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Page 24

by TK Lawyer

  “But does that mean that you forgive me? What about Ruben?”

  Josh looked back at her with amusement. “He’s not part of my plan.”

  She tapped his arm, saying, “No, silly, are you okay with what happened? I was so worried.”

  “Do I look like I’m still angry?” His mouth explored the sensitive areas of her neck, and she shuddered. “I have other things in mind.”

  “I can see that.”

  “I love you, Tamara. You should’ve called me and told me what happened. Don’t make me wait for you again.”

  “I won’t. I didn’t know how you’d take it and frankly, I was scared you’d be angry. You were for a while.” She paused. “Josh, I love you too, and I missed you so much. Every night I thought of you.”

  His hands swept up her sides toward her chest. “Me too. You were in my thoughts every night. Next time, please pick up the phone and tell me. I really wanted to hear your voice and you kept that joy from me.”

  She glanced down with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. “Ohhh. I’m sorry. It was tremendously difficult not to talk to you, Josh. I wanted to dial your number every night just so I could hear your beautiful voice.”

  “That’s why you must call me.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  He caressed her cheek and rewarded her lips with a sweet, simple kiss. “Now, on to other things, I brought you back a present, my love.”

  The proof of his desire protruded between her thighs.


  He grinned.


  The presents not me. Not yet,” Josh answered her unspoken question with a wry smile. “But hopefully, soon.” He kneaded his hands around her waist and groaned.

  “Oh?” she replied. “Then what is it?”

  “It’s sitting on the table with the big red bow.”

  She leaped off the couch and, in seconds, pushed the tissue paper aside and exclaimed, “Oh Josh, it’s beautiful.”

  Carefully, she removed the snow globe and shook it. She shook it once more and returned to the couch with it, marveling at the skyline underneath the bold, grey name Chicago written in script above the buildings. Tamara shook the snow globe several more times and laughed with delight as delicate white swirls fluttered through the water and landed over each of the buildings. She cut her laughter short with a sudden frown.

  Josh’s grin fell. Concern creased lines into his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

  “I really wish I had gone with you. Your being away from me was so hard.” She looked down at the snow globe, twirling it with one hand. “So damn hard.”

  He gently squeezed her shoulders. “I know. I feel the same way. Next time, I’m taking you with me, like it or not, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming all the way. Besides,” he added, “I don’t want any more surprises when I come home. The only way I can guarantee that is if you’re with me.”

  She offered him a flirty smile. “You never have anything to worry about, but yes, I promise I’ll go with you next time. I want to. I missed you too much.”

  She held onto one of his hands while her other shook the snow globe again. He reached over, set the snow globe aside, and leaned in.

  His husky voice reverberated sensuously through her. “I love you, Tamara.”

  “I love you too, Josh.”

  He growled against her skin. “I love the sound of your voice, and I’m happy that I pleased you. Now, let’s go please each other.”

  Josh scooped Tamara up in his arms and marched toward the bedroom.


  Josh peered through the crack in the door and found Tamara applying something to her cheeks. He pushed open the door and grinned. “You didn’t want any privacy, did you?”

  She smiled and continued applying the cream, smoothing it over her olive skin.

  “What’s that?” he asked, reaching across her to take the tube she was re-capping.

  “Fade cream, for what?”

  Tamara attempted to grab the tube from him. “You’re not supposed to pry into a woman’s beauty routine.”

  He pulled his arm further back and out of her reach. “Not even if it affects how she might look to me? I like the way you look. You don’t need anything.”

  He uncapped the tube and sniffed it.

  “Just what I thought,” he remarked with a look of disdain. “This cream masks your natural, sweet scent.”

  He re-capped the tube.

  “What are you trying to fade away, Honey?”

  “My freckles.”

  He reached out and lightly brushed the spray of sprinkles across her cheeks and nose. “What? Why? They’re beautiful. Why in the world are you trying to fade away your natural beauty?”

  “Because the consultant said they make me look old.”

