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Rock Star Romance Ultimate: Volume 1

Page 41

by Olivia Cunning, Jayne Frost, RB Hilliard, Crystal Kaswell, Michelle Mankin, Emily Snow, Athena Wright

  “I don’t want to go on the plane,” Birdie wailed.

  “You don’t?” Logan asked.

  Birdie shook her head vigorously. “No. I hate them.”

  “I love planes,” Logan said.

  Birdie looked up at him adoringly. “You do?”

  “Yeah. They go even faster and higher than dirt bikes. You can fly through the sky like Superman.” He demonstrated his flying skills—extending his arms and making zoom noises.

  Birdie pursed her lips together, obviously struggling with a huge dilemma: fear of flying versus impressing her new friend. The new friend won. The two of them zoomed around the group several times. Susan looked rather annoyed by their childishness, but Mom was smiling. She squeezed Logan’s arm when the two pretend airplanes came to a stop. “Thank you,” she said to him.

  He grinned. “No problem.”

  “Hello, Logan,” Susan butted in, her tone dripping with something nasty. Disdain?

  Logan turned his head to look at her and scowled. “Do I know you?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, with a sly smile. “Do you?”

  “This is Susan,” Toni said, not really wanting to introduce them. She wanted to get away, get him alone, and get busy.

  “It was good to meet you all,” Logan said when he apparently understood Toni’s persistent tug on his elbow as it’s time to go. He gave Susan one last look, patted Birdie on the head, and turned to follow Toni.

  “There’s something familiar about that Susan woman,” he said as they stepped onto the elevator.

  “Please don’t tell me you’ve slept with her,” Toni pleaded. There wasn’t enough bleach in the world to clean that skank off his dick.

  “No. I recognize every woman I’ve ever slept with. I might not remember their names . . .” He turned his head toward her. “What was your name again?”

  She slugged him in the ribs.

  “No.” He shook his head, still scowling. “I know I never slept with her, but I think I’ve seen her somewhere.”

  “She used to be a journalist,” Toni said. “Maybe she interviewed you.” Please let that be all there was between them.

  He released a sigh and nodded. “Yeah, that must be it.” He turned toward her and smiled. “So why were you in such a hurry to ditch your adorable little sister?”

  “Well,” she said, “there was this hot guy doing all sorts of dangerous stunts on a dirt bike and I thought to myself, damn, I need to get me some of that.” She turned toward him and slid a hand down his belly, stopping just short of touching what she really wanted. “And after he got me excited with his daring, acrobatic feats, I found him surrounded by all sorts of women, which made me wonder if I even stood a chance with him.”

  “You do,” he murmured before directing her hand several inches lower.

  “And then he bought a little girl some socks which made her incredibly happy.”

  “He sounds pretty lame. I ain’t gonna lie.”

  She smiled at him, her heart throbbing with the love trying to burst from her chest.

  “You’re wrong. He’s amazing.”

  “So you still want him? Even after he unapologetically tried to buy a child’s affection with socks?”

  She shook her head, lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. “I want him because of it.” She slid her hand the final few inches and cupped his cock.

  He sucked in an excited breath. “So I heard that this hot guy of yours had a naughty surprise installed in his hotel room while he was at the track.”

  Toni pressed her breasts into his chest, gently stroking his hardening cock through his thin race pants. “What kind of naughty surprise?”

  The elevator dinged as they arrived on their floor, and the doors slid open. Steve stepped onto the elevator but took a startled step backward when he noticed them in the corner.

  “Am I interrupting something?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Logan said. “Were you about to hike up your skirt so I could fuck you right here in this elevator?” he asked Toni.

  Her eyes widened, and her face flamed. Feeling him up through his pants was probably as bold as she was willing to get in a public elevator.

  “No?” he asked with a teasing laugh.

  She shook her head.

  “Maybe if you tried taking instead of asking,” Steve suggested.

  “There will be plenty of taking,” Logan said. He tugged her out of the corner by both arms and stopped the elevator door from closing with one well-placed heel before directing her into the hall. “Just not somewhere she feels uncomfortable.”

  Steve made whipping sounds until the elevator door closed and cut him off.

  “What was that sound supposed to mean?” Toni asked, following Logan without the slightest resistance.

  “That I’m pussy whipped.”

  “I don’t think you are.” He was just considerate to her. He still had a life of his own. He didn’t jump all over himself to do everything she asked.

  Logan chuckled. “That’s because you didn’t know me before I met you.”


  “As long as it’s your pussy doing the whipping, I’m perfectly okay with it.”

  Standing at their suite door as he fumbled with his key card, she thrust her pelvis toward him and mimicked Steve’s whipping sounds. “Get in me,” she said in an eerie voice. She wasn’t sure how a pussy would sound if it could talk. “Now. Wa-psshhh!”

  He laughed and opened the door. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Giggling, she brushed past him but came to a sudden halt when she saw the naughty surprise he’d mentioned on the elevator. A brass headboard had been affixed to the bed just in front of the standard hotel wall-mounted one. Just looking at it made her tremble with need.

