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Page 2

by TK Lawyer

  She pointed to the living room, indicating where he should go instead. The dog perched on the edge of the doorway, his eyes following Tamara’s movements while she undressed. After removing her shorts, she pulled her panties down in one swift movement, effectively mooning the dog. As she did so, the dog let out a whimpering groan and wagged his tail behind her.

  Tamara whipped around, her breasts bouncing with the movement and said, “What’s wrong?”

  The dog scratched the ground and moved about in a lazy circle. He shook his head back and forth before stopping again at the edge of the doorway. Tamara crouched on the floor and caressed his head. He stretched his neck out to nuzzle her bare skin and closed his eyes, pushing between her breasts. The dog’s cold, wet nose made her jump. She pushed against his solid chest to dislodge him from her cleavage. The dog whimpered and licked the length of her left arm with slow, tender strokes.

  “Ugh. Stop that,” she commanded. “That’s cold.” She reached out and rubbed the top of his head. “Are you okay, boy? You don’t look good. In fact, you look like you’re having trouble breathing.”

  Why was he panting? Tamara worried. The vet had marveled at the dog’s good health.

  A cold chill interrupted her thoughts and ran up her spine. Goosebumps sprouted on her arms. She bolted upright with a start.

  She pointed at him before disappearing into her bedroom. “Geez, I have nothing on. No wonder I’m freezing. Hang on, I’ll be right back. You just breathe.”

  After slipping on a nightgown, she approached the dog again. Tamara rubbed the fur on his back and watched his entire body shake with each breath he took. She pulled the dog toward her and hugged him, rubbing her arms across his body in an attempt to warm him. “Poor pooch. Are you cold?”

  A few minutes later, the dog’s breathing returned to normal. He nuzzled her arm with his nose.

  “Hey! I told you, that’s cold.” The dog looked up at her again, but after seeing his big, beautiful, amber-gold eyes, she softened her tone of voice. Guilt consumed her as she spoke gently, “Are you okay now?”

  He whimpered and left her side.

  She watched him as he scooted across the floor. “What are you doing?”

  The dog whimpered some more and seemed disturbed with something.

  Tamara shook her head. “Poor thing. I don’t know what to do to help you.” She monitored him a while longer before she rose to her feet and left him. Halfway down the hallway, she paused, turned to look for him, and almost stumbled over him when he came brushing up against her leg.

  “There you are. Are you okay now? Want to see what names we can come up with for you?” She ruffled the fur on the top of his head. “Come on, Cutie.”

  She walked into a third bedroom and punched in letters across her keyboard.

  Ten minutes later, Tamara had Googled, “common male dog names”, “top twenty male dog names”, and, lastly, “unique male dog names”, searching for a name for her new companion. To her amazement, she didn’t find much of interest. Her final list consisted of only four possibilities: Connor, Caleb, Eclipse, and Zack.

  She kneeled in front of the dog and said each name aloud several times, hoping he would somehow narrow the list for her.

  Tamara paused; her gaze caught in eyes the color of obsidian.

  “Nightfall,” she muttered finally, through the range of colors in her mind. “That’s what your eyes look like. The darkened hue of nightfall. What do you think?”

  I like it, the deep baritone voice responded in the back of her mind.

  Tamara stopped and scrunched up her nose while she looked at the dog with curiosity. “Strange...”

  She snickered to herself dismissively, while scratching behind his ear. “But you know what? Everyone is right about you. You’re a handsome boy.”

  His head brushed the side of her cheek and rubbed against it in a slow, loving manner.

  She giggled at the contact and lifted out of her seat to pat him on the head. “Good boy, Nightfall.”

  The dog tilted his head up, acknowledging his new name.

  Tamara stretched her arms above her head and yawned before sauntering out of her office. On her way down the hall, she spied Nightfall scurrying behind her.

  “No!” Tamara told him firmly.