  He shook his head. “No, Sweetheart. You’ll never look old to me. You don’t need this.” He raised the tube to throw it away, but his hand hesitated above the wastebasket.

  “I’d throw it out for you, but on second thought, I think you should do it,” he said, placing the tube on the counter in front of her and kissing her cheek before departing. “I love you, Tamara. You’re perfect the way you are, freckles and all.”

  Tamara stared at her reflection and re-played their entire conversation in her mind. Well, if nothing else, at least she knew his opinion. She looked down at the tube. She wanted to look beautiful, and she worried about what Josh would think ten or even twenty years from now. Would he still like the way she looked?

  She took a tissue out of the box and wiped at the cream before she completely washed it off. She looked again at the tube and moved it to the back of the counter for now. With a sigh, she opened the door and returned to Josh’s side to nestle straight into his loving arms for the night.


  Tamara lifted up from the bed and looked over at her alarm clock—Four-thirteen a.m.

  She patted the area next to her, assuming she’d find the familiar ripped muscles and corded abs of her wolf-shifter lover, but she found nothing next to her. Josh must’ve fallen asleep while watching T.V. She closed her eyes and pictured Josh lying on the couch in the living room as she sunk her head into the pillow and willed sleep to take over, but it was a futile effort. A mental image of Josh naked caused her head to jerk up. She closed her eyes again, burrowed her face into her pillow, and tried again to sleep, but it was no use. Rolling onto her back, she groaned.

  “You know what you need to do.” She looked up at the intricate gold-colored designs on the end of each blade of her ceiling fan. Leaping out of bed, she opened the bedroom door slowly, trying to avoid any noise, which might alert Josh.

  She found him sprawled uncomfortably across the loveseat. Josh was too tall, and his legs hung wildly over one armrest.

  Tamara knelt beside him for a short while, marveling at the loving, gentleman, unaware of her presence. Josh was beautiful and perfect in many ways. Actually, he was incredibly perfect…for her. She hesitated at disturbing her Adonis, but he’d welcome this type of interruption to his sleep.

  “Josh.” She caressed his left cheek with her fingers, and his eyelids slowly opened before he bolted upright on the couch.

  “What is it? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” he asked, searching the room.

  “No, Honey, nothing’s wrong. It’s okay.”

  She stroked her fingers through his thick hair and leaned backward as he stretched his arms to his sides and yawned, then took her hand in his.

  He stared at Tamara with the start of a smile curving the corners of his lips upward. “What do you want, Tamara?”

  He moved his gaze slowly down her curves, lingering over her full hips before his eyes shot back up again. She peered, a bit startled, into black irises, fully aware of what Josh wanted from her.

  Tamara pulled on his hands, and he lifted to a standing position. “Come. Let me show you.”

  “What is it?”

  He followed her tow
ard the bedroom.

  “You’re up to something, but I like where you’re going so far.”

  She pushed open the door, and they crossed the threshold together. Then she turned, to face him.

  Worry lines etched across his forehead. “Something’s different, I can sense it. You’re scared. What is it, my love? There’s nothing to fear. You know I’d never harm you.”

  Tamara nodded. “I know. I’m just scared about what I’m going to say to you.”

  She decided to give Josh what he wanted, but the idea of mouthing the words he wanted to hear had her wanting to seal her mouth shut at the gravity of what she was about to do. She wanted to let her guard completely down and open her heart, allowing it to be vulnerable to Josh, trusting that he would hold her precious heart safe within his hands while she lay herself bare to him and whatever might happen. She’d tried the same with past boyfriends, trusting in them only to discover their ridicule, rejection, and criticism instead of their returned love. Even knowing Josh was different and that she was likely safe with him, didn’t help ease her anxiety. It was hard to trust, though she was desperately trying to do so.

  Tamara glanced down at their interlaced fingers. A brief silence followed.

  He stroked his index finger down the length of her cheek. “What is it, my love? You know you can tell me anything.”

