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Rock Star Romance Ultimate: Volume 1

Page 89

by Olivia Cunning, Jayne Frost, RB Hilliard, Crystal Kaswell, Michelle Mankin, Emily Snow, Athena Wright

  There’s no real food here. I make a dinner out of dry cereal. It’s not the healthiest option in the world, but it’s quick and easy.

  Kara: Remember how you want to sleep with Miles?

  Meg: I didn’t exactly say that.

  Kara: I might have mentioned movie night to Drew. He and Miles invited themselves. Do you want me to tell them to get lost or do you want me to help you take him home?

  Meg: Neither.

  Kara: You sure it’s okay?

  Meg: Reasonably sure.

  My body is already in knots thinking of the proximity to Miles. Thinking of all the things he could do to me in a dark theater.

  Kara: So you’re not going to cancel on me at 11:59 because you’re “too tired”?

  She knows me too well.

  Meg: I’m not going to let anyone ruin my favorite movie.

  Kara: You can have my pick Sunday.

  Meg: And next Sunday.

  Kara: Deal. Do you really want to use Miles for sex? Because I can make sure you two get a chance to be alone.

  Meg: I don’t know yet.

  Kara: I want it on the record that it’s a terrible idea. But he’s super fucking hot. Like hotter than the sun. I don’t fault you for wanting him.

  Meg: It’s on the record.

  Kara: So?

  Meg: I’m leaning towards it.

  Kara: OMG! You have to promise details.

  Meg: Aren’t we a little old for that?

  Kara: Not at all, sweetie. I’ll make sure it happens. And I am sorry. I should have asked before I soft-invited Drew. But he loves sci-fi as much as you do. I had to mention it.

  Meg: It’s not because you want him.

  Kara: Don’t start with that. We’re friends and he’s never going to think of me that way. I don’t want to be reminded that it’s never going to happen. I like Drew. He’s a good friend. I’m happy to have him as a friend.

  Meg: But you do like him?

  Kara: Seriously, don’t start. It doesn’t matter. He’ll never see me that way.

  Meg: He was looking at you that way at the party.

  Kara: He was drunk. Doesn’t count. Wear something cute. If you want to sleep with Miles. A skirt. No black. It looks good on you but it puts you in a mood.

  Meg: It does not.

  Kara: You want to sleep with the hot rock star or not?

  Meg: Point taken.


  My outfit is plain—a white tank top and a short denim skirt—but Miles is looking at me like I’m wearing the world’s finest lingerie.

  Like I have the curves to fill out lacy lingerie.

  Most of the time, when I stand next to Kara, I feel particularly tall and flat. But right now, I feel like a supermodel. Like I’m the sexiest girl in the room.

  I clear my throat. “Hi.”

  Miles nods a hello. “I like your skirt.”


  Drew looks Kara up and down, taking in her snug dress. The girl wears clothes. And it’s clear Drew appreciates the way the fabric stretches over her curves.

  He is looking at her that way, whatever that means.

  He’s practically got steam coming out of his ears. It makes me more aware of my desire, of how badly I want to pull off Miles’s fitted t-shirt. Damn, I bet his skin would feel good against my hands.

  Drew barely manages to pull his eyes away from Kara. He nods hello. “Hope you don’t mind us crashing your girls’ night out.”

  “Who could resist the chance to watch Jurassic Park on the big screen?”

  My tank top strap slips down my shoulder. I watch Miles’s expression for signs of interest. He’s not as obvious as his friend, but his interest is clear. His tongue slides over his lips. It sends shivers down my spine, seeing how much he wants me.

  I pull my strap up. “Should we get tickets? It’s almost midnight.”

  Kara pulls something from her purse. “Already got ‘em.”

  Miles chimes in. “Meg and I can grab seats. You guys get drinks.”

  “Sure.” I step inside the theater and take the door on the right. The Nuart is a cozy, single-screen theater. It seats about a hundred and fifty people. There are two dozen here tonight.