  When Nightfall didn’t listen, she turned and flailed an arm out toward him. For a moment, the dog was stunned. Tamara put the solid panel of her bedroom door between them and slid the chain lock into place.

  Nightfall whined softly from the other side and she eyed him briefly through the gap left by the chain.

  “Sorry, Sweetie. You’ve got to stay out there tonight.”

  There was a long whining response and Tamara shushed him before sliding happily under the covers and into her soft, welcoming bed.


  The next morning, Tamara opened the door, surprised when she found Nightfall not there waiting for her.

  Where was he? Was he already reneging on his guard dog duties?

  She exhaled a long sigh, padding to the kitchen before catching movement out of the corner of her eye. Tamara turned her head to see what it was and spotted Nightfall lying on the tile.

  Tamara smiled at her unblinking, furry eared stalker. “There you are, you little rascal. For a minute there, I thought you might have left me.”

  She retrieved Nightfall’s bowls from the kitchen and filled one with water, placing it gingerly onto the elevated stand. When she bent down to peek in the refrigerator, a rush of air settled by her left leg, and an unexpected heat source popped up behind her.

  “Hello again,” Tamara laughed. She turned her head to one side and reached back to pet Nightfall’s muzzle when a breeze of cold air smacked her right butt cheek. The silky material of her pajama shorts had somehow slipped up over her rear. As if mesmerized, Nightfall stared at the clear, unobstructed view of her feminine curves.

  The amber-gold hue of his eyes darkened.

  Tamara stood and quickly smoothed down the fabric of her shorts. Nightfall whined softly and then slumped to the floor as if released from some kind of witch’s spell. His eyes lifted when she offered him a drink of water. He licked her upper arm and then returned his attention back to the water, surprisingly, lapping up every single drop until he hit the bottom of the metal bowl. She poured more water into it and quirked an eyebrow up as he attacked the water again.

  She patted his head affectionately. “There you go, Nightfall. You’re certainly a strange dog to have around, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Tamara set his water bowl down next to another containing dog food. Instead of moving toward it, he sat back on his haunches, tilted his head to the side, and looked up at Tamara with an alert, attentive expression.

  Her eyebrows puckered before she shuffled over to the loveseat to watch TV and eat her cereal. “Sweetie, you better eat your food, or you’ll get nothing else to eat. That’s all you’re getting. I mean it.”

  Nightfall, however, did not seem in the least perturbed and ignored his food entirely. Instead, he joined Tamara in the living room and lay down dutifully by her feet.


  Tamara glanced back at Nightfall on her way out the door. She’d decided for today, and today only, she’d let him wander among the unlocked rooms and assess the damage later.

  Rolling the blinds up a little to let the sunlight stream in, she locked the garage door behind her and prayed he’d be okay. While the garage door made its familiar downward descent, she snapped her head to the right to find Nightfall perched at the front windowsill.

  Good. He’s not barking.

  At least he didn’t have separation anxiety. Check one concern off her list. Hopefully, he’d remain quiet and out of trouble.

  She silently pleaded with the large canine at her window, bargaining for the safety and comfort of her home to remain as is. The last thing she wanted was to regret saving the beautiful, furry animal with the color-changing eyes which stared back at her from the window.

  “Please, be good.”

  She whispered a quick prayer for his safety and for her own peace of mind. Next, she crossed her fingers and shifted the car into drive.


  Josh waited thirty minutes to make sure Tamara didn’t change her mind, come home, and surprise him. After sensing no car pulling into the driveway, he stood on his hind legs and blissfully returned to his primary form. Arching his back, he flexed his muscles and luxuriated in the freedom of being on two legs instead of four.

  He wasn’t comfortable remaining as a wolf for an extended period. It was more natural, and convenient, to carry on as a human. However, since Tamara only knew him as a “dog” he found himself having to endure lengthy periods looking and acting like a canine.

  Watching her undress last night almost did him in. Viewing her delicious assets strained the limits of his self-restraint; Josh found himself breathless…literally. He’d knew he’d never survive another striptease.

