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Page 22

by TK Lawyer

  She returned to the bedroom to see first one eye pop open and peer up at her and then another.

  “What are you doing?” Josh asked in a deep, husky voice that reminded her of the limited hours of sleep they both got.

  He was curled up, sexily intertwined within her bedsheets. Tamara’s eyes wandered over his tempting, delicious body, and she tossed around the idea of spending the day wrapped up in the sheets with him. She knew she could awaken certain parts of him easily, and he’d enjoy every second. Watching his hard, muscular, nude form lying across the bed like an Adonis, she seriously considered changing her plans. The curve of his hips and his strong, muscled buttocks and legs beckoned her. Not to mention the firm rock-hard abs she envied. No, she wouldn’t give in no matter how much she wanted to. There was always time for play, but this day only came once a year.

  She lifted her nightgown over her head. “I’m getting ready to go shopping.”

  His irises widened as he swept his gaze over her naked form.

  He patted the area next to him and grinned. “No, no. I think you should come back to bed, instead. I can take care of all of your urges, and I will. You can pretend to buy me, and I promise you’ll be happy with your purchase. Satisfaction guaranteed, or we’ll keep trying until you are.”

  She giggled and threw her nightgown at his gorgeous, nude chest. “You’re horrible.”

  He caught it in mid-air, crushed it against his nose, and noisily breathed in. His eyelashes fluttered, and he groaned.

  “You smell delightful, Tamara. Come back to bed and let me make all your wishes come true.”

  She winked and retrieved a bra and a panty before she walked into the closet, out of his line of sight. “You can buy me all the items circled in the ads, and that will make my wishes come true, at least for now.”

  “Hey. That’s not fair.”

  “Well, you did offer to make my wishes come true.”

  “No. I mean, you’re dressing where I can’t see you.” He paused. “Actually, never mind, I’d rather watch you undress.”

  She chuckled. “You cad. Just horrible,” she muttered while slipping on a pair of shoes.

  His lustful eyes snaked over her curves. “You didn’t think so earlier.”

  She bent over the bed to kiss him. She realized her mistake as soon as his hands whipped around her like a boa constrictor around its victim. His fingers dove under her shirt and around to the back of her bra, where he worked his way down, popping open one barrier at a time.

  “Josh!” She squirmed between his delightful, powerful kisses. Her loosened bra fell forward onto her shirt. She scrambled up and held it back with both arms. “No!”

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, feigning innocence.

  Tamara squirmed away but not fast enough. His arms reached around her waist and playfully pulled her back onto the bed.

  She pushed her hands against his chest. “Stop it, Josh. I have to get going.”

  “Why? What’s so urgent?”

  “It’s Black Friday.”

  Josh grimaced and groaned. “Oh nooo.” He slapped a hand against his forehead and winced in pretended pain. “You want to go out on Black Friday? Are you nuts?”

  “No, I just want to get the good deals. You don’t have to go, but let me. Will you?”

  He looked at her and smiled after releasing her hand. “Okay, okay.”

  She scampered out of the room before he changed his mind.

  “Why don’t you come back to bed? I can make you forget about Black Friday. We can go shopping later.”

  There was no reply.

  He grimaced and groaned again. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. “Okay, okay, I’ll go with you. You twisted my arm.”

  She ran back into the bedroom and almost into him. “What? Are you going to take me?”

  He smirked. “No. I was going to ride with you.”

  She looked at the floor with sad eyes, teasing him with a deliberate pout. “Ohhh. I thought you’d take me.”

  He sighed heavily. “All right, all right, I’ll drive you. Geez. You can stop with the cute looks. You know how that gets to me.”

  Her smile brightened. “Yay.” She hugged and kissed him and scurried out of the room before he had a chance to pull her back to him.

  “Yeah, I’ll go to the stores with you, Tamara. There’s going to be some long lines at each store, and you never know what might happen in them,” he muttered under his breath with a mischievous grin.


  They hit four stores and had one left to go. Tamara found only a quarter of the items she circled in the ads. Yet, she easily found several additional items on sale, to add to her ever-growing list of bargains.

  Josh rolled his eyes as they headed into their last store. “We’re going to be here for a long time, aren’t we?”

  “It was your decision to come with me,” she reminded him with a girlish pout.

  He surveyed the area. “Yeah, I know. I know. I’m going to head to another department while you continue shopping.” Josh kissed her on the cheek and walked back toward electronics.

  Tamara got stuck in the clothing department. The clearance section called her name and as a result her cart was overflowing with goodies. Still, she headed to the lingerie department as she always did and browsed through the clearance of intimate apparel. As she searched the racks, she contemplated Josh and his preferences. She grinned, finding several choice pieces he’d probably love to see on then quickly off her.

  She went past the electronics department but didn’t find Josh down any of the aisles. She gave up searching for him and pressed her cart forward to the fitting rooms where she tried on a mountain of clothes and came out with only one cute dress in her hands. Afterward, she made her way to the front of the store, where she waited half of her life standing in line to check out. Pulling her phone out of her purse, she dialed Josh to tell him where she was.

