
Home > Other > Nightfall > Page 18
Nightfall Page 18

by TK Lawyer

  She struggled to squirm free, but Josh leaned forward on his elbows and pinned her arms down with the weight of his hands. He sealed her protesting lips with a passionate kiss and lowered the bottom half of his body onto hers.

  She squealed, feeling his marked arousal. “Josh, Josh.”

  He nuzzled her neck and rumbled against her throat. “What? You don’t want me? You started this, Tamara.”

  Excitement thrilled through her body. She wanted him badly, but she worried about the consequences.

  He pulled her against him, nestling his rigid form between her thighs. She threw her head back and sighed with happiness. He excited her and kicked up her desire, but instead of giving in she pretended to protest. “Josh, I don’t know if we should do this.”

  He snarled. “No more teasing. Not tonight.”


  “You’re sexy and dangerous.”

  She arched her back and slid her hands up and down his arms. Josh pulled her nightgown up, raking it across her tender, swollen nipples, and she gasped aloud. His focus slammed to her instant, erotic response and her nakedness. His sharp intake of air released with his sensual perusal of the glorious treasure map that was her body. Wanton and weakened, she was ready for the taking, and he planned to explore her thoroughly.

  He took great care in stimulating her breasts, eliciting long, torturous moans of pleasure and soft, breathy cries of his name. Her mouth opened invitingly, and her sporadic breathing cried out for precious life-sustaining oxygen.

  She reached for him in between murmurs and pleas to Josh for mercy. “Josh, please…please don’t tease me, Baby. Make me yours.”

  His eyes darkened, and he groaned. His sex stirred, ready to please his mate in every way she desired.

  No! Wait. A little voice inside his head screamed. She’s teasing you. She hasn’t committed to you.

  His eyes bordered between amber and black.

  But I want her. I want her desperately and now.

  No, That’s just sex. His conscience argued. It’s temporary. You want her permanently.

  Damn. His mind was right. Double damn. Would he never be satisfied?

  With great resolve, he lifted up and away from her, forcing himself to sit on the couch. His sex, fully extended, now howled for release within her. He struggled, desperate to calm the intense urge to take her fully and hard, claiming and marking her forever as his mate. Josh viewed her naked flesh and tried to ignore the desperate cries of his body, impelling him to take her until they were satiated. He refused to give in despite the seductive temptations her body promised.

  Tamara’s eyes snapped open with a questioning look. She lifted onto her elbows. “Josh, is everything okay? Do I not please you?”

  Was she kidding?

  Josh shuddered. “You have no idea how much, but you also haven’t committed to me yet and there’s only so much a wolf can take. Please, cover yourself. You’re too tempting.”

  “But I want it, Josh. I want you. You can have me tonight.”

  He exhaled loudly with a heavy sigh. “But only for tonight. I want you forever, Tamara. Please put your clothes back on.”

  She lifted up and straightened her nightgown. “Josh…”

  The silence after she called his name seemed to go on forever, long enough for Josh to question if she left the room. He hesitated opening his eyes to view the wanton temptation she presented by her mere presence.

  He couldn’t give in, no matter what excuse she offered. He knew what she was going to say, anyway. She was right about the fact they only dated for two months. This wasn’t a long period for a human, but for a wolf desperate to commit to his mate it was an uncommonly long time.

  He knew what he wanted—her underneath him with her legs spread wide, willingly bonding herself to him forever. The little voice in his head reminded him to wait.

  Damn, that little voice that was his conscience—it was such a buzz killer.

  “I’m dressed. You can open your eyes now,” Tamara told him.

  When he did, Tamara let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t want you to be unhappy, Josh. I care about you, you know.” She tilted her head to one side and tapped her index finger against her lip. “No, that’s not quite it.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth, and she bit her lower lip. She lifted her chin up, and her lips parted.

  “No, Josh, I don’t care about you.”