  “Now we’ll find out who’s really in control here,” he said in her ear. “Strip.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. Somehow keeping her glasses on her face, her sweatshirt went flying in one direction and her T-shirt in another. She wriggled out of her bra while kicking off her shoes, and removed her skirt, panties, and socks with one sweep of her hands. Naked, she practically skipped to the bed with an enormous smile on her face.

  When he didn’t follow her immediately, she asked, “Did you mean for me to strip seductively?”

  “A little late for that, isn’t it?”

  “I can get dressed and start over.”

  He shook his head. “You’ll make it up to me.”

  For some reason his words sounded like a threat.

  When he came toward her with a black leather belt, she shrank into the mattress. This would be a game, right? He wouldn’t actually hurt her, would he?

  “Offer me your wrists,” he said.

  His voice was so commanding and his gaze so intense that her arms shot upward as if controlled by his puppet strings. He cinched the belt around her wrists and then pulled her arms over her head. She hadn’t gotten a good look at the belt, but she assumed it wasn’t an ordinary one. It had formed a loop, but there wasn’t a belt buckle digging into her flesh. Logan leaned over her to knot the belt around the brass bars above her head. He then grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down the mattress until her arms were fully extended. Toni tugged at her bonds, not sure if she could escape them, and when they held, a thrill of excitement snaked through her.

  He stared into her eyes as his hand slowly slid up her body. He cupped her breast, giving it a harsh squeeze that forced a gasp from her lungs.

  “I can do anything I want to you, and you won’t be able to stop me,” he said.

  He stroked her nipple with gentle fingertips until it hardened, begging for additional stimulation.

  “I can lick every inch of your body.”


  “Fuck you until you beg me to stop.”


  “Come all over your face.”


  “Take your ass nice and slow.”

  She shook her
head. “I don’t want—”

  He grabbed her face harshly. “It doesn’t matter what you want. You’re at my mercy.”

  Her heart thudded out of control. He wouldn’t take advantage, would he?

  Two fingers slid into her pussy, and he rubbed at her clit with his thumb.

  “I’ll give you pleasure when I think you deserve it.” A third finger slid into her ass and she tensed. “And I’ll take whatever I want from you.”


  “Your body belongs to me. You’re mine. You can’t deny me anything.”

  She couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. “Yes.”

  He blinked at her. “Seriously, Toni? You like this kind of manipulative bullshit?”

  She flushed and turned her head to break eye contact. “N-not all the time. But sometimes it’s exciting to be at someone else’s mercy. If you trust them not to push you beyond your boundaries. Though one of your fingers happens to be pressing my boundaries right now.”

  He wriggled the finger in her ass, and she gasped. “This boundary-pressing finger right here?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “If this is your thing—”

  “Not every time,” she said defensively.

  “I’ll do my best to get you off this way. But it makes me feel like a jerk.”

  “The more of a jerk you are, the harder I’ll come,” she promised.

  He seemed determined to prove her wrong as he fingered her until she almost came and then licked her until she almost came and then fucked her until she was begging to come. He shuddered as he thrust into her deep enough to almost bump his pelvis against her throbbing clit. She’d never get off with him holding back like that. And he had to realize it.

  His shuddering intensified and a broken gasp escaped him.

  Wait just a goddamned minute here.

  “Are you coming?” she asked, completely stunned that he’d do so without taking her along with him.

  “Oh yeah. R-r-really h-hard.”


  He collapsed on top of her, squashing her into the mattress and breathing heavily into her ear.

  “I could get used to putting my needs first,” he said, pulling out and sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.

  She was so horny and unfulfilled, she could cry. “Please don’t leave me like this.”

  “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Logan, please.”

  “Please, what?”

  “Please make me come.”

  “Maybe later.” He stood from the bed and stretched his arms over his head.

  The headboard rattled as she jerked at her bonds. “Bastard,” she hissed.

  He leaned over her, his mouth close to her ear. “While you’re lying there with your legs spread wide and your pussy aching and my cum trickling down your ass, I want you to think about all the things you want to do to me when I untie you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Such as stab you?”

  He slid a finger into her cleft, rubbing the sensitive nub of flesh he’d ignored until now. “If you try, I’m sure you’ll come up with something a bit more creative.”

  Seconds shy of sending her flying at last, he lifted his finger to his mouth and licked its shiny tip in a way that made her ache. He turned away and headed to the bathroom. The shower kicked on a moment later, and Toni groaned. She hoped that the shower invigorated him, because when he came back and untied her, she was going to fuck him senseless.


  * * *

  Logan stepped up behind Toni and filled his hands with her full breasts. The tips instantly stiffened against his fingertips. “Good morning,” he murmured against her temple. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Have you seen my journal?” she asked.

  Her first response wasn’t Take me back to bed right now, my irresistible stud? He apparently needed to work on his delivery.

  “What journal?” he asked, sliding his hands down the smooth skin of her torso.

  He was sure they’d both still be in dreamland if Butch hadn’t started banging on the door before the sun had even risen. The band had an early promotional commitment this morning. Logan had forgotten about it or he probably would have saved Toni’s lessons on incorporating food in sex for another night. But after he’d untied her, she’d retaliated by getting herself off and leaving him so turned on he thought his dick would explode. He’d had to think of some excuse to get them rejoined at the groin, and they both had a love for food.

