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Page 20

by Adriana Noir

  “At least, I think it was my mother. She said she was,” Taylor offered, one shoulder lifting in a shrug. “It’s been so long since I talked to her, it was hard to say.”

  The muscles along his jaw tightened. Seconds passed. One corner of his mouth twisted. Holding her breath, she searched his eyes for any indication of where this would lead. Those mesmerizing sage pools didn’t harbor the anger she’d expected. They were turbulent, unreadable, but their pale color seemed to darken with worry and concern. Lowering his head, Sebastian shielded the rest of his reaction.

  “I see. How did she know where to find you?”

  “I don’t know. We didn’t get into that. I’m assuming she asked Bryce or my uncle.”

  “What did she say to you?” he asked, still focusing on his plate.

  “Not much. She said she was sorry for leaving and that she wanted to talk to me, but I told her if that was the case, she was going to have to call or come back when you were here.”

  A heavy silence hung between them. Her heart pounded when Sebastian pushed back from the table. His face stoic, he patted his thigh.

  “Come here.”

  Her stomach rolled in a series of nervous flips. Reluctantly, she eased out of her seat and settled back down to perch on the edge of his lap. His grip was strong and unyielding as he wound his arms around her and pulled her against the hard wall of his chest. She closed her eyes bracing herself for the worst as he nuzzled her hair out of the way and his breath fell in a warm cascade against her neck.

  “I’m proud of you, baby,” he murmured, kissing her skin. “I know that couldn’t have been easy for you to do.”

  The relief that swept through her was so potent she almost laughed. Almost, but there was nothing funny about this. Her heart still hurt and her mind was still conflicted and torn, leaving her uncertain about what it was she truly felt.

  “I just kept thinking about all the things you said and how I needed to be careful.”

  He nodded into her hair. “Thank you. I appreciate that, but I need you to talk to me. Tell me what you are thinking here, Taylor. What’s going through your head?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, her voice straining as the knot in her throat grew tighter. “I really don’t, Sebby. I wanted so much to see her again, to hold her, to know that she still loves me. The other part is still so…angry. I’m not even a mother yet, but I already know there is nothing in this world that could ever make me leave my child. I could never just walk away. That would kill me. I would spend every minute of every day wondering what they were doing and if they were okay.”

  “I know,” he said, kissing her lightly behind her ear. Wrapping his arms tighter, he spanned her abdomen with his hands and stroked the soft cotton of her shirt for several seconds before speaking again. “I don’t know what to tell you, Taylor. The timing of things makes me suspicious. It makes me leery that she would suddenly show up like this unannounced and out of the blue. She’s had months, years to get ahold of you.”

  “I know, Seb.” Frowning, she sighed and twisted the ring circling her finger.

  “I won’t lie. Given your family’s track record, I can’t help but wonder what your mother wants or what she may be up to. I don’t want to see you hurt by those people again.”

  “I know, Sebby. It’s just hard. There’s this huge part of me that wonders if this is real. I mean…maybe she really does miss me and wants to try to have a relationship again. Maybe her showing up was the first step in her trying to make things up to me.”

  “I don’t like this. I don’t trust them, Taylor, but I won’t deny you the chance to find out if that is really what you want to do. Just know that I am your family now too, and I won’t let those people rip your heart out again.”

  Turning in his embrace, she cupped the side of his face between her hands. “Do you really mean that?”

  He offered a wan smile. “Which part?”

  “The first, silly. I know you meant the second.”

  He hesitated, his reluctance clear, but after a long moment, Sebastian relented. “It’s never been my intention to isolate you, Taylor. Only to protect you. I have serious reservations, but yes. As long as I am here, she is welcome to visit.”

  Hugging him, she planted a grateful kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I meant what I said. If she causes you any more pain, I will not take kindly to it. Especially not when you are carrying our child.” The ferocity marking his gaze lessened into a heated glow of desire and a devilish smile played on the corner of his lips as he trailed a knuckle down the side of her neck. His fingers closed around her throat in a gentle squeeze. “I’m the only one who gets to bring you pain now. Delicious, sensual pain. You have no idea how much I love it when you beg me for mercy or cry out my name.”

