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Rock Star Romance Ultimate: Volume 1

Page 60

by Olivia Cunning, Jayne Frost, RB Hilliard, Crystal Kaswell, Michelle Mankin, Emily Snow, Athena Wright

  I helped her to her feet and then followed her when she slid between the covers. Her fingers curled around my hard length as she pressed a kiss to my lips. “How do you want me, Cameron.”

  Jesus… this girl.

  Rolling her onto her back, I rested my forehead against hers. “Any way I can get you.”


  * * *


  “You can’t cancel!” Lily whirled around, long strands of wet hair sticking to her face. Glancing at the clock she chewed her lip and then resumed her search. “I can’t believe I lost my bra. Where could it be?”

  Spying a strip of lavender fabric peeking out from under the bed, I snatched it up. “Calm down, darlin’.”

  We’d already dodged Dave and the maid who’d dropped by with towels and shampoo. But Lily was still nervous about getting caught.

  Narrowing her eyes when she noticed her bra in my hand, she stalked toward me. “Not funny, Cameron. Give it to me.”

  When she was close enough, I looped an arm around her waist and tossed her onto the bed. Pinning her hands at her sides, I flicked my tongue over her earlobe. “I’ll give it to you all right. Just say the word.”

  “Stop! “ Squirming, she tried to wiggle out from under me. You’re going to be late!”

  Tipping back, I looked down my nose at her with a smirk. “Do you really want me to stop?” She smiled, shaking her head. “Thought so.”

  I slid one hand under her shirt, and when her nipple rose to a stiff peak any pursuits outside this room lost their appeal. “Jesus, Lily…”

  I want you…

  It was true. More than true. But instead of saying it, I ground my hard length against her thigh. She blinked at me, then slanted her gaze to where our hips were joined. “No way. That’s, like, impossible.”

  I was a bit surprised myself. Twice last night and once in the shower this morning was a record, even for me. But I didn’t let on, dropping my mouth to hers for a kiss.

  My fingers glided along the waistband of the boxers she was wearing. My boxers. And why the hell did that make me harder? “Come on. You know you want to.”

  She contemplated for only a moment before giving me a shove. “Doesn’t matter what I want. You’ve got plans, remember?”

  A frown tugged her lips as she sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed to slip on her bra. Since she looked a little salty, I decided to come clean about the package. Tucking an arm behind my head, I nudged her with my knee. “You know, I only bought that package to impress you.”

  She gave me the side eye. “Since I made a healthy commission, I’m n-not going to complain. But whoever you’re taking is going to be even m-more impressed, since I worked my ass off to make everything perfect.”

  When she made to stand, I sat up and snaked an arm around her waist. “I hope that’s true. Since you’re the one I’m taking.”

  Twirling around, she stared at me with wide eyes. She didn’t look happy, though. Horrified was a better description. “What?”

  Since her tits were right in front of me, I couldn’t resist a little nibble. “I wanted to spend some time alone with you. Sue me.”

  She wiggled free and, shaking her head, she snatched her jeans from the floor. “You didn’t have to drop ten thousand dollars to go out with me. You could’ve just asked.” I bit back my disappointment when she yanked the denim over her hips. “Obviously, I’m attracted to you.”

  “That’s good to know.” Pulling her between my knees, I kissed her neck. “If I had to drop that kind of coin every time we had a gig in Dallas, I’d go broke.”

  As soon as the words left my lips, I wanted to take them back. Reminding Lily, or myself, that I’d be gone in a few days was something I’d vowed not to do.

  Prying my foot from my mouth, I sighed. “Lily…”

  Pinning on a fake smile, she grabbed her purse. “Get d-dressed, mister,” she called over her shoulder as she headed for the bathroom. “I’ve never had someone drop that kind of c-cash for the pleasure of my company. We s-should probably kick it into g-gear since I need to drop by my apartment and c-change my clothes...”

  I let my head fall forward when the door slid shut behind her. Stupid. The stammer only proved I’d upset her. Pushing to my feet, I made for the bathroom, ready to bend Lily over the counter and show her how sorry I was. But then my phone lit up, Nirvana’s “All Apologies” filling the room.