  His eyes narrowed. What was she saying? Was she back-pedaling again? Why was she saying such crazy things? He sensed her genuine affection for him and assumed she knew it too. Maybe not. Maybe the damage from her previous relationships clouded her own awareness. Was that possible, and what could he do to speed up her healing?

  She knelt on the floor in front of him. There was a slight tremor to her lips. “I love you.”

  Josh didn’t smile or respond.

  “Did you hear me, Josh? I said I love you.”

  He closed his eyes and turned away from her.


  “Please, don’t. Please, don’t repeat it.”

  “Wait a minute, you’ve been waiting for me to say these words, and now here I am saying them to you, but you won’t accept it?”

  She reached for his hands, but Josh retreated and walked away. Tamara’s bottom slid back onto the floor, and she looked over at him stunned.

  “Do you honestly expect me to believe what you’re saying to me now?” he asked.

  Tamara glanced down at her hands and murmured, “But, I do love you.”

  She scrambled up and looked directly at him with her hands on her hips. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I love you so much, and now you’re rejecting me?” She pointed at him. “I’m standing in front of you, telling you how much I love you, and you can’t accept it? Well, I won’t stand here any longer and be rejected by you, Josh Carrigan. Especially, after everything I just told you about my ex. I thought you were a better man than that.”

  She swiveled around toward the bedroom and then shut the door behind her.

  He sat back on the couch and reviewed her comments. Tamara was angry, but she sounded sincere. More importantly, she was right—this was precisely what he’d been waiting for. He was being foolish.

  He knocked on the bedroom door and called out her name. There was no response, so he knocked again.

  She opened the door in her robe and looked up at him. “What?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and asked, “Did you really mean what you said?”

  Tamara breathed out a frustrated sigh. “Josh, if you don’t think I meant it, you—”

  He drew her into his arms and kissed her before she could say anything else.

  Long, luxurious moments later, Tamara lay still, cradled warmly in Josh’s arms. Make-up sex was truly amazing. She looked up at him smiling down at her and released a contented sigh. He planted a breath-taking kiss on her lips that left her begging for more.

  “Darling, I have to ask you something,” he whispered.

  “What is it?”

  “My wolf likes to run every now and then, particularly on the night of the full moon—which is tomorrow night. I need to be out of the house and wanted to let you know to make sure you’re okay with this. I won’t be back until the next morning.”

  “Um, yeah, okay. I mean, I don’t want to keep you from doing what you normally do. I never want to hold you back.” She giggled. “I’m sorry. It’s just weird having this conversation with you or with anyone, for that matter. It’s kind of surreal like I’m in a dream or something.”

  He chuckled lightly into her hair.

  “Thank you, beautiful.” He lowered his head and kissed her.


  Josh waited in anticipation by the front door.

  “There you are, my love. Now, you may want to turn around while I change.”

  “Why? I’ve seen you naked before,” she replied with a coquettish smile.

  “Okay. But you asked for it.”
In one quick swoop, he pulled down his briefs and hit the ground.


  The intensity of her joyous emotions swept through him.


  She clapped her hands together with excitement. “My sweet Nightfall! Oh, no!” Her smile suddenly fell. “I mean, Josh.”

  He could’ve taken offense at her sudden disappointment, but she was used to his wolf, and she harbored a great love for animals.

  It’s okay, Darling. You can call me whatever you want. The corners of his mouth curved into a grin. Now, open the door and let me run, Sweetheart. I’ll be back later. You’ll see me on the doorstep. Let me in.

  Her hand went to the doorknob, but Tamara stopped as she looked back at Josh.

  “What do you do when you’re out on a run? Do you hunt and eat rabbits, or something like that? Do you kill anything on your runs?” She grimaced and turned away.

