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Rock Star Romance Ultimate: Volume 1

Page 12

by Olivia Cunning, Jayne Frost, RB Hilliard, Crystal Kaswell, Michelle Mankin, Emily Snow, Athena Wright

  Toni bit her lip. She didn’t want Reagan to feel that she had to watch what she said around her. She’d really like a female friend to talk to about such things. The only person her own age that she hung around with was Julian, and he was a guy. A gay guy, true, but still a guy.

  “Things like that won’t be in the book,” Toni promised. “It will mostly be about the music and hobbies and stuff like that.”

  Reagan chuckled. “But sex is my hobby now that the guitar-playing hobby is my actual job.”

  “So is Trey good in bed?” Toni did want to know the answer to the question, but she was mortified that she’d actually asked.

  “The best,” Reagan said with a breathy sigh. “He’s a pleasure seeker who gives back more than he takes. What could possibly be better?”

  “I’m not sure. I do like it when Logan gets so worked up by me that he can’t keep his hands to himself.”

  “You definitely have the guy out of his head.”

  “So is that why you think he might like me?”

  Reagan stared at her for a long moment. Toni guessed she didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her the truth. There was no way in hell that Toni would ever mean more to Logan than a temporary plaything. She might as well face facts.

  “He definitely lusts you,” Reagan finally said, and then she shook her head. “I’ve only known him for a short time, so I can’t be sure, but usually when he gets what he wants—”


  “Yeah. As soon as he gets laid, he’s no longer interested. But he seems to still be interested in you.” Reagan reached over and patted her knee.

  “And how do I keep him interested?” She’d never had a man interested in her before, so had no idea how to proceed.

  Reagan laughed. “Whatever you’re currently doing seems to be working.”

  “I asked him to teach me how to do sexual things. He seemed interested in that.” But she wasn’t sure that was all she wanted him to be interested in.

  “Of course he’s interested in that.” Reagan set her guitar aside, laced her fingers together, and set her elbows on her knees, looking like she planned on sitting there talking to Toni for hours. “I miss talking to my girlfriends back home,” Reagan said. “I love the guys in the band, but they don’t talk about this kind of stuff with me.”

  “It would probably give them perpetual boners.”

  “Or embarrass them. Or gross them out. They think of me as their kid sister.”

  Toni highly doubted that any man could think of Reagan as a kid sister. She had a natural sexiness that even a straight girl could appreciate.

  “So how long have you been touring with Exodus End now?” Toni asked, ready to turn the subject to something she could actually write about in the band’s biography.

  “Three-ish weeks.”

  “How are you holding up? I never knew how exhausting this lifestyle could be. I haven’t even been following the band for twenty-four hours and I’m ready to keel over.”

  “I’m having a great time,” Reagan said. “I love every minute of it. And we do these things in spurts. Usually two days of insanity, a day of travel, and a day to recuperate. Rinse and repeat. Sometimes we do two shows in the same stadium, two nights in a row. Sometimes we do two shows in adjacent cities, but we almost always do shows two nights in a row. Trey claims that we’re slackers—taking two days off for every two days on. His band usually tours constantly. If they’re not playing, they’re traveling. They don’t have as many public appearances as Exodus End does, though, so we have to make time for that stuff too.”

  “The band seems to have accepted you as one of them quickly.”

  Reagan nodded, her smile stretching from ear to ear. “I pinch myself every day. They’ve been amazing.”

  A knock sounded on the door, the doorknob turned, and the door opened a crack. “Are you naked?” a deep voice called into the room. “Please say you’re naked.”

  Reagan grinned. “Not yet, but I have company.”

  Toni hopped off the sofa. “I’ll go.”

  “Is it my favorite company?” Trey Mills said as he let himself into the room. He was already dressed to go onstage, and Toni couldn’t stop her heart from skipping a beat. “Oh,” he said. “Company I don’t recognize.”

  “This is Toni. Remember I told you someone was writing a book about Exodus End?”

  “And you’re chatting with her in your underwear?” Trey asked.