  He shook his head at the memory. What started out innocent, was now more complicated than he ever planned on it becoming. Simply following her delicious scent, Josh wound up at her home, nightly.

  Her sweet aroma wafted through the walls of the house, calling to him like a siren. He’d run for the trees beyond the hills, but his body betrayed him, gravitating toward the house time and time again and curving his gait to it.

  It was mesmerizing, and yet it also brought him peace. In the beginning, he found the smell of her comfortable and familiar, but over time it became more than that. It aroused the wolf in him in a way Josh could not explain. Like a lover, it teased and played with him, setting his nerves on edge and challenging his restraint. One second, it was warm and cozy. Next, it was spicy and sexy, and then it was happy and festive.

  What Tamara’s scent promised him was more than pure, physical pleasure. He wanted—no needed—to bathe and luxuriate in the smell of it daily. Preferably, on top of or underneath the delicious female it belonged to.

  A sly grin creased the corners of his lips, widening further as he contemplated all the things he’d like to do to her.

  From the moment Josh first saw Tamara, he was held captive in a prison of her making. However, Josh didn’t mind submitting to his enchantress—denying her would be like depriving himself of oxygen. There was nowhere else he’d rather be then at her side. Since then, he tracked down where she worked and found her place of business as a counselor.

  Yet now he was in a seriously wrong predicament. Even though Tamara met him as a human, she only knew his wolf form as a pet, and a docile lapdog he was not. Josh never intended for his wolf persona to be the defining characteristic of their relationship. He’d have to find a way to break the news to Tamara somehow.

  Their futures were destined to intertwine.

  However, the situation was becoming dangerous. The more time he spent with her, the more he was falling for her. How much longer could he control himself and his natural impulses? He was afraid one day he’d startle them both, and Tamara would find herself tossed on her back with him happily positioned over her.

  He wanted her. He needed her. And he didn’t need anyone.

  He’d wandered aimlessly for years wondering if the concept of a true mate existed–his mate. Yet, here she was, finally—the one he looked for, the one he’d spend the rest of his life with.

  Now, if only he could convince her of this fact.

  He roamed through the living room and entered the kitchen, carefully avoiding the windows. The worst part about switching between a wolf and a human was no clothes to change into.

  If Tamara was around, and she welcomed it, he’d tolerate this as a minor inconvenience. He’d gladly switch back into his nude human form for their mutual delight, but it would wreak havoc in public places and situations. When it came to public appearances, he preferred being a wolf. No one ever noticed when a wolf was naked.

  He opened the refrigerator, several cabinet doors, and the kitchen drawers, gathering the ingredients to make a sandwich. Taking out the iced tea, he poured himself a glass and gulped down every drop. The water Tamara provided was a sweet gesture, but it wasn’t enough for his increased libido—especially when she was parading around nude in front of him.

  He choked in mid-gulp, and his breathing turned raspy as the image of her luscious body floated across his mind. He couldn’t wait until she accepted him as her mate. It would be the happiest day for both of them.

  He walked into the master bedroom which, as Nightfall, Tamara had forbidden him to enter. Searching through the bathroom closet, he found a towel and modestly wrapped his bottom half. This way, if any neighbors became curious and happened to notice him, they’d conclude he was merely a guest in her home. Not some pervert, or worse—an intruder with the lowest intentions.

  Josh grimaced at the thought. He’d never allow anything like that to happen. If anyone tried to harm Tamara, they’d know right away they’d made a big mistake.

  Clicking the power button on the TV remote, he sat down on the loveseat and luxuriated in the lingering smell of her scent wafting from the cushions.

  The corners of his lips curled up into a wicked grin. Now he just needed to come up with a plan of how to break the news to her.


  Tamara’s day started rough but, thankfully, it ended well.