  “The little book I put into my bag yesterday. It’s not there.” She turned her head to look at him, concern clouding her pretty brown eyes. “It has a pink leather cover and is about so big.” She made a rectangular shape with her fingers about the size of a four by six snapshot photo.

  “Did you have it out when we were working on your presentation? Maybe it’s with your notes and stuff.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not for the book. My journal is full of my private thoughts.”

  “Are they thoughts about my privates?” He prodded her in the rear with his achingly hard cock in case she’d forgotten which privates he was referring to.

  She laughed softly. “A few,” she said. “I really need to find it. It’s important.”

  “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere,” he said. “Let’s check the bed first.”

  He tried easing her back to the bed, but she pulled away.

  “It’s not in the bed, Logan. Help me find it.”

  They tore the room apart and after getting dressed, Toni went down to the conference room to see if it had fallen out of her bag during her presentation. He found her at the front desk asking if anyone had turned it in to lost and found. Toni’s shoulders sagged when the clerk shook her head.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Logan said “If it doesn’t turn up, then someone will get an interesting read about my privates.”

  “But I wrote secrets in there. Not just secrets about me. Or you. About everyone in the band.”

  “Maybe it’s in the limo.”

  Unfortunately they’d already missed their window of opportunity to grab a quickie in their hotel bed, but maybe he could distract her from her worries in the limo. When they climbed inside the waiting car, half the band was already inside.

  Fuck. These guys again.

  “Did you even comb your hair?” Max asked Logan.

  Logan tried smoothing his unruly curls. “No.”

  “We have a television appearance in an hour, and you look like your head lost a fight with a wolverine.”

  “So I’ll skip it. No one gives two shits about the bassist anyway.”

  “You aren’t skipping it,” Max said.

  “We didn’t even have time for breakfast.” He glanced at Steve for backup, but Steve’s head was leaning back against the seat, and he was undoubtedly asleep behind his sunglasses.

  “Won’t be the first time or the last,” Max said.

  Toni tried to calm Logan’s curls with her fingertips and a bit of spit. Logan was tired of all these stupid promotional events. They interfered with his sleep. With his hobbies. With the time he could spend with Toni. He longed for the days when all he had to do was stay sober enough to find the stage and the rest of his time was his own.

  “Are you dropping me off at the arena? Or do I need to find a cab?” Toni asked.

  “You aren’t following us to the TV station?” Max asked. “We don’t do many morning shows. This will probably be your only opportunity to catch any behind-the-scenes footage.”

  “I’m with Colby and the crew today. They start assembling that stage early. And all my equipment is on the bus anyway.”

  “Let’s hope they have my platform fixed,” Logan grumbled. “I don’t know why we need all the fanfare anyway.”

  “You know the fans expect us to top the previous year’s stage setup every concert season,” Max said.

  “And when did we start doing what’s expected of us?�

  “About ten years ago when we hit the top of the record charts for the first time. Why are you so pissy this morning?” Max asked.

  Logan scrubbed his face with both hands. “I’m just tired.”

  “We’ve barely gotten started on this tour,” Max said. “If you think you’re tired now, wait until we take on the rest of the world and the jet lag kicks in.”

  “We should fire Sam and go indie,” Steve said.

  So he wasn’t asleep.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Max said. “We don’t do many morning events. Fucking suck it up.”

  “Going indie sounds great to me,” Logan said. “Is Sam still shopping the rights to our next album?” He didn’t remember signing a new contract after they’d fulfilled their previous one with the release of their last album.

  “He’s holding out for more cash,” Steve said.

  “Where the hell is Dare?” Max asked.

  “Do you think he’ll side with you?” Steve asked. “I’m sure he’s tired of all this bullshit too.”

  “You’re not really considering going indie, are you?” Toni asked.

  “Yes,” said Steve.

  “No,” said Max.

  “Maybe,” said Logan.

  The door opened, and Dare tumbled in. He was barefoot and shirtless. Butch followed him into the car, carrying Dare’s boots and T-shirt.

  “Where’s Reagan?” Butch asked, his eyes searching each face in the car as if he’d somehow overlooked her.

  “Haven’t seen her,” Max said.

  “Dammit!” Butch tossed Dare’s clothes at him before jumping out of the car again.

  “Fuck, it’s early,” Dare grumbled as he tugged his T-shirt on over his head.

  As soon as he pulled the fabric down to cover his belly, Dare leaned over and put his head on Toni’s lap, snuggling into her like she was his favorite pillow. Logan might have slugged him, but he was too tired for that level of activity, and if he’d have thought of it first, he’d have done the exact same thing.

  Toni glanced nervously at Logan, but he offered her a reassuring smile. He trusted her not to break his heart, trusted his bandmates not to steal her away from him. The only one he didn’t trust with her was himself. Soon the North American leg of their tour would be over and she’d go back to her little chicken farm in Washington and they’d have to say goodbye.


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