  I swiped my finger over the screen. “What’s up, Logan?”

  “You still in your room?”

  “Yeah. We’re…er, I’m heading out soon.”

  “Who’s we? Never mind. Just call her a cab. We’ve got to head to Arlington.”

  I dug my fingers into my eyes. “I told you, I’m out today. I did the interview with Wendy, and—”

  “That’s fucking perfect, man,” he said with a laugh. “Bring Wendy along. I had to cancel a shit load of interviews today. If she can come do an on-the-spot promo at the stadium, that would be great.”

  “It’s not Wendy.” I lowered my voice when Lily walked in. Dropping to her knees, she lifted the dust ruffle on the bed and peered underneath, mumbling something about her shoes. “And why did you cancel the interviews? Lindsey is going to shit.”

  “It was her idea,” Logan said, irritated. “That fucking stadium is a beast. There are lighting issues, acoustic issues. The Jumbotron alone is the biggest one in the country.”

  Raking a hand through my hair, I looked down at Lily, seated on the floor putting on her pink Converse.

  “All right. But this isn’t an all-day thing. I’m not doing interviews. Don’t even ask.”

  Lily looked up at me, concern painting her features, and I gave her a tight smile.

  “Do you want to share a limo?” Logan asked.

  “I can get my own ride. I’ll see you there.”

  Ending the call before Logan could ask any questions, I tossed the phone on the nightstand.

  Lily climbed to her feet. “What’s wrong?”

  Blowing out a breath, I took her hand. “Lily, I’m so sorry. But I’ve got to go to Arlington. Something isn’t right with the acoustics. I really wanted—”

  “It’s cool. I’ll cancel it.” Her mouth twisted into a frown. “There’s going to be a penalty, though. I’ll try to talk them out of it, but I’m not sure it’ll work.”

  “Don’t cancel the whole thing. I still want to take you to the museum tomorrow.” Lacing our fingers, I kissed the back of her hand. “And the ballet. I promise I’ll make that happen.”

  “You don’t have to make any promises. We’ll just see how it goes.” Levering up to her tiptoes, she pecked my lips. “Let me get my stuff so you can get out of here.”

  I stepped around her to root around for a t-shirt in my suitcase. “You’re going with me.” As the seconds elapsed, I realized my mistake. Lily wasn’t someone I could order around. She didn’t work for me, and she wasn’t a fan. I chanced a peek over my shoulder. “Sorry. What I mean is… I’d really like it if you came with me.”

  She softened. “I can’t.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I watched her glide around the room, checking for her personal items. “Why not? I thought we could get something to eat afterward.”

  And then I can bring you back here and fuck you senseless.

  That part remained unspoken because it had never crossed my mind that she wouldn’t be staying with me tonight. And tomorrow. And every other day until I boarded my tour bus.

  She faced me, pulling down the waistband of her jeans. “I don’t have any clothes here. I’m wearing your boxers, for Christ’s sake.”

  Relieved that it wasn’t something more, I gathered her in my arms. “Just knowing you’re wearing my boxers. That they’re right here,” I ran a palm over the front of her jeans, “is about the sexiest fucking thing I can imagine. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.” Catching her wrist, I guided her hand to my crotch. “Don’t make me go all the way to Arlington w
ith a hard-on, baby.”

  She raised a skeptical brow. “How’s it going to be any better if I go to Arlington with you?”

  I cocked my head, because, yeah, she was really that innocent. Fuck. I bent to give her a kiss. “Arlington is almost an hour from here.” My lips curved against hers. “Have you ever had sex in a limo, Lily?”


  I instructed the driver to pull around the side of the building to wait for Lily. She insisted that we not leave together, and I got that. But it had been fifteen minutes and I was beginning to think she’d blown me off.

  No, she wouldn’t do that.

  I fished my phone from my pocket, ready to send her a text, when I spotted her dashing toward the limo like her ass was on fire. Smiling, I pushed open the door and she nearly bowled me over when she dove inside.