  “If I was going to seduce her,” Reagan said, “she’d already be naked with her legs wrapped around my neck.”

  Toni’s couldn’t bring herself to meet their eyes. Reagan had been joking about that, right? Toni had never considered doing anything sexual with another woman, but now she wondered how a woman’s touch differed from that of a man.

  “I need to get to the meet and greet,” Toni said, rushing into the bathroom to collect her socks and boots. She sat on the toilet lid to put them on.

  She could hear Trey’s deep voice and Reagan’s answering laugh. Were they laughing at her? Probably. She’d made a fool out of herself. Toni secured her hair back with a blue scrunchy that matched her blue blouse which matched one of her socks. Her other sock was gray and matched her long skirt. She looked like she should be shelving library books, not going to a metal band’s meet and greet. Perhaps she should’ve splurged on new clothes for this assignment. She might not stick out like a poodle in a pack of Rottweiler’s if she tried to fit in a little better. She glanced in the mirror and pushed her glasses up her nose. She hated wearing contact lenses, but maybe . . . She turned her head this way and that, making kissy faces at herself in the mirror. Maybe she wasn’t as plain as she thought. Maybe she was actually pretty. Maybe if she put on some makeup and sexier clothes, Logan would start thinking of her as more than a friend. More than a temporary sex partner.

  And maybe she should worry about her job instead of what she looked like. She’d never really cared about such things before. And Logan seemed to be attracted to her regardless.

  He’d been the one to show her to the women’s dressing room so she could take a shower. He’d even stolen a kiss before claiming he needed to catch a nap on the bus or he’d be worthless that night during the concert. She wondered if he was still sleeping. And how much he’d mind if she woke him.

  A naughty idea forming in her head, she hurried out of the bathroom and found Trey kneeling on the floor between Reagan’s legs with a sucker stick protruding from between his lips. He had both hands wrapped around Reagan’s upper thigh and was asking her about the notes she had drawn on her leg.

  “I’m going back to the bus,” Toni said when neither of them noticed that she’d entered the room.

  “Okay,” Reagan said. “We can talk more later.”

  “Thanks,” Toni said, feeling intrusive.

  She slung the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder and left the room. The tour’s regular security guards now recognized her and let her pass without accosting her, but the stadium’s security stopped her several times as she made her way outside to the area where the buses were parked.

  By the time Toni entered the bus, she’d almost convinced herself that she shouldn’t bother Logan. That he did need to sleep and he’d probably be mad at her for waking him. She was thinking that until she found that he was alone on the bus, unconscious in his bunk, wearing nothing but a tangled sheet. She took a moment—a long moment—to admire the smooth skin of his naked back, the tattoo inked on his shoulder, the bit of naked buttocks exposed above the edge of the sheet, the bend of one bare leg, the muscular arm half obscured by his pillow, and all that golden hair surrounding his peacefully sleeping face. He had a half smile on his strong lips. She wondered if he was dreaming about something nice. She could only hope that it was her.

  She continued to admire him until nothing could have stopped her from climbing into that bunk next to him and molding her body to his hard-muscled form. He started awake with an inrush of breath through
his nose and lifted his head to see who had climbed into bed with him. Toni doubted she was the first to force her attention on the man, and would probably not be the last, but the smile he gifted her pushed those thoughts aside.

  “Is it time to get up?” he asked, rubbing one eye with a knuckle and yawning.

  She shook her head.

  “Good,” he murmured before tugging her against the wall of his chest. His hands slid down her back and grabbed her ass to pull her more securely against him.

  She lifted a trembling hand to caress the warm skin along his side. She’d never really touched a man before. She wanted to experience all the differences between his body and hers with her hands and when she got up the nerve, with her lips.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked.

  “Isn’t that what you’re doing?” he said in a drowsy voice.

  “Everywhere?” she clarified.

  “Mmm,” he murmured. “I think I’m going to like this.”

  “Will you tell me what feels good for you?”

  “If you pay attention, it should be obvious.”