  Five minutes till four-thirty p.m., Tamara blew past the exit door and down the stairs to her car. She drove home, frantic to determine how Nightfall fared…and if her home was now left in shambles. Fearing the worst, she chewed her bottom lip as she drove. Would her home still be livable? Did he trash it from a sudden, unknown, wild streak or unanticipated separation anxiety? She’d soon find out.

  Tamara drove over the speed limit as much as she dared, given the circumstances, and made it home in approximately thirty minutes. She scanned the front window while the garage door was rising, but Nightfall was nowhere in sight.

  Anxiety grabbed ahold of her as she jerked the car into the garage. “No, no, no…What did he do?” she muttered. “What am I going to find?”

  Tamara shuddered while envisioning the mess awaiting her.

  She ripped the keys from her purse, threw open the door and found Nightfall, sitting calmly on the other side. He cocked his head over to one side and smiled. Tamara dropped to a crouch and gathered him in her arms before sighing with relief and shutting the door behind her. “I was worried when I didn’t see you at the window. Did you break anything while I was gone?”

  She scanned the room to see if anything was amiss. When nothing jumped out at her, Tamara checked every corner of the ranch-style home but found nothing out of order except a bath towel which had been carelessly tossed on the bathroom floor.

  How odd.

  She picked the towel up, sniffed it, and breathed in a strong but pleasant odor of a man. Strange. How did it get there? Tamara took a step back and looked at the towel, with curiosity, before bringing it up to her nose again.

  Ahhh, amazing.

  Still no man had been in her home in a very long time. Yet, she’d had difficulty with her sinuses lately so maybe it was just her? Still, why was the towel tossed onto the floor? She was usually more careful than that. This morning; however, she had been in a hurry…

  She closed her eyes and purred, delighting in the strange, intoxicating smell. It’d been far too long—almost forever since she welcomed a man into her home. None of her towels should smell like that…that wonderfully provocative manly musk which made her weak in the knees. She held the towel against her cheek, envisioning what the owner of the delicious scent might look like, if it wasn’t hers. Regardless, the scent evoked nice memories of happy times.

  Nightfall watched her from the doorway, sitting outside her bedroom in the hall. She could’ve sworn his mouth widened in approval.

  Tamara laughed at her own reaction, still reluctant to release the towel from her grip. She took one more long whiff before returning it to the hook on the
wall. Her eyes fluttered momentarily, and her heart picked up a beat. Fond memories of long nights floated across her mind, followed quickly by the endless horror movie of soured relationships ending.

  She looked at the towel and sighed before she opened the hamper and dropped it in. It was dirty, after all.

  Turning to Nightfall, she asked, “Did you get this towel down? What a funny boy you are. The towel is not one of your toys, no it’s not. We’ll have to get you some won’t we?”

  She bent down to hug Nightfall, thanking him for guarding and not destroying her home. His breathing abruptly paused. Her arms reached forward to lovingly encircle his neck, but he backed out of her reach and dropped his head with a grin.

  She reached forward to grab him around his waist and hug him. “Where are you going?” Tamara laughed.

  Her face fell softly against his furry one, and Nightfall stilled.

  It felt natural. For some reason, there was an instant connection between them.

  Nightfall’s tongue grazed her across her lips, causing her to giggle. Did he sense her strong regard for him? His honey-colored brown eyes sparkled, and Tamara smiled. Her eyes lingered on the unusual color of his irises, which, strangely, seemed to change with his mood. His deep, soulful eyes were incredibly beautiful; she could easily get lost in them.

  Tamara shook her head at the ridiculous ideas her mind conjured. “He’s just a dog,” she told herself. “He’s just a dog…”

  She turned to him and smiled, forcing herself to change the subject.

  “Well, Nightfall, are you ready to get your tag today? I’m going to make you a permanent part of my family. What do you think?”


  What did he think? Josh chuffed, rolling over on the floor to expose his belly.

  Tamara stooped down to hug him and he closed his eyes, relishing the warmth and nearness of her. He rubbed his head onto her shoulder and breathed in the elixir of her scent, envisioning doing much more than hugging. However, now was not the time.


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