  “Sorry,” she said, breathless.

  Since she was already on my lap, I held her in place, easing back against the seat. “No worries.”

  Before I could devour her mouth, a voice crackled over the intercom. “Are you ready, Mr. Knight?”

  Lily snickered when I twisted around, trying to find the speaker so I could answer. “Yeah, we’re all good.” The air punched from my lungs when she popped the button on my jeans. And then her hand slipped inside and wrapped around my thickening cock. Biting back a groan, I said to the driver. “Um…I… I’m on a call, so no interruptions, okay?”

  Whatever he said was lost on me, because Lily was on her knees now, tugging the denim down my thighs. “Baby…ah, shit…” Hissing a breath, I dug my fingers into her hair when she took me in her mouth. She gripped my base, sucking hard, and my stomach coiled. “Jesus, Lily, if you keep that up I’m going to come.” When the raging storm threatened to overtake me, I tugged her hair. “Stop.”

  She peered up with hooded eyes. “What’s the matter? Am I not doing it right?”

  I pulled her forward until she was straddling me. “Of course you’re doing it right.” Pushing the hair out of her face, I smiled. “Too fucking right. I almost came.”

  In less than two minutes. And what the fuck was that about?

  “Isn’t that the point?” She pouted, and it was so fucking cute, I almost gave in.

  “That’s one point. But I’ve got something better in mind.” I eased her onto the seat, then made short work of slipping off her jeans. Biting her lip, she watched with rapt attention as I took a condom from my wallet. Once I had the latex in place, I waggled my brows, motioning for her to climb back on top of me. She eagerly complied.

  “God, you feel good,” I murmured, tugging her shirt over her head. With the fabric gathered in my fist, I trapped her arms in place behind her back. Yanking one of her breasts free from her bra, I gripped the t-shirt tighter as I clamped onto her erect nipple. After a second of struggle, Lily stilled, whimpering softly when I barely skimmed my tongue over the pebbled peak.

  “I want to fuck you.”

  She nodded, lifting her ass to give me access to her sweet pussy. Releasing her arms, I slid the head of my cock over her entrance, a groan erupting from deep in my chest when she sank down on top of me.

  “Open your eyes,” I grunted.

  Her lids fluttered open, cornflower orbs locking onto mine as she moved against me. But I needed more. Lacing our fingers behind her back gave me the closeness I craved. As if she knew what I wanted, she lowered her forehead to mine, increasing the pace until she was slamming into me with every thrust.

  “Kiss me, baby.”

  Her mouth found mine, and her tongue dipped inside, twisting and tangling and teasing. I felt her stiffen as the first wave hit, but instead of riding it out in a frenzy, she slowed her rhythm to a grind.

  “Yes…yes…” she mumbled as she finally gave in. To all of it. To me. To us.

  “Lily…” I growled, following her over the edge. “Tell me you feel it. You do feel it…right, baby?”

  One final thrust, and I was buried so deep I wasn’t sure where I ended and where she began. “Stay,” I breathed.

  Stay with me.



  I tried to see beyond that. But I couldn’t.


  * * *


  Cameron’s hand clamped down on my bobbing leg as the limo glided onto the exit ramp. “This won’t take long,” he said, stroking the inside of my thigh. “Promise.”

  Offering a thin smile, I nodded, wondering why I was even here in the first place. Yes, we had great chemistry. And the sex… I never knew sex could be that good. But that’s where it was supposed to end. In a few days Cameron would be gone. And likely, he’d never think about me again. We wouldn’t exchange numbers. There would be no late night calls. This was what we had. A few stolen moments, and then we’d both get on with our lives.


  Shaking my head, I stared out the tinted window, pushing Cameron’s request to the back of my mind, along with the whispered words that had tripped from his lips when he was inside me. He didn’t mean them. Any more than the promises Brad had made when he’d shown up at my apartment after we’d broken up. Like a fool, I’d believed him, even letting him back into my bed. I thought that if I could get him to accept my choices, then maybe he’d bring my parents around to my way of thinking.


  “What is it, Lily?”