  “Hey, I’m at the checkouts in lane three. Okay, bye.”

  She pressed the end button and looked up at the never-ending line ahead of her.

  Dazed and in some sort of daydream, Tamara jerked in surprise when two arms suddenly encircled her waist. The back of her head hit Josh squarely in the chin.

  “Augh,” he exclaimed.

  “I’m sorry. Are you okay? You scared me.”

  He rubbed his hand over the sore spot under his chin. “I didn’t think you’d be so jumpy.”

  “Well, I didn’t know who you were.”

  “Hopefully, the only man that grabs you around your waist!”

  They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “I’m sorry, Sweetie. Is your chin okay?”

  “No, but you can kiss me and make it better.”

  “You cad,” she said, fulfilling his wish. “Better?”

  He winked. “Somewhat, but you can make it up to me later. I have several ideas.”


  “Boy, you have all kinds of words to describe me, eh?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I do. I haven’t gone through the entire list yet.”

  He helped place her items onto the counter until something caught his attention. Holding up the item in question, he asked, “What’s this?”

  Her eyes widened. Oh, …she forgot about that.

  “Gee, how did that get in there?” She asked in a casual tone of voice. “That must’ve slipped into my cart by mistake.”

  Josh held the garment away from her as she attempted to take it from him. His irises darkened as he alternated between looking at the item and back at her. He swallowed hard and placed it onto the counter before she could change her mind. When she attempted to grab it, he whipped an arm out and held her back.

  He tossed the garment further up the moving belt. “Oh no…You’re getting this.”

  The cashier scanned the black lace teddy and looked over at them with interest before she folded it and placed it into the plastic bag. Tamara flushed slightly fr
om embarrassment.

  Don’t worry, it won’t be on you long.

  “Despicable,” she responded.

  His devilish grin widened.


  Tamara watched their waitress with keen interest as she took Josh’s order. The girl’s eyes wandered over Josh’s firm body, landing on areas Tamara considered private and, in some cases, off-limits. Without a doubt the waitress, Cindy, was paying way too much attention to Josh. Fortunately, his concentration was in the pages of the menu and oblivious to Cindy’s marked attention. Josh looked up at Cindy and asked a question.

  The hussy giggled, reaching over Josh’s shoulder to point out the side items on his menu. Tamara frowned. Cindy was getting a little too close for Tamara’s comfort.

  Tamara brooded as Cindy made small talk with Josh to complete his order. Tamara couldn’t help the snide look on her face when it was her turn to order. Besides, Cindy had interrupted Josh’s question. He’d been in the middle of asking Tamara to come away with him to an upcoming restaurant convention in Chicago when the hussy arrived. She was about to respond when bright-eyed, bouncy Cindy wormed her way up to their table with her over-the-top bubbly personality. Tamara grunted and rolled her eyes as Cindy departed.

  Tamara dramatically tossed her hair off her shoulders and dropped her napkin onto her lap. “Well, that was alarming and unprofessional.” She looked up to find Josh’s bright smile. “What are you grinning at?”


  Her mouth twisted up into a pout, and she shrugged. “So, you noticed her flirtations, did you? Are you suggesting that I should be worried?”

  She opened her eyes wide in a challenge, but Josh continued grinning.

  “No. But it’s nice to know you are- jealous, that is.”

  Tamara smirked. “You better not break my heart, Josh.”

  “Never. I promise.”


  “But you know that goes both ways, don’t you? I’m still waiting on you to make a decision. You know I don’t just want you as my girlfriend—I want forever.”

  She averted her eyes before bouncing them back to Josh. “I know…and I promise to let you know as soon as I decide.”

  He sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “Don’t take too long.”

  Tamara nodded, slowly.

  “Now, back to what I was trying to tell you about the restaurant convention. I’d like you to come with me. The only problem is my flight is leaving tomorrow at six-thirty in the morning.”


  “Yes, I’m sorry, but I forgot all about it until David mentioned it yesterday. I made plans to attend the convention ten months ago, not knowing I’d fall in love. Honey, I want you to come with me if you can. It won’t be the same without you by my side. I’ll even pay for your ticket. What do you say?”

  “How long is it?”

  “Five days.”

  Her heart dropped into her gut and her jaw fell open. Five days without Josh? Oh no.

  Tamara shook her head. “I… I can’t. I have appointments scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday, and besides, I made plans with Ruben tomorrow.”

  Josh groaned. “Oh, I forgot about that. It’s probably good I won’t be in town then.”

  She waved his comment away. “Now who’s being jealous? I already told you, we’re just friends.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  She pursed her lips together in frustration. “Josh!”

  He tilted his head to one side. “You sure you can’t go? I’d love for you to come with me. I’d make it worth your while.”

  “You know I’d love to, but I can’t. It’s too short notice.” She stretched her fingers out in front of her and looked down at the table. “I’m going to really miss you, though. I mean, five days. That’s so long.”

  He nodded. “I know, Honey. I don’t know how I’m going to bear it without you. Are you really sure you can’t come with?”

  “I can always cancel with Ruben, but my clients…I can’t cancel their appointments. I have a responsibility to them.”