  She shifted, unable to deny the throb his words elicited. The meaning behind them was clear. Especially when his body swelled beneath her and his hardening erection prodded the back of her leg. Turning in his lap, she straddled him and rode the hard ridge of his zipper. Sebastian’s hips surged up in a forceful strain, arching into her efforts. His eyes locked with hers as he pressed her down harder and ground against the channel between her thighs. Anchoring a heavy fist in her hair, he tugged her head back, forcing her neck to bow. Lips, teeth, and stubble scraped down the slender column of her throat, in fiery claim. His kiss was bruising and hungry. The hard bulge of his zipper rocked against her again as he swept his tongue past her lips. It danced over hers in a slow swirl, but the upward thrusts of his hips became faster and more insistent.

  The hot flames of need blossomed, growing into a wildfire, and the ache building between her thighs became unbearable. Moaning, Taylor sank her fingers into his thick curls and struggled to hold on, not wanting the delirious torment to end. Wresting his mouth away, Sebastian stared into her eyes, his gaze bewildered and somewhat wild as his breath left him in a ragged pant.

  “I want to be inside you so bad,” he groaned.

  Working a hand between them, he shifted her just enough that he could pull her panties to the side and push a long finger inside her. Her body trembled at the sudden fullness. The noise that escaped him was part triumph, part suffering as he worked the digit deeper. Still holding her gaze, he leaned up to capture her bottom lip between his teeth as he strummed his thumb over her clit. His primal growl rumbled between them, sending the low vibrations through her core.

  “Mmm. That’s it,” he urged, maintaining his hold on her lip. Releasing it, he bit the side of her neck, his breath falling hot and fast, as he stilled his finger inside her. His thumb still plied her, playing her body like a skilled musician. “Cum for me, baby. Let me feel that hot little body shatter.”

  The husky rasp of his voice spiraled through her. The slight vibrations threatened to be her final undoing. Squirming, she tried to elude the masterful stroke of his hand.

  “No, Sebby. Wait. Not like this,” she panted. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  She cried out as he reached up, seizing a thick fistful of her hair. Desire and danger warred in his eyes as he wrenched her head back.

  “You’re not the one calling the shots here, darling.”

  He withdrew his hand, leaving her with nothing but a painful, empty ache between her legs. Snarling, Sebastian pushed to his feet and hauled her up with him. One arm held her steady as the other cleared the table in a forceful sweep. The loud shatter of glass and porcelain clattered in her ears. Taylor gasped as he pushed her down onto the dining room table. Shoving her skirt up over her hips, he seized the thin lace scrap of her panties and tore it away. His eyes locked with hers, boring into her as he pulled her legs open with a forceful wrench.

  “Mine,” he stated, crouching between her thighs.

  The lone word hung between them, and the air left her in a wavering cry as his mouth sealed hard and hot against her sex. His tongue battered her, flicking and spearing without mercy. He moaned, voicing his hunger, as
he devoured her like a ravenous man at a feast. He plunged into her, the drive of his tongue deep and steady. The world around her seemed to draw in on itself and her body tightened. Release was a straight shot, an inevitable, violent culmination of bliss. She cried out, gripping the table, her body bowing into the eager suction of his mouth as she came. The fingers spanning her hips tightened, sinking in with almost bruising intensity while Sebastian continued to ride, lick, and tease giving her no reprieve.

  Sagging against the table, Taylor gripped his forearms, holding on for dear life as his name exploded past her lips. Smiling against her, Sebastian milked her one more time, eking out every last shudder before kissing a path down the inside of her thighs.

  A wicked smirk plied his face by the time he loomed over her. Dazed, she stared up at him her body still trembling with delicious aftershocks. His gloating faded as Sebastian leaned over and kissed her brow.