  Miles presses his palm flat against my lower back, guiding me. My body fails to realize what a nonevent this is. Heat spreads from my back to my stomach and thighs.

  Why stay through the movie? I should take him up on his offer now. I should take him home now. I need a release from my thoughts. I need a break from school and work.

  I need to stop feeling like the weird buzzkill, like I’m the only college student who hasn’t had sex.

  Like I hurt so much I can’t breathe. I want to be as casual and effortless as he is.

  I take an aisle seat. Miles plops next to me, hand on the armrest, body turned towards mine. His eyes pass over me slowly. They focus on my bare thighs. “You keep looking at me like you’re thinking about throwing me on your bed.”

  “I do not.”

  “Mhmm.” His gorgeous blue eyes bore into mine. “Any thoughts you’d like to share?”

  “This movie, it’s all about how men shouldn’t fuck with female creatures. It should be a warning to you.”

  He laughs. “True.”

  “You like Jurassic Park?”

  “Why? Did you also not imagine the guy who wrote In Pieces as liking Jurassic Park?”

  “I didn’t consider it.”

  “Guy who’s been through that kind of pain. He’d want something dark. Alien,” Miles offers. “Maybe Terminator 2.”

  I let out a deep laugh. It’s a full-blown belly laugh. I can feel it in my cheeks, in my sides, all the way to my fingertips.

  It’s the deepest, fullest laugh I’ve had since before Rosie died.

  My eyes meet Miles’s. I’m still not sure what to make of him. He treats everything casually. I don’t. And I don’t know if I can handle sleeping with someone if the sex means everything to me and nothing to him.

  But damn do I want to seize this opportunity. When will I meet another guy who stirs this kind of desire in me? I have four years of medical school then another few of residency in my future. I’m not going to spend the next decade celibate.

  Better to start now.

  My train of thought is interrupted by Drew.

  He steps over us, taking the seat next to Miles. “Kara’s in the bathroom.” He looks at his friend, shaking his head. “Meg, find me if Miles is giving you trouble. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Next you’re supposed to threaten violence.” Miles chuckles. “So we all know you’re tough.”

  “You think I won’t punch you in the face?” Drew asks.

  “You have before.” Miles turns to me. “It was over a riff. I called it derivative and Drew snapped.”

  “Fuck you. That was an amazing lick.” Drew shakes his head. His expression is equal parts teasing and frustrated.

  “Not gonna change my mind no matter how many times you hit me,” Miles says.

  Drew flips Miles off. His expression shifts, sixty-forty teasing to frustrated. “Damn, forgot about my favorite part of this movie, when the T-rex eats the piece-of-shit lawyer.”

  “I was going to be a lawyer,” Miles offers. “Drew is pretty subtle sometimes. He can be hard to understand.”

  Drew shakes his head. The guys exchange a knowing look. They’re up to eighty percent playful. Give or take.

  I settle into my seat and try to focus on the screen. I can still feel the heat from Miles’s muscular thighs.

  I go to adjust my skirt. Instantly, I can feel his eyes on my skin. He’s staring. Instead of pulling my skirt down, I let it ride up an inch and watch his reactions.

  His blue eyes go wide.

  He wants me.

  I want him.

  Maybe I really can do this.


  * * *


  I’ve never paid less attention to my favorite movie. Somehow, it’s less inte
resting than Miles’s fingers grazing my wrist.

  That’s all it is for the entire movie. He runs his fingertips along my inner wrist.

  I order myself to shrink away from his touch, but I can’t do it. His hand feels so damn good.

  The movie ends with the T-rex attacking the raptors. Credits roll. Lights turn on. Miles pulls his hand back to his lap, no doubt playing nice now that his protective friend is watching.

  “Excuse me.” I push out of my seat and make my way to the bathroom. I always have to pee after a movie. Today, it’s a great moment to regain control of my senses.