  She smiled. Finally, something she excelled at. “I’m good at paying attention.”

  He scowled. “I’m not. The only thing I’m good at is being a fuck-up.”

  She rubbed his worried brow with her fingertips until his flesh relaxed beneath her touch. “You’re not a fuck-up, Logan. You’re . . .” Wonderful. She sighed internally, not wanting him to know how infatuated she was with him already. Or maybe her jumping into his bunk with him was a dead giveaway.

  “Prove it. Name one thing I’ve done in the past twenty-four hours that wasn’t impulsively stupid.”

  “Impulsive, yes, stupid, no. You’re a creature of instinct.”

  “So now I’m a creature?”

  “A man,” she corrected. “A sexy one who I can’t stop thinking about, even though I know I should be paying attention to my work.”

  “I have the same annoying problem when it comes to you.”

  “You don’t have to say things like that to get into my panties,” she said with a grin.

  “But I do to make you smile.” He kissed her, and she melted against him. His lips moved to her jaw. “Besides,” he whispered, “it’s true. Why do you think I shoved both feet in my mouth at that radio interview?”

  “Because you were looking for new adventures with religious zealots?” she teased.

  “Because I wasn’t listening. I was too busy watching you.” He lifted his head and looked down at her. He grinned crookedly. “See, when I tell you things like that, it makes you smile.”

  “It also makes my heart pound,” she admitted.

  He shifted down her body to rest his head against her chest. She wondered if her heart was pounding hard enough to damage his hearing. She lifted a trembling hand and placed it on his head, allowing her fingers to toy with the silky strands of his hair. They lay like that for a long while. She breathed in his scent, which clung to the pillow beneath her head and the entire space of his bunk. She relished the weight of his head on her chest and the feel of his fingertips pressing into either side of her ribcage. Toni’s eyes drifted closed as her thoughts found rare tranquility.

  “Didn’t you come into my bed with plans to seduce me?” he asked.

  She laughed. “I’m not very good at it, if you can’t tell.”

  “No, I can’t tell, and I have the hard-on to prove it.”

  Her heart leaped against her ribcage. She didn’t know if she’d ever become accustomed to such shocking statements.

  “Will you let me suck it?” she asked.

  He laughed and lifted his head. She forced herself to look down and meet his gaze. He had every reason to laugh at her; her attempts to be sexy were ludicrous.

  “Will I let you suck it?”

  “If you’re afraid that I’ll hurt you . . .” She broke eye contact by tipping her chin up. “You’d probably prefer someone who knows what she’s doing. I understand.” She attempted to squirm out of the bunk, but he moved to cover her body and pinned her to the thin mattress beneath him. He grabbed her wrists and held them down on either side of her head. A thrill of unexpected excitement coursed through her body and settled as a throb between her thighs. She’d thought that being held down would be terrifying, but it was actually thrilling. Maybe someday she’d get up the courage to ask him to tie her to the bed.

  “And I thought I was the stupid one.” He shook his head at her. “I never have a problem brushing off a woman I’m not interested in. I know how to say no. If I wanted someone else, I’d say so. The only woman I want is you.”

  “Even though I’m inexperienced?”

  “Hell, I think it’s because you’re inexperienced. It’s refreshing. Even other women who don’t have much experience sure don’t make it known.”

  Toni gasped as realization dawned. “Oh. So I should pretend I know what I’m doing and muddle through it.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Nope. You should keep doing exactly what you’re doing.”

  “Then please stop making this so hard. I don’t like it when you laugh at me.”

  “I’m not laughing at you, lamb. You make me feel happy.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Maybe she should visit a cardiologist. “I do?”

  “You also make me talk too much. I’m going to shut up now and let you suck my hard-as-granite cock.”