  Snapping out of my haze, I turned to find Cameron looking at me with concern. “N-nothing. I’m f-fine.”

  I pressed my lips together to keep from frowning. My stammer had barely made an appearance since last night. But thinking about my parents or Brad tied my tongue into knots.

  The limo coasted to a stop in the shadow of the stadium. It looked much smaller on TV. Squinting, I looked out the window, craning my neck to get a better view. “You’re p-playing here?”

  “Not just us. There are six bands. We’re mid-lineup.”

  Nodding, I fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt.

  “Just a few more minutes, Mr. Knight,” the driver cut in over the intercom. “We’re waiting on security. There’s a lot of press around.”


  My gaze snapped to the vans parked a few yards away, and my mouth went dry. “I’m j-just going to stay in here.”

  Chuckling, Cameron took my hand. “No way. It’ll be fine. You’re with me.”

  But I wasn’t. My smiled dimmed when our eyes met, and before I could help it, I said, “Look, I’m glad I’m the girl g-getting the Cameron Knight t-treatment this week, but I could have done without t-this excursion.” Dropping my gaze to our joined hands, I whispered, “It makes it harder for me to pretend.”

  “Pretend what?”

  He tipped forward trying to catch my attention, but I didn’t look up.

  “That I’m not just a girl you’re killing time with between shows.”

  Silence hung heavy between us, and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I lifted my gaze. Cameron’s expression was blank, but there was something in his eyes. A glow, like a tiny ember. But just as quickly it disappeared. And he smiled a smile I’d never seen. Detached. Like he’d pulled it out of a jar. “There’s nobody I’d rather be killing time with than you, Lily.”

  My heart stalled as his declaration sank in, and I shifted my focus elsewhere. That’s when I caught sight of my reflection in the glass, and the tears shimmering in my eyes. Screw that.

  With each passing moment, I fortified my reserves. And by the time the door swung open, butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth. Thanks, mom. Years of living with her insults, and I could brush off anything.

  Cameron scooted out first, then reached for my hand. “You ready?”

  The glow was back, warming his hazel eyes. A trick of light. Or something I wanted to see that wasn’t really there.

  Lacing our fingers, I ignored the electricity sparking under my skin. “Sure am. Lead the way.”



  Pushing through the throng of photographe
rs, I slipped my arm over Lily’s shoulder. She burrowed closer to my side, her eyes on the ground. When it was apparent I wasn’t in the mood for a chat, the paparazzi began their taunting.

  “Cameron! Who’s the flavor of the week?”

  “Who’s the hot piece, Cam?”

  “Look over here, sweetheart! Say cheese.”

  Lily shuddered, her steps faltering as she tried to keep up.

  “I’m sorry.” My voice rose over the fracas. “Just a few more steps.”

  What the fuck was with all the media?

  Ninety percent of the time there was nobody at the venue. That’s when I saw Lindsey in the distance, arms folded over her chest, a smirk tilting up one corner of her mouth. I might’ve known she was behind this. A little pay back for the band’s disappearing act.

  In my haste to get to the field, I nearly plowed down a photographer who stepped in front of me. I’d seen the guy before. He was notorious for getting the best pictures. Candid shots of celebrities spewing obscenities or lunging at him.

  Pointing the camera at Lily, he whistled. “Show me your tits, sweetheart. I’ll make you famous,” he jeered, his camera clicking frame after frame.

  Lily’s head snapped up, her eyes going wide as the color drained from her face.

  “You motherfucker!” I roared at the guy, but Lily’s hand clamped down on my arm before I could rip out his throat.

  The photographer snickered, hiding behind the camera he swung in my direction. Blind rage propelled me forward, but Lily whirled to face the dude before I had the chance.

  “Cameron—d-don’t,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “This asshole is just trying to g-get under your skin. And believe me, he isn’t worth it.”

  She continued to stare the guy down as her hand found mine. A small smile hitched her lips as she linked our digits, then proceeded to pull me from my spot. I kept my eyes on the back of her head as she marched us toward our destination. She was amazing, this girl.


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