  I barely know Miles. But I do know he’s the only thing that can get my mind off how much I miss my big sister.

  It’s worth the risk. If I can figure out how to mitigate any complications.


  Kara, Drew, and Miles are waiting outside the theater.

  Miles taps my shoulder with his. The simple gesture sets my body on fire.

  “Why don’t you walk Kara home?” Miles says to Drew. “I’ll walk Meg.”

  A defensive look spreads across Drew’s face.

  Kara throws me a pretty please look.

  “Yeah, I was telling Miles about the great boba tea place by my apartment. It’s only open till three, so we better hurry,” I say.

  “Right.” Miles catches on immediately. “See you later.”

  Drew looks at me. Once again, his expression is equal parts playful and protective. “If Miles gives you any trouble, tell me. I’ll take care of it.”

  I try to laugh it off. “It’s just bubble tea.” I grab Miles by the shirt and pull him in the direction of my apartment.

  I take the first right. It’s faster to stay on the main road, but I’d rather not risk Drew or Kara getting the idea to come with us.

  The side streets are dark. This time of night, the only illumination comes from the moon. I have to concentrate to avoid tripping on the uneven sidewalk.

  Miles walks beside me. “You have the same idea I do?”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Your friend and mine. He needs to get laid and he’s looking at her the way a dog looks at a bone.”

  “They’re just friends.”

  Miles shrugs. “Doubt it.”


  “You didn’t notice them eye-fucking?”

  “No, I did. Just… she says they’re just friends. I don’t have any reason to doubt her.” I turn at the next intersection. My apartment is about four blocks away. Not a ton of time to figure this out.

  “I like your skirt,” he says.


  “You wear it for me?”

  “In your dreams.”

  A laugh escapes his lips. “Oh, no, I had a dream about you already, and it was a lot more fun.”

  My heart pounds against my chest, but I’m not about to show it. “You did not.”

  “I did. In fact—” he leans even closer “—you were wearing something a lot like that skirt.”

  I press my knees together.

  “Only without any panties.”

  Deep breath. He’s only fucking with me. It’s a story. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I didn’t save my sticky sheets.”

  My lungs fail me. They’re supposed to be breathing in and out, but they’re still. “You didn’t…You’re just flirting.”

  “No. We’re past that point.” He brushes my hair off my shoulders. His voice drops. It’s low and sincere. “You want me, and I want you. There’s no reason to hide that.”

  He drags his fingertips over my shoulders. My hips shift. I squeeze my thighs together as he tugs at the straps of my tank top.

  The expression in his eyes in earnest.

  He’s still calm, but he’s not entirely casual.

  “Okay.” I nod. I do want him and I can tell he wants me. “What does that mean?”

  Miles stares into my eyes. “It’s up to you. I’m not going to push you to do anything you don’t want to do.”


  “If you’re not ready, I’ll walk you home. That’s it.”

  I follow him to the next corner. Only two blocks now. “And if I am ready?”

  “Then I’ll make sure you come so hard you forget your name.”


  The elevator has never felt slower. Or smaller. Miles is three feet away but it feels like three inches. I have to respond to his offer.

  I almost jump at the ding. I almost fall when I step into the hallway.

  It’s fifteen feet to my door.




  I pull my key from my purse and slide it into the lock.

  Miles moves closer, pinning me to the door. His chest is against my back. The warmth of his body sets me on fire.

  This is already intense as hell.

  Miles runs his fingers over my cheek. “Did you make your decision?”

  His fingers trail down my neck and shoulders.

  I don’t understand it. How can he have such a sweet touch when he acts like he doesn’t give a fuck about anything?

  He brushes my hair behind my ear. “Turn around.”

  I release the key and turn. My eyes find his. He’s staring at me, into me, through me.

  I want him.

  I want to do this.

  Miles presses his hand into my lower back, pulling my body into his. Our stomachs, our crotches, our thighs connect. Our lips are six inches apart. Then three.