  He frowned but nodded his head in agreement. “I understand. I don’t like it, but I do understand.” He motioned one arm toward her. “See what I mean by professionalism and being good at your job?” After a brief silence, he added, “I respect you for not taking off on your clients, but I will miss you while I’m gone.”

  She frowned and lowered her eyes. “I’ll miss you too, Josh, so much.”


  Pride filled Josh’s heart as he watched his beautiful mate lying peacefully in his bed. Nine months ago, if someone told him this day would happen, he would’ve laughed. Now he just wanted to howl out his grief.

  Five days didn’t seem much to a human, but for a wolf who just found his mate, five days was pure, agonizing torture. The realization hit him hard that for the next five days, he’d wake up without Tamara’s presence. The fact was enough to make him seriously re-consider attending the convention. However, the convention would not only benefit his restaurant, but it would also increase his presence among restaurants in the United States. He had to attend.

  He considered waking Tamara to say good-bye, but eventually decided against it. He couldn’t wake his slumbering beauty and disturb her precious sleep. Besides, he needed to get to the airport. An innocent, well-meaning word might lead to several breathless, sweaty hours in bed, and unfortunately he didn’t have the extra time for that. Instead, he lightly kissed her cheek and smoothed stray strands of her hair across the pillow. He sniffed dangerously close to her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent for the last time.

  Before departing, he left a quick note on the kitchen counter, telling her he loved her and would miss her greatly. He added that he’d call her every night and asked her to think about their future while he was gone.

  Nine months was a long time. It was time for Tamara to take the next step and fully commit the rest of her life to him. This is what he wanted when he returned for her. That she’d be ready to say the words he needed to hear. He closed the door behind him shortly after leaving his love note with a small decorated box on the kitchen counter.


  The sound of the door closing awakened her.

  “Josh?” Tamara called out to the empty room. She turned toward the clock before she fell back onto the bed and sighed. Josh was gone.

  Tamara frowned. “Damn. He left, and didn’t even say good-bye.”

  She threw her legs over the side of the bed and stumbled to stand up. The “walking dead” would have been an apt description. She padded over to the kitchen. This time, though, the kitchen wasn’t empty. There was a small, decorated box with an elaborate bow on top of the granite countertop.

  Tamara folded open the hand-written note that had been left on top of the box and smiled. Josh was cute, and she missed him already. A mixture of sadness and love shot through her heart as she lifted the top of the box and drew in a startled breath. Excitedly, she pulled out the silver necklace with a snowflake pendant to get a better look.

  She scampered to a full-length mirror, swept her dark hair to one side, and clasped the necklace in place. She sighed, a bit forlorn as she fingered the silver chain. Josh remembered her love of snowflakes, it was truly thoughtful of him. Tamara reached for her phone and texted him a lengthy thank-you several seconds before glancing at her alarm clock.

  “He must be up in the air right now, on his way to Chicago. What am I going to do without him?”

  She recalled Josh’s lengthy explanation regarding withdrawal symptoms from ones’ mate. He explained the bond as a pull between them that helped assure the relationship would last forever. When they were separated, they felt the negative consequences. He warned an extended period would be agony for both of them. In Josh’s opinion, anything over two days was extended. Tamara laughed at the time when he first explained it, but she wasn’t laughing now. It physically hurt for them to be separated, and he’d onl
y just left. She never imagined Josh’s departure would feel this way.

  Tamara moved her hand up to the spray of freckles across her cheeks. She turned sideways several times, looking at her image in the mirror. After gaging her reflection, Tamara pouted. She liked her freckles but received a different opinion recently that had her in a quandary. At her last facial appointment, the spa manager informed her freckles were cute when you’re young, but lost their charm as you got older. The woman advised her to try and fade them. Tamara was upset and injured by the comment, but now she realized the validity of the manager’s disturbing advice. She was starting to consider purchasing a fade cream.

  However, what would Josh think if she changed her look? Her freckles were a natural part of her, and if she faded them out, would he still consider her attractive? Probably.

  It was a crazy thought, but her freckles were part of her heritage, and fading them out was something she never considered. If only Josh were here to ask.


  Tamara scampered to the door amidst loud chiming.

  She threw her arms around the visitor’s neck, saying, “Ruben, I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Man, if I keep getting these kinds of hugs from you I’ll have to come by more often.”

  Tamara playfully slapped him across the arm before rushing him out the door.

  When they made it to his car Tamara grinned. “Whoa! Look at your nice ride, Mr. Big Stuff. You’re finally moving up in this world, huh?”

  Ruben chuckled. “I’ve had some good luck. Come on, get in.”

  She peered over at Ruben. His slicked-back hair and his one diamond stud earring looked good. He’d even put cologne on. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. I have the night planned out for us.”

  Tamara smiled. “By the way, Ruben, you look nice.”

  He grinned at her. “Thanks, Baby. You look beautiful as always.”

  He parked at the end of the valet line of a large entertainment facility called Dexter’s. Tamara shrieked with glee as his car pulled up under the overhang. The restaurant was located in an area she’d never venture into alone, not because it was a bad neighborhood—quite the opposite.


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