  “How do you feel about me, Josh? Remind me.” She figured this might be a good way to start the conversation she wanted to have.

  “You mean everything to me, and I hope one day you feel the same way about me. I need you to tell me that you want me forever, because I want you in that way.”

  Tamara’s heartbeat jolted and then raced with the growing intensity of Josh’s stare. She swallowed hard and quickly averted her eyes as Josh’s stare switched to a heated gaze.

  “I do want you, Josh,” Tamara stammered. “I’ve made up my mind.”

  She drew in several quick, shallow breaths as she willed herself to speak.

  “I want you in my life, in my bed, and in my future, permanently.”

  She glanced up once, to determine his response before shifting her gaze back to the floor.

  Josh tilted her chin up and shook his head in disapproval. “Look at me, Tamara.”

  A rose tint spread across Tamara’s cheeks as he peered into her eyes.

  “I’m not trying to embarrass you, I only want the truth from you. Say it again, but this time look me straight in the eyes and tell me what you want. What do you want from me?”

  She looked away.

  Josh said her name in warning.

  Her eyes darted back up to his.

  “I’m happy to hear the words,” he offered. “I’m very happy you’ve made up your mind, but I want to hear them from you with no hesitancy.” He squeezed her hands in a gesture of reassurance.

  “But it’s so hard to say them to you in the first place, and now you want me to look at you, too, while I’m saying it.”

  “Exactly. The way I see it is, if you can’t look me in the eye then you don’t want it.”

  “But I do! It’s just hard to say.”

  He lowered his voice and stroked his fingers through her hair. “My love… If you truly mean it, it won’t be hard to say. I want your partnership, not your submission. Tell me, boldly, what you want.”

  Tamara was in a vulnerable position and she didn’t like it. Couldn’t he assume what she wanted, instead? She didn’t mind telling him, but to look into his eyes and tell him, as well. Was this really worth it? A resounding yes entered her thoughts, and the same sentiment echoed deep within the recesses of her heart. She sighed. She needed to tell him. He deserved that.

  “Look directly into my eyes and tell me. There should be no fear.”

  Tamara swallowed hard and her hands were trembling. As if Josh knew, he grabbed her hands and rubbed them within his to calm her nerves.

  He encouraged her to continue with a nod of his head. “Please.”

  She took a deep breath and summoned up her remaining courage. This was it: she was going to tell him what he wanted to hear and damn the consequences. She gazed into his warm golden-brown irises. “Josh, I want you.” She hesitated and then stamped her foot on the ground in frustration. Why was this so hard? She looked up at him and almost melted when he smiled. He nodded his head and waited.

  “I want you in my life, my bed.”

  She averted her eyes when the mental image of Josh completely naked, lying atop her sheets, popped into her mind. Josh cleared his throat, and she snapped her eyes back up to face him.

  She rallied herself to victory, thinking, You can do this, Tamara. Remember, he loves you. It’s different this time.

  “I love you, Tamara.”

  It was as if Josh read her thoughts. He couldn’t have timed his words better. He gently squeezed her hands to encourage her and flashed perfect white teeth within a stellar smile. That was what Tamara needed.

  She lifted her chin up in defiance, and the rest of the words tumbled out of her mouth. “And in my future, Josh, always, permanently, I want you to be with me forever.”

  Tamara couldn’t help the onrush of embarrassment zigzagging through the nerve cells in her body. However, if it was possible to feel comfortably foolish and embarrassed at the same time with anyone, it was with Josh. He’d never make her feel silly, especially for declaring her feelings to him.

  This gave her the courage to add more words to her declaration, though with a slight tremor to her voice. “I need you, only you. I only want to be yours.”

  His broad grin told her all she needed to know.

  Josh pulled her to him and crushed her against his body. He grinned ear to ear with pure male pride. “I’ve waited so long for you to say those words, my love.”

  His hot breath stroked the curve of her throat. He rained soft kisses down her cheek and brushed more of them across her mouth while his tongue encouraged and worked its way through her slightly parted lips.

