. And worst of all, one of the men who’d beaten up my sister and father right in front of me.

  I stilled at the sight of him, bile rising in my throat. How was I supposed to trust a Royal Officer, let along this one?

  He turned his cunning smile on me, his dark eyes flashing, and ran a hand through his curly black hair. As you can see, I need to be extra careful about anyone knowing I’m Resistance.

  I pushed my suspicion down and focused on the matter at hand.

  I don’t get it. Can Lily give you her purple magic?

  He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. She leaned into him, her cheeks pink. Yes. Most alchemists could share their magic if they really worked at it. It takes practice but it’s possible. She can transfer yellow to me, purple, green. I can administer the magic, though it fades quickly. I have to keep getting hits from her every minute or so.

  I stumbled back and leaned against the railing as this revelation sunk in.

  Why doesn’t the King do this? Wouldn’t he want that kind of power?

  And would he want me to give him my red magic? What would happen if I refused him?

  The man met my eyes across the space. He does.

  My breath caught.

  He’s very sparing about it because he doesn’t want anyone else to know about this kind of power.

  Why not?

  For the same reason he polices the alchemists with us officers in the first place. So nobody will get strong enough to rise up against him.

  A bitter gust of wind flung my hair into a million different directions, but I ignored it as I studied the man with Lily. They weren’t quite touching but I could tell they wanted to. There was something there. A familiarity that went beyond friendship. The way they stood near each other, looked at each other, revealed it all. They were lovers.

  So you’re both Resistance, I asked for the confirmation again. The link between us was strong despite the howling wind. I could hear every word as if I were the one thinking them.

  We are. And as far as I know I’m the only Royal Officer in the Resistance. I’ve been in and out of the palace on assignment, but I’ve been called in for the time being. I’ll probably be back to the war front soon.

  And you’re with Lily? Are you a couple?

  He stiffened and paused, then whispered something in her ear. She shifted to meet my gaze and nodded ever so slightly. For anyone watching us, perhaps the guards below, we’d look like people standing on balconies, having nothing to do with each other. And except for the initial hello between Lily and me, we hadn’t spoken another word.

  You can trust me, Lily’s ethereal voice drifted into my mind. Things aren’t always as they seem, and your path has been laden with misfortune. It’s not over yet, but stay strong and you’ll find your way. You’re the key to everything.

  What does that even mean? Why do you have to be so cryptic all the time?

  She smiled one more time in my direction before going inside, the officer following. They shut the door with a slam, that I wasn’t sure was from the wind or some sort of anger at me. And still, they’d never answered my question about being together.

  What’s your name? I called out, hoping to connect with the man again. He was so much easier to understand than Lily.

  Jose, he replied, his voice calm through the link.

  Okay, Jose, what’s the plan here? I asked. What am I supposed to do?

  We know you want to leave New Colony, to run away from this engagement, he said with certainty. Don’t. Stay. Stay and fight.

  Shaking my head, I glared into the white forest and then rushed back into my bedroom. That wasn’t a plan. That wasn’t anything! Don’t run away? Stay and fight?

  What did they expect? I needed to get Dad out. I needed to get out.

  Jasmine was dead. Others would perish as well if I stayed here.

  I thought I could help your Resistance. I was wrong.

  Richard had used me to interrogate Sasha. He would do it again as soon as he needed to. The Resistance would have to complete their mission without me. I was a weapon in the hands of the wrong people, and the only way to stop more pain from happening was to remove myself from the equation as soon as possible.

  Don’t give up so soon, he replied. Lily knows what she’s talking about. You’re the key to everything. You have to stay and marry Lucas.

  I’m sorry but I can’t help you.

  I broke the connection.

  Lily and Jose would have to find someone else to lead their rebellion.

  “Miss Loxely.” Faulk smiled coolly. “What are you doing all the way back here? You’re supposed to be going to be on camera with your fiancé.” She pointed to the front of the room with a long bony finger and I groaned.

  I wasn’t ready for this! The exhibition had come way too quickly. We’d only just spent the night here and first thing the next morning, we were expected to perform. The largest of the living areas, called the “great room” had been mostly cleared out of furniture, and I waited like a stubborn mule in the corner, desperate to sneak away and hide. Chairs lined the back wall for the spectators. Up front, a few strategically placed couches and chairs waited for those who would be on the cameras, and unfortunately, that was where I was heading.

  “I’m going there now,” I replied. “It’s nice to see you back, Faulk. I hear you’ve had your hands full with my sister’s escape and the assassination attempts on the royal family. Your job certainly is important.” I did little to keep the sarcasm from my tone.

  “It is important,” she agreed, eyes narrowing.

  “I know,” I replied, just to throw her off. “I would hate for you to lose it.”

  I pushed myself off the wall and strode toward Lucas.

  When the makeup artist and hair stylist had woken me
before the sun, they’d said it was because I’d be on camera longer than ever before. The result was hair that was perfectly curled in long waves framing my face and falling past my shoulders. My makeup had taken an hour, expertly applied to look like I wasn’t wearing any at all. As if anyone would believe my lips were always this full and pouty, my cheeks this naturally blushed, skin this smooth, and eyes this big? Yeah, right.

  Lucas was already sitting on a loveseat off to one side of the set, and I joined him, trying not to blush at my perfect styling. “Hi Lucas,” I said, sinking into the cushion and brushing my dress so it laid perfectly smooth.

  I wore a cranberry sweater dress that fell just above my knees and sleek brown boots with white fur along the top. Natasha’s ring caught the light and sparkled on my finger as I placed my hands on my shaking knees.

  “Hi yourself,” Lucas replied. He looked so good. I had to admit my heart was more than a little fluttery at the sight of him. He was styled in dark jeans and a white button-up shirt that fit him perfectly, showing off his muscular body underneath without trying too hard. His hair was done in that messy yet planned look that he pulled off so well. He noticed me checking him out and his charcoal eyes darkened. He didn’t say anything, but he did reach out for my hand. I wrapped it in his and ignored the fluttering feelings inside.

  “Don’t worry,” he commented after a few minutes of silence. “I made sure that we’re not part of the exhibition. Dad wants us to tell our love story to the cameras when we start. Answer a few questions, that sort of thing. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” I replied with a gulp, suddenly aware that the cameramen were turning on their equipment and pointing it right at us.

  Callie sauntered into the room. I perked up, seeing my friend. She was equally made up with hair and makeup but dressed in the typical black guardian outfit. They’d tamed her normally wild hair into a smooth blonde sheet, and her cute glasses were missing.

  “Contacts,” she mouthed to me, rolling her eyes and giggling. She sat down gingerly on the other loveseat across from us, smiling brightly.

  Lily Mason stepped into the room next, an energy of quiet power following in her wake. She didn’t smile, but a knowing glint shined in her eyes as she joined Callie on the loveseat. She was in her early to mid-twenties, I couldn’t remember which, but she was gorgeous. She too was dressed in her regular black guardian gear.


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