  “I love you, Taylor. So much. I have been trying hard to make allowances given your condition, but don’t mistake my leniency for weakness. I am still very much in charge of this relationship, sweetheart,” he whispered, tracing the curve of her cheek. “If you want something, ask. You don’t get to make demands of me.”

  “I wasn’t trying to. I just wanted to make you feel good, too.”

  His smile was tight and strained. “I am well aware of that, but stop arguing. A simple please will get you much further than you think.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s my good girl.”

  She flushed seeing his gaze settle on the glistening juncture between her legs. She could feel the dampness still coating her and the cool chill of the air as it slid across her skin. Embarrassed, she tried to close herself off and shield herself from his view. His eyes snapped to hers, a harsh look of displeasure instantly stamping his face. Wrenching her knees back apart, Sebastian leaned over her, his fingers tightening.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  Biting back a whimper, she shook her head, unable to voice an explanation.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, his voice sharp. He waited until he had her full attention before speaking. “You know better. Don’t ever do that again. Do you understand me?”

  His tone was slow and measured, making her heart pound.

  “Yes, but I was just--”

  His smile was less than forgiving. “I don’t want to hear it. You are mine, Taylor. I will look at you and touch you whenever I want. Those have always been the terms between us. Don’t expect that to change. If you want me to crack down or punish you, all you have to do is ask. Do not push me to that point, sweetheart. Do I make myself clear?”

  She swallowed and lowered her eyes. “Yes, sir. Very.”

  “Good,” he said, cupping her chin. “Bear that in mind.”

  This time his smile was a bit more genuine and faint traces of his dimples bloomed against his cheeks as he helped her into a sitting position. Still frustrated and aching, she grabbed his hands, catching them between hers. Sebastian paused, his head tipping in silent question. She didn’t understand how she could still feel so shy around him sometimes. He’d explored every single inch of her body several times over. He knew every flaw, every detail, every secret she had and yet something about him still managed to tie her in knots.

  “I want you,” she whispered, avoiding his curious gaze. “I need more, Sebastian. It’s not enough. I need you inside me.”

  His expression crumpled, reflecting both pain and empathy as he threaded his fingers through her hair and tugged her head closer to his. Closing his eyes, he pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “You have no idea how much I want to. I would give damn near anything to throw you down right now.”

  She wound her fingers in the warm folds of his tee-shirt and tugged the soft white cotton in a fit of desperation. “So do it,” she urged, her voice breaking. “Please.”

  He kissed her softly, his lips lingering in gentle promise. Meeting her eyes, he captured her face between his hands. “I want to, baby. So much, but I don’t trust myself. Let me get some work done. Give me a chance to gather my thoughts and cool down. After that, I’m all yours. ”


  “Shh,” he soothed, laying a finger against her lips. “It’s only an hour or two. You will live.”

  She pouted, her shoulders dropping with her heavy sigh. There was no point in arguing. The only thing she would accomplish by pushing the matter was provoking his temper. When Sebastian set his mind to something that was it. No amount of begging or pleading would sway his decision. Frowning, she reached down and toyed with the front of his zipper.

  “At least let me do something for you,” she suggested, tugging him forward by the seam. “I’d be more than happy to take off the edge.”

  “Mmm, baby, as tempting as that is, I told you I have some things I need to do. I’ll tell you what,” he said, scooping her into his arms and lifting her with ease. “I’m going to take you upstairs and get you settled. Relax a little. Take a nice long bath and do what you need to do. When I’m finished working, I expect to find you naked and waiting in our bed. No excuses. Is that clear?”

  Smiling, she nodded happily against the side of his neck. “Yes, sir. Your wishes are my command.”

  Chuckling, he gave her ass a playful swat as he carried her up the stairs. “Good girl. That is exactly the kind of response I like to hear.”