  She moaned, the sound escalating in intensity as he pillaged her lush mouth. He pinned her against a wall in the bedroom and luxuriated in the feel of her soft curves relaxing underneath his firm body. He braced one hand against the wall while the other pulled her closer to reward her with a deep, passionate, bone-weakening kiss.

  Mercilessly, he licked, ravished, and weakened her, willing her to submit to his increasing demands. Her moans grew louder, and her breathing quickened until it was almost a wheeze. She reached out to push the bedroom door shut and pouted when it barely moved.

  Josh lifted up and slammed it shut. “Now, where were we? I’m not finished with you.” He pulled her closer, saying, “No more interruptions.”

  Tamara tried and tried, but she couldn’t regain the steady cadence of her breath. Josh was exciting, and she was his willing prey, succumbing to his darkened intentions. Dangerously sexy, he was looking at her, urgent, with a passion he demanded she fulfill. Now.

  His hands, rough and possessive, caressed up her sides, igniting sparks within her. Tamara’s head lolled, and she arched her back against the solid wall. He groaned and aimed straight for her chest, teasing and taunting her through the thin shirt before shoving it aside. His lips curved up into a devilish smile.

  “You’re mine, Tamara. I’m going to enjoy taking you for the first time as my bonded mate.”

  He uttered a low-toned, rolling growl and rewarded her with deliberate, sensual licks to her most sensitive erogenous zones.

  “Oh God,” she wailed.

  Her legs fell out from under her, and she fell straight toward the floor. He wrapped one arm around her and led her down onto the carpet. She moaned out her pleasure, and in response, he continued to tease, caress, and nuzzle lovingly, the sensitive juncture between the back of her neck and her shoulder.

  He rubbed his pelvis against hers, staking his claim, and molding his body perfectly into her. “See? We fit together. A perfect match you and I,” he whispered near her earlobe before he nipped it.
  He ground his lower half against hers. He kissed her mouth, becoming more urgent as he sought commitment and a permanent pact with her.

  She gave in willingly, giving herself to him with every breathless kiss, every shudder of excitement, every impossibly urgent caress of his skin, and every deepening arch of her back against the rough-textured rug. He returned to kissing her neck, her hands, her lips, and explored further south. Tamara drew in a sharp breath, followed by a long, pleasant moan.

  “Yes, Josh. Oh yes, Baby. Yes,” she exclaimed between pure, tortured moans of pleasure. “I love you, Josh, so very much.”

  He stopped and grinned. Her eyes glazed over with passion. His smile turned mischievous as his fingers rubbed the sensitive palm of her hand. She gasped for air and moaned his name continuously. It seemed impossible, but Josh was taking his time, exploring every inch of her, stopping here and there to tease her and pleasure her in ways that made them both smile. He was incredible in every way, and he was permanently hers.

  Lying over her sexy, curvy body, Josh continued to explore Tamara thoroughly and to his satisfaction. He took a moment and breathed in her intoxicating scent. His eyes rolled back, and he sighed with utter happiness.

  “No one will ever come between us.” He nibbled and licked the side of her neck. “I love you, my mate. Mine, all mine.”

  He spooned her body, adjusted her left leg, and surged forward. She moaned long and loud. Dropping her leg tenderly onto his, he moved into her and started the sensual rhythm that would take them over the edge.

  “Mine, Baby. No one else can ever have you.”

  He caressed his way up to her chest, palmed her left breast, and fondled it as his hips rocked. Then, he kissed across her shoulder and gripped her waist, increasing his speed. She moaned his name several times.

  “Tamara, you are the most perfect mate. We are bonded now, you and me, forever. I will never let you go.”

  “Neither will I, Josh. Never.”


  He curled his arm around her and rubbed the sensitive spot between her legs until she cried out in ecstasy. Josh gripped her hips and moved her vigorously against him, sending himself up and over the joyous cliff of pleasure and sealing their fates together, forever in the bliss of united, eternal love.


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