  My eyes close as our lips press together. It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed anyone. I let him lead. It starts soft, a peck, then he’s sucking on my lower lip.

  Damn, he tastes good. I moan. I melt into his touch, letting him pull my body closer.

  His tongue slides into my mouth. He shifts his hips, pinning me against the door.

  He’s hard.

  Heat spreads through me like wildfire. I need to do this. Now.

  Miles breaks the kiss and takes a half-step backwards. It gives me room to think, to breathe. But I don’t want to think. I want his body against mine again.

  I exhale slowly. “I want to do this, but not if I’m going to be some girl who’s name you can’t remember.”

  He stares back at me. “I don’t do relationships.”

  “Me either. But… I don’t want to be another notch in your bedpost.”

  His expression softens. “We’re friends, right?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Sinful Serenade is gonna be in Los Angeles for the rest of the year. We’re recording our new album. It might be nice having something consistent.”

  “So I’m convenient?”

  “No. You’re sexy. And different.” His eyes pass over me slowly. “Most girls trip over themselves trying to impress me. You don’t.”

  “That’s all it takes to win you over?”

  He shrugs. “We could be fuck buddies.”


  He nods.

  “But you sleep with a different girl every night.”

  “Only most nights.” He shifts, pressing his hips against me again. “I don’t play games, Meg. If you’re not interested, tell me.”

  “No, I am. But I…” My eyes go to the floor. “I haven’t ever done it before.”

  He runs his fingers through my hair. “We can take it slow.”

  “No. I want to do it.”

  He chuckles. “You’re eager.”

  “You’re hard.”

  “Accurate.” He cups my hip with his palm. “Let me lead. I’ll walk you through this.”

  “Okay.” I suck in a deep breath.

  It seems impossible, but I’m about to have sex with Miles.

  This is happening.

  I unlock the door and push it open. “Come in.”

  Miles locks the door and presses his back against it. His eyes pass over me, undressing me.

  Heat collects between my legs. I need to cool down. I need to make sure we’re on the same
page about this friends-with-benefits thing.

  I go to the sink and pour two glasses of water.

  Miles is standing next to the bed. Not that there’s anywhere else to stand. I hand one glass to him and sip the other.

  The lukewarm beverage does nothing to temper the heat racing through me.

  Deep breath. I can do this. “I have terms. I’m sure you do too.”

  He nods. “Shoot.”

  “I want total honesty. No secrets. No lies. No deception at all.”

  He takes a long sip. “I don’t want you getting the wrong idea here. This isn’t going to turn into some boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.”

  “Good. I don’t want a boyfriend. During the week, I barely have time to study. And…” I’m not telling him about Rosie. Not right now. “I don’t want that kind of connection to someone.” I don’t want to trust anyone enough they lead me astray.

  He sets his glass of water down and moves closer. His fingertips skim my shoulders. “You seem like a nice girl.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  He laughs. “Okay. You’re a little defensive, and it’s awfully rude that you assumed I never hurt.” He drags his fingertips over my chin. “I like you. But you’re never going to be my confidant. You’re never going to be the shoulder I cry on.”

  “Do you cry?”

  His lips curl into a smile. He presses his palm into my lower back. “Honesty, right?”

  “From both of us.”

  “Haven’t cried in a while. You?”

  “Can’t say the same.”

  His voice softens. He pulls me closer. “I’m not a monster. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. Not if you’re honest.”

  Doubt creeps onto his face. He takes a step backwards, pulling his hand to his side. “See, these conditions, they worry me. Make me think you’re after more than just a good time.”

  I press my fingers into my glass. “Now you’re the one being presumptuous.”

  “Fair point.” His eyes meet mine. “Okay, I’ll agree to total honesty. But I have my own condition. The second you develop feelings for me, this is over.”

  “What if you develop feelings for me? What if you fall in love with me?” I tug at my skirt. “Isn’t that possible?”


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