  Josh watched the strap of her nightgown fall. Her delicious nude shoulder beckoned him to change his mind and stay in for the night under the warm bed covers with his luscious mate. He pictured an abundance of wickedly delightful scenarios, ending with their mutual shouts of pleasure. Sadly, he couldn’t stay. The moon called to him, and he wanted to run clear and fast out into the moonlight. He cleared his throat to distract his randy thoughts.

  No, I just run. It makes me feel alive. I like to run, and it gets rid of my excess energy. I don’t kill innocent beings. His look became darker and somewhat rakish. I do, however, run to find single, vulnerable women to fondle and make love to.

  Her mouth gaped open.

  Josh chuffed and took a step toward her. Honestly, Tamara, I run to get my energy out. You’re the only woman I want to be with.

  She eyed him curiously.

  Tamara. Cover yourself, please. Now, before you find yourself in a compromising position.

  She pulled her nightgown further up over her chest and flipped the strap over her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  Josh concentrated on slowing his breathing and thus his sudden excitement over her. It’s all for you, my love. No one else. His eyes glowed in the darkness. Now, open the door, dear, and let me run. I promise I’ll take care of your needs later.

  Her mouth formed into an O. She turned the doorknob to his low whimpers, which soon changed into a rolling growl. He stood in the doorframe; one paw mark short of freedom. However, he stayed a few seconds longer to lick her fingers upward toward the palm of her hand, silently promising her ecstasy when he returned.

  She bent down to kiss the top of his head. “I love you, Josh.”

  Tamara watched with a wide grin as he scampered out the door, through the streets and into the forest beyond.


  Josh proceeded with his usual schedule of the day. However, this time he prepared for the upcoming restaurant inspection. They always passed the inspections, but he credited this solely to his diligence in keeping within the strict guidelines.

  He met with the kitchen staff to review the specials and inspected the bar area and dining room to make sure everything was clean and in order. He looked over his staff’s schedules before going back to his office to review the weekly profit projections and statements.

  A few hours later when the restaurant opened, Josh stood behind the hostess’ stand. He reviewed the training schedule for the newest junior hostess to the team. Periodically, he met with guests in the dining area and asked how their lunch and service had been. Afterward, he thanked as many as he could for their patronage.

  Eventually, he made his way back into the kitchen and checked the temperatures of everything being cooked and reviewed the cleanliness. He stepped out of the kitchen when he heard his name called. One of the waitresses approached him. Puzzled, he waited for an explanation.

  “Mr. Carrigan? I wanted to apologize about the other night. I didn’t know your date wasn’t aware you’re the owner of the restaurant. I hope your evening went well despite my slip up.”

  So…Candice was the one who divulged his secret.

  “Actually, Candice, things almost went wrong,” he told her honestly. “The date ended early.”

  He understood why Tamara was jealous of Candice. The waitress was young and pretty, but she was also happily engaged.

  Tamara had nothing to fear when it came to him and other women. She was unique in a way that set her apart from others. Candice was pretty, but Tamara was alluring. Like an electrically charged magnet, Josh was drawn to Tamara. For him, no other female would ever do.

  “Oh no, Josh, I’m so sorry. I feel just rotten now,” Candice said.

  He grinned. “It’s okay. It worked itself out in the end. No harm done.”

  “Good, I’m glad. She seemed nice, and very pretty. I think you picked a good one.” She walked away from him and into the kitchen.

  He pictured Tamara and smiled. She was perfect for him. Now, if she’d only realize they were meant to be together and commit to him forever.


  Monday morning three days before Thanksgiving, Josh strolled into Tamara’s kitchen and took out a pan, several eggs, shredded cheese, a few tomatoes, an onion, parsley flakes, and bacon bits. He also took out sausage patties and bread. He started prepping the ingredients, slicing, and chopping, stirring and frying.

  At the last minute, he remembered to make a pot of Tamara’s favorite morning beverage—coffee. She’d welcome a cup or two, or possibly even three. Half an hour later, he heard the bedroom door creak open.