  He kissed her breathless and then rolled onto his side against the wall. She stared into his dreamy blue eyes for a long moment and then glanced down to see if his cock was as hard as he claimed. Not so unfortunately, she got distracted by his muscular chest. Palms flat against him, she explored the hard contours of his pecs. She found his abdomen to be equally mesmerizing and continued to stroke his skin until she noticed his breath was hitching. When she tugged the sheet off his hip, she recognized his predicament immediately. Long, hard, and impressively thick, Logan’s cock strained toward her. There was no way on earth that she could suck that entire thing into her mouth. She glanced up at him uncertainly, but he had his eyes closed and his lower lip trapped between his teeth. Toni longed to snap a picture of that face. Dear lord, if she included a picture of him like that in her book, every woman who saw it would need a change of panties.

  Her gaze returned to his cock. This she was not willing to share with the world. Even though she knew it wasn’t feasible, she wanted him all to herself. Her fingertips touched the hard length of his cock, and it jerked. Startled, she drew her hand away. Was it supposed to do that? Had she hurt him? Maybe she shouldn’t be so bold. Logan produced a sound—half pleasure, half torture—but remained still.

  Toni scooted lower on the bed until his navel was at eye level. She kissed his lower belly, delighted by the quivering quality of his flesh beneath her lips. She touched his cock with her fingers again, and Logan drew a shaky breath into his lungs. Did he like that? She thought so, but she couldn’t be sure. She was tempted to ask him, but remembered that he said she’d know what he liked if she paid attention. Steeling her nerve, she bent her head and drew her tongue over the enlarged head of his cock.

  “Toni, please,” he whispered.

  Please? Please what? She licked him again and waited for his reaction. She liked how a few touches had his breathing labored and his muscles taut. She felt powerful and a little sexy. And really horny. His hand moved to the back of her head. The muscles in his arm tightened, but he didn’t press her forward to force her mouth to take him, though she was pretty sure he wanted to.

  As she worked up the nerve to go for it, Toni trailed her fingers down his thick shaft, tracing a vein just beneath his satiny skin. When her fingers brushed over the wrinkled skin of his testicles, he sucked in a deep breath. She wondered what he would do if she . . . Toni shifted lower and kissed the loose flesh beneath her exploring fingertips. She kissed his balls the way he kissed her between her legs, with coaxing lips and slight flicks of her tongue. He squ
irmed, his hands moving to the sheet beneath him, which he clung to with clenched fingers.

  Encouraged that he seemed to enjoy her experimentation, she drew the flat of her tongue over the bulge of one nut and then sucked on it gently. She’d known that this area of a man was incredibly sensitive to pain, but she hadn’t been sure if that was true for pleasure. The deep moan of bliss her lover—her lover—produced exhilarated Toni. What other sexy sounds was the man capable of producing besides making a bass guitar purr?

  Her hand circled his shaft, and she lifted her head to stare at his huge cock. It was already seeping fluid. A single drop glistened in the narrow slit at the tip. Toni decided she’d much rather have its lengthy thickness pounding into her hot and achy pussy, but she’d told him she wanted to suck him, so she wasn’t going to change tactics now. You can do this, Toni. She used her hand to direct him into her mouth. Her first taste of him wasn’t what she expected. Salty. Musky. She wasn’t sure if she could take an entire mouthful of his cum. Was she supposed to swallow it? Spit it out? What was the proper procedure the first time you sucked a guy off? Toni decided she needed more experienced friends who would tell her these things. Maybe Reagan would give her advice if she asked, but she couldn’t tell Logan to hold on for a moment while she ran to ask Reagan if she should swallow.

  His fingers untangled from the bedclothes and he stroked her hair gently with one hand. “Feels good, baby. You’re so beautiful. I’m crushing so hard on you right now.”

  Okay, she would totally swallow. Now she just had to excite him enough to get the opportunity. She drew him deeper into her mouth. Deeper. Deeper. Triggered her gag reflex. Drew away abruptly, choking and retching in a most embarrassing fashion.

  Her stomach still clenching with spasms, she buried her face in the mattress beside his hip. Humiliated, she prayed an alien would beam her onto the mother ship and fly her to a distant galaxy.

  Logan touched the back of her head. “Are you okay?”

  “Don’t laugh,” she pleaded, her voice muffled by the bedding.


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