  CHAPTER 10 ~

  Sebastian slammed his laptop shut. A full week had passed since his conversation with Jack Gill, but he was no closer to getting what either of them needed. Seven whole days of scouring one end of the country to the next. Seven days of watching and waiting for the other shoe to drop and living on constant edge. When not consumed with wondering when their plans would fall into action, files, memos, and agendas filled his days. Every hour, more of them poured in, littering the surface of his desk. The workload was starting to feel like an insurmountable mountain. One he couldn’t scale.

  It took effort to force his attention back to his reports. The outline for Operation Blackout wasn’t pretty, and it made the light breakfast he’d scarfed down before leaving the house sour in his gut. The whiskey he kept tossing back didn’t help matters any, but it was the only way he could dull the dim voices of conscience and protest screaming in the back of his mind.

  Weakness, compassion, and mercy weren’t an option here. They were things that got a man killed or tossed in a reconditioning cell for weeks on end. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a brief twinge of terror and disgust. The civilians living outside the black site had no idea what was coming. They were mere lambs heading to their slaughter.

  Polishing off his drink, he lowered his glass with a grimace.

  They would cut all forms of communication with a single push of the button and set up perimeter. Nothing would be able to get in or out of the target area. Once the lines and signals were down, the units would descend and cordon the people off like sheep. From there, they were to round the tiny population up and transport them to various black sites where they would undergo rigorous evaluation.

  Letting his head fall back to rest against the top of his chair, Sebastian scrubbed his hands roughly over his face. Marx could dress it up any way he wanted. They both knew it was just a nice way of saying brainwashing or torture that would either mold the group or break them. Marx would spare the ones he found useful and exterminate the rest. Sebastian frowned. That was their agenda. That was the mission he was facing, yet he’d been forced to deliver a slightly different version with a prettier spin to his team.

  A stiff knock on the door drew his attention. Glancing up, he watched the guard stationed outside his office keep Josh at bay until he offered a slight nod of consent. Rolling his eyes at the man as if he should have known better, Josh pushed past the security detail and shut the door with a little more force than was necessary. Fighting to keep his amusement veiled, Sebastian poured another drink and watched his partner drop into his usual

  “TGIF. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of here tonight,” Josh said. “I swear to Christ Marx is riding my ass worse than a bad pair of jeans.”

  Sebastian offered a dismissive shrug. “That’s his right. Did you turn in your reports?”

  “Yeah. It’s handled Baas. You might want to check in with young blood though. Our guppy’s been looking a little green under the gills lately.”

  “Are we referring to Jackson or is someone else’s competence in question?”

  Josh spread his hands with a disgruntled snort. “Does it really matter? They’re all floundering. Half of them won’t make it six months here and that’s being fucking generous. It reminds me of when I was a kid. I begged my old man constantly for a puppy. It was a cycle. He’d cave and give in, but the first time the mutt chewed something it wasn’t supposed to, he’d boot it right out the door. That shit happened three times. Eventually I learned not to get attached.”

  “Charming,” Sebastian quipped. “Why didn’t you just stop asking?”

  “I don’t know. Sheer tenacity I guess. Sometimes we’re so blinded by what we want that we can’t see the bigger picture.”

  The comment struck far too close to home. Mouth pursed into a firm line of displeasure and jaw set, Sebastian studied his partner. Josh’s face revealed nothing. Per usual, the man exuded a carefree and laid-back attitude that he’d come to envy all too often as of late. He almost resented it at times, especially when it felt as if the world itself was bearing down on his shoulders. Josh glanced away, seeking distraction from the scrutiny. Sebastian let a few more seconds pass before returning his focus to the files stacked on his desk.

  “Is there a reason for this visit?” he asked without looking up.

  “Yeah. Actually, there is. This past week or so has been rough. I don’t like all the tension and distance between us. I know a lot of that is my fault, but I get the feeling you’re keeping something from me. Something big. I know I screwed up. I’m sorry I broke your trust. Hell, I deserve the cold shoulder, but I don’t deserve to be shut out. This shit between you and Vince is really starting to rub me the wrong way. He’s not your partner, Baas. I am.”


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