  Tamara poked her head out and sniffed the air with a yawn. “Something smells good. Whatcha making?”

  “Hey, Sweetheart. Good morning,” he said, without turning around. “I’m making your favorite; a western omelet. There’s a card for you on the dining table.”

  “Oh? Who’s it from?”

  Josh grinned. “Me.”

  Tamara wandered over to the table and picked up the envelope. Her name was scribbled across the front of it. She felt Josh watching her and looked up to find him surveying her reaction.

  “But Josh, it’s not my birthday or any type of holiday.”

  “Just open it.”

  She lifted the card out of the envelope and smiled, reading aloud each line of the charming, sentimental card and ending it with “Love Josh, xxxoo.”

  She pressed the card to her chest and said, “Thank you, Josh. I love it.”

  He grinned. “I owe every one of those kisses and hugs to you, by the way. I think you dropped something out of the card, though.”

  Tamara glanced down at the table and squealed. “Oh my God, Josh! You didn't! You got me hockey tickets!”

  Tickets in hand, she ran straight for him and crushed him with the biggest bear hug.

  He laughed aloud before he lowered his head and kissed her. “So, I see you really like your gift.”

  She threw her hands up into the air. “No, I love it. I love hockey.”

  “I know. You mentioned it to me before.”

  “I can’t believe you remembered.”

  The microwave oven beeped, and he took out the sausage patties. Tamara offered to help, but Josh insisted she get ready for work while he finished up. He called after her as she entered the bedroom. “By the way, Tamara, I’m working at the restaurant tonight so I can be off tomorrow evening. That way I can take you to the game. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “I knew you were a sweetie,” she said with a wide grin curling up the corners of her mouth.


  Tamara returned a half-hour later to find breakfast waiting.

  “A girl could get used to this,” she told him cheerfully. She sipped her coffee and thanked Josh for the great meal and the irresistible company.

  He winked. “Why don’t you come by the restaurant later? I would love for you to witness the day-to-day operation. You can be a manager-in-training for the night. I’ll even give you a name badge if you’re good.”

  Tamara snorted.

  “Seriously, I would like you to
come by,” he told her honestly. “You can see what you think, and determine if you can picture yourself helping me manage it one day.”

  “Well, …okay. I’d actually like to see how a restaurant is run, and how can I say no to you?”

  “Good. I’ll be at work at one. Come by anytime and ask the hostess for me, okay?”

  “All right.” Tamara hugged and kissed him, adding, “Be good while I’m away.”

  He grinned. “Am I ever not?”

  She gave him a wry smile and left for work.


  Tamara bounded through the open doorway.

  Spotting her friend, she ran over and gave her a hug. “Hey, Vee. What time are we meeting for dinner?”

  Several years ago, they discussed their uncommon bond and similarities and branded it with a name: soul sister. Though they lived an hour apart from each other, they always got together as much as possible. However, this time was different—this time Tamara was bringing someone with her.

  “Everything’s set for six,” Vee replied. “But why don’t you come around four so we can spend some time together?”

  “All right, that sounds good.” Tamara glanced over at her friend. “Don’t forget, I’m bringing Josh with me.”

  Vee’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I haven’t forgotten. How is Josh these days? Is everything going well for the two of you?”

  Tamara grinned. “Yeah, everything’s going really well. He’s wonderful.”

  Her friend’s eyebrows lifted and she nodded with a knowing look. “Aha…you don’t say.”

  Tamara snickered and playfully smacked her friend across the shoulder. “It’s not that way, Vee.”

  “Oh…really? That’s how it started with Ray and me, you know? Ah…young love. To be young and in love again.”

  “What do you mean, ‘young again’? You’re only nine years older than me, and I don’t consider myself old.”

  They both burst out laughing.

  “We’ll see you at four then. And please bring Josh. I want to meet him, then I’ll let you know if he’s good for you or not.” Vee tilted her chin up and waggled her eyebrows.


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